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(aka Bike) Part 886 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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The rest of that evening was like a dream–a bad one. I was checked out by the police surgeon, I had some facial and abdominal bruising and nasty split in my lip. I was also very shaken despite my attempt to show otherwise.
One of the Assistant Chief Constables was called in and he the Chief Super, Henry and Sir Michael met with the police, whilst I was deemed fit enough to be sent home with Simon–who was bristling with anger until he saw I needed more TLC than GBH. He’d come in Tom’s new Freelander as the roads were more than a little icy in places.
Obviously he wanted to know what had happened but all I could do was cry, I couldn’t bring myself to talk about it.
“Is this all because of that Perryman bloke?”
I nodded, unable to speak about it.
“He’s dead or as good as,” Simon muttered through his teeth.
“No,” I sobbed, “he’s got to be tried and sent to prison–he’ll get his desserts in there.”
“Look, darling, I can make one call and he ceases to be–full stop.”
“No, I want to sue the arse off him–for slander and causing wrongful arrest.”
“Okay, we’ll do that–then kill him.”
“No, Si, I want him to live a long time to reflect on his actions.”
“But he tried to involve you–why?”
“Because he couldn’t cope with me as I now am.”
“That’s ridiculous–what’s it to do with him anyway? It’s your life and your body–can’t you do what you like with them? If you can’t, how can they call this a democracy or a free country?”
“I’ve done what I want–thanks to help from people like you, who accept me and my shortcomings.”
“Shortcomings–you’re as tall as Stella, aren’t you?”
“Si, sometimes you are so...”
“So what?”
“Yeah, so what?”
“No, what–I’m so what? What were you gonna say?”
“How do I know?” I shrugged and smirked and he looked at me shook his head and sighed, “Women?”
“That’s more recognition than Perryman gave me,” I sighed.
“If you’d been about eight years old, he’d have given you lots of attention.”
“Oh don’t,” I shuddered, “the few pictures we saw were of children more Mima’s age.”
“The bastard–he should swing for it.”
“C’mon, let’s get home and see our babies.” I leant against his arm as he drove and he kissed me on the top of my head.
“Nice ride, Tom, thanks,” Simon handed back the keys to their rightful owner.
I hugged Tom and he ran his fingers over my bruised and swollen face. “I hope Henry makes them pay for this,” he said quietly but with an implicit strength which suggested he would if Henry didn’t.
“It wasn’t very nice, Daddy.”
“Aye, I can see that.”
“Sir Michael will extract the required pound of flesh and all their blood.” Simon smiled at Tom.
“Aye, I thocht that wis whit he said.”
“Yeah, Mike Innes is a mean barrister, with an even meaner reputation.”
“Hoo does Henry know him?” asked Tom.
“They were at university together, in the cycle race team.”
“That should please oor Cathy,” said Tom but to be honest all I wanted to do was see the children.
Stella came to see me and was angered by my bruises and the ripped dress. “That dress cost a thousand pounds–make sure you claim it.”
“We’ll see,” I replied after hugging her. “All I want to do is change out of these clothes and see my kids.”
“Geez-uz!” exclaimed Julie when she saw me–“What happened to you–and that dress.”
“I met a homophobic cop.”
“So? Why should he beat you up?”
“He thought I was a paedophile.”
“Why? Didn’t he know who you are?”
“He thought he knew but he was wrong.”
“Geez, if they beat up beautiful women like you–what would they do to me?”
Stella looked at me urging me with her eyes to tell Julie the truth. I indicated that I wasn’t ready to do so and neither must she. I considered that in order to be a maternal figure to her, she needed to believe I was female, whom she could copy as a role model–sort of.
Julie gave me a huge hug, “I hope you feel better soon, Mummy. Let me know if you need me to do anything.”
“A cuppa would be nice,” I smiled.
“Consider it done.”
I changed into a tee shirt and jeans, to go and see the girls. They were still awake, so I pretended to be cross. “We couldn’t sleep, Mummy, we were worried about you.”
“You should have known I’d be alright, no one would want to take on you lot, not if they were in their right minds at any rate.”
“Mummy, what’s wrong with your face?” asked Livvie and in a heartbeat Trish was out of bed and hugging me.
“If those nasty pleecemens were bad to you, I’ll...” Trish was crying.
“Hey, c’mon I think we need an all girl hug, here.” The other two swarmed over me. “Trish, the majority of police officers are trying to do a difficult job as best they can. Only a few are a problem.”
“My old mummy used to hit me, like those nasty pleece.” She was sobbing as I held her.
“Well this mummy, is never going to hit you.” I felt her body judder and she really bawled her heart out and I could feel my energy flowing into her, healing those old wounds, whilst the other girls just surrounded us with love.
