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(aka Bike) Part 868 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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I parked the car in the clinic car park. “Oh, we don’t usually come here, do we, Mummy?” Trish observed.
“We have done, sweetheart.” I took her hand and Julie took the other as we walked into the reception area.
“Cathy Cameron to see Dr Cauldwell.”
“Two youngsters? Oh yes, she’s put a note on the computer, please take a seat.”
“I remember the toy box now, Mummy, may I go and look?”
“If you wish.” Trish walked over to the toy box and started pulling things out and looking at them. It seemed strange that toys which were designed for much younger children suddenly took her eye and she played with them. She eschewed the obvious boy’s toys, such as cars and guns.
“I didn’t realise Trish was like me,” Julie said so quietly I could hardly hear her.
“Life is full of surprises,” I smiled back to her.
“No wonder I didn’t shock you.”
“I’ve seen a bit of life,” I smiled again–it was a total fib, I’d lived probably a quieter more sheltered life than the average mole.
“I feel quite nervous–will you come in with me?”
“I can’t really, Julie, I have to watch Trish, I think she’s a bit more vulnerable than you are, don’t you?”
“Yeah, I s’pose,” she looked forlorn.
“I’ll introduce you to Dr Cauldwell, who I’m sure you’ll like, she’s very nice and experienced in transgender children.”
“I’ve like never told anyone, like an adult, before ‘cept you of course, but I feel safe with you.”
“I’m glad to hear it.”
“I wish I had a mother like you.”
“What nine or ten years older than you? I think even Mary was older than that when God got her up the duff.”
Julie thought that was very funny and giggled like a much younger child–nerves I suppose.
“That is so funny, Cathy.”
“Why do you think they call him God the Father?” She laughed loudly again, before I could continue my abuse of the New Testament myths. “Actually, it was the Holy Spirit who was named in the subsequent paternity suit.”
“I wish you’d taught me R.E. at school, I might have come more often. We ‘ad some crusty ol’ vicar–he was at least forty–an all he’d do all day was go on about the Israelites bumbling about in the desert and ‘ow He fed them when they ran out of food.”
“Like Bob Geldhoff?” I said smirking.
“Hey that’s good, I think Bob Geldhoff had the better bands,” she said still laughing.
The door to Stephanie’s consulting room opened and she came out with a woman of about thirty something and a youth of about twelve. They chatted for a moment or two before she wished them adieu and they went to make another appointment. She glanced around the waiting area and saw Julie and I sat together.
“Lady Cameron, heow naice to see you, simply spiffin’ old gel.”
“Stephanie Cauldwell, behave yourself in front of the children”, I pretended to cover Julie’s eyes to protect her.
“So, how’s married life?”
“Not much different to pre-marital life, except I can get a table in a restaurant quicker, well that and I can get headaches for England.”
She laughed and said, “Hello, young Trish, enjoying my toy box?”
“Yes thank you, Dr Stephanie, aren’t you a bit old for some of these toys?”
Julie and I smirked, while Stephanie smiled and out of the corner of her mouth almost whispered, “There’s always one isn’t there?” Then said to Trish, “Yeah, I suppose I am, are you?”
“Probably,” replied Trish, “but my mummy won’t buy us some of these so I’m playing with them now.”
“You mean old mummy,” Stephanie pretended to scold me.
“Hey, less of the old,” I shot back.
“This I take it is, Julie?” she said looking the teen up and down. “Good taste in clothes for teenager, or is this with her ladyship’s assistance?”
“Yeah,” blushed Julie.
“Who are you going to see first?” I asked.
“Are you happy to continue playing in the toy box, Tricia?”
“Yes, thank you.”
“We’ll start with you then, Julie, in there please,” she pointed to the open door. Julie hesitated. “Is there a problem with that?”
“Um–can Cathy come in with me?”
“It’s not what I usually do with older boys and girls–how about she comes in while we have a quick chat, and once you decide I’m not going to eat you, she can come and play in the toy box with Tricia?”
“Yeah–I mean, yes, thank you.”
“What about Trish? I can’t leave her out here, she’s only five.”
“Going on twenty something,” muttered Sephanie, “Zilla, will you keep an eye on tiny wee for a few minutes?” She called to the receptionist.
“’Course, Dr Cauldwell.”
“Trish, don’t talk to strangers and don’t leave this room without telling me.” I said as seriously as I could.
“I am five,” Trish said indignantly, “I think I can take care of myself, Mummy, I’m not silly, you know?”
“You better believe it, kiddo,” Stephanie said quietly and sniggered as she followed Julie into the room.
“I’ll sit at the back then,” I volunteered.
“No, you sit where Julie can see you. Julie, you sit over there. Cathy, I’d be obliged if you don’t interrupt without one of us asking you to.”
I nodded, trying to show I can keep my mouth shut. All the time we were there I was more worried about Trish than Julie. I knew the latter was safe with Stephanie but Trish was out of my sight.
“So, Julie, how did you meet the Lady Cameron?”
Julie gave her the same sort of description she’d shared with the police and social services, including the sort of clothing she was wearing.
