(aka Bike) Part 801 by Angharad |
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I could not believe how simple it was to let them find me. I’d driven the Mini to the back of the hotel, sneaked in the back way and then walked out to my Golf, which was when they attempted to kidnap me. As they were doing so, an old lady was getting into her car and she saw the abduction in progress.
“Just what do you think you are doing, unhand that girl immediately.” She marched over to the car and waving her umbrella, brought it down not on the gunman but on the head of his accomplice who’d got out of the car to assist his colleague. He went down like a sack of spuds.
The gunman then turned to shoot the old lady and I could no longer allow things to go unchallenged. He was still holding me at the nape of my neck, I twisted and brought my elbow up in his face, catching him in the eye. He swore at me and raised the gun to hit me with it and the old lady struck again, this time on his wrist knocking the gun out of his hand.
I dodged out of his grip and brought my other elbow back into his solar plexus. He groaned and I jumped away and kicked him at the same time, a moment later the old lady whacked him on the head and he collapsed, helped by my hand which caught him by the hair and rammed his falling head against the wing of the car.
Two more assailants ran towards us but as they did, the old lady picked up the dropped gun and pointed it at them, they turned and fled. She shot both of them. I’d have still been looking to find the safety catch.
Within minutes of my phone call the place was swarming with police and two ambulances took away the injured. I knew it was going to be a long day by the time we had told our story a dozen times to a multitude of coppers. Finally, Bill arrived and the policewoman who’d been guarding me withdrew.
“What the hell have you been doing? You were supposed...”
“...to blow the bloody doors off.” I completed the famous film quote.
“Eh?” he looked at me as if I was speaking a foreign language.
“Italian Job, the Michael Caine quote.”
“Cathy, you’ve just blown a chance to find where they’re holding Simon.”
“Look Bill, or whatever your real name is, I was busy being abducted when a nice old lady declared war on Russia. She laid out the driver of the car and when my abductor went to shoot her, I had to intervene.”
“Which one is he, two of them have fractured skulls and the other two have bullet wounds?”
“I don’t know, oh he may have a black eye.”
“Cathy, what are we going to do with you? Why did you have to shoot them?”
“I didn’t shoot anyone, that was Myrtle.”
“Yes the old biddy, she’s Myrtle Kingston, retired MI5 agent.”
“You’re joking?”
“Ask her for yourself?”
“But, she’s a legend in the service, I thought she was dead.”
“Dead? She’s alive and shooting.”
“You know, they say she nearly shot Mugabe?”
“No I didn’t, why didn’t she?”
“The gun jammed.”
“Wouldn’t they have got her for it?”
“Doubt it; she was brilliant at escapes from seemingly impossible situations. She once shot her way out of a building full of Chinese soldiers. Hit nine of them.”
“So she’s like Jane Bond?”
“More or less, yes. I must go and meet her a moment.”
“What about Simon?”
“I used my plan, you think of one?”
“Won’t the Russians talk? You know water boarding and stuff? Truth serum?”
“All of them were unconscious thanks to Batman and Robin.”
“Well they won’t be tomorrow will they?”
“What if they decide to take it out on Simon?”
“Why should they do that? It wasn’t his fault they blew it, was it?”
“They’ve lost four men, today. It’s hardly going to improve detente is it?”
“Serves ‘em right, they started this, remember?”
“I’m well aware of that, Cathy. Go back to the house, I’ll contact you later.”
“What about my new friend, Myrtle?”
“I’ll get them to release her on police bail.”
“Will she be a target, now?”
“I doubt it, unless they had someone watching, they won’t know who did what. I hate to say this, but if they get you now, they may well be rather rough with you.”
“How about giving me a gun?”
“I don’t think so, people who carry guns usually get shot more easily than those who aren’t. Just think of our little Russian friends. They were the ones carrying guns.”
I know, but we only found one of them.”
“So you told the police, I don’t suppose they looked in the boot of the mini perchance?”
“No, I wasn’t near the mini.”
“So how come I found this in there?” He held up an automatic pistol in a small plastic bag.
“Search me guv’nor,” I said in a cockney accent nearly as bad as Dick van Dyke’s.
“Don’t push your luck, Cathy. If you’d taken this and used it, you could have had a custodial sentence of up to ten years.”
“What for self-defence?”
“For using a firearm.”
“So I just allow them to shoot me?”
“I would suggest you tell the police you found this under a car or something, if you use it; you’re on your own.”
He put the bag containing the gun next to my handbag and walked away. I quickly scooped it up and zipped my handbag up. Five minutes later, I was told I could go, apparently CCTV footage of the attack was made by the hotel cameras and my story was corroborated by it. I had to sign a statement and promise not to leave the country.
“My fiancé has been kidnapped by the Russian mafia, my children are supposedly in the safe custody of the security services, just where am I going to go?”
“I don’t know, ma’am, but I have to caution you against it.”
“If you bloody lot did your job in the first place, these goons would have been arrested at the airport.”
“That’s British Airport Police and Home Office, not us, ma’am, we don’t get to carry machine pistols.”
“Pity, I could have borrowed one for the weekend.”
“I don’t think so, ma’am, pretty lengthy jail sentence if you were caught in possession of one.”
“So what am I supposed to do if they try to grab me again?”
“Dial 999 and ask for police.”
“Sure, I’ll do that if you can guarantee to be there within five seconds.”
“Be reasonable, ma’am, we aim to be there within eight minutes for firearms.”
“Yeah sure, a fat lot of good that would do. I suspect if they try again it will be to kill me not abduct me.”
“We do our best ma’am.”
