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(aka Bike) Part 833 by Angharad |
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That was it? I mean I was married–least I think I was: perhaps I should have been asking, is that it? What I felt about it, I couldn’t say, but it wasn’t all positive, nor was it all negative. A bit like the curate’s egg. I suspect I was still shocked, not to put too fine a gloss on it. I didn’t know how I felt about Simon either. I had just been tricked into marriage. I hope he did it for the best of motives, but he’d better not try anything like it again, or the divorce will cost him loads.
Lady Muck, that’s me–I don’t feel any different, but then I suppose I’ve been sort of using the title for a little while, so it’s hardly a novelty, unless one counts being able to use it legitimately. I told them I still want to use my original name as well, which will complicate things, but for instance, in my professional life, I want to remain Cathy Watts, unless Lady Cameron can open doors my ordinary handle can’t.
We were being driven home in the Mercedes, The three children were in the back of the car and Simon was driving. I hadn’t said much at all, he assumed I was overcome by the emotion–I suppose I was, but not necessarily the one he was thinking about.
The girls had enjoyed themselves, and I suppose I did it for them. It was a Thursday afternoon and they were just about squealed out, all I wanted was to get home and make a cuppa and sit quietly to drink it. I also wanted out of this dress–lovely as it was–I wouldn’t ever wear it again.
I called Mr Henstridge from the bedroom phone, I’d asked the girls to change out of their dresses and for Simon to make the cuppa. He realised I wanted a little space so he did as I asked him.
I was in luck, he had a space tomorrow morning at ten–I would just about get there assuming I could park. “Miss Watts, can you tell me what you wish to discuss?”
“Of course, you said my being married would help the cause of adoption?”
“Indeed I did, are you going to tie the knot?”
“We’ve done so.”
“Oh jolly good, I mean congratulations, does that make you Lady Cameron now?”
“Yes, although for some things I’m going to retain my previous name.”
“I see, well that’s fine, so are you wanting to try for adoption?”
“Yes, for all three–as far as I’m concerned they come as a package.”
“Very good, I’ll start the process. I take it all the children are in agreement with your action?”
“Yes, or they were a few minutes ago.”
“They will be asked by the court and also by social services.”
“Of course, as it should be.”
“Quite, so I shall look forward to seeing you tomorrow.”
I suddenly wondered if the girls did want me to adopt them, I hadn’t asked them for a while, perhaps I’d better do so now, or they could get suckered like I did. I went into their bedroom, they were still messing about taking off their dresses.
“Trish, could I see you for a moment?”
“Did I do something wrong, Mummy?”
“No, darling, I just wanted to ask you a question, it’s a bit hypothetical but I think you’ll understand.” She looked very nervous. “Don’t worry, okay?”
“Did I do wrong to make you marry Daddy?”
“No sweetheart, I’m a big girl, I make my own decisions. You’ve done nothing wrong.” She looked relieved. “Now, this hypothetical question...”
“What does that mean, Mummy?”
“It means it’s a question which may or may not be askable.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Don’t worry, it means it’s like a what if question.”
“What if I don’t understand it?”
“You will, but I need an honest answer.” She looked anxious and I hugged her. “If I had the chance to adopt you–that is to make you legally my child–would you be in favour–I mean, would you want me to?”
“Do I want to be your daughter, like proper daughter.”
“Well apart from your little plumbing problem, which we’ll sort out when you’re old enough, yes you’d be my little girl, not my foster daughter.”
“Gosh, Mummy.”
“So, honest answer, would you like me to try or not? I won’t be offended if you said no.”
“No? I want to be your daughter more than anything, Mummy.”
“So that’s a definite then?”
“Yes please, Mummy.”
“The bad news is I can’t promise you that we’ll be able to do it, but I’m going to try my very hardest.”
“Thank you, Mummy.”
“You’re welcome, darling. Now don’t say anything to the other two, because I have to ask them the same question.”
I had video taped the interview with Trish, and I did so with the others as well. They were both as positive and I showed them the tape afterwards. They all giggled with embarrassment, but they were also very supportive of each other.
“Does this mean we’ll be ladies too?” asked Livvie.
“One day, it could well be so. We have to get over the hurdle of the adoption process first.”
“Could they say no?” asked Trish.
“In theory, but I hope not.”
“Can we see the judge man again?”
“Don’t worry, if I feel we need to consult him, I’ll ask Mr Henstridge to organise it.”
“Me wanna be you daugh-ah,” said Mima loudly.
“Thanks, Meems, I want to be your mother officially, then we can be sure that no one will be able to take you away from me.”