“Let me get this straight, you wanted to experience being a girl by being with a man?”
“Sort of, I just wanted to have fun as a girl, go dancin’ and stuff like, an’ this bloke picked me up; said he thought I was older than I was.”
“So you’d put on loads of makeup had you?”
“Yeah, my friend helped me.”
“What’s this a girlfriend or boyfriend?”
“Girlfriend, I’d never thought of her as a girlfriend before.”
“Girls have loads of girlfriends, it doesn’t mean they’re gay or anything, in fact it’s boyfriends who are usually in single figures with most girls, unless they go out in a big gang.”
“I don’t–it’s just Michelle and maybe Tracie. I don’t have many other friends.”
“But they didn’t go out with you last night?”
Goodness, was it only last night all this started, or even this morning? I suppose it was–seems such a lot has happened since.
“Nah, I went on my own.”
“Pity, they may have kept you safer. Okay, would you like to add anything, Cathy?”
“No, except to say she had been quite badly beaten and her makeup and clothing were a trifle suggestive. Having said that, I don’t believe anyone has the right to try and make another individual do anything they don’t want to do, and as for doing it with a child–however old she looked, words fail me.”
“Quite, now, Julie, how long have you been dressing as a girl?” I drifted off into a sort of dream imagining the sort of scene that took place when Ditchley discovered his mistake. I found myself shuddering.
“Are you okay?” asked Stephanie.
“I’d like to go and check on Trish, if that’s okay?”
“Fine with me, and you, Julie?” Julie nodded, “off you go then.” I left the room and was pleased to discover Trish had spotted the rocking horse and was trying to win the Derby on it.
“She’s been no trouble at all,” commented Zilla.
“She’s pretty good, aren’t you, sweetheart?”
“I’m a good girl, I am,” she said and I nearly fell about laughing.
“Okay, sweetheart, I’m going to read my book.”
I was well into chapter two and the murder had been committed, someone tapped my arm and I jumped and dropped my book.
“Sorry, Cathy, Trish has gone in.”
“Oh, oh okay. Stephanie didn’t say she wanted me to go in, did she?”
“No, not as far as I know.”
“Oh well, she knows where I am. How did you get on?”
“She’s really nice, you said I’d like her.”
“So she didn’t ask you any awkward questions, then?”
“Oh yeah, loads of them, like, but I wanted to tell her the truth–like lyin’ would have betrayed her trust.”
“Yes, it would, not only that but you’d be cheating yourself.”
“Yeah, I would, wouldn’t I?”
“So when have you got to come again?”
“Next week.”
“I suppose it would be fairly intensive if you’ve just started on your journey.”
“She said she wanted to see me every week for a month–is that alright?”
“Yes of course it is, why shouldn’t it be?”
“She let slip you’re payin’ for all this.”
“So, that was my decision.”
“I wanna pay you back like, when I can.”
“Julie, if you really want to repay me–be true to yourself, but do it with dignity not like a slut, and help me with the other kids and the house as best you can.”
“Don’t worry, I will, I promise.” She paused for a moment and said, “All the other kids call you Mummy or Auntie Cathy?”
“Yeah, so?”
“Can I call you somethin’ like that, too?”
“Why? You’re going to be working with me?”
“Yeah, but I don’t have any parents now and I’d like...”
“Your parents aren’t dead, Julie, there’s always hope of reconciliation.”
“So can I call you, Auntie Cathy, too?” She had a tear running down her cheek.
I put my arm about her shoulders and pulled her close to me–“What provoked all this?”
“We talked about my mum and dad, and I realised I loved you more than I did them because you’d shown me more love than they ‘ad.”
“Hang on, they’ve looked after you for sixteen years, I’ve done so for five minutes–don’t write them off because of recent events–it’s a lot to cope with, not everyone could.”
“They didn’t even wanna try. You’ve bought me clothes ‘n stuff, taught me how to be a girl and even offered me a job. I’d like to call you, Mum, but I guess that wouldn’t be right, would it?”
“No, Julie, you already have a mother, and as I said, one day things might be easier than they are now.”

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this chappter was lovely now to see what hapens next and down the road so thanks and here looking for more
with hugs and thanks from sarav
Bike pt 868.
Julie's need for love will help her to become a Lady like Cathy. But wheter or not she reconciles with her 'rents is unknown.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Trish gives me the feeling
Trish gives me the feeling that as she gets older she is going to be a real handful, but in a good way. She is really a bright, intelligent child, and very quick on the uptake. Jan
Don't believe she's going to progress in maturity from 5 to 25 so somewhere there will be a kid who firmly believes she knows more about the world than her parents do. Given her intelligence and quick witt she will definitely be a handfull. Most likely sooner rather than later.
All of 'em are!
All of the original trilogy are bright and show maturity beyond their years - but especially so with the two older ones, Trish and Livvie.
It's harder to say with the new trilogy, because we've only known the boys for a few weeks and Julie for a few days. Once they all settle and their future becomes more secure, we'll no doubt find out more about them.
