(aka Bike) Part 817 by Angharad |
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It was nearly an hour later when Hilary came in, by which time I’d had two glasses of wine and was nearly asleep. “Catherine,” she said firmly enough to make me take notice.
“Oh, hello, Hilary,” I said trying to keep my eyes open a bit longer.
“Could you come with me, a moment?”
Uh-uh, is she going to tell me off for being a little tiddly? “Of course,” I struggled up from my seat and went out of the door with her.
She threw her arms around my neck and hugged me, “Thank you, thank you.” She kissed me on the cheek and hugged me again.
“What did I do?” I asked bewildered.
“You saved my husband, my reason for living. That’s what you did.”
“Oh that?” I said nonchalantly. Then blew it by sniggering.
“And what are you laughing at?” she asked me.
“Nothing–I didn’t do anything.”
“Didn’t you? Well, I couldn’t have made it happen.”
“Do we know for sure that I did?”
“It must have been you.”
“Why? Just because I was there, doesn’t mean I did anything.”
“Oh, it just happens to be circumstantial evidence, does it?”
“Something like that.”
“Whatever magic it was you caused to manifest, I’m grateful and so is George. He’d like to thank you personally, so would you come upstairs with me?” I hate this bit, they always insist I did something–I honestly didn’t except facilitate what happens.
By the time we’d got up the stairs I was sober again, she dragged me into the bedroom, “Here she is, darling,” said my hostess.
“Cathy, how can I say thank you?” he said walking out of the bathroom.
“You should be resting,” I said.
“I feel great,” he said.
“Please rest for a whole night or you could undo all I’ve done.”
“Can’t you just zap me again, if it does?”
“No–it’s a one off, it doesn’t work twice.” I didn’t know if it did or not, but I was taking no chances.
He hugged me and then lay back down on the bed, “Happy?”
“Only if you stay there until tomorrow.”
“Okay, Dr Watts, I’ll do as I’m told.”
“It’ll be the first time, ever,” teased his wife.
“Maybe the doctor just got things misdiagnosed?” I tried to throw some disinformation into the equation but Sir George recognised it immediately.
“I felt like death, Cathy and I reckon I was almost ready for the tunnel of light when you walked into my death and rescheduled things.”
“Yeah, don’t you just hate those women who have to interfere?”
“At the time I was a bit cross with you–you hauled my arse back into the real world and I now have to get well again.”
“Sorry, I’ll let you die next time.”
“Don’t you dare,” said Hilary squeezing my shoulder.
“Okay, I promise,” I chuckled.
What did you do to me?” he asked.
“I did nothing except prepare you to cooperate with the light.”
“I was a gonner, I’m sure of it, Hil, then I heard this lovely young lady’s voice calling me back. It was quite an effort to come back to her, she seemed such a long way off.”
“That was my fault, darling, I delayed her.”
“What needed to happen, happened.”
“So we see,” said Hilary beaming a wide smile at me.
“I’m just a vehicle for the energy, it does its own thing when it’s ready to.”
“This is the god you don’t believe in?”
“Not in any way you would recognise, Hilary.”
“How do you know?”
“Your attitude earlier told me everything.”
“I think you’ll find I’m a changed woman.”
“Perhaps. That wasn’t the point of the exercise, it was to make sure Sir George recovered, and that seems to have happened.”
“I’ll say, I feel like a new man.”
“So what does Dr Robinson think happened?”
“I encouraged him to think he’d got things wrong or his machine malfunctioned, so George wasn’t as sick as he thought. He was pretty sure there was nothing wrong now.”
“Of course not, the energy does a thorough job.”
“Why did it save me?” asked George.
“Probably because you have things to do which need to happen.”
“Surely, that applies to you, young lady, not an old grouch like me?”
“Why? The energy doesn’t make mistakes.”
“We surely have been touched by God and one of his angels?” said Hilary, “and yet you cannot or will not see it?”
“Please, Hilary, let’s not go there.”
“But isn’t this evidence enough for you of the existence of a supreme being?”
“Not in any shape or form you’d recognise–I don’t mean this in any deprecatory sense, Hilary, but the ideas that move in my mind are nothing like the ones that move in yours. Don’t ask me to explain any further because I can’t, it’s all too abstract–but it enables me to say categorically, that I don’t believe in any god that has been conceived on earth. I am therefore agnostic and happy with the title.”
