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(aka Bike) Part 976 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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I heard the door of Tom’s study close and feet rushing up the stairs, I went to investigate.
“Ah, Cathy, can I have a word?” asked Stephanie.
I nodded and followed her into the study. “Where’s Julie?” I asked.
“She’s a bit upset, she’s gone up to her room for a moment to calm down.”
“Is she all right?”
“She’ll be fine. However she has this delusion that her father cut her throat and she sees the blood spurting as would happen, except she’d be dead within minutes.”
“It’s not a delusion, he cut her throat–I was there.”
“So how did she survive? Or was it not as bad as she imagines.”
“It was exactly as she describes.”
“That’s impossible–she’d bleed to death in minutes, and lose consciousness in seconds.”
“I know.”
“So how can it have happened?”
“It did.”
“So how come she didn’t bleed to death?”
“I managed to stop the bleeding.”
“Without an operating theatre and a vascular surgeon present, that wouldn’t have been possible.”
“If you don’t want to believe, that’s fine. I was there and I know what happened.”
“So you expect me to believe you stopped severed arteries from bleeding?”
“I expect nothing, Stephanie, at the same time I won’t lie to you just so you can believe me.”
“I’ve just told the girl she must have imagined it and she insisted you said it had happened. I suggested you were dramatising it. Now what do I do?”
“Can I tell you something in confidence?”
“Like what?”
“Have you heard stories of someone doing miraculous healings at the QA?”
“Yes, but no one pays any attention to such things do they?”
“The hospital tries to talk them down.”
“Well they can’t be real, let’s face it, can they?”
“Speak to Sam Rose or Ken Nicholls–tell them you have my permission to discuss it.”
“What are they going to tell me?”
“The truth.”
“With your permission? So–my God, you’re the miracle worker?”
“Yes, but I’d like you to keep it to yourself.”
“You stopped the bleeding and healed the wounds?”
“Good grief, what a gift–do you realise what you could do with it?”
“It’s a curse, and I know what I’d like to do with it.”
“A curse? Did I hear you correctly, Cathy?”
“You did. Do you realise what your life is like if it gets out. People will travel the world to see you and focused only on their needs, they forget you might have some. Plus the fact that the tabloid press hound you day and night. You take my word for it–it’s a curse.”
“When did you realise you could do this?”
“ A while back, after my dad died, so I couldn’t heal him or my mum. But since then I’ve saved, Mima, Tom, Henry, Stella, Simon, Julie twice, and a few others.”
“What do you mean, saved? That has religious overtones.”
“Saved them from a lethal condition.”
“This is getting too mind blowing for me to handle, you’re like a latter day Jesus Christ.”
“Your analogy, not mine.”
“Bloody hell, you are full of surprises.”
“I try to amuse my guests.”
Stephanie sat down and shook her head–“Is this something to do with the gender imbalance?”
“I don’t feel imbalanced now, I feel I’m what I was meant to be.”
“Yes, but people who are in some sort of internal conflict often seem to have some gift or other which makes them special.”
“Like Trish and her IQ?” I asked.
“Yes, she’s a bright spark, isn’t she?”
“She’s also got the healing gift.”
“What? She can save lives too?”
“I don’t know if she can do that yet, but she’s doing little things–healing cuts and bruises.”
“Like mother, like daughter.”
“She’s my adopted daughter, remember–even I can’t produce real children myself.”
“But she even looks like you.”
“Does she?” I hadn’t noticed that.
“So does Livvie–it is Livvie isn’t it, your other daughter?”
“I suppose they look similar because they dress similarly and I do their hair.”
“Come off it, Cathy, they look similar facially and in colouring.”
“They aren’t related, it’s pure coincidence. I suppose next you’re going to tell me that Julie looks like me too.”
“Only in that she could be your younger sister.”
“Stephanie, that is bullshit, and you know it.”
“Yes, okay.” She blushed.
“I’m going to see how Julie is, feel free to call one of your aforementioned colleagues if you don’t believe me.” I handed her the phone and ran up to Julie’s room. Given her propensity to self destruct, I wasn’t sure what I’d see.
I knocked and entered her room. She was sitting on her bed hugging her teddy bear and sobbing quietly. I sat down beside her and put my arm around her. “Hello, sweetheart.”
“She didn’t believe me, Mummy. She thinks I dreamt it.”
“I’ve put her right on that, sweetheart, so don’t upset yourself. Remember, we have to interact with people who won’t understand us or believe us, not because they don’t want to, but because it’s beyond their imaginations to conceive. Some of those are going to be the typical narrow minded sorts, and some are going to be professionals of whom you’d expect more.”
“Dr Stephanie is fine with my gender stuff, it was my injury she couldn’t believe.”
