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(aka Bike) Part 861 by Angharad |
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The return to Chateau Agnew was quieter than the out-trip, sleepy bodies drooped over the child car seats, I wondered if there was any more life in Simon’s car–if so, we hadn’t done our jobs properly and tired the little buggers out.
I parked in the drive and three little bodies shuffled into the house, had a drink and a biscuit, cleaned their respective toothy pegs and fell into bed–I didn’t even need to read them a story.
Simon brought the boys in and they were equally tired and went to bed without anything to eat–I began to wonder if they weren’t well. When I asked Simon, he just smiled and told me that the hour in the gym before we came away had drained the two boys completely. I wasn’t with him then, I was sitting with Meems on my knee, reading with her in the lounge of Henry’s private suite, while Trish and Livvie played on a computer.
“You’ll make some enquiries then, Henry?” I asked him.
“I will, I’ll let you know when I have something, but no point in doing anything until after Hogmany and New Year.”
“I thought they were the same?”
“Lots of people do, Hogmanay is New Year’s Eve, New Year is after midnight–plus parties back home, sometimes go on for a couple of days.”
“Crikey, I’m glad I live down south then, never was a big party goer."
"There’ll be a New Year’s Eve one here if you want to come, beautiful ladies are always welcome.”
“Do you never go home to Stanebury for New Year?”
“It isn’t the same when you get older, when I was Simon’s age, you wouldn’t have been able to stop me and besides, warming the place up and organising everything is too much now–sorting out your wedding rerun will be bad enough and you’re doing that with Stella.”
“We’ll wait until it’s a bit warmer anyway,” I smiled at him, I wasn’t really looking forward to it. “Part of me would love to cancel it–I just don’t do big formal things.”
“Well, Cathy, you may have married into the wrong family, it’s part of the family duty to attend big occasions and invite others back to one’s own.”
“But it’s stuff and nonsense?”
“Of course it is, but it’s how things are done.”
“Isn’t it about time they changed then?”
“No, because I can do thousands of pounds worth of business during one of those or a grouse shoot.”
“Have you asked the grouse if they would invest in your bank instead–you know put their nest eggs in it?” I was winding him up but all he did was smile.
“You don’t like huntin’, shootin’ an’ fishin’, do you?”
“Unless it’s to put things directly on the table, most emphatically, no.”
“Aren’t people entitled to enjoy themselves?”
“Killing things is fun? Henry, it’s seriously scary.”
“It’s not people they’re killing, is it?”
“Statistically, I believe Italians and Japanese are best at shooting each other at game shoots.”
“Perhaps, but your point is?”
“I find it primitive and disgusting.”
“Oh, well that’s pretty straightforward. You appreciate that grouse shooting preserves the moors for other creatures, including birds of prey.”
“Assuming gamekeepers and junior members of the Royal Family, don’t shoot them.”
“Mine don’t.”
“As far as you know.”
“Alright, as far as I know–but I make it known that it would incur my acute displeasure.”
“I’m glad you do.”
“To me, someone with a gun who doesn’t know his grouse from his red kite is dangerous and stupid, and shouldn’t be in possession of a gun.”
“I agree, but I’d go farther–I wouldn’t allow anyone to have a gun until they could justify needing one–killing things for fun wouldn’t be good enough.”
“You’d stop fishing too, although you’ve eaten loads of tuna and other fish?”
“I don’t know–except I’d put a tax on fishing as a hobby to pay for people to clean up the lead shot they used for weights and all that waste line they abandon, which kills loads of birds and small mammals.”
“What about the mass of netting lost or abandoned at sea?”
“All of it should have the name of the boat on it, so if they lose it, they can be billed if it kills seabirds or seals and so on. I’d also outlaw various types of fishing–deep trawling, where they destroy the whole seabed for miles.”
“People wouldn’t get scallops then.”
“I’m sure ways could be found to alternatively harvest them.”
“Aren’t they farmed anyway?”
“Some are, but look at the way the cod is nearly extinct and yellow fin tuna is heading the same way. Spanish, Italian and French trawlers are stripping our waters of everything, because they’ll eat anything.”
“You looked upset when Simon ordered lobster?
“I was, the poor thing was boiled alive.”
“Such is life.”
“Yes, but the most recent research tends to indicate that the lobsters feel pain when boiled. Why can’t they electrocute them first and then cook them?”
“I don’t know–maybe there is a reason, I can ask our head chef if you like?”
“No, don’t bother, it won’t stop them doing it. I just get so cross with the way we take the planet for granted and all its denizens. The Old Testament has a lot to answer for, dominion over all the beasts and the plants. Why? We’re just clever apes.”
“Ah but only some have a conscience,” quipped Henry, “You, dear girl, are our conscience–I’m glad to hear it’s alive and well and in good voice.”
“Henry, does that mean I’m a sop to conservation or do you actually take notice of what I say?”
“Personally, dear girl, I hang on every word.”
“Henry, behave–you know perfectly well what I mean.”
“The bank takes note–we pay you rather a lot of money to ignore.”
“For what I actually do, I feel overpaid.”
“It’s the going rate–except we’re the only bank who has a paid ecologist as adviser, and our dormouse advertising did do handsomely, especially after your film. You need to get off your bum and do the harvest mouse one, so we can do some more synchronised advertising. High St, the green bank–investing with us is investing in your future and that of your planet. Save with us and save the dormouse.”
“I know, I know–every time I go in there I see my face peering back at me from one of those posters.”
“Well it could be worse, darling, it could be my ugly mug, or Tom’s,” he laughed and I smiled back at him.