“I went to university, too, you know.”
“I’m sure you did, but it has nothing to do with that. It isn’t about IQ, it’s about experience. It’s something I know or don’t know, if you see what I mean?”
“You’ve lost me,” she said looking disappointed.
“It doesn’t matter. Feel happy with what you’ve understood to be how things happen.”
“How can I? You’re telling me I’m wrong.”
“No, I’m telling you that I believe something different, which I can’t explain because it’s numinous and at the same time isn’t.”
“Doesn’t numinous mean something to do with the g-word?”
“Yes and no? See it’s all contradictory or paradoxical. I’m glad you’re feeling better, Sir George, now if you’ll excuse me, I must go to bed, I’m exhausted.” I hugged them both and staggered off to my room. Ten minutes later I was in bed and drifting off to sleep–actually, I was flying, being blown by a terrific wind, up into the sky towards a blindingly bright light...

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Well, this is different
Off to see the Wizard?
Oh 'Eck!
Is Cathy now for the light fantastic? And who will save her? Why, Livvie, Trish and Meems of course!
Complicated or what?
Cliffhanger Queen strikes again!
Normally the light comes to Cathy - so what will happen when Cathy is drawn to the light? Whatever's at the other end, given she's in decent physical health and was chatting a few minutes ago, it's unlikely to be the light people are drawn to at death's door.
Also, after 817 episodes of agnosticism, I doubt whatever's at the other end is going to change her viewpoint. She's likely to rationalise it all as a dream unless she ends up with a uterus and fully functional pair of ovaries as a result. But I'll put my head on the line and say that probably won't happen. The majority of this serial has carried a "Real World" tag - and whilst miraculous recoveries from disease have occurred (or claimed to have occurred) in real life, growing body parts that didn't exist beforehand smacks a bit too much like magic. Which is fine in some stories, but not this one.
Perhaps what will happen at the other end is simply Cathy surrounded by the brilliant white light, and suddenly feeling at peace with the world and herself - still maintaining her militant agnosticism but more accepting of herself and less self-critical. Even more speculatively, let's say the experience will feel like only a few minutes, but when she wakes up it will turn out to have been a few days.
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Now you've got me worried
about what's going to happen next! Up into the sky towards a bright light does not sound good...Lets hope its just a bad dream and not something caused by an explosion!!!
I Can't Help But Think That Our Esteemed Author
Is going to surprise us tomorrow. She has a habit of doing the unexpected in Bike.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Cathy has way too many
things to do yet to be headed to the light permanantly. Wonder what's over the rainbow?
Maybe Cathy's mum wants a word or two
Or maybe . . .
It's a CIA flying saucer full of aliens come to take her away for medical experimentation. When they can't find her "female plumbing" they install some. :-)
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
Who Knows?
Only our esteemed authoress knows for sure. Maybe this trip to the Light has something to do with the Pink Light that bathed Cathy while she was 'holding vigil' over George. That and this dream encounter could be bringing alignment to Cathy and make her whole.
Personally, I think the way Cathy has dispatched legions of trained Russian mafia types more miraculous than having the Pink light give her a female reproductive system. But, I'm only a lone voice crying in the wilderness.
What ever happens I'm sure it will be interesting.
~There is no reality, only perception~
Trish Ann
~There is no reality, only perception~
I don't believe in agnostics
But it is not my job to convince others. Many T folk have suffered so much trauma that I don't blame them for how they feel. I am pretty certain that she is searching for an explanation within herself but accnowleging a God is so deeply buried in denial that she simply does not know it is going on. And, who says that the church God or the Masjid Allah SWT is the right interpretation? What are we to do if a vastly superior race of space travelers parks a planet sized space ship right by earth? I think we know so little about these things that we don't have a clue about what we do not know.