“I’ve put her right on that. Would you like a drink?”
“A large vodka, please.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“Are you making tea?”
“I could do, would you like a cup?”
“Yes please, Mummy.”
I left her to go and make the tea, Stephanie came out into the kitchen. “I’ve spoken to Sam Rose, he confirmed what you said. I apologise for doubting you.”
“It wasn’t me who got upset with you, was it?”
“Do you mind if I go up to speak with her,” Stephanie asked me.
“I think it would be better if she came down–leave her bolt-hole.”
“That’s fine with me.”
“Do you mind if I sit in this time?”
“I’d prefer it if you didn’t.”
I went and got Julie, who came down hugging the teddy.
Stephanie made a fuss of the teddy and then of Julie, then the door shut. I re-boiled the kettle and made some tea. Then I poured myself one and as I began to drink it, the study door opened and they came out together.
“Better?” I asked Julie, and she nodded. I poured her a cup of tea and she took it upstairs with her.
Stephanie declined the offer of tea and took her leave. As she went, I asked her, “Is Julie likely to suffer any PTSD as a result of this attack by her father?”
“She could–I’m seeing her in two days to make sure she’s got over this episode. I’ll get my secretary to call her with an appointment. Fundamentally, she’s quite a strong character, but she has obvious issues with her dad, which we’ll need to work through.”
“He seemed to have changed the last time I saw him.”
“She told me you saved his life as well.”
“So it seems. He didn’t change that much after it, but the last time he was much better–however she still threw a wobbly and passed out. So you probably have loads to work with.”
“I’ll see you in a couple of days.”
“Middle of the day is easiest or after four, I have to deliver and collect school girls.”
“Okay, Cathy, I’ll see what I can do. Oh by the way, you realise she and Trish consider you’re really an angel.”
“Oh that nonsense, yes they’ve said it before.”
“I might not disagree with them, byeeee.”

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See, I remembered! :-)
And, another professional knows Cathy can pull a miracle out of her hat, or wherever it comes. One wonders (okay, I wonder) whether Stephanie will be calling on Cathy to help "cure" one of her patients - perhaps one going over the deep end or after an over dose or something. Hmmm. Perhaps said secretary will be calling with an appointment for Cathy as well. To work over how Cathy feels about being called an angel and having this power... It certainly wouldn't hurt.
I didn't copy your comment, I promise!
Is this a case of great minds thinking alike, or fools seldom differing?
Paradoxical Synchronicity
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I didn't mean...
to be thinking sooo hard, as I wrote my comment, that I influenced what you were saying. LOL
That must have been it!
This obviously means that you need to not think too strongly when commenting on Bike episodes, for fear of influencing everyone else.
Hmmm... I wonder if pyramids, lead-lined rooms or divining rods would influence your influence?
Psychic Signals
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Of course not.
The correct tool for protection is a aluminum (or aluminium if you prefer) foil covered hats. They disrupt the psychic energies.
They also keep the aliens
They also keep the aliens from getting you, I know, I was told that by a mentally unstable inmate that I once had to deal with. Not only the hat that she had made from meal wrappers, she had actually torn up her bed which, unknown to us, had a silver foil type lining and was wrapped up in it like a blanket. Very shiny and all, but definitely 'way over the edge'. Needless to say, she got a 'free, all expenses paid, one way trip' to our local mental health hospital.
I sincerely hope this good doctor doesn't accidently 'out' Cathy during the course of a conversation with some of her collegues who do not know about her. Cathy could certainly do with a little peace and quiet in her life for awhile, until the next big storm blows in. Jan
Well, of course...
The aliens use psyonics to get you anyway, so of course it helps you there. What a creative approach to safety sleeping. :-)
So many people know Cathy's secret... Wait, you don't think the Aliens will find out about Cathy's Secret, do you? What an interesting twist to things.
So now we have another medical professional who knows about the healing powers Cathy and Trish have.
I can't help but wonder how long it's going to be before Cathy receives an SOS from Stephanie to help someone who's dying or severely injured.
Powerful Salvation
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Why An SOS? Why not an OBE?
I was just thinking to myself, after hearing the latest round of drivel from all these hopeless polits who are trying to con people into voting for them again here in the KO'd UK just now - thinking of the way Julie's Dad has been changed... Suppose Cathy were to give the Treatment to all the polits? Maybe they would be able to do something useful for a change?
Would'nt it be loverly, as the song goes (you know, from that film?) Supercalliflagillisticexpiallydoceous.
Oh wow, a new member of the St Catherine fan club
I wonder what the secret password would be ... I suspect it starts with a 'D'.
