(aka Bike) Part 967 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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“What’s the matter?” asked Simon seeing the look on my face.
“That was my Auntie.”
“I didn’t know you had any aunties,” he said in surprise.
“Yeah, you told her off on the phone, remember?”
“Did I? Oh yes, she was the one I told we were married.”
“Yes–remember she passed out in the loos at my dad’s funeral, Stella stayed with her.”
“Of course, we didn’t meet her, did we?”
“Stella and I did, you stayed out in the chapel.”
“Self-sacrifice again, you take it all for granted.”
“I know, Si, you are such a martyr, in fact you are double that, a two-martyr.”
“Very bloody funny–what about this ’ere aunt of yours? Didn’t you tell her you’d been fixed?”
“Yes, that’s why she fainted at the funeral.”
“Oh boy, this is gonna be fun, what d’you think she’s after?”
“Search me,” I shrugged.
“I will–but after she’s gone.”
“You are so considerate,” I smirked at him.
“Full body search, missus.”
“I suppose you’ll want some of those rubber gloves vets use.”
“Certainly not, since when have you been into rubber?”
“I beg your pardon?” I tried to add indignation in my tone, but probably failed.
“Well only vets and perverts use those gloves.”
“Yeah, so.”
“Well, what are you doing with them?”
“I haven’t got any, I thought you had.” This was wasting time.
“No, why should I?” he shrugged.
“Look, Auntie bloody Doreen is going to be here any moment, I need to change into something more aristocratic.”
“Try your birthday suit.”
“Thanks for the advice, Simon, but no thanks.” I dashed upstairs, grabbed a dress from the wardrobe, and shrugging off my jeans and top pulled it on over my bra and pants. I checked in the wardrobe–it looked okay. I put on some lipstick and squirted some perfume. I was ready.
Julie came past my room–“I hate to say it, Mummy dearest, but that dress is a no-no with trainers.”
Poo, I took them off and slipped on a comfortable pair of court shoes. I hoped I looked sufficiently patrician to see the old bugger off, without having the kids laughing at me. I checked the mirror again, I looked like my mother.
I had literally just reached the foot of the stairs when the doorbell rang–damn, it was them, Do and Arthur and I hadn’t briefed the kids.
I opened the door, and she stood there looking a bit older than she had before she collapsed at the crematorium. “Hello, Charlie.”
“My name is Catherine now.”
“You were baptised Charlie, so that’s what you’ll always be.”
“I’m sorry, but I’m not anymore and unless you can get that into your head, then you’re not welcome at my home.”
“Oh stuff and nonsense, I’m your only living relation.”
“Well open the door, let’s see this little home you have.”
“It actually belongs to Professor Agnew.”
“Who’s he when he’s at home?”
“Why have you come?”
“To see you, now are you going to let us in or are we going to talk on the doorstep?”
“Mummy, who’s this?” Trish had just wandered up from behind my aunt and uncle.
“Mummy? Ha, that’s a laugh.”
“My mummy isn’t a laugh you silly old woman.”
“Here, who do you think you’re talking to?”
“Someone who is calling my mummy names.”
“This is your mummy? Charlie is your mummy?” Aunt Do’s eyes nearly popped out of her head.
“Of course she is, why else would I call her mummy, are you stupid or something? Her name is Catherine, Lady Catherine–and I’m her daughter, Lady Patricia.”
“Is she really your daughter. Cha–I mean, Catherine?”
“Yes, she isn’t given to lying.”
“But how can she be? I mean–you were a boy.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, how could my mummy be a boy,” Trish was still defending me, “I have a twin sister and a younger sister as well.”
“These are really your girls?”
“Yes, Auntie Do.”
“Is your name really Dodo?” Trish asked mercilessly.
“This is my aunt, Trish, Mrs Doreen Porter and her husband, my uncle Arthur.”
“Pleased to meet you, I’m sure. Mummy, may I go on the internet again if I keep off the porn sites this time?”
I nearly died, even Uncle Arthur’s eyes widened this time. “She’s such a tease,” I shrugged and pretended it wasn’t said. Mind you I’ll have something to say later, especially if she actually knows what a porn site is. It felt like my children had just arrived courtesy of the Addams family.
I led the two bewildered visitors into the lounge. It’s a large room with very high ornate ceilings, my aunt’s eyes were everywhere. “You actually live here?”
“Yes while the girls are at school, we go up to the castle in the summer for the grouse shooting.”
