(aka Bike) Part 885 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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“I don’t quite understand why I have to make a statement at the police station,” I said as we walked across to the police car.
“Catherine Watts, aka Catherine Cameron, aka Charlie Watts–I am arresting you on suspicion of attempted murder and possession of child pornography. You have already been cautioned.”
“I want a solicitor.”
“Get in the car, mate.”
“There is some serious shit gonna hit the fan for this.” I spat at him wrenching my arm away as he went to push me in the car.
He grabbed my arm and spun me around so my back was against the car. “Look you fuckin’ little nancy-boy, I don’t like perverts like you–but they do down the nick, especially the body search–you’ll like that. Now get in the fuckin’ car or do you want me to cuff you?”
My eyes watering with anger and the pain in my back I got into the car–my little world was falling apart before my eyes. Instead of living happily ever after and giving a home to six needy children–I could actually be sent down for something I haven’t done.
“Look, there’s been some mistake–call my husband.”
“Husband–what for a freak like you, likes girly boys does he? We all know you bloody weirdos are into children.”
“What do you mean, weirdo?”
“Look, under all those expensive clothes, you’re a bloke, so we’re taking you down the nick and if you give us the rest of the names of the ring, and the names of the children you know, we’ll let you pull your little plaything in the cells afterwards.”
“Can you put that in writing?” I said coldly, this guy’s career was history and I just hoped he had a mortgage with our bank.
“For you? Hah, maybe if you tell us what we want to know.”
“Oh, I’ll tell you plenty of things.”
“Nice dress–makes you feel like a woman–does it?” He touched the plunging neckline of my dress and I felt sick. “The implants look pretty good too.”
“Got many years in on your pension, have you?”
“What’s it to you–I can afford a proper woman, not a tranny pervert.”
“I doubt you could afford me, anyway–I only do it for the nobility.”
“Fish, get on to social services–do they know he’s got all those kids there?”
“You leave those children alone,” I said angrily.
“Calm down, Charlie boy, they’ll all be grown up and gone long before you get out of prison. At least we’ll have done one good thing in getting you off the streets.”
“How can anyone be so stupid and still be able to breathe?” I asked and he slapped me across the face–it hurt and caused a small split in my lip–I could taste the blood. Even DC Fish blushed. “That’s right, bigots like you, like to hit women, don’t you?”
He hit me again, this time across the cheek–which would probably give me a black eye–good-oh, it will all feed my case against him. “You’re not a woman, you’re a fuckin’ pervert.”
“Yeah, sorry I forgot.” I said feeling my eye starting to close. He went to hit me again and his colleague stopped him.
“Sir, I wouldn’t if I were you.”
“Scum like that deserve all the shit I can throw at them.” He started the car and screamed out of the hotel car park, just as Simon’s Jaguar pulled in. I hope he didn’t meet this guy–he’d kill him.
“We might have made a mistake, sir.”
“Rubbish–I know a paedo when I see one, and he’s one if ever I saw one.”
“But, sir...”
“Shut it, Fish, let’s go to the station and play.” He laughed and while part of me knew he might hurt me again, he had an awful shock coming and I wanted to be there when he took its full force.
If he queered my pitch with the fostering, I would have him killed–slowly, no matter how much it cost. He was going to suffer, and I would pull every string I could to ensure it went on and on.
I was led into the station and taken to an interview room–my bag had been taken at the entrance and I was given a receipt for it. DC Fish was still with me. I looked at her through my good eye. “Are you having some qualms, about this Constable Fish?”
“I can’t say.”
“I think you are–when the shit hits the fan, his career is over and he’ll be lucky if he doesn’t end up in prison. If you value your own, I’d get the most senior officer you can find to come and speak with me–and I’d be quick about it, if I were you. When my pa-in-law gets here, there will be real trouble.”
“You’re not a transvestite prostitute are you?”
“No, I’m a woman with powerful friends. Get out while you can or you’ll go down with him.”
“Who’s your father-in-law?”
“Viscount Stanebury.”
“That sounds important.”
“He owns the hotel we were in.”
“Wow, like mega-important.”
“He also owns High Street Banks.”
“Oh shit!”
“We’ve got a mortgage with them.”
“They’re a good bank–but they can get nasty if you annoy them.”
“I think there might be a chief super on, I’ll go and find out.”
“If you do, I’ll leave you out of the writ and mention your attempt to caution him against violence.”
In walked Inspector Stupid with two men, one of whom was carrying one of those paper boiler suits. “Right strip him down and check all his concealed little crannies, he might have some more evidence secreted there.”
