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(aka Bike) Part 953 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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We donned our coats, and clutching an umbrella that threatened to turn inside out at any moment, I showed Maureen around the yard. Bearing in mind this is an old farm house, some of the original outbuildings survive. An old barn, where Tom used to keep his old Land Rover, four garages, which used to be storage or stables, and a few sheds.
She suggested what we could do, to tidy up several of the buildings–most of them are stone or brick–it hasn’t been a farm for a long time, but there are still fields around it which Tom owns, although they’re leased by a neighbour. The orchard survives, although it’s in need of some TLC–but that will be a job for Leon, once we get the rest of the garden sorted.
Maureen pointed out the greenhouse was on its last legs, but she could probably sort that with some additional strengthening. I took the point on board.
“Right you’ve seen how dilapidated things are–do you fancy trying to sort them? I did warn you it’s not exactly women’s work–but these days, we girls do more or less what we want–even fly with the Red Arrows.”
“I’d love to work for you.”
“Even though it might play havoc with your manicure?”
“Despite that–an’ I can always wear gloves.”
“I knew you could. Now we need to talk terms.”
“Before we do, ma’am, might I say what a lovely family you have.”
“Hmm, I hope this isn’t an attempt to get me to offer more money,” I joked but Maureen blushed.
“No, of course not–almost anything’s got to be better than what I get from the social.”
“Well despite being from a banking family, this house belongs to Professor Agnew, who is both my boss and my unofficial adoptive father–so we’re not made of money.”
“I understand.”
“I thought maybe I could offer twenty hours per week at ten pounds per hour. Interested?”
“Definitely, I could pay off some of my debts eventually and maybe improve my wardrobe a bit more–I’m tired of charity shops, especially being this size, although one or two of them keep stuff back for me now. I suspect they feel sorry for me.”
“I’m not doing this out of sympathy, it’s because I need the work done and I thought you might do a better job than some cowboy builder.”
“I’m not a builder though, ma’am–so if you’d prefer to engage one of those, I’d understand.”
“I’m possibly not making myself clear here, I assumed someone with a Royal Naval background and working in the shipyard would provide you with a number of practical skills. Am I right so far?”
“I s’pose so, ma’am.” She looked at the ground and blushed.
“So, could you do the work?”
“Most of it, I think, ma’am.”
“Is the money, okay?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Can you do twenty hours?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“What about thirty hours–or is that too much?”
“Some weeks I could, would depend upon the job I was doin’ and materials.”
“We’ll provide the materials, naturally.”
“Sure, I can do it then.”
“When can you start?”
“When do you want me to?”
“Have you any things you need to sort out first?”
“Nothin’ that would take more than a few days, ma’am.”
“Good–oh, I lied, it’s thirty hours a week.”
“That would really help me sort out my finances.”
“Might be worth talking with Simon about that–he knows the local bank people better than I do, they might be able to cobble together a single loan to pay things off. If you’ve used your credit card–it gets expensive–I know, I was a student.”
“I didn’t think they gave ‘em to students?”
“Um–we did a fiddle, it was nominally my dad’s, my real dad’s, and he used to pay it off but I had to pay him back. So I had to watch what I bought and how much debt I ran up–at times it was really hard.”
“Have I seen your picture at the bank, ma’am?”
“With a dormouse?” I asked–now it was my turn to blush.
She nodded.
“Yes, that was me–they used the pictures before they asked me, I was furious.”
“I can appreciate that. Was that you who did the documentary on dormice?”
“Guilty as charged, I study them for a living–when I have time.”
“It was a lovely programme–anyone could see you love them critters.”
“I do have a soft spot for them.”
“You teach at the university, do you?”
“Supposedly–although I’m on secondment to the bank and Defra, to make another film–harvest mice, this time. Haven’t even scripted it yet.”
“How do you manage with all the children–I didn’t see no hired help.”
“With difficulties, at times. Sadly, I don’t have much chance to ride either.”
“You got an’orse?”
“Good lord no, a bicycle–I ride bikes.”
“I used to love me bike, before I joined up like.”
“Would you like to see mine?”
“Yes please.”
I led her to the garage which is my bike shed and workshop, she was suitably impressed.
“Whose is the workshop, yer ’usband’s?”
I laughed, “Simon would have problems repairing a puncture, this is my space and they all know to let me be while I’m in here.”
“Cor, lovely bit o’kit. Park tools, too. An’ you do wheel truin’ as well?”
“Occasionally I have to repair a wheel or build a new one.”
“This is bloomin’ good, innit? A woman who knows ’er way round a workshop. I like that, ma’am.”
I blushed again–“My father’s influence, when we rode I had to do my own repairs, he showed me, then I had to do it. I’ve branched out a bit since then, used to help in a bike shop and they taught me a few new tricks.”
“It’s good for girls to learn about doin’ things themselves, makes ‘em less dependent on boys.”
“I think we’re going to get on fine, Maureen.”
“Me too, ma’am.”
We walked back into the house just as Julie was having a tantrum. “Look at it–it’s bloody ruined...”
