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(aka Bike) Part 941 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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The following day, Friday, Stella kept her distance. It meant minimal opportunity to squabble with her–I mean how was I to know she’d met Siân? Small world, I suppose, and sooner or later, the chances are that someone I currently know would meet or know someone who knew me before. Oh well, not a lot I can do about it and the biology world, like all academia, is a relatively small one, so it probably happens fairly regularly. I can imagine people in other universities talking about, ’That weirdo in Portsmouth, yeah the one who had the sex change–nice tits though.’
I went off to do the shopping for the dinner party and left Julie in charge of cleaning everywhere–I tried to con her into believing that the state of the house would reflect her degree of femininity–dunno if she swallowed it. Common sense would delegate that responsibility to me anyway, but it might have helped–and if pushing a vacuum cleaner makes her feel more feminine, who am I to dissuade her? Hee hee.
The supermarket was heaving–don’t know why, and the price of cut flowers was disgraceful–they whack the prices up before things like Mothering Sunday–so how can they even pretend to be selling at prices to benefit you? Thieves and rogues–the lot of them.
I arrived home exhausted and without all the ingredients I had meant to get. Some old biddy was overcome at the checkouts and collapsed, so they closed that one and the adjacent one while the ambulance was called. I had to reload my trolley and move over a couple of aisles and was further down the queue than before. I know the old joke, what happens when two Welshmen get together they form a choir; when two Irishmen–they fight and two Englishmen–they form a queue.
I unpacked the car and carrying stuff into the kitchen, I found Julie in tears–apparently Stella had had a go at her because of the dinner party. Stella had gone out–her car was absent, I realised after walking past her empty space twice. Not in much of an observational mood today.
Had Stella been there, I’d have given her some real aggro–picking on a child like that because she has a problem is not on, and beneath Stella’s usual sensitivities. I began to wonder if something more happened than either of them is telling me. If it had, then I could understand Stella’s fervent denials. I mean I denied being transsexual for some time–just thinking of myself as female–which given my phenotype, meant I was either deluded or transsexual. The truth is probably some of both.
I calmed Julie down and made us a cuppa–things usually feel better after one–except Julie spilt hers all down herself and we had to strip her off quickly to minimise the risk of scalding–it was pretty hot fluid. She ran up and showered, holding the cold water on the red bits for a few minutes. I don’t worry about red, but some of her was turning blue by the time I got upstairs after putting her clothes in the washer.
For the first time I had a chance to appraise the changes to her body from the hormones. Her waist was narrowing and her bum looked fractionally bigger and little nubs were forming under her nipples.
After she patted herself dry, I insisted she put some moisturiser cream on the scalded parts and left her to it. I went down to finish my tea when Stella came home with Puddin’.
She tried to avoid me, but I stood in her way. “Do you mind?”
“Yes, I do. The next time you want to pick a fight with someone, do it with someone your own size.”
“What d’you mean?”
“Going at Julie like that.”
“I asked her to stop vacuuming because Puddin’ was asleep and she wouldn’t. So I told her what I thought of her and took Puddie out in the car.”
“She tells it differently.”
“So are you going to believe a known liar against your sister-in-law?”
“Who also has a poor record for relating the truth.”
“Huh–you’re becoming impossible. You bring all these waifs and strays into the house and those of us who live here have to take second place. Then you invite known irritants to the place and treat us like dirt.”
“The known irritants happen to be friends of mine, or one of them is.”
“And her lezzie friend.”
“Stella–just what is it with you? Who cares if she gay, or ten foot tall or anything else which is different to you and I–I don’t that’s for sure, and neither did you until recently.”
“It awakened bad memories.”
“Deal with it, I’m not prepared to have you sniping at the kids just because someone has pushed your buttons.”
“No, instead you’re going to expose your precious children, who all happen to be someone else’s in reality, to unacceptable lifestyles to corrupt...”
“Stella, that remark is unworthy of you–apologise or leave this house.”
“What? You’re choosing some dodgy Welsh witch over family?”
“No one speaks to me like that in my own house and stays here unless they apologise.”
“Your house now, is it–yesterday it was Tom’s house.”
“It’s Tom’s house alright–but I run it for him, as you well know. I’m waiting for you to apologise or leave.”
“Apologise for what?”
“You know what for.”
“Piss off–ladyboy.”
That was when I hit her–I couldn’t control it, I let fly with a slap that nearly took her head off. She had a red mark on her face and a shocked expression. I was trembling with emotion, though whether it was rage or shock, I couldn’t tell.
“You hit me,” she gasped, “You hit me–but we’re family.” There were tears running down her face and I turned away and slammed the kitchen door shut and stood against it. There were floods of tears running down my face, too. I was well aware of what I had just done and was not ashamed of it. I would apologise if she did–but not otherwise.
