(aka Bike) Part 802 by Angharad |
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My need for the loo overshadowed my need for safety, and I jumped out of the car and dashed in through the front door and into the cloakroom. As I washed my hands, it occurred to me, that I could have wandered into a trap and what was worse, my bag was outside in the hallway, so I couldn’t even do a Myrtle Kingston and shoot my way out.
I switched off the light and waited a few moments to let my eyes adjust to the darkness before I flung open the door and somersaulted out into the hallway grabbing my bag, pulling out the gun and shooting all three of my attackers. Um, actually what happened was–I somersaulted out of the loo, completely missed my handbag and the gun in it, and ended up crashing into the telephone table nearly knocking myself out. There were no attackers–mind you, if there had been, they’d have been helpless with laughter. I lay on the hall carpet rubbing my head. I made a decision from then on–I won’t try that again.
Having sorted out myself and my bag, I took the gun and after clicking off what looked like a safety catch, I checked out the rest of the house–I was on my own. I put the gun in the drawer of the telephone table–and I threatened the phone to allow any bogus callers through to me, because I’d shoot it.
I went out and collected the milk and bread from the car, plus the other bits and pieces I’d bought to tide me over. Here I was waiting again, this time for Bill to contact me, or the Russians to make a move.
I wasn’t particularly hungry, but I made myself some toast and boiled a couple of eggs. My simple repast was washed down with a couple of mugs of tea. It was nearly eight–too early to go to bed–and I didn’t want to watch telly. I set up my laptop and began processing some more rodent records.
One caught my eye which would need verifying, someone in Yorkshire was claiming a dormouse sighting. It’s quite a few years since they’ve been seen in Yorkshire or Lancashire, so I was wary of it. I’d ask someone I knew at York Uni to check it out for me. Her bag was squirrels, and I was pretty sure she’d be able to help, so I sent her an email with a copy of the record.
I heard a car pull up into the drive and my heart rose–Simon, I thought–then remembered he was a hostage. So it had to be Bill–the doorbell rang and I opened the door only to get a huge shock.
“Myrtle–what are you doing here?”
“Hoping for a G and T, I hope you have one?”
“I might. Do come in.” I let her in and shut the door, showing her the lounge where she sat in the chair by the fireplace. I looked in the pantry–much to my surprise I found a nearly full bottle of gin and some cans of tonic. I poured a good dollop of gin into a small glass and opened the tonic, she could pour that herself. I decided I’d stick with tea, I might need to use my catlike reflexes later and alcohol would impair them. The nearest I get to catlike reflexes is being in possession of a pussy. I blushed–I hadn’t called a fanny that since I was in school.
“You trying to get me drunk, gel?”
“No, sorry I don’t drink spirits so I’m never sure how much to pour.” I handed her the can of tonic.
“Is this Gordon’s?”
“No, it’s some stuff my parents got in Menorca.”
She poured in some tonic and took a sip, “Hmm, good stuff–of course they make it out there don’t they, loads of juniper bushes.”
“I dunno,” I shrugged, “I was at uni when they went, so didn’t get to see the place.”
“It’s nice, one big nature reserve.”
“So I’ve heard, they have dormice there too.”
“Probably, why are you interested in them?”
“I’m doing a PhD in them–well it’s sort of on hold currently–a little local difficulty.”
“Ah, this is the kidnap of Sidney?”
“Quite. So, how do we get him back?” I nearly choked on my tea. This woman had to be sixty odd if not older, she’d probably be more of a liability than a help. However, she had saved my bacon earlier and she might be useful, if only to formulate a plan.
“I have no idea, what did you have in mind?”
“What sort of car does he drive?”
“A Jaguar XK, or something, one of the little sports jobs.”
“Does he have a tracker fitted to it?”
“I’ve no idea.”
“Cathy, find out–ask someone who might know.”
“I can’t think of anyone who’d know.”
“Where are his insurance docs?”
“In Portsmouth.”
“Let’s go get ‘em.”
“That’s two hours away and what if he didn’t have a tracker fitted?”
“We’ll be four hours older for naught.”
“I’ve got an idea he did the change to his insurance through the internet–he uses one supplier for all his personal stuff, if I can remember his password.” I went through to the dining room and called up Gmail and his address, I tried the password I knew he’d used — cathybabe. Much to my astonishment, it opened and within a few minutes I found the copy of the note he sent his insurance company. The car did indeed have a tracker device run by a company in Norwich. I googled their website and contacted their twenty-four hour service. I took the phone number and rang them on my mobile.
Walking back towards the lounge I was astonished to see Myrtle had my landline phone in pieces. She looked at me and held out her hand–in it was a small electronic device. She dismantled the rest of the phone set and found another device–she threw both down the toilet. “They’re getting devious, not just one microphone but two–they don’t expect you to find both of them.”
I nodded and smiled. “Oh hi, this is Lady Cameron, my husband Lord Simon has one of your devices in his car. The number of the car yes, SI 58 MON, it’s a Jaguar coupe. Yes, we think it’s been stolen because it isn’t where he parked it a couple of days ago.”
They asked a series of private questions, his date of birth, his sister’s name and his pet name for me. Then the guy went off to his computer and told me the car was in Harwich, near the ferry terminal. He gave me a reference I could call up on any of the mapping sites and I’d be sure to find the car there–or at least the tracking device.
“Harwich?” said Myrtle–“They want you to think they’re heading for the ferry or have already done so with poor Sidney.”
“Simon,” I corrected.
“I thought your surname was Cameron not Simon–you’re not Jewish are you?”
“Would it matter if we were?”
“We could possibly plug into Mossad for some extra help.”
