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(aka Bike) Part 968 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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“Yes it was I who did the dormouse film.”
“How did you train it to jump down your blouse?”
“This isn’t one of your dirty little films, is it, Arthur?”
He blushed, “No, dear, it was on the computer, on Youtube.”
“That happened during a press conference on my campaign for saving British mammals, she was spooked by the flashes of the cameras.”
“She went somewhere nice and warm to hide.” Uncle Arthur almost licked his lips and I felt rather vulnerable as well as disgusted.
“I thought you meant my dormouse film, the one the BBC showed.”
“You made a film for the BBC?” Auntie Do seemed impressed suddenly.
I blushed, “Yes, they want me to do one on harvest mice.”
“So you make lots of money?” she queried.
“No, my aim is to raise awareness of the plight of these creatures–there is talk that a programme on the Scottish Wild Cat, might also be on the cards.” I heard the phone ringing and thought one of the others could answer it.
A moment later there was a knock on the door, and in bobbed Julie, “Excuse me, ma’am, it’s the controller of BBC television, he would like to talk to you about your film on Wild Cats.”
“Eh? Excuse me, Auntie Do, Uncle Arthur–do have another Hobnob.” I followed Julie out of the room and into Tom’s study. Stella was there holding Puddin’ on her knee.
“You buggers can hear what we’re saying, can’t you?” I remarked.
“Yes, an’ it’s so funny, Cathy–stuck up old prude that she is,“ Stella laughed.
We listened, “She doesn’t seem to know anything about the pearls, I don’t know if she’s just stupid or if her idiot father pawned them.”
“I told you it was waste of time,” Arthur whined.
“They’re part of my birthright, why should that disgusting creature have them?”
“She’s had three babies, Doreen.”
“So she says, I think she’s got too good a figure to have had three babies.”
“She has got a nice figure,” Arthur said wistfully.
“Just you remember she used to be a boy.”
“Yes, dear.”
“Right, here you go, Julie, don’t you dare drop her.” Stella handed the baby to Julie and Puddin’ immediately began to chuckle as if she was in on the joke.
“What’s going on?”
“Listen,” she hissed and I heard the door open and Julie’s voice, say, “Sorry, um, Mr and Mrs Porter, my babysitter let me down, would you like any more tea?”
“That’s your baby?”
“Um, yes, Mrs Porter.”
“What’s her name?”
“It’s a boy, Mrs Porter.” I gasped as I listened.
“Why is sh–he wearing a pink dress?”
“It’s a tradition of the Camerons, all children are dressed as girls until they’re six years old and they get sent to boarding school.”
“But he or she isn’t a Cameron baby is it, he’s yours?”
“Yes and yes.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“Well, Master Simon is the daddy.”
“But you’re the mother?”
“Yes, and he’s due his feed in a moment, I hope you don’t mind.”
“What’s she doing?” I whispered to Stella.
“Pretending she’s going to breastfeed Pud.”
“That should make Uncle Arthur’s day.” I smirked.
“In you go–chase her out.” Stella pushed me towards the dining room door.
I swept back into the room, as Julie started to unbutton her blouse. “Julie, please–do that somewhere else, if you don’t mind.”
“Sorry, ma’am, but you know Master Simon said we weren’t to leave anyone unattended in the house.”
“That’s very kind of your maid, Catherine.”
“No, Mrs Porter, it was after we ‘ad some silverware stolen, don’t trust nobody, says the master.” She sounded like something out a Dickens novel.
“That was strangers, Julie, these are my relations, surely you don’t think they’d be trying to steal anything–do you?”
“Dunno, ma’am, the master is a relation too, and he took something.”
“What? What did he purportedly take?”
“Me knickers, ma’am.”
I think Auntie Do stopped breathing–I must admit; I nearly did too. “Simon took your knickers, girl?”
Julie nodded vigorously.
“How can you be so sure he took them?” I demanded.
“I was wearin’ them at the time, ma’am.”
Really,” gasped Auntie Do, “Catherine I think you need to have words with your so called husband and this–this trollop. Come, Arthur, I think we need to give her the room to do it.”
“Can’t you stay for dinner, we’re having stewed badger,” I smiled at my visitors.
“Stewed badger–you can’t eat badger.”
“You get used to it after a while.”
“Good gracious–what’s wrong with a joint of beef or chicken?” Auntie Do protested.
“We have to eat whatever Simon shoots, he was aiming at a pheasant and hit the badger,” I explained.
“Thank you but no, Catherine, we have to be getting back to Swindon.”
“How is the place of roundabouts?”
“It’s very nice there, Catherine, maybe you should bring your little girls up to see us sometime.”
“They do like their badger burgers but fox fingers are their favourite. Are you all right, Uncle Arthur, you do look rather pale?”