I was amazed to find that when I later went to have a soak in the bath, the bruises had gone from my face and body–“This is weird,” I heard myself say as I looked in the bathroom mirror. Did Trish do this or did the energy heal both of us as we hugged–giving us both what we needed–her, the chance to deal with old wounds and me, some recent ones. I even felt relaxed about Perryman–but part of me knew that was in hand.
During the night, I had a most vivid dream–Perryman was standing over me and laughing. Simon had an awful job to calm me down–it was just like he’d been in the room with me–Perryman, I mean; Simon was in bed with me.
The next morning while I was coming to and before the girls jumped on me, the Radio 4 news was on.
”Reports are coming in about a remand prisoner who has hanged himself in the bathroom at Southampton General Hospital. The man concerned was under investigation over the possession of a number of items of images of children and was thought to be a member of a paedophile ring, the other members of which were arrested two years ago in Brighton. No note was found.”
I sat up in bed, “Oh my God, Simon–did you hear that?”
“Hear what?” he sounded sleepy.
“Perryman’s killed himself.”
“Yeah, so–good riddance if you ask me.”
“You didn’t set that up did you?”
“No, nothing to do with me–I’m a banker not the godfather.”
“Is there a difference then?”
“What? I’ll show you da difference ya dumb bwoard,” he said before pulling me down and tickling me until I had to jump out of bed and rush to the toilet.

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Like I said
yesterday, I hope they got good photos of the injuries. I knew she would heal quickly, but forgot it might be VERY rapid. Now, there is no evidence she was actually injured, outside of verbal.
Those cops have to be about totally clueless. Leaving Perryman alone in a cell, with the necessary instruments to hang himself, is almost criminal on their part. Alone is one thing, but they should have stripped him on any instrumentation he could have used. It solves one problem for them, ie the trial and jailing, but actual punishment would have been better served. (Maybe that's my outrage speaking, but I have to believe 35 years as a cop have to come into play on it also).
And we still have to note the cop should be watched just as closely to prevent the same thing. He needs to lose his job, and serve his time, and pay his fines and judgments. By the time grandpa and the lawyers are done with him, the other cops, and the deep pockets of the city etc, Cathy may be able to get her own castle and turn all the grounds in dormouse raising areas, and have the best mammal survey ever seen. She could even finance a couple more films, even without sponsors. I'm not vindictive at all.
Chances are, the police surgeon took photos of the injuries to not only document them, but to help protect the police from possible doctored photos showing even worse injuries. Also, as bruising always looks worse over time, taking fresh pics would minimize the apparent damage.
As for Perryman... I think he knew just what he was in for. While it's tempting to think that a nice policeman would have lent him a lovely noose to use, I don't think that's what happened. Someone adequately motivated could pretty much hang themselves with their own clothing, or even a hospital gown. Cathy must certainly get some of the credit. If she hadn't saved him from paralysis (let's not talk about the death for a moment), he wouldn't have physically been able to top himself.
The dream, I fear, was real. It was the spirit of the recently dead ghoul, stopping by on his trip to perdition. But, Cathy doesn't believe in any of that stuff, does she?
Bike pt 886.
Well, one wonders about what realy happened. And just how powerful is that light?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Hope it really was Perriwinkie That Hung Hisself
Because if it was, it was the best thing he ever did. He not only escaped the life of shame and danger from other prisoners, but the risk to other children should he ever escape, or be released, and saved all the time-consuming efforts and costs of a trial.
If we could get ALL really bad crooks to do that, life would be much better, and taxes much lower! And we wouldnt need policemen!
Well - one can dream, can't one!
Lovely turn in this chapter, Anharad.
Good riddance
Waste of a perfectly good piece of rope.
But at the same time oh so many of us wanted to see a long drawn out suffering.
But then there is always the cops, please tattoo "bitch" on their forheads and send them to jail. please?
Never realized i was
so mean!! But the remark about long drawn out suffering pretty much describes how i felt, I've never been a fan of the death penalty (you cannot put right a mistake!) However i do believe if someone is sentenced to 10,20,30, years in prison, Then that is exactly what they should serve, No letting them out on parole early.....Too many times that leads to the same offence being repeated!!! Unfortunately with Perryman hanging himself the long drawn out suffering has gone by the wayside!..... Pity...a few parents might have liked a few words with him!
seems Perryman couldn't wait
to atone for his sins. Pity, he would have been well taken care of in prison, What about the bad cops are they going to pay for thieir sins too
Beverly Taff
Oh dear, I was hoping for something a bit more meaty than a suicide.
Still it's a typical and realistic finale, (if nothing else it's realistic,) it's just that I was hoping for something a bit more biblical.
I suppose everybody's feelings on this only reflect on their own take about the issues. You can't please everybody all of the time.
Keep it up Angharad, if having Perryman commit suicide floats your boat then so be it.
It's still a lovely series.
Beverly Taff.
This is wierd. I haven't changed my password but the site wont dispayl all my thingies at the side like 'Submit Story'!
