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(aka Bike) Part 851 by Angharad |
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I changed into a fresh pair of trousers and top, grabbed my jacket and after asking Stella to look after the girls, jumped in the car and carefully negotiated my way along the rutted, slushy roads towards the hospital. I had thrown a folding shovel and my wellingtons into the boot of the car in case.
The sun had gone in and there was a hint of moisture in the air–rain, I hoped not more of the white stuff. The car radio has this system where every time there’s a traffic alert on the BBC or other stations, it cuts into whatever I’m listening to. Normally I find this intrusion an annoyance, today I found it a bit more useful, except the bits when Radio Surrey kept intruding–I really didn’t care if the people of Guilford were being eaten by Zombies, let alone snowed in. Actually, they probably are zombies anyway, who happen to be snowed in, and as for Reading, well they probably went to Guilford from there.
Thinking such silly things distracted me from worrying about this boy, who was officially in my charge, and whom I’d failed. I hoped to goodness that his injuries were minimal and that he’d make a full recovery.
I was trying not to brake or accelerate too quickly, which was probably what the four cars had done which were now pushed off the road with bits missing from their bumpers and radiator grills. Most drivers don’t seem to know how to drive on a clear dry road, they drive too fast and anticipate too slow–if at all.
At one roundabout, there was a car perched in the middle on its roof, how had that got there intrigued me, then I nearly shunted the car in front while looking at it, and exactly that happened to two cars across the junction. I got away as gently and hastily as I could.
I finally made it to the hospital and then took ten minutes to find a parking space and a ticket machine that worked–one looked as if a car had hit it, and unsurprisingly was no longer working.
I knew where A&E was, I’ve been there so often, I half expect to be invited to their Christmas party. “I’m looking for a young lad who got hit in the eye with a snowball.”
“Name?” asked the harassed looking clerk.
“Catherine Cameron.”
“Is that missus?”
“Actually it’s Lady Cameron,” I thought, sod you.
“Child’s name?”
“Danny Maiden.”
“Can you prove an interest in the child?”
“Only that he’s staying with me over Christmas.”
“Can you prove that?”
“My husband happens to be with him,” this woman was beginning to really annoy me, I looked around and I saw Simon and the two boys walking back into the waiting area. I looked at the woman and said, “Don’t bother, I hope you have an interesting Christmas.”
Before she could respond to my two edged seasonal greeting, I was off to meet up with the boys. “Babes?” said Simon as I hove into view and I walked briskly up to him. “I was wondering how we’d get home.”
“I brought your car,” I stated nonchalantly. He paled until I sniggered and blew it. “How’s the eye?” I enquired of Danny.
“It ‘urts, Auntie Cathy.”
“C’mon let’s get you home and make you some lunch.” I put my hand on his shoulder but felt nothing unusual happening. Maybe I’d lost it. His clothing was soaking and I hoped he hadn’t caught a chill to add to his misery.
“The doc said to make him rest and it’ll improve in a few days.” Simon gave the instructions he received, “Oh and these drops,” he handed me a tiny bottle, “twice a day.”
“You could do this just as easily as I can,” I protested to Simon.
“No, Babes, your fingers are smaller than mine.” The relevance of his comment or should I say excuse escaped me.
The drive home was slow and I noticed a few more abandoned and damaged cars. In Surrey, apparently people were leaving cars on their drives with the engines running, and three had been stolen that morning. Probably Guilford.
We did get home and I took Danny up to his room to change and he asked if he could go to bed. “Don’t you want any lunch?”
“Not really.”
“Okay, have a little snooze and I’ll have a sandwich waiting downstairs for you.” I helped him change into his pyjamas and he climbed into bed, I tucked him in and kissed him on the forehead. “If you need anything, just yell.”
He half nodded and lay down, so I left him to it. I’d check him in half an hour and make sure he was okay. Downstairs, Simon was telling the others how it happened, helped by Billy who did the actions. They way he threw himself backwards upon the impact of the dirty snowball, made me think he’d been hit by a rocket propelled grenade than an ice covered stone.
I left them to it and started to make sandwiches, I’d need to make some more bread later. Half an hour later I called them for lunch and Trish who’d helped me lay the table asked if she could help.
“Can you pop up and see if Danny wants a sandwich now?”
She gave a very uncertain look, “Do I have to?”
“Go on, grasp the nettle,” I exhorted. She sighed and went up the stairs.
I had to save two more sandwiches from the pile before Simon and Billy ate them all, where was Trish? I hoped he hadn’t hurt her. I excused myself and practically flew up the stairs to the attic room. I paused at the door, hearing voices from within.
“Does that feel any better?” said Trish’s voice.
“A bit, it was nicer before.”
“Okay, I’ll do that again.”
“Does your mum know you’re doing this?”
“Oh that is so good, oh yes–more, more...” At this point I strode into the room to find Trish standing by the bedside with her hands clasping Danny’s head.
“What are you doing, sweetheart?”
“Helping Danny’s eye.”
“And how are you doing that?”
“The blue stuff, Mummy.”
“I see,” and when I looked, I could too. “Does it feel easier, Danny?”
“Oh yeah, all these amazin’ colours.”
“What about the pain?”
“Oh that’s much better. She’s amazin’ in’t she?”
“Oh yes, you could say that again.”
“My mummy can do it, she says it’s something everyone can do–don’t you, Mummy?”
“That’s what they say, but some people seem better at it than others. Did you ask Danny if he’d like a sandwich?”
“Um–no, I forgot.”
“Would you, Danny?”
“Yeah, I would.”
“Thank you,” hissed Trish.
“Oh yeah, thanks Auntie Cathy.”