“Or Daddy,” said Trish.
“Nor Daddy. Sorry, I meant that we would both adopt you.” Was that a Freudian slip? I hoped not.
“Yay,” the three of them were dancing around and getting very excited and it took quite a while to calm them down.
“I’m going to see Rushton Henstridge tomorrow,” I told Simon.
“Who’s he?”
“A solicitor.”
“You’re not divorcing me already, are you?”
“It crossed my mind for the trick you played on me.”
“It wasn’t meant like that.”
“I hope not, if ever I find it was, it’s going to cost you a great deal.”
“Cathy, we’re only just married.”
“Because you deceived me–never do it again.”
“I won’t–I didn’t deceive you–and you could have said no.”
“What and look a total fool?”
“I’d have looked an even bigger one.”
“You do anyway, but that isn’t the point.”
“What is then?”
“I’m going to start adoption proceedings, I expect your support.”
“You need to ask me?”
“After the stunt you pulled earlier, yes.”
“Why didn’t you say no, then?”
“Because I actually care for you.”
“Don’t you think I love you then?”
“Not as much as you claim.”
“I’ll talk to you when you’ve calmed down.”
“I’m not upset, just disappointed.” My remark seemed to cut him to the core and he walked away with his tail between his legs.

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I do believe that Cathy was
I do believe that Cathy was visualizing a "white wedding" with a smashing Bridal Gown and lots of bridesmaids and groomsmen. Perhaps after she gets the girls adopted, she can have that sort of wedding. Although, as she claims to not be a "Churchgoer" or believer, I think deep down, she wants that type of wedding (in a large Gothic church). Jan
She'd never get round to it
If left to her own devices. I feel that what may be eating at her is she was cheated out of it. A girls wedding is all about the planning and anticipation. Details, excitment and dreaming. If it were only about become Mrs. something then go get it over with in a civil ceremony and be done with it. It's all about the workup and like so many other things in her life this was stolen from her as well... so bittersweet.
Cathy Is Peeved
About being tricked into marrying Simon, and is letting him squirm BIG TIME until after the adoption. I can see her making sure that she has the wedding that she wants, THEN forgiving Simon.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
I can imagine a wierd mood
After all that's gone on lately in Cathy's life. IMHO she needs a big hug from her little girls and her husband.
There is an upside for Cathy
There is an upside for Cathy, in Simon's rush to surprise Cathy there is no prenuptual agreement either.
Broaching the subject of a prenuptual agreement alone may have caused a blowout and another round of saying hurtful things they do not mean.
I doubt she'd have wanted one anyway but the symbology and trust is gone when you have to deliniate Yours, Mine and Ours in black and white.
The lack of one is something I imagine she wil enjoy hanging over his head from time to time.
One mission ends (sort of), another starts.
So now they've tied the knot, next comes the big hurdle of the triple adoption. And (unlike the marriage), Cathy's got the drive, determination and motivation to do whatever it takes to secure the girls.
Oh, and in the next month or so she'll probably recruit Stella to help organise the marriage blessing, which will be the full-on ceremony with all the trimmings and reception. And hopefully this time Cathy can sort out some invites of her own, so she's not completely alone in amongst the Cameron Clan. For a start, Neal and Gloria from the university (if they're still together, how about having their wedding at the same time?) - and if Cathy's doing any teaching by then, invite the students as well :)
Other possibilities: her psychologist, Sam Rose, Dad's neighbours from Bristol - and possibly even the Head of the girls' school.
Although I'm fairly sure one family won't be on the guest list...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
I Really Hope Cathy And Simon Think
I really hope Cathy and Simon think about things and don't begin arguing over him deceiving Cathy about the ceremony. Trish may think it is her fault if they don't clear the air and get on with things. I think I would probably be upset too if someone made decisions for me behind my back about something that would affect my life so profoundly. Marriage is about trust and honesty. He hasn't started things off that well. Simon's heart might have been in the right place, but a wedding ceremony means different things to the bride than it does the groom. Most guys don't go for all of the fancy trimmings of a wedding. The bride sees it as a one time thing that should be special and beautiful. I hope she does get her formal ceremony. If she doesn't she might resent Simon for the way things were done. Anyway, I think all will be okay in the end though. Cathy wants the girls to be a permanent part of their lives. They want it too and that makes it so special!
Ok, Angharad.....