“Grouse shooting? When you were a kid you bawled your eyes out if anyone so much as stepped on a bug. Perhaps you were really a girl, after all.”
“Would you like some tea? I’ll have to make it, the maid has the day off.” Just then there was a knock at the door.
“Beggin’ your pardon, ma’am, would you like me to make teas for your visitors?” Julie was standing there in a black skirt, with a white blouse and white pinny.
“Could you, Julie, I thought it was your day off?”
“No ma’am, we swapped it if you remember, I’m off tomorrow for my ante-natal appointment.”
“Of course–you’re sure it’s Alfie’s baby?”
“Either that or Roger or maybe Walter, can’t remember, ma’am.”
“Oh well, I suppose you want me to pay for another DNA test when it’s born.”
“Thank you, ma’am–I’ll get the tea.” She bobbed and went out of the room. I had no idea who was organising this, but it smacked of Stella.
“Your maid is pregnant and she doesn’t even know who the father is–goodness she only looks about fifteen,” Auntie Do said with disgust.
“I know, but she’s very good at her job–sometimes–but you know how hard it is to get and keep staff, especially on what we pay her.”
Simon walked in wearing a pin striped suit, “Oh sorry, darling, I didn’t realise we had company. Who is this?”
“Simon, this is my Auntie Doreen and Uncle Arthur, Auntie Do, this is my husband, Lord Simon Cameron.”
“How d’ya do?” he said and shook their hands vigorously. “Sorry, darling, but my favourite gun, there’s something wrong with the mechanism–I’ve instructed the gunsmith to open for me and he’s going to sort it. Sorry an’ all that, have to toddle. Nice to meet you–um–yes.” He walked quickly out of the room before he began to laugh. Then the front door shut and a car started up–I hoped he took several children with him.
Julie called us to the dining room, where again I smelt the hand of Stella, the silver tea set was on the table–I’d only cleaned it a couple of weeks ago.
After tea, which I let Julie serve–she actually did it like a proper maid, again Stella must have instructed her. If this facade went wrong, I was going to start killing my in-laws and children–slowly.
After some small talk over hobnobs and tea, we got to the nitty-gritty. “Tell me, Catherine, Derek didn’t show you some pearls did he? I loaned them to your mother some time ago and I’d like them back.”
“Pearls? No. I don’t remember Mummy wearing pearls, ever.”
“Oh dear, I’m sure I loaned them to Derek for your mother, they were given to me by my grandmother.” I knew she was lying but it explained her presence.
“How did you find me?”
“I spoke to one of your neighbours in Bristol, you’d given her your address and phone number.”
Obviously one of those I asked to keep an eye on the house.
“This is a lovely house, Catherine, even if it isn’t yours.”
“It sort of is, but the professor still stays here when he’s in the country.”
“What’s he a professor of?” asked Uncle Arthur.
“He’s a biologist like me.”
“Oh–of course, you did that dormouse film. It was you, wasn’t it?” Uncle Arthur’s solitary brain cell had woken up.

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Bailey Summers Oh this is
Bailey Summers
Oh this is greatly funny, I'm seeing quite a wind up of the money grubbing relatives here good. The truly odd thing is I've an Aunt Dodo as well and she's a nasty money grubbing thing too...Hence a desire for more come-uppence fun.
As always a fan of your work.
Bailey Summers
+1 vote!
Ha! Can't stand a pristine commentless page.
When Auntie Do has a stroke, she's gonna need the blue light....
Love it
THis family deserves it's own reality TV show.
Ang At Her Wittiest
Ange, this is wonderful—a real treat and I giggled from beginning to end. An absolute hoot, and Lady Patricia and Julie the maid played their parts soooo well. Poor Aunt Dodo will become apoplectic before afternoon tea is finished. Longing for tomorrow's episode.
Vote! Vote! 967 times Vote! [EOM]
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
I don't know what Cathy's complaining about.
Her children learned all their attitudes and sense of humour from her. Well, her and their Aunt Stella. The family certainly rallied round in double quick time - all credit to them. Perhaps Trish thinks porn channels are signified by 3 brass balls ... or is that pawn? I can never remember.
Good stuff today, Angharad. You must have got back from your bike ride early today.
I don't believe it, but ,,, I love it
Angharad, you you've outdone yourself, or do I detect the sly paws of Bonzi in the last couple of episodes?
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
I Guess They Hope Auntie Do Will Die Of Shock
I guess they are hoping Auntie Do will die of shock from everything going on around her. I doubt that Cathy will use any of the Blue light to save her either. Trish and Julie were dead on with their acting job .I am laughing hysterically over the whole episode.