“What is?”
“This MP3, the stupid thing broke off.”
“This, Maureen, is Julie.”
“Hello Julie,” she said.
Julie looked at her and then at me but only said, “Hi.”
“Have you got the bits?” I asked and Julie placed them in my hand not too gently. Some sort of lug had broken off where she inserted her headphones.
“Might I see that?” Maureen asked holding out a large hand. I passed her the bits.
“Did I see a soldering iron in your workshop?”
“Yes, yes you did.”
“I think I might be able to repair it.”
“You can?” said Julie loudly, “can you try?”
“What, like now?” asked Maureen.
“Well yes, my life will be over without my music.” Julie always was a bit of a drama queen.
“If your mum, says it’s okay to use her stuff.”
“Of course, but don’t let her talk you into things.”
“I’m not–an’ it shouldn’t take too long”
I handed them the key and watched them set off together to my workshop.
They were gone about half an hour, I was a little worried, wondering if Maureen had perhaps killed Miss Stroppy and was burying her under my workshop–I mean the smell in the summer would be awful, wouldn’t it?
I walked over to see what was happening. “Everything alright?” I asked walking into the garage.
“Yeah, me an’ Maureen was just talkin’, is that like okay?”
“Certainly, did you manage to fix her player?” I asked Maureen.
Before Maureen could answer, Julie interrupted–“Yeah, good as new, brill in’t she?”
“I’m sure she is. Right, I’m making some tea, it’ll be ready in ten minutes.”
“Okay, Mummy.”
“Right y’are, ma’am.”
I walked back to my kitchen lost in thought. “Penny for ’em,” said Simon, looking for the corkscrew.
“Julie was worried about meeting Maureen, until she broke her player thingy–Maureen fixed it and they’re both over there chatting like old friends.”
“Probably good for both of them. Do they know about each other?”
“Well, it’s pretty obvious about Maureen, but I don’t know if Julie has told her about herself.”
“I suppose that’s up to her, isn’t it?”
“Entirely, but I do wish she’d tell me first, so I know what’s going on. What do you want the corkscrew for anyway?”
“Well, I reckon I’ll know I’ve had enough when I start to fancy Maureen.”
“Simon, you are rotten–R-O-two tees and a-ten.”
“Where does that come from?”
“Eyeore or piglet, I think.”
“I shoulda guessed.”

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sad but true,
It is a sad, but nonetheless true statement that trans people are often most critical within their own community. This is a well written chapter, although it is not a nice thing to put into words, I have seen it occur whereby those who pass very well don't want to associate with those who don't and although I can understand the reasons, nonetheless it makes me sad. People are people and I am glad that julie is finally getting to grips with that.... Jay xx
That which does not kill me only serves to delay the inevitable. My blog => <= note new address
That which does not kill me only serves to delay the inevitable. My blog => <= note new address
Guilty as charged
It becomes very difficult in public venues when friends or clients are around. Two T's in the same room are begging to get read, three or more looks like a tranny pride parade.
Fair enough
And I respect your viewpoint. I still think it is sad though.
That which does not kill me only serves to delay the inevitable. My blog => <= note new address
That which does not kill me only serves to delay the inevitable. My blog => <= note new address
It didn't take Julie long to change her tune, did it? Especially now that Maureen has fixed her MP3 player.
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>> It didn't take Julie long to change her tune
Then again, one might consider how the MP3 player got broken in the first place.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
"All's Well That Ends Well" as the Bard Said
.. that is, the other Bard, William Shakespear, not Our Angharad, this time.
Funny thing about Will, that just came to light. Appears he was actually called Guillaume, and was French! Or so the Froggies are claiming.
Perhaps we could commission a skilled Archery person to remind them of a certain kind of salutation done with two fingers, if they persist?
Radio 4
Have admitted it was their April 1st joke. Rest assured Will Shakespeare is as English as roast beef - maybe that should be mad cow disease?
Angharad: I think or know I have been reading this since you started posting it here in 2007 even though I read it as a visitor at the time and have been reading since I became a voting Member and I can assure I still look forward to each new chapter every day. And it just as refreshing today as it was back then. Thanks for this great story/serial Angharad. I think the only other story like this is "GABY" by Maddy Bell. Your Friend Always! Richard
Julie found Maureen to be
just fine once Maureen'd managed to show she was useful. :-)
Bike pt 953
Maureen could have the Blue Light that heals mechanical objects ans electronics instead of the more organic type that Cathy and Trish have. But I think that light responds more to the person's natural aura. Maureen has been stuck as a male and learned things that way, only time will tell if she learns domestic skills.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
I could say ttfn....
But, I'm not ready to scoot off as yet.
Sounds like Cathy found a real winner in Maureen. One the RN lost out on. She's a lady of many talents. :-) Soldering's not something one just picks up, and while it's sorta related to welding, it's not the same thing. I'm thinking she might have an electronics hobby hiding on the side somewhere... My daughter learned to solder in her research lab last fall - when they had to build some new cages for the rats. So many just don't know how. I know I never learned as a kid (at least I don't recall learning it).