It took me several minutes to get my emotions under control–perhaps the woman I loved most in this world–and I had struck her. I accept she had provoked me, but I shouldn’t have hit her. I don’t think my dad ever hit my mum, although she used to infuriate him, mind you he made up for it with me.
No excuses–I saw red and whack. She’s going to bruise, I just know it. I could get charged for assault for that. Oh shit–what a mess.
There was a knock on the kitchen door and I looked up as Julie came in. “What happened, Mummy?”
“Nothing to do with you.”
“Auntie Stella is bashing about in her room like she’s breaking the place up, Puddin’ is screaming and upset and when I went to ask if everythin’ was okay, she like told me to piss off–an’ she's got this huge bruise on her face.”
“Oh shit–shit–shit. Wait here.” I ran up the stairs, there was bedlam in Stella’s room with her shouting and Puddin’ screaming and things being thrown about.
I knocked and entered the room–she threw a book at me–“This is all your fault,” she screamed at me, then, “Shut up,” she shouted at the baby, which made Puddin’ cry all the more.
She walked to the baby and raised her hand, “No, Stella, don’t.” I rushed across the room, slipping on a plastic bag and sprawling on the floor just as she made contact with the baby. The crying stopped.
“There, that’s shut you up.” I lay on the floor unable to move with shock–what had she done? Moments later she looked at the carrycot and then screamed.

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I think Cathy needs to do some emergency BLH on Puddin' then get Stella to a psychologist ASAP.
What is the cause of the bad blood between Stella and Siân? Something about Siân really touches a raw nerve with Stella - despite it happening about five years ago. It might be a good idea to get on the phone to Simon / Henry as well - they might have some useful information on Stella's phobia of Siân...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
How many times has Stel gone suicidal?
I was about to comment that anyone who has gone starkers bonkers as many times as Stella should have an in home padded cell, but then I thought about my own past dismal record.
Poor Puddin, poor Stella, poor Cathy. I think we're building up to something. Perhaps it was inadviseable to invite the other woman? Perhaps Stella had a point.
Cathy gets on a plan and can't be shaken.
Bike pt 941
Stella has bad memories about Sian that have caused turmoil. Why did Stella scream?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Why did Stella scream?
1) Puddin' was crying - loudly.
2) Stella hit Puddin'
3) Puddin' stopped crying.
4) Stella looked in Puddin's carrycot.
5) Stella started screaming.
I think the inference is obvious...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
We're all going to die!
We either die from the fall because we cannot hang on to the cliff edge or we suffocate holding our breath for 24 hours waitng for the next installment.
Angharad, you are a cruel cruel woman, everything Stella would say about you is probably true =)
Thanks for the roller coaster ride.
How many things
can go wrong on any one Friday?
Well, let's see now...
The shopping
The vacuuming
The conflict between Stella and Julie
The insults
The slap
The recriminations
The poly bag
The baby...
and is this all before lunch?
Oh dear. Methinks everything in Cathy's favour is going against her - again.
Not hanging about near a cliff with Sue Brown, are you, Angharad?
It seems
everytime Stella has an argument with Cathy, She insults her by questioning the origins of her sister-in-law, This time though, She has really overstepped the mark, Not content with having another go at Cathy, She has now hit her own daughter.....What the consequences of that action are remain to be seen.... But you would have to say that they were not something that can or will be ignored.
So what is it with Stella, Is it just a simple case of jealousy of the way things always seem to work out for Cathy, Hence the jibes about real women ...Or could it be a return of the problems she has suffered from before....Whatever the cause, Its something that needs to be sorted out..Fast!
Ummm... Just how hard did Stella hit Pud? I gather from the ensuing reaction that there's a good chance she's just killed the little mite.
Well, there goes the dinner party! Assuming the power is still working through her, Cathy's going to have her hands full bringing Puddin' back from the edge of beyond. Meanwhile, who's going to heal that mess of bent soggy synapses that passes for Stella's CPU? Without some intervention, it's just a matter of time before she offs herself or somebody who can't be brought back or ends up gibbering up a tree.
Hmmm... Perhaps there's a chance the dinner party can yet be saved. Trish comes in and heals Pud, while Cathy tackles Stella, sits on her and lays hands on her head until she's rewired. Meanwhile, Julie can surprise everyone with her sudden, newfound cooking ability. Or order pizzas.
Alternate scenario: Puddin stays dead, the police and coroner arrive along with the nice men in white coats who take Stella away, and the dinner guests arrive to a house of tragedy. ... Nah. I'd go with the first scenario!