“He looks like a woman, sir.”
“Well he isn’t according to his accomplice, who’s grassed him up.”
“I dunno, sir.”
“Get on and do it.”
I stood my ground–“I wouldn’t if I were you, because I shall accuse you of sexual assault and the charge will hold.”
“He sounds like a woman, too.”
“Perhaps that’s because I am one–and married to a very large man, who is exceedingly strong and aggressive.”
“He don’t frighten me--you fag.” Lane slapped me again and this time I fell over, ripping the dress as it caught on the table.
“Sir, I wouldn’t if I were you,” but he was too late, Inspector Stupid kicked me in the stomach just as the Chief Superintendent walked in.
“LANE, What the hell are you doing?”
“Sorting out a nonce, sir.”
“You’re suspended–now get out.”
“Chief Superintendent,” I groaned, blood dripping from my mouth, “please arrest that man or I’ll sue you for incompetence.”
He walked over to me, “Just who do you think you are?”
“I know who I am–your worst nightmare.”
“Oh yeah, and who is that, when he’s at home.”
“Get my bag from reception, my driving licence is in there as well as my various cards.”
He picked up the receipt and gave it to Fish, who ran off to get it. “You,” he pointed at one of the still shocked looking coppers, “take Lane into custody, then get the police surgeon–better get him checked out.”
“I think she’s a her, sir.”
“What?” I attempted to sit up and my breast came out of the ripped dress and bra, “Oh fuck!” he said very quietly.
Fish came back with my bag and I opened it and showed him my driving licence–one of the new European ones with a photo on it.
“You’re, Lady Catherine Cameron?” I nodded and he scratched his head and muttered, “We are so fucked,” over and over to himself.
I was in total agreement. The settlement would be as large as I could make it and I would donate it to some children’s charity or use it to have Perryman slowly mounted on a sharp stick and put in a museum somewhere.
A young woman constable came in, “Sir, there’s a Viscount Stanebury at the desk insisting he see his daughter in law immediately and to speak with you as well.”
“Oh joy,” he said, “have I got time to kill myself?”
“Ah no, sir, he’s quite annoyed and he has a barrister with him, Sir Michael Innes. I think you know him, don’t you?”
“We are so fu...” he muttered as he walked head bent forward towards the door.

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well well well it looks like heads are going to roll real fast and some ones going to be paying big for this mistake they made. well now i want to see what happens next
so thanks for this lovely and interesting chapter with hugs from sarav
I would have thought that
I would have thought that every police station in Hampshire, Bristol and Gloucestershire would have had a photo of our Cathy with the caption "Don't mess with this woman - your career depends upon it!"
No No No
Mostly Harmless
That is about par for the plod!
Sorry to all you folks that still think the Uk Police are nice people, but this is what you can expect. Just be glad that they dont give most of them guns to play with - remember who they shoot when they get them. Also the pedestrians that get killed when they play car chase games.
The old nice kind policeman is a very rare species these days - the guys attracted to the job are thugs these days. Like "our" Politicians ( of ALL Parties!) they are in it for what they can make.
It's best to keep well out of site of them all. The UK is Police State run by war criminals, thugs and crooks, and there is no democracy anymore.
Blood Dripping...
No, no, no... We do NOT want blood dripping from the mouth from being kicked in the stomach. That's a VERY bad internal injury. Maybe it's just from the slap and the inside of a cheek or a lip cut against a tooth.
Can you say 'Oops!'
It's a sad fact the world is filled with moronic biased Neanderthals. Nice to see one bite the dust, though a pity it's been spun into two chapters. I'd rather see his just deserts dished out in full today.
Chapters like these put me in a bloody mood. Grrr.
I can't believe
the incompetence and bigotry of that idiot in today's world, especially since Cathy and Crew have had so many dealings with the local cops. They deserve everything Cathy can come up with in retaliation. I hope they get good pictures and statements from everyone involved, cause that jerk is gonna do time and be bankrupt when she's done. The city and county are gonna hurt too.(Liability is like that). His boss, The boss, and everyone in the chain should be named.(Thats how it works in the US anyway). He deserves it all. Simon's bank will not have to do anything oout of line, cause he will never have a dollar to pay a mortgage anyway. Here in the US, lawsuit judgments like this can't be dismissed in bankruptcy either. Its yours until you pay it off, which is hard to do from Jail. They will take everything he has to pay for it, unless he has some family in it also. But he is still so screwed. and rightly so.
No kidding...