Luckily our Cathy does not get a swollen head easily. much. ;)
Seriously though, this had to happen - Cathy outing herself - Julie needed help with her situation and the professional could not do so without accepting her veracity. However, in a way Stephanie can provide better support for them in other 'blue light' situations ( hmmm I wonder if it is coincidence or not that a 'code blue' is also a life or death situation in a hospital? ) that might crop up.
Sigh even saints need some helpers I guess :).
On the plus side, Cathy is building up quite a bit of 'spiritual capital' on her side and in pagan tradition, she should hopefully reap 3 fold returns for it throughout her days or even beyond. In a crunch, I suspect Cathy will have more help and friends then she could ever imagine.
Even though
Stephanie has been told by Sam Rose just what Cathy is capable of, I would imagine with her background it is something she will find more than a litle difficult to believe. For now though, In the absence of anybody in need of Cathy's healing touch, She will just have to get on with treating Julie, And wonder just how such things can happen in her rational world.
Kirri+ vote
Does the link above really say the next part as EAFOAB pt 100?
Another Vote
And, yes, what they (^^^) said.
Bike pt 976
Stephanie accepting the fact of Cathy's 'gift' has me wondering if her adopted daughters are starting to look like Mummy Cathy. Could her Blue Light actually be making them her biological daughters?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Thought occurred to me too
Though it would still be cool if we can one day see the look on Cathy's face when she faints when her Doctor tells her she is actually pregnant!
True, but I wonder if that would be the
last episode of bike. Don't want that to happen for a long time yet.
Maybe, maybe not
As you can you imagine the fun to be had milking Cathy's life for 9 months while she has her pregnancy?
Love it
imagine the frustration in the social services group when someday they try to take the kids away and DNA tests show that they all have a very high probability of being Cathy's natural kids.
Oh by the way, you realise she and Trish consider you’re really an angel
Like author, like character, eh? ;-)
They know they can survive
Vote, vote, vote ! hey this
Vote, vote, vote ! hey this button doesn't work !!
If you can still stand to, please continue this wonderful tale.
Even weekly or biweekly would be a treat.
“Like mother like daughter.â€
“She’s my adopted daughter, remember—even I can’t produce real children myself.â€
“But she even looks like you.â€
“Does she?†I hadn’t noticed that.
“So does Livvie—it is Livvie isn’t it, your other daughter.â€
“I suppose they look similar because they dress similarly and I do their hair.â€
“Come off it, Cathy, they look similar facially and in colouring.â€
“They aren’t related, it’s pure coincidence. I suppose next you’re going to tell me that Julie looks like me too.â€
“Only in that she could be your younger sister.â€
Is the 'magic' making subtle changes to the kids (and Cathy?) and making them even more of a family? Woooo twilight zone time. Why do I find that more strange than the blue light healing?
I'm intrigued... wonder if there are some photogaphs of the kids and Cathy from early in the relationship.
I read that as...
Stephanie winding Cathy up, more than a accurate description of subtle changes in appearance.
That said, it'd be surprising if the girls didn't start mimicking some of Cathy's mannerisms - which would tend to add to any coincidental resemblance due to similar attire & hair styles.
but the subtle changes
thing is so much more fun.
Julie may be down but she seems to have maintained
or discovered a sense of humor....
“Dr Stephanie is fine with my gender stuff, it was my injury she couldn’t believe.â€
“I’ve put her right on that. Would you like a drink?â€
“A large vodka, please.â€
And that's exactly why Beverly didn't go bothering her!
Let Cathy get on with her life.
Still loving it.
An Angel?
Well, like CATHY, Briar does not believe in things like angels, but if there were such, then Cathy would be pretty close to being one, as would Angharad, who deserves more than just a Vote (which she has from me), for all that she has done for all of us, with this Epic. And that pussycat deserves something special too ( a live mouse? NOT a dormouse though!)
What about it, folks? can we think of a suitable present that we can all put a bit towards, and have it presented to Angharad ? In about 25 days she will have achieved the Millenial Episode. This deserves to be treated specially, and Angharad deserves a special treat, with all our thanks.
I hope you all agree with me.
Well Absolutely!!!
But who can we get to sort it on the Brit end of things?
Gabi might be persuaded...
…hum. I dinna ken the noo! Thon needs a muckle think, Mistress MacGregor, hen.
And, here I thought you could do anything...
You begin to see why she comes. Cathy's other therapist wants to maintain distance. Look what she is missing!
Speaking of which, that kind of got sidelined, didn't it.
Dr. Thomas is NOT Cathy's other therapist, she is Cathy's therapist, and I'm fairly sure Cathy hasn't seen her for quite some time.
Steph is Julie's therapist, brought on shortly after Cathy first found Julie.