...we'll see the début of Julie performing BLH? After all, it's a weekday, so Trish (plus Livvie and Mima) are still at school. Tom may be in his study, or he may be at the university. So that just leaves Stella (hysterical), Cathy (flat out on the floor, but still concious), Puddin' (probably in need of emergency BLH) and Julie (downstairs).
Hopefully Julie will hear the change in the commotion and race upstairs to see what's going on, then (fingers crossed) do something useful like help Cathy up, see what's happened to Puddin', or grab a phone and dial 999.
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Stella's got issues and won't admit it.
Cathy's got issues and can't see it.
Come on Simon. Sort them out or there ain't gonna be no blessin'.
This is gettin' interestiner an' interestiner.
Don' keep us waitin too long Angharad.
Lovin' it.
Bailey Summers Great story
Bailey Summers
Great story post I'm really going huh over Stella's actions and stuff with regards to Sian. I think there might be some uhm girl in love with girl who used to be a boy but is scared of being gay/lesbian and hurting over the fact the girl she's desperately in love with is married to her brother.
But I could be seeing things in things.
I got to the end of this going Oh shit Stella you stupid...
Oh my giddy Aunt.
Headdesk ect, ect...
Loved it I got actually pissed at a character you wrote.
*A Small Stella's view of things would be an excellent side project...Hmmn, Simon, and Tom too...Please.
C'mon Bonzi help us out.
Bailey Summers
I am witholding my vote for
I am witholding my vote for this chapter until i know the outcome. I am too shocked. Sorry.
Oh by the way, it goes like this Angharad.
A plane crashed in a remote desert and there were eight survivors.
The first two people to emerge were two Irish men. They started to argue and then fight so they never got out of the desert.
The second pair to emerge were Scotsmen. They had a party, got pissed and also failed to get out of the desert.
The third pair were Welsh so they formed a committee to talk about it then a choir to sing about it but they never got out of the desert.
Finally two English men emerged, looked around, formally introduced themselves to each other then formed a private club to keep everybody else out of the desert.
a An Irish man will fight for anything but usually something that he's got nothing to do with and of which he knows little.
b A Scotsman keeps the Sabbath, and anything else he can lay hand to.
c A Welshman prays to God on Sunday and on his neighbours for the rest of the week.
d Finally an Englishman always likes to consider himself a selfmade man, thereby relieving the almighty of responsibility for the world's worst disaster!
Remember y'all; don't fight now.
PS. I'm Welsh. Well actually a North Walian from Flintshire. (That's little Liverpool in Wales or more correctly, Lerpwl bach yn Cymru.) Not quite 'A Gog'!
Hugs & Kisses,
The Welsh
There is a misconception (or more likely, an insult hurled from the East side of a certain earthwork) that there are numerous Welsh farmers who haven't found a wife... but since they are surrounded by females (of sorts)...
Alternatively, it could be described as the slogan on a Aber Uni T-shirt: RagAberRag: Where men are men... and sheep are worried!
But that's nothing compared to the insults granted to Welsh in statue law:
It's a good job Cathy hasn't taught her archery skills to Stella then...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Sigh Stella is worthless
... what can I say. Sits around, does shit and does nothing to deal with all the crap that goes through that squirrelly brain of hers. A classical in-bred upperclass princess.
And as far as any kindnesses Stella has shown, Cathy has more than repaid in full and then some.
Perhaps, Sian took a
Perhaps, Sian took a boyfriend away from Stella, even tho she is more into other women and Stella does not care for her because of that. I think she may have done one of two things. a) slapped the baby too hard, b) strangled her to death unknowingly, because she was so upset at the moment. Which ever way, I hope Cathy or Trish or one of the other girls can help Puddin. Stella definitely is not done with counseling and should be seeing someone NOW. Jan
Please, PLEASE...
PLEASE make puddin' okay!
Stella & Cathy are grown girls. (Okay, at least one of them certainly isn't acting the part, and there are times neither of them...) I do hope that a grown-up gets there soon - to help straighten things out. Perhaps Trish?
Actually, ANY of the kids seeing this kind of thing is probably NOT for the best. *sighs* Why is it that family can be both the most supportive, and most viscous? I know, I know - they know you best. But, it still doesn't make me like it any more - whether it's Cathy's family or mine.
I won't say Thanks, yet... It might be Mr. Hyde's turn to write.
Everyone has problems in this chapter
Both Cathy and Stella. Surprised at Cathy's violent response but can understand it. Surprised at Stella's hurtful actions and that she could be violent to a baby but we know she has serious psychological problems. Wow...
Ang never liked Stella anyway
Ok, Stella just killed the baby. Stella belongs in a mental ward in prison.
There is no way for Julie to control Stella while Cathy works her magic on Desiree.
Stella is still unbalanced. Another Cliff Hanger Ang.