I Have Friends Who Are Angry
I have friends in the Trans community who are angry at God for the actions of so called believers. In many ways their anger is misplaced. I realized something when I really studied the teachings of Jesus. Many who claim to want to follow his example don't even know what the word "love" really means. I separated my belief in God from them and I have developed my own philosophy of what God is. Cathy was hurt early in life because her parents used their religious teachings to persecute her for being Transsexual. One has to wonder if it would have been different if her mother and father had practiced what Jesus actually preached and loved her for who she was? She has to know on some level that her healing powers are coming from a higher source. It is also telling that she has been at the right place and time to help so many people. Her children are a perfect example. You have to think there is something bigger at work. Fate or Divine Providence. Every time she has had a brush with the light, she has shrugged it off. Maybe she is being taken to the light so that they may explain a few things to her so that she may understand the reason she has the powers. Hopefully, she won't dismiss whatever message she receives.
Firmly believe Ang/Bonzi will do the expected in the next AEAFOB
Because Ang usually does the unexpected thus the unexpected is the expected but the expected is not. See?
Also, I quote.
“I think you’ll find I’m a changed woman.â€
“Perhaps. That wasn’t the point of the exercise, it was to make sure Sir George recovered, and that seems to have happened.â€
“I’ll say, I feel like a new man.â€
Good god, the pink light has healed George but turned him female and his wife male!
Hey, works for me.
The pink light is something signif as is this heading for the light by a healthy but tired Cathy
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
OTOH, John
Angharad probably expects us to think the pink light and her "dream" travel to a light are significant, so she might have thrown them in to distract us and divert our attention. But, she may have figured out that we would figure out what she was up to so they actually do have significance because she thinks we won't think they do, so they will. But then she may have figured out that we'd figure out that she had figured out that we'd decide . . .
Oh-h! My head hurts!
Karen J.
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
AH, we come to the *crux of the biskit*
The apostrope. (FZ)
A total non-sequiter but I like it.
I see Karen you are suffering from my malidy on this one. Circular logic or the art of chasing ones tail.
And with the quality of *tail* at work it's worth chasing.
Okay, who let that cheap Grocho impersonator in my mind?
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Cathy is headed for the
Cathy is headed for the light where she is going to find out what her "mission" on earth is. I believe it is to a loving, normal, wife and mother to her girls; raise them to be strong, loving women in their own right, and possibly have a couple other children with Simon. As I recall, her mother told her she would have several children. Jan
Where are we going with this.
For most genuinly caring compassionate individuals it usually requires an epiphany to finally renounce all the dogma of scripture and reach for the purer forms of godliness. For example just look how the monetheist faiths are all obsessed with sex and the differences between men and women. It's positively tiresome and distracting to listen to African bishops and Muslim Imans going on and on and on about the sins of the flesh thus fomenting the imternecine fighting between the sexes.
If there is a God, then it's pretty obvious that if that God (I refuse to ascribe to that God any of the failings or conceits of gender by refering to that God as 'He'.) created man and woman then that God created them equal and good! If there is a god then it's most probably a spiritual essence and if that God judges the soul then no man or woman should ever judge the flesh.
The Jewish, Christian and Muslim faiths are divorcing themselves from true godliness and spirituality if they make a distinction between men and women for they are judging the flesh. They are thereby setting themselves above their own God by judging the flesh when their own God is reputedly only interested in judging the soul. By their own conflicting standards that would make their own scriptures blasphemous if they deem their so-called God to be some sort of supreme being!
It seems to me that it's often those who somehow transcend the artificial religious barriers between the sexes who are best equipped to finally renounce the dogmatic sexist crap in the monetheist scriptures and find a purer form of Godliness that surmounts the tedious, religious and destructive obsessions with sex.
Just my own thoughts that have slowly formulated over 63 years of transvestism whilst being pilloried and condemmed by legions of religious bigots.
Beverly Taff.
The light
I have no problem with this. I am a believer, but I also believe many evil or mislead people try to use religion to control others, so I reject them, not God. I fully prepared to accept much of what I think I know as incorrect, but you have to have something to use as a touch stone.
Personally I think Cathy will come around. She will not be a Christian in the classic sense, much as I'm not. But she still shares the core values, the true ones. Be kind to another, do no evil unless it is the lesser and you must.
I also believe God accepts honest efforts, and is not vindictive. As to other people, each has to figure it out for them selves as best they can. I don't evangelize (goes back to controlling people).
I also don't really believe in the light, but I would love to be proved wrong.
But in the scheme of things, Death is not an ending, but a beginning of something larger.
It's not God, is it.
It's not God, is it.
Must be the creator of road bikes, or some such.