Pigs like that exist all over, and sadly they occasionally get to do things like that. Psychological profiles of the "average" criminal and the "average" policeman are VERY similar. Luckily most of the policemen, despite having similar profiles, really do try to uphold the law. *sighs*
As to being in a fairly large pile of brown stuff, yeah, pretty much so. That's a fairly accurate description, and would be anywhere I'm aware of. That said, it's a good thing the chief superintendent isn't trying to protect one of his people... That's a common reaction - though, even had he wanted to, what the idiot was doing to Cathy couldn't even be justified were she the person inspector stupid thought she was... At least until it were provied, and even then...
Sorry Cathy had to have this experience.
Wouldn't It Be Nice If Lane And Perryman Wind Up Cellmates?
Wouldn't be nice if Lane and Perryman wind as cellmates? I think it would be poetic justice. The Chief Superintendent is absolutely right about being so fucked! I know that Cathy will make sure they are in pain by the time it's over! Great Chapter!
It's time for Trish...
to give her mummy some of the blue light treatment she used to such good effect on Julie.
Could that guy have screwed up any more thoroughly?! I'm really looking forward to seeing what Cathy does to the idiot!
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
"We are so ****ed..."
Yes, yes you are.
Gritty, real, and well written. Nothing I would wish on anyone, but about par both for most idiots in the world and Cathy's "luck" sometimes.
I also agree it's time for Cathy to be the recipient of some blue light at this point.
If you're going to drop yourself in it
Think twice first, just to make sure that it's a good idea. Not only was Lane wrong, he was also wrong big time. He didn't follow procedure and he took the law into his own hands. Not a good idea; that's what courts are for.
Lane is going to regret this for several decades:
1) Kicked out of the force for Gross Misconduct.
2) Charged with Assault occasioning actual bodily harm, which will probably involve a few years in a bedsit - except he won't have the key...
3) If he was unfortunate enough to have his bank / mortgage account with High Street Bank...
4) If not, a civil suit.
5) And in any case, extensive negative media coverage.
And unless the Ch Sup deals with (1) and (2), plus eats a very large slice of humble pie within the next five minutes, he can expect his station to be on the receiving end of a lawsuit as well...
I expect the media circus will want to interview Cathy about Lane (no doubt hoping they can slip in a question about the miraculous healer as well) - although as ever they'll be bitterly disappointed, as Henry will just read out a statement prepared by Sir Michael.
(Interestingly, IRL "Michael Innes" was the pseudonym of J.I.M. Stewart (1906-1994), who wrote the "Inspector Appleby" detective novels)
Hopefully they'll get Lane's trial over and done with asap, so the media can then divert their attention to Perryman.
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
From what I see
The Ch Sup is little better than Lane. He should have been immediately apologetic instead of being combative, seeing that one of his people, that he is responsible for, is abusing somebody in custody. Then has the gall to challenge Cathy with 'yeah, and who is he, when he's at home', crap.
I would have his guts for garters too. I think Fish should go down with all of them, given she has done nothing to stop the actual abuse as she should have physically interceded as soon as Lane started his assault and intent to do harm.
There is no limit
vengence can never be agonizing, painful or slow enough.
I'd strongly recommend death by incredibly slow steamroller, give them a shot of something to keep them conscious and start at the toes, pause often to ensure you have their attention.
Reuse an old punishment...
Not that it would ever be allowed nowadays!
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
I suppose the only
good thing to come out of this whole sorry episode,Is that there is one less bully masquerading as an officer of the law at loose in our so called free country..... Heaven knows, We have enough problems in this country without worrying about whether or not the policeman we called to help us, Might just fancy giving us a kicking instead!!!
In fact the only good thing to come out of this is that some childrens charity will suddenly become rather richer than they were previously...Which i guess is rather apt given it was that scumbag Perryman who caused Cathy to be arrested... In fact probably one of the regrets Cathy will have about the whole experience is that the Blue light does not come with a reverse switch!!!
some childrens charity will suddenly become rather richer than they were previously.
Bonzi wouldn't tie it in that neatly? (ie, do we have a plot hint here?)
I wouldn't be surprised if Cathy's assailant is in cahoots with Perryman. After all, it appears that he received from Perryman the message that Cathy is the perp -- supposedly.
If that is the case, his attempt at using her as a scapegoat has definitely backfired.
I wonder what other crud the investigation is going to unearth.
Bike pt 885.