“He’ll be fine as soon as we get him into the fresh air–put your breast away young woman,” she snapped at Julie who was pulling her bra down under her boob. I had to rush them to the door, I needed a wee and if I started laughing I’d wet my drawers.
“Would Great Aunt Dodo like some of my cannabis cakes, Mummy?” Trish appeared by the front door with a cake tin in her hand–we’d made rock cakes the other day.
“Cannabis?” Auntie Doreen glared at me.
“It’s good for my period pain,” I chipped in.
“Thank you, but no, Patricia.”
“The ecstasy helps you to lose weight, doesn’t it, Mummy? And you look as if you could do with some help, Great Aunt Dodo.”
“Don’t worry, there’s only one tablet per cake–we ran out of amphetamines,” Trish grinned.
“You’re giving your children drugs?” Auntie Do’s face was contorted in horror.
“Only when they’re really good,” I smiled.
“Here, Mummy,” Trish shoved the tin in my hands, “I gotta go and bookmark this site for Daddy, there’s a woman there with the biggest boobies I’ve ever seen.”
Trish skipped off the epitome of innocence, “And don’t hack into the police computer again,” I called after her. “She’s a rascal sometimes when she gets on a computer. Oh would you like some cakes?”
“NO THANK YOU,” she said loud enough for Stella to hear it without her baby alarm, which was what they were listening on. “Come along, Arthur, never mind watching that trollop’s chest, take me home to Swindon–ARTHUR, NOW,” she bellowed.

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+1 vote!
Hahahahahah brilliant!
More Fun and Games…
…for the Crazy Cameron clan. Auntie Dodo will be having nightmares for months, featuring promiscuous maids and precocious little girls, and baby boys in pink frocks. Serve the old bat right, she shouldn't be so greedy.
Super humour again, Ang, and brilliantly stage managed by Stella.
Would have sent it before, but it took till now to stop laughing
Yesterday was extremely funny, but to day was even funnier.
Truly hilarious! Just hope the old witch doesnt report to the polis about the drugs in cakes etc. etc.
I hope she does call
Any search would show the house to be absolutely clean (except for some illegal weaponry dangling over the old well.) Auntie Dodo would end up in big trouble for filing a false report.
It would be all too amusing if one of the police who know the Camerons well was asked to investigate. It wouldn't take long for them all to be cleared, and would save them all the distress of a 'break the door down' type warrant.
One would hope
that after the number of local police who have gotten in trouble giving the Cameron clan a hard time (especially Cathy) they would be VERY hesitant to execute a break down the door type warrant.
That episode
is probably about the funniest I can recall.
Drugs in cakes? Badger burgers? Prove it!
Think I'd better go and open a new bittle of wone. Hic!
It reeks of hilarity!
Oh my goodness, that was a funny episode. I'll have to let my wife read it when she gets home tonight.
I want some E !?!
Give it me? In me misbehavin days, I was at a Dance in me black and white tights, not quite butt length skirt, corset top, butt length wig, and stilletos and was suitably, um "stoked up" LOL. But when I asked for some of the E, I got a swat on me butt and was told to go sit down, an behave me self. :(
True story.
The Twit
Hope great aunt Dodo isn't called as a character witness at one of the hearings for adoption or something in the future. She is just the kind to have "friends" in the children services department.
Lots of humor, a bit heavy handed, but you have my vote. As usual!!
I can see her now trying to tell the police all about the crazy family to try to get them in trouble. Those idiot coppers would either believe it and send out a team as they have in the past, or lock her away to keep her safe. Trish was perfection!
Relatives, again, and again!
Was there any inbreeding in Cathy's family?
So Uncle Arthur is…
…a tit-man? And I suppose Auntie Dodo is a scrawny old hen who, probably, can only boast a pair of saggy bags up top. Rather sad—for both of them, especially Uncle Arthur who seems to be a right dirty old lech.
My feeling on the latest two chapters is that they would make excellent material for a “Whitehall Farceâ€, so called, for the benefit of our American cousins and anybody else who is not “up†in British theatre after the Whitehall Theatre where Brian Rix (see link below) was actor/manager until the late 1960s (before my time, but being interested in theatre he is one of my heros) acting in farces like Dry Rot and Simple Spymen.
I think I shall suggest panty-liners for both of us before my Trish and I read this together later this evening.
(aka Bike) 968
Thing is, even if the dodo bird does have 'friends', they won't believe a word that she and the boob man says.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
There is probalby one woman at
Social Services who would believe Aunt Do but anyone else? Unlikely. Still chuckling.
I can't ever remember laughing and giggling so much at a story...EVER!
So the silliness continues - Stella certainly has a very vivid imagination, what with claiming Puddin' was a male son of Julie's, sired by Simon; the missing silverware; breastfeeding Puddin' plus Trish's ecstasy and cannabis cakes (not to mention more pr0n!) Cathy also demonstrated quick imaginative thinking with the meal ideas of stewed badger, badger burgers and fox fingers.