Please let Cathy get over whatever ill feelings she has and get on with being married to Simon. He's a great guy, just a little thick headed at times. It is after all the outcome we've all been looking forward too.
married for one day and already the lovebirds are arguing, While i think this is more a storm in a teacup our two newly-weds had better watch that it does not become too much of a habit, After all we don't want them to set a bad example to their daughters now....Do we!!!
Ah dear oh dear
Cathy feels a little suckered so she gets petulant and bitchy. Simon instead of standing his ground and stating his piece slinks off to sulk. Damn girl look around and actually see why everyone was in on it and thought you would be happy. Four letter word starting with L.
I do sort of get it, I mean the fastest way to get my back up and bring out little miss perversity is 'tell' me what to do, so yeah it's in the mix... But geeeze kids, grow up a bit huh.
...ought to remind Cathy that you can only make a man feel small and unloved for a precisely limited number of occasions (the total varies for each individual man) before he hies himself off to a situation which allows him to feel the opposite, loved and respected.
There's an old saying, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names can never harm me," but most adults over the age of reason know that this is only childish bravado, and that a single word can cut far deeper than any knife, and a series of them, especially if calculated to be spiteful, can destroy any relationship.
I dare say that nine in ten divorces feature no physical assaults as matters of dispute on either side, possibly more.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
I love Cathy, But.....
I think she is getting paranoid. In their relationship, Simon never was one to play games he always seems up front with Cathy. I know people who are into games and can never be trusted. Simon has not shown any of those characteristics. Cathy has had some bad times due to her abused childhood. I understand how she has trouble accepting the actions of others at face value.
I am like Cathy and don't like surprises, because they involve some deception. In this case, I can detect no sinister plot by Simon to 'play' Cathy. Her attitude is more likely to cause the marriage to fail than anything Simon is likely to do. He seems head over heals in love with Cathy and knows all her warts. Also Simon seems to respect that Cathy is a strong woman with amazing abilities. She is extremely capable. She can do almost anything she wants. Both his family and her close friends all see this as a positive step for both Cathy and Simon. It appears a win win situation.
She seem peeved because she was not in the drivers seat. I think Cathy needs to loosen up and enjoy the blessings she has. She gained a lot more through this marriage than Simon.
I may be a lone voice crying in the wilderness, but any successful relationship requires balance.
~There is no reality, only perception~
Trish Ann
~There is no reality, only perception~
That's it
I think you've nailed it right on the head. The way Cathy grew up has taught her not to trust. She has learned look for the worst in any situation, because doing so is a painfully-learned survival trait. Now, for possibly the first time in her life, she is surrounded by people who are worthy of her trust. But just about the time she begins to loosen up something happens to knock her feet out from underneath her again. It may be in the long run she will be unable to lower her barriers far enough to make a success of marriage. I think Cathy knows this in her gut which is why she has been so reluctant to commit.
In the meantime those who love her have to accept that in some ways Cathy is a ticking bomb, and it's just not a good idea to go whacking around, even with the best of intentions. For her, a surprise is not a good thing, that's the way she is wired.
They know they can survive
She is acting quite immature!
In my opinion, she needs her skinny ass beat until it is fat and swollen. I can hardly stand it! She is acting like a COW!
In my case, I know I feel so strongly because I would pay almost any price to be married to a man like Simon. I simply can not fathom her attitude.
Yes, she is
She just turned, what, 26? I live in a college town and let me assure you, there are a lot of immature mid-twenties college grads being churned out. We are twice her age and have the life experiences that make us mature, competant, capable adults capable of making rational, intelligent decisions in emotional situations like this.
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I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
Poor Simon
Let's hope Cathy gets over the wedding sooner rather than later. Still, this was probably the only way the two could actually get around to having a wedding...
And by the by, Livvie won't become a Lady anytime soon, unless there's more weird stuff the late Queen Victoria did with the Cameron peerages. As a daughter of a baron she'll be The Honourable Olivia Cameron; whether she or Tricia will inherit daddy's title depends on various details, such as the actual wording Victoria used and which one of the girls is older, perhaps also on whether Tricia is still legally male at the time the title passes on.
Hard, hard, hard Cathy! - Bike 833
I don't think Cathy ever had dreamt of a fairy tale wedding so probably isn't disappointed, just generally peeved. Poor besotted Simon on the other hand, on the day he has hoped for so long, has been told that despite his efforts Cathy doesn't believe he loves her
Rhona McCloud
A familar scenario
I hope the author's own attitude is not reflected by Cathy's. Poor Whizz, having to live with such 'negative vibes'
Wow, Perry Mason would approve, recording the three waifs like that.
My Lord, I've got these statements on tape.