Such hatred might mean that that loon of a plod is a closet T.G. or had a T.G. experience. For him to NOT have seen Cathy and Spike is amazing, let alone the general knowledge about her on the net.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Intellectually, I know they all aren't like that
but I've always considered police to be the ultimate dream job for the school yard bully. Doesn't require a lot of education or intelligence and you can bully people and usually get away with it. If this was some ordinary person he'd attacked he'd claim that they resisted arrest, his "brother" officers would support his claim, and he'd get a beer and laugh about it while his victim got jail. Cathy has some amazing resources behind her and that is what will keep her safe.
Suggest that if she wants to sue someone, Perryman might be a good candidate for slander.
The f***s hit the rotating oscillator!
RL has given me little time to comment these days, but I just had to after reading this. I guess I am naive. It continually surprises me in this day and age when it is so relatively easy to have everything documented that individuals think they can get away with actions like this. I think that the police officer is worse than the pedophile he assumed Cathy was. To think they would believe Perryman. It amazes me how stupidity some people cam be.
Looking forward to see how this plays out.
~There is no reality, only perception~
Trish Ann
~There is no reality, only perception~
I don't think I have to repeat the Superintendent's words...
They speak for themselves. Cathy has a case a mile long against these police. I was worried that this was going to come next. I have to agree with Cathy's assessment on the fostering and adopting. I can just see our wonderful social services person deciding that she associates with paedophiles thus is not a good foster parent. Glad to see Henry brought the serious barrister. Surprised he didn't bring the army, MI5, MI6, and a few judges too. I like Cathy's thought about a big settlement donated to a children's charity. I'd prefer to see her going after the jobs and freedom of the police who attacked her though. Guess who pays those big settlements. The tax payers who are completely innocent of the crime.
Wonder if there was a camera recording that interview room. If so it has both Lane and the supertendent insulting Cathy. Sure hope there was one and their lawyer is quick to make sure the recording doesn't "disappear".
Altho I am saddened that
Altho I am saddened that Cathy underwent this verbal and physical abuse, resulting in physical injuries; I am heartened that the Chief Inspector came into the room just in time to see his "officer" (and I use that term very loosely) kick Cathy in the stomach. To even read about this sort of abuse by an "officer of the law" towards another person, regardless of who they are, offends me deeply as a retired, after 42 years, law enforcement officer. I actually am amazed that this THUG is an officer, because his feelings and beliefs should have been well known to others in the department well before this incident with Cathy occurred. I can foresee a few careers, besides his going "down the tubes". Firstly his because of his actions and comments towards Cathy, followed by his SGT, then their LT. or whatever title they use there and then the Chief's because he did not do his job, which requires that he is responsible for the actions of ALL his personnel. In my career, there were several instances where I had to arrest other officers and even fire them. I never want such a person wearing a badge, because their conduct and actions such as displayed by this POS smears all of us that want to do a good and very proper job. By the way, at least in "forward thinking" and modern departments, completion of at least a two year college is the norm BEFORE hiring. I, personally hold three degrees, BA in Sociology, BA in Criminal Justice, and an MA in Social Sciences/Criminal Justice. In the city PD that I retired from, out of 135 officers, 80% held a BA or BS, the rest had a AA or AS (Two year degree, with many working on their 4 year degree)and two had Masters. The Chief of Police and I were those two.
A quick thought before I send this. The term "PIG" came from the first WATTS riot in Los Angeles in 1965. It was derived from the fact that the gas masks of that era had a canister attached to either side of the "snout looking nose area" thus making the wearer look like a pig face. Calling Lane a pig is defaming pigs everywhere, because pigs are actually very intelligent animals.
Cathy, Henry don't you DARE back off!
That OFFICERS, not some raw rookie would act this way is proof of a rotten barrel of apples at this station. hhis is not one rogue cop but likely evidence of a whole rotten station. Those with power only respect power and will get even if you back off. Don't back off!
If they beat up *perverts* do they take bribes, extort the local businesses, force prostitutes to give them freebies etc? No settlement PERIOD, The detective needs time in prison on the general population for the few days he will live and his sidekick needs serious time in jail as he only stepped it WAY too late. Can you imagine what will happen in the local courts when word of this gets out> Dozens of convicts may now have legal grounds to appeal on grounds of police misconduct.
And Perryman is right in the path of this juggernaut HE started. Shit rolls down hill and he's at the bottom. I only hope he lives a very long time in prison.
The one good thing is maybe Livie can heal Mommy, really heal her.
Nasty nasty day for our heroine, Great stuff Ang.
The blood from the mouth bothers me, if it's not the split lip, ruptured spleen, stomach, liver?
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Oh as to those advocating painful revenge onthe bent cops
Go for cruxifiction, it's the greatest, agonizinglyly painful and it often took days for the victim to die.