A few months ago, Trish wouldn’t have weed on Danny if he’d been on fire, now she was staying with him to give him healing. I wonder what happened–be fun finding out.

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Very Sweet Episode Angharad
BigCloset TopShelf
There is nothing in this world for me, alone I travel, alone I will be.
Passing The Torch
Looks like Cathy has passed the blue torch on to Trish. Makes for all sorts of interesting story possibilities. It also, at least in the Greek Drama tradition, tempts the gods of Tragedy.
an xmas break?
Hi Ang,
I hope you are taking a break from this over Xmas, thanks for the card, yours is in the post - honest!
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Healing x2
As we suspected a few episodes ago, Trish now has the blue light ability - evidently accompanied by the same urge to heal as Cathy, which would explain her sudden change from apprehensiveness before climbing the stairs.
It's a good thing she attends an all girl private school - there's less chance of playground scuffles than an ordinary comprehensive, so by extension less opportunity for Trish to leap into action and have her new secret discovered...
It is slightly ironic that Cathy so far appears to have nursed significantly more people since her arrival than a certain registered nurse...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 851.
Interesting indeed! Angharad has given us quite a bit to ponder for the holidys. I for one will enjoy reading all of the comments.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Lets hope that
young Danny does not tell all his friends about Trish's blue light, Like her mother it's something it's something that Trish might want to keep quiet!!!
Humm, a new twist regarding
Humm, a new twist regarding Trish. I wonder if Cathy will keep her abilities or now it will just be Trish. Perhaps the "blue light" will be able to make Trish a complete girl, because she is so much younger than Cathy. Danny, even if he finally figures out who Trish is, might now be so much nicer to her as she has helped in a very special way.
sweet episode
to see that Trish doesn't hold a grudge and in fact is willing and able to help Danny. Same thoughts on sharing the skill. Assuming Cathy hasn't lost it. Maybe this one was a job for Trish right from the start.
blue light
ever since cathy got healed at the wedding, i'm waiting for her to get abdomanal cramps ...
I have that same feeling,
I have that same feeling, that when Trish did that at the wedding it gave Cathy that something extra, it would be nice if Trish became physically female too, would be a nice christmas present :)
Megumi :)
Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p
Interesting blue light episode
... Trish will have to be careful not to overtax herself or reveal her abilities. BTW, I suspect neither Livvie or Meems will ever get the blue light. I think it is reserved for Shamans such as Cathy and Trish.
Shamans are traditionally Trans-folks in a lot of society.
Llike mom Like daughter.
Both Cathy and Trish seem gifted. It seems to come from their open and trustful nature. Now that Trish has access to the healing blue light, I hope she uses it wisely and follows Cathy's example.
I do hope that Billy and Danny out grow being bullies and become positive members of this growing Family. With the boys in the house, I can see this help Simon taking a more active role. If they can be broken of their bullying, they should add balance to the house and be a positive influence on every one. If anyone can achieve that feat, it will be Cathy.
Cathy can certainly teach many genetic women parenting. They take their status for granted. Cathy recognizes the sacrifices she made and the challenges she endured to become who she now is. I believe her transition taught her a lot about how to live and enjoy what we have. This gives her and edge in parenting over those who never go through an ordeal like hers.
Happy holidays to All. Now the Winter Solstice is over and days are getting longer, can we expect longer chapters too?
~There is no reality, only perception~
Trish Ann
~There is no reality, only perception~
"Now the Winter Solstice is over and days are getting longer, can we expect longer chapters too?"
Been thinking about that
I don't see Billy as being that suitable for this household. Danny has some potential I think.
I do not care for the boys being in this household as then the primogeniture BS can pop up and where does that leave the girls ? Why couldn't one of them be the inheritor instead of it being a male prerogative.
Inheriting the peerage
It's not certain that Danny would be first in line even if Simon and Cathy adopted him as well as the girls.
First of all, the late Queen Victoria did something very non-standard with the remainder of the various peerages. We don't know what exactly, but Stella has her own title even though the baronies at least were created in the Victorian era, which was not particularly famous for the equality of the sexes. It's possible (although not too probable) that the viscountcy will go to the eldest child regardless of gender.
Second, and perhaps more importantly, Trish is still legally male and will remain so for quite a few years. It's entirely possible that during that time Henry will die, at which point Simon inherits the viscountcy and Trish as the eldest 'son' his barony. And considering the odd way Victoria set things up, this may define her as the heir apparent for the viscountcy.
And third, there has been some speculation that Danny might be a girl in denial, which of course would make things a bit more equal.
We just don't know -- there are so many irregularities here that normal rules don't apply fully anyway. We'll just have to wait and see what happens after Henry's death in chapter 5839 or thereabouts (and don't worry, Angharad, we'll still be reading this >;) ).
That's assuming...
...the author doesn't predecease Henry!
Speaking of Henry
Will he and Monica show up on Christmas Day with lots of prezzies for the grandkids and hopefully the boys?
Hugs and Christmas Wishes,
Sarah Ann
Authoring Bike
Well the story might still be able to continue if a translator can be found for Bonzi.
Michelle B
Nice to know
I'd be missed!
Aren't you
A "Miss" already? ;-)
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
The banter seems to be contagious.
It is interesting in that Trish's background is the same as Cathy, with Cathy's past being Trish's future. Perhaps having the gift involves being dual natured?
You guys are too much fun, the comments are bendigedig.
My Yankee head is spinning over baronets, Queen Victoria, who gets the title. That's the real reason we hid behind trees, before shooting, and tossed tea into the harbor ( they say the sea was brown up to my house). Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms, done !

You call that snow ? Here's Snow !