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(aka Bike) Part 887 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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After breakfast, I took the girls to school–it was their first day after all the snow and Simon and I had been out early to get their uniforms. There were no press outside the house and I decided we’d go back home that day.
The story of paedophiles in our universities had the Echo in orgasmic trances and the cash registers ringing. I was consequently left alone–at least until they found out I was there, too. Thankfully it hadn’t dawned on them, all they had to do was follow me round for a few days and some sort of story will manifest itself. I must be nearly as reliable as the prime minister for a history of unfortunate events.
Once upon a time, I thought it was Simon’s family who had brought about all this bad luck, but now I do wonder. I seem quite capable of having it run amok in my own little life.
Back at the house after the school run–everything was as it should be, I made a few calls–our suicide was Perryman and they had found a note. He’d written something on his leg apparently. It was something like, Tell Charlie this is his fault.
If it were true, then it tended to suggest that Perryman had made his own choice not pushed into anything by someone else or even executed by someone. That felt a relief in some ways–it wasn’t Simon or Henry.
I wondered how much poo the local police would be in–the same division wouldn’t be dealing with Southampton and Southsea which are miles apart. Henry had explained that Sir Michael would be looking to make them pay big time for my assault.
The police surgeon had examined me and taken some photos which I countersigned, it wouldn’t surprise me if the file disappeared before the complaints authority saw it. Even if it did, the police surgeon could be made to testify and other officers who witnessed things could be subpoenaed.
Stella came back later that morning, with Puddin’ of course, and we had a good old chinwag over a pot of tea and some sandwiches.
“Did you say Luke Skywalker wrote something on his leg about you?”
“He was insistent that you are what you were born...”
“So he was born a paedo was he?”
“In his reasoning, I suppose it would follow.”
“I can see that in gender disorders, they possibly are present at birth but take time to manifest, as would sexual orientation–but how can someone be attracted to children in a sexual way–it makes no sense. Young adolescents, maybe–they’d be strong, but children is creepy and would have no biological advantage in breeding would it?”
“Neither does being turned on by fur or high heels or whatever else some people enjoy–but none of that does anyone else any harm, except perhaps the animal the fur came from. I mean, in some ways same sex relationships don’t increase the population, but they may serve some purpose in other ways–we’re not here just to breed are we?”
“If we are, I’m afraid you missed the boat, Cathy–but isn’t this revolutionary talk? Your mentor Professor Dawkins wouldn’t agree with you, would he?”
“I don’t agree with everything Richard Dawkins says, besides he has no experience of my situation, so we have to let our lives inform us as well as our intellects. I suppose I’d be the victim one of his Memes.”
“One of his what?”
Me and my mouth–“Dawkins picked up on the idea that some cultural and intellectual ideas appear to act in an evolutionary manner, like genes do. Some prosper and mutate, some stay the same and others become extinct.”
Stella thought for a moment then said, “Hmm–okay, I can see some sort of analogy there, but how is GID a cultural thing?”
“It isn’t entirely, except we tend to demonstrate ourselves and our identity by the way we dress, behave and adorn ourselves.”
“Unless you’re hiding something–disguising it, like you with your chest bandages.”
“Well when we first met, you were pretending to be a boy–hiding your light under a bandage.”
“Yeah, so I didn’t want people to see I had boobs until I was ready.”
“So you were disguising yourself–saying what exactly–I’m a normal man?”
“Yeah, I suppose I was.”
“And nowadays you’re saying–I’m a normal woman?”
“I suppose I am–within certain limitations.”
“So what has that got to do with memes?”
“How the hell do I know? God, look at the time–I have three little lambs to collect, can you watch out for the two bigger sheep?”
“Ooh, I might.”
“You are so definitely indefinite, Stel.”
“Absolutely–perhaps.” She laughed and went to vacuum Puddin’ or whatever she does during the mid afternoon.
As I drove to the convent I listened to the radio and was able to escape my mind playing with all sorts of silly ideas. Including memes, which are a variation in some ways, of Paradigm shift. I concentrated on staying alive in the traffic and collecting my girls rather than my thoughts.
They were pleased to see me as I was them, we had loads of hugs and as we got in the car Trish dropped a little bombshell.
“I used the blue light on a girl in my class, Mummy.”
“You did what?”
“I helped a girl who had fallen over and stopped her knee bleeding.”
“Did anyone see you?”
“Some of the girls did, why?”
“Trish, I’ve asked you not to draw unnecessary attention to yourself.”
“I didn’t, Mummy. She fell over in front of me and when I went to help her up her knee stopped bleeding and healed up.”
Oh shit–“Look, sweetheart, please don’t use it for little things, if someone is in real distress, that’s more understandable.”
“I didn’t mean to do it, Mummy, it just happened;” she started to cry and I realised I done it again. Was I really the best person to look after children?
I put my arm round her and hugged her tightly–“Ignore me, kiddo, I’m being silly again–tiredness, I expect.”
“Why can’t I do the blue light thing, Mummy?” asked Livvie.
“I don’t know, darling–perhaps you can–have you tried?”
“Only on Meems, Mummy.”
“What did Meems need healing?” this was news to me and I probably showed it in my reaction.
“She cut her finger, Mummy.”
“When?” This was also news to me.
“This morning. Trish and I saw her at playtime, Mummy and she showed me her finger.
Trish told me what to do–and I tried really, really hard but nothing happened.”