Police negligence
Perryman hanged himself in the bathroom of the hospital, not a cell.
So as he'd just been arrested in connection with the images, he should have been under constant police supervision - including toilet breaks. Even if they didn't go in with him, they should have remained immediately outside the door, ready to jump in if they heard anything suspicious.
If the Chief Super thought his station was in the proverbial pile of excrement beforehand, the pile's just grown a lot taller. All he needs now is for Inspector Lines to do something stupid like attempt suicide...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Cathy's Blue Light
May have given Perryman a stab of conscience? -nah, he took the coward's way out.
I'd think that if there is an officer who has behaved inapropriatly the chief would be aware of his history, probably overlooked or given verbal warnings in the past but as good 'ole boys clubs are apt to do they continue to take care of their own.
We had a local news item on our tv about officers stopping other officers and finding out they were pie eyed drunk and letting them off with a scolding, wink & nudge, professional courtesy. It was reveiled this was a common practice. In one case an officer from one jurisdiction giving the other a ride home after stopping him, that was after he called his chief for advise and the chief shows up as well. If this happened to a civilian they give zero tolerance and it will change your life, as it should.
Humm... Now I can picture Perryman, showing up at the gates of hell in a different story-verse. With a devilish sucubus with majical powers, and a heavenly converted... Umm... buddy of hers? Who both happen to look on our Cathy as someone they care about!
The things they could do to him! :-)
I'm not vindictive.... nope!, not at ALL!
Hope Perryman believes in reincarnation
and he comes back as a 3 year old girl. No request that anyone abuse him. I won't wish abuse on anyone but would be a good trick on Perryman. No, I don't wish that he knows who he was either.
I wonder if Simon or Henry "arranged" for the noose to appear around Perryman's neck? At any rate, he won't be able to harm any more children. It remains to be seen what fate will befall Lane for what he did to Cathy? I wonder if he will have a similar fate? I guess Trish helped Cathy's wounds to heal.
Just as well...
...suicide saves the cost of a trial and long incarceration. And revenge doesn't really accomplish anything, anyway.
As much as they've screwed things up with Cathy, the police can't really be blamed for Perryman's suicide. They can't put every prisoner on suicide watch, and without some indication that he was a suicide risk there was no reason to watch Perryman that closely. Besides, unless he was in a straight jacket, he could use his own clothes to kill himself if there were no other tools handy. It's just about impossible to stop someone who is determined to kill themselves.
Now, to see how many heads roll over Cathy's treatment... ;)
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
Cathy as role model
I found Cathy's statement a little disturbing.
"I considered that in order to be a maternal figure to her, she needed to believe I was female, whom she could copy as a role model—sort of."
It isn't out of character since Cathy still can't accept that she is all woman where it counts. I can't think of a better role model for Julie and I wish Cathy would get her self confidence up to the level we all think it shoud be.
Here, here
Cathy is still not where she should be confidence-wise but she IS getting better. Her clear declaration of her womanhood in the face of adversity from those thug policemen is telling.
Unfortunately it takes time. It had taken me almost 12 years to reach the point where I felt total confidence of being myself in presentation and socialization in most situations.
On the 9 hour flight home from Denmark, a certain 1 and a half to 2 year old girl with whom I played fun games of making funny faces and peek-a-boo certainly did not hurt my confidence as she seemed to prefer interacting with the women on the plane around her. She really liked me, I think, her mother said so at one point, the kid even offered me her most cherished possession, her pacifier, to me as a gift. Wish I could've held her for a bit. *sigh*. Having a child is the one bit I could never do and it is times like these that I wish I was genetic.
Harsh handling
In 1968-9 I was finishing up my term in the US ARMY as an MP. I hated the job, and was very displeased with people who would go into Lawton, OK and get drunk, cause problems and then come back to Ft Sill. One night, I was on Patrol with perhaps the nicest second Lt I ever met. We'd gone into Lawton to do Town Patrol, and then we got a call to go to a certain Bar where there was a fight. When we got there, he told me to stay in the Patrol, "I don't want you getting beat up". He came out with a young man who was quite drunk but reasonably passive.
When he got the kid in the car, he told him. If you don't puke in my car, I'll take you to your unit, if you do, then I'll throw you down the stairs and put you in jail. Well, he puked and got thrown down the stairs and put in a cell. I was very sad to find that the young man was in the Hospital the next day with a broken arm and concussion.
The next week, I was on Patrol alone and ran into a car just inching along the road next to the housing area. I got the guy stopped and then found out that he was an E-6 who'd just got his 6 and had celebrated at the NCO club. He was not beligerant and was driving very slowly, so we just locked up his car and I took him home to his wife and children.
I got in a lot of trouble for that, and was a desk clerk for the rest of my time in the service.
This story
Moves so fast, I hope we find out what happens, but don't really expect it. We'll see. If they aren't careful this could be front page news.