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(aka Bike) Part 935 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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“Once we get home, I don’t want you to mention anything about Siân being gay, okay. Anything else is fine, but not that.”
“Okay,” Julie shrugged her shoulders.
Once we’d unloaded the car and gone in, the kids were delighted with their prezzies. The two girls were so pleased that the little bags I’d bought them could be used with their school bags. Basically, they carry small backpacks for school, but with their new bags, they could keep their personal stuff, money, cell-phones and so on, with them.
We’d brought fish and chips–I know, junk food–but everyone, including Tom, for whom I’d got haddock–tucked in with gusto. Except for Simon’s call, it had been a nice day.
I did the usual things, read to the girls, listened to the boys read to me, and discussed lesbianism with Julie. I was probably more embarrassed than she was, and not a lot more informed–just more experienced.
When you’ve known loads of girls, you get to meet all sorts. I had colleagues as students, my own students and now an old friend who were gay. Often it was intimated by other colleagues–‘Watch her she’s gay,’ type of stuff. As I’ve never felt threatened by another woman–except Stella when I first met her–and she had tried to kill me, albeit accidently–and Mary, Tom’s secretary who tried to kill me, women don’t worry me too much. If they fancy me–I might feel flattered, because it’s good to be attractive to others–but I can say no.
Men frighten me much more, because they’re bigger and stronger and more aggressive most of the time–I know I have my moments too–they also don’t always seem to understand, the word, ’NO’.
So, I don’t have hang-ups with gay people–I mean, when in a glass house, don’t throw stones–and many could say that in coming from a biological male myself, having a relationship with another male is homosexual. As I waited until after surgery for sex–I feel happy with my sense that I was female then. In fact I always felt that, but I think you take my drift. As for lesbianism–it isn’t something I think about very often–but with three girls under my care–one day I might well have to.
I came away from chatting with Julie, feeling that I had acquitted myself evenhandedly, until, Julie said, “I wonder if I’m gay?”
“You mean you don’t know?” I said feeling astonished.
“Hee hee, the look on your face, Mummy.”
“You little twerp,” I cussed, then we both laughed.
Downstairs I sat at the kitchen table with Tom and Stella said, “What’s the matter with you, you look like you’re about to face a firing squad?”
“I had a very snotty call from Simon this morning. Apparently Henry had a go at him.”
“About what?”
“I wondered if he had someone else.”
“What Simon?” she began to laugh.
“It’s not funny, Stella,” I felt close to tears.
“If you knew Si as well as I do, you’d think it was funny. He was nearly a virgin when he met you.”
“I was too.”
She continued to laugh. “That is so funny, Simon having a bit on the side.”
“I don’t think so.”
“Aww poor, Cathy” she laughed.
“How did Henry find out?” I asked and she shrugged and Tom blushed.
“Och, I ken, that micht hae been me.”
“Eh?” I gasped and Stella looked surprised.
“Weel ye were sae worrit, I called Henry.”
“Oh no–so he bollocked Simon, and he passed it on to me.”
“Aye, I’m awfu’ sorry, lassie.”
“Okay, Daddy, at least I’m playing with a full hand now. I’ll phone Simon and get it over with.”
“Ye want me tae dae it?”
“No thanks, Daddy–I’ll deal with it.”
I went up to the bedroom and called Simon’s mobile.
“Just a moment–I had nothing to do with Henry going for you.”
“Well who did then?”
“I found out this evening, but I’m not saying anything.”
“Why not?”
“Because ultimately it’s my fault–they only acted because they thought they were helping me.”
“Okay–so it’s your fault?”
“Yes, and I apologise for misunderstanding you.”
“Misunderstanding me? I told you quite clearly that I wasn’t having someone on the side.”
“Yes but your behaviour has been very strange of late–quite distant.”
“So would yours be if you had as much on your plate as I did.”
“No you’re quite right Si, I only look after six kids and three adults–when you’re here–make films, run the mammal survey and––”
“–Okay–so you’re busy as well.”
“Gosh–you noticed,” I felt like slapping him.
“Yeah, okay–you’ve made your point.”
“So why are you so worried?”
“I can tell you now.”
There is someone else, went through my mind. I felt tears forming in my eyes.
“I was at Number Ten earlier.”
“What Downing Street?”
“Where else?”
“The PM asked me to join his ministerial team as an adviser.”
“Oh–is that good?”
“I don’t know, because I turned him down.”
“You said no to the Prime Minister?”
“Yes, I did.”
“Because I couldn’t afford for the bank to be linked to any particular party.”
“But you helped him during the banking crisis?”
“That was different–this is politics and I don’t have the stomach for it. Besides the Tories have long memories and sharp knives and they might just win the next election.”
“Yeah, so they say–not that I’ll vote for them.”