I shook my head and carried my rather heavy handbag out to the VW. I left the police HQ as quickly as I could, I wanted to get home and make sure Bill hadn’t unloaded the gun. I was feeling rather more anxious than I’d been before. If they came for me now, I was likely to be rather dead afterwards. My bravado with Bill had now changed into needing to find a loo rather quickly. I drove home as quickly as I could determined to find Simon and rescue him, but I was beginning to think his family were a liability and adding to the everyday risks of raising three girls. Once he was free, I might wave goodbye to my chances of being Lady Cameron in favour of keeping my children safe.

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That will teach them !!!
Mess with Cathy and you pay the price !!!
I'm hoping now that Cathy will go and look for her new friend Myrtle....Together they might just manage what MI5 seem to have trouble doing... Namely, Finding Simon.... And if the Russians have any sense they will hand him straight back...You just don't want to upset Batman and Robin too much!!!
I'm inclined to agree with Cathy
The Lords Cameron seem to be a serious danger to health; I know she loves Simon but there are limits, namely Meems, Trish and Livvy.
Thelma and Louise - Myrtle and Kathy
What a pair that would make. Batgirl and Wonderwoman.
The police are sure full of themselves aren't they? No wonder the criminals get away with murder in England. The people who defend themselves get locked up and the true bad guys go off scott free. What a bunch of bull.
There are some good things to be said if everyone walked around with weapons on them, Everyone would be to afraid to attack anyone else, for they would be able to defend themselves against the muggers and murderers, such as the cowboys of old.
Isn't that why the Americans won the war against England, because everyone had their own weapons to defend themselves from an invasion of English Torys?
Isn't that one of the reasons other countries are afraid to attack us (The US) for we can still defend ourselves, besides the use of the military? If the military falls, the town malitias would take over.
There is some good in the fact that we are allowed to have some weapons for protection as well as hunting. Granted the downside is, that insane people can get hold of the same weapons. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. There are pros and cons to everything.
Kathy has a very valid point, I would rather risk carrying a gun and be alive, than not carry a gun and be dead.
Yea call the emergency number and we will be there in 8 minutes. Yea sure sure, by that time it will be all over and she would be a splat of blood on the pavement.
Right to bear arms.
How does a person armed to the teeth protect himself from a back-shot?
Have you ever held a forty-five magnum. It's rated as a handgun but I doubt that more than a thousand women worldwide could hold a magnum 45 let alone aim and shoot. And if you saw the damage it can do you'd be stunned.
I have seen a 45 magnum split a rock 2 feet thick and 12 feet accross on a breakwater in South Wales UK, and the bloody noise!!! It will blast a car engine to pieces. Fortunately the guy who owned it was a legal owner and he was giving me a legal demonstration some 3 miles from the next living soul or vulnerable property. The gun was handed in during the last legal small arms amnesty.
Besides the whole dammed gun thing only escalates, look at Afghanistan. They used to have old carbines and muzzle loading muskets, now they've got Kalashnikovs, RPGs and suicide bombers.
Guns are a pain in the arse.
Beverly Taff
Jane Bond meets Jane Bond
Interesting twist, our intrepid heroine meets a real Jane Bond, who helps her escape. Wonder if Myrtle will help Cathy? Bill again is of marginal help as usual. Now that the Russian henchmen are neutralized, how is Cathy going to get captured alive to find Simon? You are taking the time to stretch this out.
If you keep us hanging much longer, I just may loose my grip. Thanks for keeping us on pins and needles.
~There is no reality, only perception~
Trish Ann
~There is no reality, only perception~
With Myrtle,
Cathy has the help that she needs. Why do I get the idea that her being was planned?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Unexpected pleasure
to meet Myrtle.
They are far more ruthless...
I love this story and wait with bated breath for it every day. Still if this were real, half the country side would be dead.
Is it a coincidence that
Is it a coincidence that Myrtle showed up at that moment ? I think not !
I'm sure that Cathy and Myrtle will handle the Russians just like a classic "Carry on" movie.
Thanks for the ongoing enjoyable serial.
"Well I've passed the eight-hundredth milestone, (more like a bloody Sarcen Stone cos this story is getting rather heavy.)
I promised you a comment roughly every fifty until I had completed 'catch up' but I don't think anybody will catch up with Cathy if she keeps going at this rate.
Ho hum, back to the grind-stone, or is that a mile-stone or a sarcen stone. I think I'm becoming unhenged.
Anyway how powerful is this belly button thing and will the radiation damage her tum?
Keep writing and I'll keep tagging along until I catch up. It's been a hoot so far.
Gun laws
So what am I supposed to do if they try to grab me again?â€
“Dial 999 and ask for police.â€
“Sure, I’ll do that if you can guarantee to be there within five seconds.â€
“Be reasonable, ma’am, we aim to be there within eight minutes for firearms.â€
“Yeah sure, a fat lot of good that would do. I suspect if they try again it will be to kill me not abduct me.â€
This is why I prefer living in the US even though I do live in the People's Democratic Republic of Massachusetts.
I believe in the phrase "When firearms are outlawed only the criminals will have them." This is because they don't give a rat's ass about laws anyways.
They bought her story, and yet she walked away unescorted. Angharad, you have a really low opinion of the law in your country. Wonder if they deserve it?
In the states you will find many police seem to share the believe they they are the only ones who can engage in violence to protect yourself, family, and/or property. Fortunately, it is pretty well written that this is not so. You might say it is core to our government.
Myrtle Kingston and Professoe Agnew marry?
A match made in heaven. Surely marriage is inevitable - Bike 801
Rhona McCloud
"The Self Preservation Society"
Michael Caine, My favourite English actor, in one of the best movies ever. Loved the scene with the Mafia on the winding road-side. Crushing the cars, then dumping them over the side. That forced them to use the Mini-Cooper S.
Back to Cathy and her death squad. Violence with humour !
This is getting really something likening to Len Deighton books. Atta girl, Angharad.