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is there no end?
to your writing talent?
we got the wedding, the kids, the blue light, the action and even the occasional bike action - whatever next?
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Whatever Next 25
is well into production, over half written, I should finish the draft over the weekend.
Whatever next in EAFOAB?
Let's see...
Fostering the two boys, adopting the two girls, writing/filming/editing the harvest mouse documentary, the wedding blessing at Stanebury, more adventures with press/lunatics/mafia, the possibility of Des' estate coming out of probate (so the house can be sold), further visits to Cathy's old house in Bristol, and possibly even an update on what happened to Stella and Simon's old house (the one the series started off in - AFAIK I think they still own it, but it's been effectively abandoned...)
...and somewhere between May and June, expect episodes 1,000 and 1,024. Not that there'll necessarily be anything significant plotwise, but it will cause great excitement amongst the numerologist fans...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
As you demonstrate so ably
nothing significant plot-wise ever happens in Bike, just same old same old.
Perhaps some ghosts and hidden treasure, spys, and aliens ...
at the Castle, you think? Maybe a hidden German submarine? OH, OH, I can see it now, another Stonehenge?
I know you can think of something! :)
sAME oLD...?
Yes, like perhaps a call from Sam... we have this girl, with the shuffeling about of children from the home into other places, well... their was a confrontation... we need your help with her... as she tried to kill herself and, we have tried everything to save her... arrival finds Cathy faced with a child who.. well?.. obviously presents as a boy...
Or, Cathy stumbels practicaly on top of a slumbering similar-type of homeless individual whie in the woods doing vid for her next film...
Or even perhaps, two thugs have discoverd the female inside of the male-looking package hiding out in a park... and attempt a raping, and Cathy has to resort to her trusty bow and arrows in the trunk, and the boys get front-line seats to just what she's REALLY about and able to do!... in rescuing the child. who, has obviously been kicked out... or abused by a single dad in her home / abuse for lifestyle by parents, a runnaway and is homeless... So..?
Or even that she was done up as a boy to escape from the russians?... targeted for kidnap, abuse... and in the doing, has found his true self..?
nothing much different... same-old-same... and our girl Cath, tilts her figment-tive-ish halo... that all but herself can plainly see!... at a jaunty angle, there above her head, and charges to the rescue!
any of these... feel free to the by
waiting expectantly for my next fix! :-)
Bike pt 861.
The best thing about Bike is that we see the characters grow as the plot careens out of control, thanks to a certain black cat.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Cute Green Science = Money
AH! just as I thought. Even though we all know banks will do anything to get your money, this kind of campaign does have merit. People are attracted to cute defenseless creatures at the bottom of the food chain, like dormice and harvest mice. It gets people thinking about the ecology and how we as humans interact with our environment and some of the consequences. Just maybe they will see that the same interactions relate to other less cute species. The mice don't cause visible economic damage or attack man.
We have a large endangered feline in the US with a PR image problem because it attacks domestic livestock and occasionally snacks on unfortunate mountain bikers or hikers. We move into it's habitat and act like prey, so it obliges us. I just can't see the mountain lion as a poster child for ecology like dormice.
Capitalism, the bed rock of today's economy, does have the potential for great good. It is instrumental in helping billions of people rise above poverty. Unfortunately, unchecked it can cause great harm. We have seen this negative side in the financial melt down of the last few years and the destruction of irreplaceable habitat, like the rain forests. What is needed is a global focus on sustainability. All nations must sign on and act in ways that maximizes the total good of all, not just a few.
Hunting is a good example, I have no qualms when the killing is done to sustain life and the animal is used by the hunter(s). I do have issues with trophy hunters and those who kill just for sport and do not intend to utilize the animal other than to stuff parts of it for display or in the case of certain animals just taking parts for economic gain. As there is meaning in life, so must there be meaning in death.
As it says in Ecclesiastes, there is a time for everything and mine has ended.
Just a voice in the wilderness. Shalom!
~There is no reality, only perception~
Trish Ann
~There is no reality, only perception~
As they have an aliment
As they have an aliment called "writers cramp" that dates back to handwriting everything; with the way Angharad has been spinning out parts (chapters) to this wonderful story, is the such a thing as computer finger cramps? She should the "George Medal" for her continuing talent in keeping us all engrossed in her story. Jan
It's called carpel tunnel syndrome, and I pray Angharad never gets it. If she does, Britain's health care system will be there to help.
Cathy is an idealist
Always worried to see how she fits or doesn't fit with the Cameron family who run a bank.
Banks and their Advertising Slogans
Oh Angharad,
that was a lovely, comfortable chapter.
When it comes to banks and what they try to say about themselves, they have a crisis of incredibility - there is (or was) for example one that called itself "the listening bank", but they certainly did not listen to ordinary customers, and there is still a very un-cooperative bank that calls itself the opposite of that and claims to be "good with money", which I cannot say my own experience with them supports.... IMHO it is better for banks to take a low profile for a bit, as anything they say or do just now makes people suspicious.
Old Testament
Let's be clear. The terms used in the Old Testament mean that man is to nuture and steward the rest of creation, not exploit it.
Cathy is quite right that people have got it very very wrong.
Love, Bev x
Thank You, Angharad
Henry becomes more delightful the more you develop him as a character.
Make that movie, you'll help the bank, and eventually become internationally famous.
Do women get Knighthoods ? Dame Lady Catherine Cameron, has a nice ring to it.
At worse, you could retire to Australia and open a book store.