It'll be interesting to see what happens to the boys educationally. For obvious reasons they can't attend the same school as the original trilogy, but no doubt Cathy will find a school where the boys can settle, start to catch up on their learning, and unlearn the 'street' mannerisms and attitude they developed in the Home. Oh, and presumably at some point Danny will have to be informed about Julie's "plumbing problem", and Billy about both Julie and Trish. Mima and Livvie will, of course, find out about Julie within 5 minutes of arriving home :)
Then just when Cathy's brood start getting settled, Puddin' will start toddling - and everyone will quickly realise that it's not a good idea to leave anything within 3ft of the ground!
Ooh, just thought - if part of Cathy's harvest mouse film (or at least the preliminary research for) occurs during a college break, there's the possibility of Julie being a junior field assistant as well as home help... :)
Another thought - she's 16, which means that in less than a year's time, she'll be 17... and therefore eligible for driving lessons...
When behind the wheel, will she take after Cathy (fairly safe driver) or Stella (what do you mean, maximum speed limits? I thought they were minimum speed limits...)
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
It does seem
that Julie's mind as regards her parent's is already made up, which while sad is very understandable, Love seems to be something in very short supply in Julie's house, So it's not surprising she feels the need to focus her need for love on Cathy, Who is quite right in pointing out there might come a time in the future when Julie may get on better with her mother.
You do feel that might be a forlorn hope given the reception Cathy got when she phoned up to tell the parents their daughter was safe...But stranger things happen in life (and Angharad's stories!).
Many Different Kinds of Love
There are many different kinds of love, Kiri, it seems quite possible to me that Julie's
parents may be undemonstrative, even relatively cold, but express their love for their child by ensuring material well-being (food, shelter, clothing, etc) and ambition for their child.
When I was a child (back before the Flood!) my Sister and I used to hide in the bottom of a wardrobe whilst they had arguments, ususally about money - or the lack of it, and we would wonder whether they ever loved each other. The shouting was at times so fierce it terrified us children. We never ever saw them kiss or cuddle. Yet, when my Father was old and incontinent, my Mother lay beside him at night, keeping him warm, washed his bottom in the morning, and eventually fed him like a baby. Surely that too, is Love?
My parents showed their love for us by both working so that we could to University and get out of the working class poverty trap. Their idea of love was just different from lovey dovey. We both grew up valuing the emotional kind of love we did not get, more, but whereas my dear Sister stays married even to a sometimes abusive oaf, and now follows her spoilt brat of a daughter around the country as she pursues her "career", I have had three marriages that did not last because of my following my own single-minded career in research, which has had me moved from country to country and relationship to relationship until I dont feel like more than a temporary visitor wherever I am. My relationships with my grown-up children and grandchildren too are as friends rather than children/grandchildren.
So I think it quite likley Julie's parents "love" their child, in their own way. But a great many parents love what they want their child to be rather than what it is. Very few bother to really get to know that small being as a person as it grows - that requires too much time and patience, and more wisdom than most ever learn.
I would have to agree
with you Briar on the different kinds of love, Perhaps though the need Julie feels is more of an idealistic one based on what she maybe reads or see's in the media.
Having come face to face with the love which is abundance in Cathys house, Maybe now she feels that the love that she seeks is not as unobtainable as she once thought, Which i guess is why although it is quite likey Julie's parents love her, Julie will seek the more demonstrative love she see's in Cathy's house.
I'd like to make a comment on your comment, that no one seems to be commenting on yet. remember Cathy had two parents that almost mirrors Julie's ... i'm interested to see what becomes of that.
now since Angharad seems to be following a real life time line in her storyline & since I'm an ignorant USA person, not that of UK, In the USA (majority of states and laws vary by state)
At age 16 (again varries) a young person can ask a judge for emancipation and if suited the judge will usually appoint a legal guardian which has to be agreed to by the child to look over & provide help in need. basically an overseer to ensure & report childs welfare is ding well. At legal age of minor (age varies again b state) said child takes over completely.
I've know a few, but I've seen celebraties use this one in more recent times when they want out of dominating parent .
does UK have anything like this
Liking Julie more and more
Angharad (or is it Bonzi) has quickly brought out the vulnerable 16 year old girl who's looking for love and understanding and seems to have left the rebellious teen behind. I'm sure she'll be back but it's really looking like Julie can be "saved" or maybe already has been. Wondering (and worrying) what will come when the angry ex-cop comes into the picture. Social services seems to have been dealt with for now. I didn't see any agreement on the form of address for Cathy - hoping "Auntie Cathy" at least will be ok. The kid needs a feeling that she has caring adults who are nearly substitute parents. She is begging for parental love and understanding.
Trish is clever I woder if
Trish is clever I wonder if she will tell Julie how she, Livvie ans Meems started calling Cathy mummy, if Julie did the same I doubt Cathy could argue. Her hearts too big to refuse and I think it would be really nice to see.
Thanks for this heart warming chapter :)
Megumi :)
Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p
To Cathy love comes easier than breathing. It is her nature. It may also be why she has the gift.
Heart warming posting
Seems things are working out. 'Don't you love it when a plan comes together?'