“That’s up to you–just as my decision to say no to Number Ten was my decision. I told him I’d help with specific projects, but only on a one off basis, like before.”
“Did he offer you a peerage,” I said smirking.
“Ha bloody ha, very funny.”
“I love you,” I said quietly.
“I love you to, you daft cow.”
“I’m sorry–but what was I to think, you were acting so strangely.”
“Okay–but I was sworn to secrecy.”
“Even from your wife?”
“Especially my wife–you know what she’s like, jumps to conclusions and makes two and two equal seven.”
“I hope I haven’t.”
“Haven’t what?”
“Made two and two equal seven.”
“Because I sent off the report on savings to the bank this morning, if I’ve got the maths wrong–I’m up a gum tree.”
“Without a paddle?”
“Yes, but I’m not as crude as you.”
“So you keep telling me. So what are all these figures about?”
“Savings on heating bills at every branch.”
“Oh yeah, like how much savings?”
“Approximately a million pounds.”
“Maybe I’d better check them again?”
“Send ‘em up to me, seeing my bit on the side isn’t available tonight–I’ll have a look.”
“Thank you, darling.”
“Did he offer you a bonus?”
“Yeah, I turned it down.”
“I earn enough for what I do.”
“That’s beside the point–you’d have earned it.”
“He wouldn’t take no for an answer and insisted on paying me in shares.”
“You’ve negotiated him paying you in shares?”
“That’s what he said.”
“Geez, Cathy, the way the bank is doing in three years they’ll be worth twice as much. Remind me if I need a negotiator to call you.”
“It wasn’t like that...”
“I’ve gotta go–send me those figures. Bye.”
“I love you,” I said to an empty phone then burst into tears.

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Daft Cow, Indeed
Ah, poor Cathy! Still so insecure.
Poor Simon, too. Every right to feel unappreciated and put upon.
Great chapter, as usual. Maybe even some signs of impending maturity in our protagonist?
Seems to me
Simon thinks he is the only one doing meaningful work, and totally forgets all the rest of the family who keep the wheels turning at home
I think I might be gay!
Wow! That's the one that always get's them going.
I mean if one is transsexual, how does one NOT know?
Beverly Taff.
This is wierd. I haven't changed my password but the site wont dispayl all my thingies at the side like 'Submit Story'!
The conventional labels for sexual preference can get very confusing when used with TGs.
Once, on a random Wikipedia trawl, I discovered a couple of rarely used terms which are less ambiguous:
Androphilia - prefer men
Gynaecophilia - prefer women (Gyne- and Gyno- are often used, but aren't correct usages of Greek)
These terms don't make any reference to the person's own gender, so could help reduce confusion - if only more people knew and used them!
Apparently there are numerous other -philias which may occasionally get an airing.
Ignoring the terms for potentially illegal relationships, we also have:
Teleiophilia - adults (in general)
Gerontophilia - older people
Alphamegamia - older men
Anililagnia - older women
And if you think that's weird...
Homeovestism - people wearing clothes appropriate to their gender
Transvestophilia - pretty darn obvious...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Does paraphilia
mean a love of people in red berets.
It's all a silly game init?
As a Heterosexual post op woman, I prefer men. Admittedly some of the stuffy professionals still debate that but who listens to them? Right now, it does not seem as if I am anything; can't seem to get laid by anyone; no not even a sniff in the bottom. :(
Prior to that, I was never attracted to men; prefering my wife. It was more of a spiritiual connection; remembering that we rescued each other from hell. Some things I shall not understand this side of the grave.
I was repeatedly raped by boys in the Juvie shelter. I did not remember any of it, except the very sore anus after the fact, until quite recently. Perhaps it triggered something in me and then lay deeply repressed for over half a century. No point in moralizing about any of it. I can hold my questions until I meet my maker.
Went to visit my Thai Boyfriend and he is as hard and cold as ever.
I'm so glad
that it's all been sorted out between Cathy and Simon, I just can't be doing with an unhappy marriage....Mind you i did wonder where it might all finish a few episodes back.... But after todays little talk, I guess it all goes to show, If you are not in possession of all the facts, Then don't make a judgement.
Bike pt 935.
I knew that Cathy was worritting 4 nuthin.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
What a Relief!
I am so glad that that little misunderstanding is now sorted out. I feel a great sense of relief about Simon and Cathy not falling out after all.
Wait a minute, I don't even know them! They are not real people even! They are fictional characters in a story....
Angharad, what have you done? You have made people so real that your fans suffer when they are hurt and rejoice when they are happy, as though we have them as our friends. You must be a damned good writer, to do that.
Simon shows what can happen
Simon shows what can happen when you are sworn to secrecy and can tell no-one what you are doing or involved in. Cathy would not be alone in this department, there are many. many military spouses and yes, even civil service spouses who are not allowed to be told if their mate is called upon to be involved in some secret issue.