If the voting was still working, I'd definitely give it my standard +2, then log off and give a +1 as a guest :)
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Really, Angharad!
If you needed a new day job, you could certainly get one writing comedy.
The silly thought just occurred that the Cameron clan could stage their own Christmas Pantomime. On the experience of the past couple of installments, they wouldn't have any problems selling tickets.
Come to think of it, doesn't Stella have directorial experience with another drama staged by the children, based on revolting rhymes or fractured fairy tales or some such? Maybe she's missed her true calling?
It's certainly going to be something of an anticlimax after the hilarity of the past couple of episodes, as real life kicks back in.
Thank you again.
Pleased Smiles
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Gasp - snort
errr .... sorry .... *snort*.... will leave comment *guffaw* when I stop *gasp* laughing !!!
I'm back
Anyway *giggle*, I have my doubts that Aunt Dodo's line is extinct since being the cow that she is and Arthur being the steer that he is I doubt they have it in them to become parents, one would hope!
Eating Badger
Apparently they are quite edible but it seems a bitch to skin and get the meat.
Here's the link:
Badgers and mash?
Or, given the subject of the blog, maybe mashed badger?
I love rabbit, so I guess looking down on badger eating would be a tad hypocritical...
I'd probably try a badger burger, although I'm a tad iffy on the fox fingers!
Had to laugh for a while before settling down to vote!
This whole series should be on TV.
Aunt Dodo
Being she is such a tightly wound old prude, I am kinda surprised that it is possible to wind her up even more so.
I just wonder how...
this will come back to bite Cathy & Co... *sighs*
It was fun to read, as it's all fiction... And Auntie Dodo certainly deserved such a consummation (And Uncle Arthur, too...)
St Trinians at home
As I was giggling like everyone else I had this wonderful image of the original St Trinian's during family holidays. :)
Non sum qualis eram
If Trish...
...ever goes over to the dark side, everyone better watch out! She's got it all: smarts, wit, timing, the ability to read people, and if Stella is feeding her lines, an amazingly quick memory. (I'm inclined to think she's written her own lines, although Cathy may wish to inquire, delicately, as to her source material.)
Meanwhile, aside from the entertainment value of the festivities, which is considerable, wasn't this all a lot of trouble to go through to just chase away some loathsome relations? I don't suppose spraying them with gravy and/or squirrel scent and turning Kiki loose on them was an option?
It's a family thing
... and they want to rally 'round to repel the invader who is here to diss there matriarch/mother/best friend, etc.
Though I agree with the other commenters, I wonder if Trish was fed her lines or is she 5 going on 16. OMG.
Oh dear...
I had to stop reading to laugh for a good 2 minutes when I got to the cannabis cakes line. Brilliant comedy piece today.
I still fear for what Dodo and 'ur will try in the future regarding the jewelry, but wow. I'm guessing they'll try to do it as quickly as possible, to avoid another visit like this.
Thanks for the daily episode.
The best one yet !!!!!!!!!
I love it **** I can not stop laughing !!!!
What a way of
to get rid of unwanted visitors.....And so much more fun than just telling them to "B****r off"...
Classic comedy writing Angharad, I loved it.
Let's just hope Auntie Dodo Doesn't take this to
Social Services, One of the people dismissed from social Services over bothering the Camerons, or somewhere else that can cause trouble. I'm afraid it might cause a lot of trouble downstream, especially if the Brown Cows hear about it some way.
i wrote this before reading all the comments that came in since I first read it earlier today. it seem that Carol & Annette and a few others are also anticipating some fireworks in the future.
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
A nice way to end the day.
It's always nice to end the day with a smile. The last two have been with a smile, a laugh and more than a few chuckles. Most times writing comments fills me with performance anxiety. It seems that most everyone else has something witty to say and here I am just wanting to say I enjoyed the story, thank you.
Well, I guess this is me saying vote +1 and Erin I really hope you can get the vote function fixed so that I can once again quietly show my thanks without making a fool of myself or straining the brain trying to make my jumbled thoughts understood to any who care to read them.
V/r Jeff B.
Do you think she'll be back?
Just occurred to me, a perfect April Fools story!
Can you read and pee at
Can you read and pee at the same time ? That was a riot Julie needs to be on the stage.
Money grubbing maggots, Be Gone with you !
These last two chapters
Were a perfectly choreographed series of scenes guaranteed to result in Auntie Dodo and Uncle Arthur racing back to Swindon as fast as they can, just to get as far away as possible from the completely crazy Cameron clan and their supposed staff. Loved it, thanks, Angharad!
best chapter so far
this has got to be the best chapter so far and the funniest on the site. you have a wicked sense of humour.