Absolutely Priceless
A laugh a minute and a wonderful, quickly arranged send-up. All that false, aristocratic bullshit, and some terrific 'out of character' performances by the young people.
Now, it just remains for Meems to deliver the coup-de-grace and then Dodo and Art can scarper into the west, secure in the knowledge that the entire Cameron clan are totally and completely bonkers.
That's made my day, without a doubt.
That was just so
funny Angharad, Had me giggling all the way through, Especially the bit with Trish, That girl is a born actress,
Lovely writing as always and just right sort of thing to send me off to bed with a big smile on my face..
Kirri (+1 vote)
(aka Bike)-967
Maybe Auntie Dodo will go, like the dodo bird. It's plain to see that she made quite an impression on Si and Stel. I wonder just how ol' Tom will act? With his accent and age, he can easily make quite an impression on those uninvited visitors.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Just imagine Tom
coming in in a kilt carrying a claymore and doing the accent up over the top - at least as over as the rest have played. Yes, still waiting for Mima and Stella (and Puddin) to make their entrances.
If Stella is scripting and directing then nursing was never her calling.
I think its about time for Mima to enter with her "shatter the glass" voice, maybe on roller skates to add to the confusion, maybe chased by her big brother Leon. That'll give the old girl something to gossip about at home. And I do remember the pearls. Forget Do. They belong to Cathy.
A farce—of the first order!
Oh Angharad, I think you've outdone yourself today!
I'm sitting here wiping tears of laughter from my eyes. As others have said, this was brilliantly funny.
Well, it didn't take Auntie Do's agenda long to come to the fore did it? The lying toad!
Thanks to Ben's aide-memoire (linked from the Archive: see below), Part 293 is worth another look, when Simon and Cathy opened the safety deposit box, and Cathy told Simon more about her grandmother.
Well, don't things change in a comparatively short time?
Thank you Angharad and Bonzi, you've made my day (and week)!
Particular Shambles
Bike Archive
Bike Resources
Uh oh.
Stella has decided to go full Cameron on Auntie Dodo and Uncle 'ur. The kids are playing their part beautifully.
Wait a second .... (goes back and reads the summaries, then the visitation and key, ok, almost there ...) Yes! I thought I recognized the significance of the pearls, if they are the same ones. I look forward to reading why Auntie Dodo wants them.
If I'm reading right, it's amazing you remember a small plot point from nearly two years ago to bring out now. :)
Thanks for our daily dose.
I vote the Camerons-1 and Aunt Dodo-0
This episode is like an improvisational skit. I really enjoy 'improv' Humor. Aunt Dodo really underestimates Cathy. In all 967 episodes, I can't recall anyone succeeding at bullying Cathy, except maybe Stella at the beginning. Aunt Dodo should learn the hard way in an episode or two.
To bad this is just a story site. I could see some of these story lines being translated into a great stage plays. Love the interplay of the characters. Great job. This could be the beginning of the "Easy As Falling Off A Bike Hysterical Society and Revue".
As I tell everyone, you can't 'grouse', if you don't vote. Please comment or vote. My hero Mayor Daily of Chicago always encouraged people to Vote early and vote often, it's the American way. At one time under Mayor Daily, he even encouraged the dead to vote. Taking the Mayor's advice, I vote again and again and again for this superb episode.
Thanks for sharing your humor with us.
~There is no reality, only perception~
Trish Ann
~There is no reality, only perception~
Kill Them
(Dodo and Arthur, that is.)
I'm sure the children would enjoy burying them in the back yard.
Oh. Perhaps that would be a little bit too Addams Family?
Seriously, what's this preposterous display of poshness in aid of? With relatives like these, who needs contagious deadly diseases? Just kick the buggers to the kerb and be done with them. This seems a bit too much like an episode of "Keeping Up Appearances." Well, except for Trish, who's turning into my new hero. Six, going on Don Rickles.
A classic British farce
Reminds me just a bit of PG Wodehouse, hints of Wooster and Jeeves.
One of the most entertaining episodes from Mommy giving me my nightly bedtime story.
And you too Bonzi!
Oh, and Aunt Dodo needs to be run out of town on a *ahem* rail. And yes, there is a biological pun here :)
This is quite...
a romp. So, Auntie Dodo, is looking for money is she. And, the family winding them up.