The Romans KNEW violence and cruelty.
Plus they couldn't spell worth a damn, SPQR for Rome???? Even I'M not that bad.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
I'm surprised that no-one took up this error. SPQR = Senatus Populusque Romanus. The translation in English is "The Senate and People of Rome." It does not refer to the City of Rome.
In a sense Cathy is still doing her job
... of rooting out evil around her. This time as a victim unfortunately instead of through direct action using, say, a bow and arrow.
I turned red at every turn, at every insult at every act of senseless hatred and violence. It is very hard not to feel quivering rage at such a depiction of naked aggression by 'people' who are suppose to be our protectors.
One can suspect that such a scene probably repeated itself many a time before the Stonewall Riots in NYC.
And as many commentators have said, they are SO fucked. Lane so deserves to be in the same jails as those he had fucked over in the past, no doubt.
Anyway, Cathy is perfect for doing what she has to do. She has the position and the power in society to wield and those bastards will long rue the day they even touched her shadow let alone her body.
What if Cathy weren't Lady Cameron?
Cathy is so lucky that she is well-connected. If she were poor, no one would have lifted a finger to help her, and while she might have succeeded in proving her innocence at a trial, she could just as easily have been sent to prison for a crime she didn't commit.
OK some of you ex cops, help!
OK Bike is a nice story and I get my fix of it every day.
I must say that I have never been mistreated by a Cop. We have had a couple get suspended for undue roughness. Is this common?
Err... please reread?
A quote from this chapter....
“LANE, What the hell are you doing?â€
“Sorting out a nonce, sir.â€
“You’re suspended—now get out.â€
“Chief Superintendent,†I groaned, blood dripping from my mouth, “please arrest that man or I’ll sue you for incompetence.â€
He walked over to me, “Just who do you think you are?â€
“I know who I am—your worst nightmare.â€
“Oh yeah, and who is that, when he’s at home.â€
“Get my bag from reception, my driving licence is in there as well as my various cards.â€
He picked up the receipt and gave it to Fish, who ran off to get it. “You,†he pointed at one of the still shocked looking coppers, “take Lane into custody, then get the police surgeon—better get him checked out.â€
Note that the CS comes in, sees this and immediately suspends Lane. Then some man in drag immediately snarls at HIM, saying 'he' is going to sue the CS. Not the best way to get introduced to him. The CS has no idea of how or what is happening, how the suspect in custody came to be injured, etc but is suspending and presumably investigating and reprimanding an officer within, what, 30 seconds of entering the room? I think this is another time that Cathy's mouth got her into more than she wanted. She is just lucky that the CS was already truly messed over by Lane. If Lane had never touched her... SHE would be the one in a lot of trouble for mouthing off to authority and threatening them. She was holding the CS, someone she sent Fish off to find to HELP her, as much to blame as Lane. He is as responsible, sure, but as much to blame as well... tactless, much?
Responsibility and blame
I think Cathy can be excused her confrontational attitude given that she has just received a beating from the officer. Had it not occurred things would have taken a different path.
While suspension is an appropriate act, given the physical condition Cathy was in, it certainly wasn't enough. The visable evidence indicted that Cathy had been the victim of a physical assault, so Lane should have been detained at the station while the Chief investigated.
As for blame, how many here think this is the first time Lane has ever done this type of thing? That's what I thought. So yes, the Chief bears some of the blame, as he has quite likely swept previous incidents under the rug.
Even at the end, he is showing no remorse for what happened to Cathy, he is more concerned with what will happen to the precinct.
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Police abuse.
Beverly Taff.
Thanks for the ephisode Angharad, yes there are bad apples everywhere. This station obviously has serious problems with transphobic and homophobic cops running wild.
When such 'bad-uns' are caught they fully deserve the full weight of society's punishments to dig out the rot before it affects the whole barrel.
I hope Cathy's bleeding from the mouth isn't caused by stomach injuries cos' that's bad,very bad.
I hope this ephisode isn't to protracted cos I find violence difficult to swallow if there's too much of it.
Sorry I'm late posting this.
Jus' come off nights.
Keep writing Angharad.
Beverly Taff.
This is wierd. I haven't changed my password but the site wont dispayl all my thingies at the side like 'Submit Story'!
police brutality in Britain??
I had somehow thought that British police were a little more restrained than this. I guess I've read too many Scotland Yard stories. Every barrel of apples seems to have some rotten ones, but hopefully Henry (and solicitor) will clean out the barrel.
All I want to know
Is the phone running. If so, for how long. Not that it matters.