“Did Trish try?” I asked.
“No, she was too busy helping the girl who fell over.”
“Is your finger still sore, Mima?”
“No, Mummy, Twish did it.”
“Did anyone see you, Trish?”
“It’s not my fault, Mummy,” she sobbed from the back seat of my car.
“What happened?”
“About six girls asked us what were doin’ and I told them trying to heal Mima’s finger and they laughed and said it was impossible–Trish said it wasn’t and showed them. They thought it was very clever.”
I hope they don’t start calling her a witch, now–what joy kids are–let’s get home before she turns someone into a toad.

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"It just happened."
IIRC, these are the second and third healings Trish has done at school - I'm sure she did one a while back...
Meanwhile, it appears as though the healing is as spontaneous as with Cathy - she just feels an urge to help out, and does. Thankfully being youngsters, their parents will probably attribute the healing stories they'll hear tonight to overactive imaginations.
Although if Trish clears up too many scrapes and bruises, life could get interesting...
...especially if a certain newspaper catches wind...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
All It Takes ONE conservative/devout/zealot parent to begin a firestorm. Don't forget, this is a convent school run by a Church hierarchy that still officially believes in a literal Satan and exorcisms, as well as saints and miracles. While most priests are pretty sane and level-headed about such matters, there are a few nutcases.
Trish could find herself in the middle of some real nuttiness.
Cathy is not going to be
Cathy is not going to be able to hide the "blue light" from everyone and especially with Trish doing her thing in front of bunch of other girls. When asked, she will undoubtedly tell whoever asks about her Mum, Cathy. Jan
Bike pt 887.
Hopefully, the fact that Trish is a special girl won't dawn on the girls.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
First it was Cathy,
Now it's Trish, It's almost like the blue light is trying to make up for the little something that was missing in both their lives....What price, Julie being next!!
The nature versus nurture thing,
Is always a good argument and I see you presented plenty of pros and cons.
As I remarked in the earlier comment, I'm always afraid that Paedophilia might have a genetic link. I can't express horror because it's all so uncertain.
Here's an interesting conundrum for trannies. If you were a tranny dad and the doctors came to you to say that your unborn son also had the tranny gene but now they had a gene therapy to correct, would you let the doctors go ahead.
Personally I'd probably not allow them to alter my child because transvestism has brought such a wonderful extra dimension to my life despite all the painful stuff in childhood, it's brought me great personal pleasure in later years.
Conversely, what would my wife feel? She tolerates transvestism but find's it utterly incomprhensible.
Food for thought eh?
As to transgenderism I just can't say. How much would a brain have to be genetically altered to make the core of one's being, (the brain,) match the plumbing. I suspect that transexuals would possibly prefer to somehow find a genetic way of correcting the plumbing in the womb and be born the right brain sex.
Oh Angharad,
You stir up some contentious issues but it makes bloody good reading.
Beverly Taff.
This is wierd. I haven't changed my password but the site wont dispayl all my thingies at the side like 'Submit Story'!
Nature vs nurture
I would not let them do it. There has been too much of Dr.s deciding at birth what sex an intersexed baby should be, and now the consensus seems to be don't do anything - let the child grow and make it's own decision when it is old enough to understand. I feel the same way here. Let the child grow and make it's own decision. That gene may be present in everyone, but lies dormant in most of us. It very well could lie dormant in the scenario presented.
It isn't nice to fool with Mother Nature!
A mother's love is not to be returned - but passed on.
Don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams. How can we have dreams come true, if we have no dreams?
Katrina Gayle "Stormy" Storm
Nature vs nurture, Chap. II
"I suspect that transexuals would possibly prefer to somehow find a genetic way of correcting the plumbing in the womb and be born the right brain sex."
I agree wholeheartedly here. I am not transsexual, but transgendered ( a hetersexual cross dresser ). However, I know several transsexuals and they all wish it could have been properly sorted out in the womb, and not have to undergo the anguish, suffering, heartache, and disappointment they have had to live through.
If you can find it, read "Day Million", by Frederick Pohl. It is a short story, but it does addresse this matter, and even though science fiction, it does give cause for hope - how many things in science fiction did you read about years ago, that are common place now?
A Mothers Love is Not To Be Returned - But Passed On.
Don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams. How can we have dreams come true, if we have no dreams?
Katrina Gayle "Stormy" Storm
You can only expect a 5 year old
to think so much. They do not have an adults experience and will act like kids because that's what they are. We should be thankful that Livvie and Trish want to help others vs being the kind who put others down. Kind of expect that Cathy will be having a conversation with the head of the school before too long though.
Not All 5 Year Olds!
please dont make generalizations like that. I admit that most may not, indeed, I know some 25 year olds that can't understand things, but there are some very mature and clever 5 year olds about, too. Some children are just so good at watching people and figuring out the interactions between them, that they understand what is going on very well - better than the average adult even.
There are biological reasons for this - small children need adults to look after them, and if the small child can understand its parents or carers well enough it can make sure they look after it better. Rather similar to how a cat can manipulate you, and a 5 years old human is much cleverer than a cat (in most cases - Angharad's Boss is exceptional and no disrespect intended Puss! Prrrrrrgh. )
From glory to glory ...
This family has a trouble magnet. :)
So the onion
Or whatever the newspaper is called has been chasing the wrong people. Trish will perform on demand! Poor Cathy.