I am glad that Simon could now tell Cathy, as she is so close to losing it over him and needs to be reminded by him ALOT, that he loves her and only her. Jan
I used to think I was gay
then I realised that I only fancied men and women.
Nice one, Angharad. Lots of shouting and taking for granted, but no one left anybody and ran off in a sulk. Are Cathy and Simon growing up at last?
Sounds like your maths is as good as mine. "As for lesbianism—it isn’t something I think about very often—but with three girls under my care—one day I might well have to." If she was referring to just Livvie and Meems, it would be two girls; if she included Julie and Trish, it would be four.
Hmmm! Wanna borra me calculator, hen?
three girls
besides Julie.
I quite understand...
Cathy's difficulty in accepting that she might be pretty. I'm sure she looks in the mirror, and if she pulls her hair back, she can still see Charlie. Yep, I understand that completely. So what if other people call you pretty, or say you're getting prettier and prettier. You just can't really see it. Oh, maybe in glimpses now and again, but in general, all you see is the same person you've always seen and in the back of your head, you "think" boy... (Yes, been there, done all that, and expect to keep doing that even with more mistaken people saying things like that.)
Glad she & Simon worked things out. That's a good thing. Thought the "negotiating" bit at the end was fun.
P.S. I'm a confirmed Lesbian... And lucky as all getout that my wife's willing to still accept me, being otherwise very hetero...
speaking of labels & sexual preferences
I'm prob. asking in the wrong place, AND as usual I'm prob a year behind still in the comments section.
where or when why transsexual are considered by some to be pedofiles ?
I've googled several things & asked quite a few, but no one I've ever talked to seems to have a good answer. I'm guessing it must have some sort of religious entanglement being against most of the LGBT community, but I'm curious of the orgions or why someone with 1/2 brain could even consider it.... I'm sure prob. there's been cases of some individual court case where one of the LGBT community was convicted. but even there is this one of those things that one bad apple spoils the whole case ?
I'll watch this thread for a bit & see if anyones later comes along & has an answer
Pedophiles or Paraphillia
Dr. Ray Blanchard is a psycho type at the old Clarke Institute in Canada, now call CAMH (Center for Addiction and Mental Health or some such). Though the name changed, the people have not and it is still widely regarded with suspicion and as a nest of eugenics types and quacks by everyone but the Canadian Government. Blanchard's one and only recent "advance" in the treatment of transsexuals (they got a contract from the Canadian Gov. to be the one place than could pass on the suitability of a candidate for govt. assistance to have SRS) was that he came up with the notion of the Autogynophyle. This type of transsexual is autoerotic, narcissistic, and latently homosexual according to him. The other type of transsexual was just gay. It is a crock, and is unsupported by others working in the field, except by a few cronies who talk to each other, and publish in the Journal of Sexual Behavior, a deliberately set up rag that doesn't care if its authors lie in their reports and statistics. To them, being TS is a religious/moralistic/mental health issue, not a genetic or social issue.
Blanchard was responsible for the section on Paraphillias in the soon to be published Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Diseases version 5 (DSMv), and so he took the opportunity to include TS and TG folk as probably Autogynophiles and in the same category as Pedophiles. Never mind he is full of barnyard fecal matter derived from a male bovine, it was his party so what he wanted got included. He stacked the deck by having it reviewed and supported by his cronies. There is some hope it will get changed as it is all under review with delayed publication.
On the other hand, TS folk raised such a ruckus and had many supporters among psychologist, sociologist, and geneticists, so the section in the DSMv on diagosing TS had it's language changed to take it (sorta) out of the realm of being a disorder. If you have a disorder, you can find it hard to get a job, a security clearance, etc. and some were pushing to register all TS and TG folk as sex offenders. Most supporters acknowledged that being TS is the only disorder that can be cured with a medical procedure, SRS, and therefore is not a true mental disorder but a special case of socially induced depression. They provided a way to have the diagnosis removed, and removed the disorder language.
The AMA and other groups, and most of the countries of Europe, have discounted Blanchard, Autogynophilia, and the upcoming DSMV as having any relevance.
It would help,
If Simon lived there. Weekend marriages are very stressful, and Cathy needs someone to cuddle. I suspect it would be good for Simon too. Just my 2¢ worth.
Tom needs to fess up to calling Henry
Wendy Jean is right I think, If Simon were home he and Cathy would still argue, but over Cathy's thin skin, rather than imagined infidelity.
Isn't one feeling mental, and the other is hormonal ? No malice intended, just thinking about a tough subject to explain.
A friend used to call himself a lesbian, he was a CD and he liked girls.
Paedophiles' are criminals. It has nothing to do with sexual orientation. It's an adult forcing themselves on a child.