“No, we’re Scots, perhaps we could try kiltaid?” I said facetiously.
“Kiltaid? Who are they?” she looked at me for a moment and laughed loudly and I could see her yellowing teeth. “Kilt aid, I like it,” she said and laughed again.
She looked at the reference I’d written down for the car’s position and she texted it to someone on her mobile. “Getting someone to check it out?”
“Well, that would be a long drive to see, wouldn’t it?”
“Just a bit,” I agreed. “Why have you got involved?”
“I bank with High Street, I don’t want a bunch of commie conmen taking it over, it would seriously mess up my ISA.”
“Is that worth getting hurt for?”
“Oh yes, I really enjoyed myself earlier–a touch of the good old days.”
“Well you’ve certainly helped me so far.”
“What happened to the gun? Bill said he’d given you one for me.”
“It’s in a safe place,” I ventured, unwilling to hand over the firearm.
“Well go and get it, then. I can’t use it while it’s in a drawer or safe, can I?”
“Is this wise, Myrtle–I mean, the police take a dim view of people carrying firearms.”
“I have a permit, which as far as I know has never been rescinded, which is why they couldn’t do anything earlier.”
“I’ll get it.” I went off and removed the gun from the drawer and handed it still in the plastic bag to Myrtle.
“Oh yes, same as the one I used earlier.” She held it in her hand as if checking the balance. “Nice feel to it, oh yes, full magazine. Yes, girl, we’ll give those pesky Ruskies a bit of a hard time when we find them. Right off you go to bed, nothing will happen tonight.”
“How do you know?”
“Thirty-five years in the business, one learns a thing or two.”
I went up to my bed, feeling as if I’d been sent to the dorm by the house mistress for being a naughty girl. I was beginning to wonder if Myrtle was good news or not?

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Myrtle Is
An Older and Wiser Cathy, in many ways. THAT is one lady NOT to trifle with!
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Myrtle seems to be a no-nonsense
type of person. Can she locate the kids? and what's she got to say about Bill?
That's reassuring
Myrtle is as dotty as I am - so that's alright then. Double Oh G & T, go get 'em.
Mafioso, watch out!
You've got Myrtle on your tail with a loaded gun and wit as sharp as the Camerons.
As if that wasn't bad enough, Cathy as well, who (if it's in the right car) will be armed with a loaded bow. Not to mention expertise in Bristolian Street Fighting.
Be afraid, be very afraid.
(Although Angharad will probably keep us waiting until the weekend for the big bust-up...)
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
It makes one wonder
With Cathy's record of conflict and heroics, you would think the powers that be would be smart enough to at least keep her filled on on happenings if for no other reason, than to keep her from fouling up their operations. I don't see them using her, but keeping her informed and letting her tag along may possibly be the smartest thing they could do. At least let officialdom let her know for sure the kids are okay. Simon may have to play with the grownups, but the kids should not even be on the field.
Now it looks like cathy and Myrtle are going to go out and take on the whole gang and win the big one. And just maybe make them all look like idiots.
... won't be too hard.......
Myrtle To The Rescue!
Myrtle has done more to find Simon in a short time than Bill has jerking Cathy's chain over the last few days. She is definitely a pro at what she does. I like that she had Cathy find out about the car having a tracking device on it. That woman may be in her sixties, but she is not someone to mess with. I believe that she and Cathy will make them regret ever thinking of kidnapping Simon. Myrtle is definitely a holdover of Cold War thinking in her attitudes toward Russians. I look forward to them getting it over with and getting everyone home safe and sound . One has to wonder why it never occurred to Bill to check for tracking devices on Simon's car? He obviously showed no inclination to debug the phone either. I think the alarm bells should be going off very loudly where he is concerned.
Myrtle must be
from the same stock as Dotty Fairburn from Sue Browns excellent Changes....Nothing is going to get in the way of that woman...What she wants she gets, And heaven help anyone who gets in her way!!!
Bond, Myrtle Bond
She always Runs, While others walk
She laughs while other Women talk
She looks at this world and wants it all
and She strikes da, da da da da like THUNDERBALL.
Gets more interesting.
Guess the Russians, picked the wrong fight. I would not be surprised if Bill put Myrtle up to going to Cathy's. A little old lady is an excellent disguise for a body guard. Keep Cathy out of trouble, if that is possible.
Cathy and Myrtle already found out more than Bill about Simon's where abouts. What can they do after a good night's sleep and a little planning?
Can Angharad put another twist into this story?
~There is no reality, only perception~
Trish Ann
~There is no reality, only perception~
It would so cool to find out
It would so cool to find out that Mrytle is actually "M" and there really is a James Bond. Cathy would be estatic to discover this bit. Jan
Cathy forget something?
what about the tracker billy boy made her swallow?
Why does Myrtle remind me
of a young Miss Marple? Must be the similarity of the names. Couldn't be the ladies spunk. :-)
She does seem to have a few brain cells working. Strange that Bill never thought of that. Guess they just don't teach the young guys all the tricks.
P.S. Myrtle IS on Cathy's side, RIGHT? She's not part of a new double blind setup by Bill, is she?
Several thoughts,
This is the best thing that has happened to Cathy for a long time.
Bill is going to be so disappointed, a good thing.
She may shoot Bill herself.
If she is single Tom would probably find her interesting. She would round our this dysfunctional family mix nicely, though in their own way they are quite functional.
Keep them coming, just like this
Hey, Myrtle sounds like my mother, When I was away, after my father died, she would answer the door holding my .45 auto, for some reason, she never had trouble.
Is Myrtle a TG James Bond ? Or James' aunt ?