Somehow, I doubt that Arthur and Doreen don't have a dozen functioning brain cells between them. Perhaps two bumped together there at the end for Arthur. Then again. It could have been an accident on his part.
The bigger question is "Where did Julie get the 'maid' outfit, that fit her?".
It'll be interesting seeing where things go from here.
Isn't it a good thing we can choose our friends. And as for family heirlooms, well aint it just the way.
Auntie Do is a grasping rat-bag.
Kick her out! Or at least give her an ultimatum.
Mind you on second thoughts she did start calling Cathy by her proper name so maybe she's mellowing.
Education, education, Education! The more we can spread the word, the better.
Just don't fall into any traps Cathy!
Still loving it.
Auntie Do-do never knew what hit her.
I think we'll have to declare Stella to be completely cured. She's in fine form!
(My wife is now wondering why I'm laughing so much.)
I was sooooo worried.
However, you handled it beautifully. I just loved it and now see the need for a seat belt on my office chair. Are you sure that you are not a famous screen writer, mashallah?
Thank you again.
The Twit. :)
Deserving of a Double Vote
Much nicer voting for Angharad than for some less funny Clown trying to get re-elected to the
House of Clowns!
This must be the funniest episode ever. Anyone who thinks these relations were a bit exaggerated, be assured, they arent. Indeed, some of mine were even worse.
I was giggling, and then:
I laughed so hard that I couldn't see the laptop's screen through the tears! Barely kept from dropping it off the bed! Only thing I want to know, did Trish come up with this line on her own, or did Stella feed it to her? On second thought... maybe I don't really want to know....
Brilliant wind-up!
Full credit to Stella for organising such a brilliant wind-up on the hoof! So far we've met Lady Patricia a six year old aristocrat with a taste for porn, Julie the pregnant maid (the baby having questionable paternity), and Lord Simon the gun-mad stereotype. It'll be fun seeing if Stella cooks up roles for the rest of the tribe before Aunt Dodo leaves in exasperation, hopefully never to return.
There'll certainly be much merriment in the household once they're sure Dodo's definitely left.
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
I'm glad you liked it.
I was very tired when I wrote it - did a long bike ride yesterday - well long for me, over quite a lumpy route, and I was delayed in writing this by a friend phoning for an hour just after I'd started it, plus I needed to research some back episodes to find some details. I wasn't sure it hung together that well, so I will endeavour to get it better for the next one.
Absolutely Fabulous
Oh wow, Ang, this is the best Bikesode EVER, and I laughed so much I had to rush to the loo. It's worth making into a TV or radio programme with Joanna Lumley playing the part of Cathy. I absolutely adored it and as T doesn't go back to school till Wed, I have printed it out, complete with all the comments, so we can giggle about it together after lunch.
Lady Patricia and her taste for internet porn; I just hope it doesn't give my Trish any ideas! and as for Julie doing the maid thingy, it was all priceless. I am almost tempted to feel sorry for Auntie Dodo (sorry I had a mental aberration in my last comment and called her Auntie Dotty, but then again after this encounter with the Aristo Camerons, she may well end up dotty, if not Totally Insane!) :-)
Thank you so much for this brilliant episode which deserves hundreds of votes.
Glé Mhath Gu Dearbh*
Mo chreach,** what a superb piece of comic writing. You are truly the mistress of your art, Angharad. I laughed myself silly reading this. It's worth a sporranful of votes.
Slà inte mhath,
Morag NicLeoid
* = very good indeed
** = my goodness
all that's missing now is
all that's missing now is henry making an appearance, "mistaking" aunty dodo for the new cook and uncle artritis as the new gardner, followed by a courier delivering an invitation from the queen...
Wonderful! :-)
I can see Stell in her nursing uniform arrive next with Pudding... and them playing at it being Cathy's child... too bad Pudding is to old now for breast feeding! I could see Stella tweeking them on some such fabrication as handing her over to do that in front of the old bat!
It would be a good time for the other guy that the girls drool over to show up! Stella would likely set him on stage as Cathy's lover!
This one is funny!
I loved the way the family rallied around! Poor old Aunty (sarcasm here) never knew what hit her, and still won't.
She may be related, but she is not family. Odd when you consider the opposite is true of the kids.
" Charlie is your mummy ?"
YOU stupid twit ! Don't call me Charlie ! love the rest, especially Julie, but Lord Simon is close.
The pearls, the pearls, there were three cans of pearls last night.. Sorry, had to fit in 'The Caine Mutiny'.
Do you say "go pound sand" in Britton ?