Nice way to "introduce" Maureen and Julie. :-)
Thanks, and now ttfn.
Yes it's bloody hard to pass if you're built like a b---k s-------e but I think Cathy's been a real trooper in reaching out (note out not down,)to help Maureen travel further yet on that difficult path.
I thought Julie would come around once she got over the initial fear or surprise. It's amazing how quickly people seem to adjust to something that may seem unpallatable at first.
Keep up the good work Cathy. It will be interesting to see how well Maureen adapts and adjusts now that she's got sympathy and support.
(And it is sympathy Cathy, even though you deny it.)
The biking angle also seems to hold promise not to mention the electronic skills.
You keep writin' kid an' I'll keep readin, whilst always saying thankyou for such entertainment.
Love it.
Thank you Angharad
Yet another nice wind down on the day. I wonder how many of us stay up until you post some evenings?
Thank you
Non sum qualis eram
Me for one
the day never feels complete without a fix of EAFOAB.....
Lovely chapter Angharad....As always....Thank you.
cute episode Angharad
I tried to post this earlier on a blog post, but the site disappeared while typing it in, and when I hit post, it vanished, and I had to re-do it. I now know how it feels Ang.
As some may remember, I have assembled this story in "books" for ease of handling. I arbitrarily chose 300 pages as a cutoff just to keep things easy. This resulted in the following numbers per MS word. As of 04-04-2010
Book 1 part 1-90 300pages 124,221 words
book 2 91-139 298 108,883
book 3 140-220 306 109,852
book 4 221-292 296 098,558
book 5 293-378 300 103,779
book 6 379-460 303 106,859
book 7 461-541 303 112,598
book 8 542-619 302 102,397
book 9 620-706 299 106,537
book 10 707-790 302 105,475
book 11 791-869 307 106,309
book 12 870-938 302 106,421
This results in the following report. 938 episodes on 3,348 pages, composed of a whopping total 1,291,889 words in 12.7MB
Add to this the current compilation of book 13 939-953, 63 pages 21,198 words. I will close this book arbitrarily at episode 1000 (I hope it goes that long). If anyone is interested, you can drop me a note and I can send them to you, or you can check the bike archives here at BC for 50 chapter compilations.
List of longest novels
List of longest novels
I note that the English translation of War and Peace is about 560,000 words and 1,400 pages.
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The Point
Whilst it may be heading towards the Guinness Book of Records, I note the dissent of some, who for whatever reasons have not enjoyed the journey so far.
It began as a blog idea which I fictionalised, and was written direct to the site for nearly two years. This occasionally resulted in the loss of the episode, so I had to use other methods. Currently, most are written, read to my editor and posted immediately. It is therefore as spontaneous as it is realistic to make it. Whilst I keep some notes on previous elements, characters etc., most is written after looking at the previous episode only for purposes of continuity.
Some of the plot lines have been occasionally OTT, especially those of the fights with the Russian mafia, but to have written it in purely power struggle terms, would have been boring for all concerned. So the first priority is entertainment.
Secondly, education may be involved - it gives an idea of life in the UK, admittedly from a rather narrow perspective - mine. But then most fiction is from the perspective of the author.
Thirdly, I have tried to explore issues in transgenderism, which most novels, short stories don't touch, simply because I've had the space to do so. Some are very subtle and need long character development to define, such as those of self-belief. If this isn't an issue for many - why are half the blogs posted here.
Another is relationships to family and friends - too complex to say much in a short story, because they're dynamic, they can change in an instant. Employment, is another issue, as is dealing with children.
Bicycles - okay, I have a passion for cycling, and I do more of it than Cathy, but she's a better rider than me, but then I'm a trifle older than her.
Maybe her appearance is too good - I don't know, but it required someone who could be in stealth mode, who could pass all but the strongest scrutiny, to achieve some of the exploits she's had.
Much of the story is simple black and white, good and evil stuff - but told, I hope, in a palette of colourful greys. Cathy, is no angel, she does hold nasty thoughts, and does nasty things - usually with regret. But I allow, most of my characters the opportunity for redemption, perhaps real life isn't quite so accommodating.
Whilst, I hold strong moral views, Cathy does share my agnostic view, which doesn't prevent us seeing the wonder of the universe, or believing in miracles, or accommodating the beliefs of others - except where they impinge on our own.
Her courage and impulsiveness for quick action are legend in the series, and her altruism at times verges on reckless. In her heart, she's actually a very moral person trying to make sense of an at times, senseless world.
At times, I'm asked how much of me is in Cathy? A bit, sometimes a big bit, sometimes we're complete strangers. Some of her experiences are my own, fictionalised. It's a biography cum blog, but not mine.
I thank the regular band of readers and the management of this site for their support and indulgence. Will it go on to a thousand episodes - probably, if I don't fall off my bike - and beyond that? Each day is a gift to each of us to do with as we please, I make no promises, but we'll see where life and Bonzi take us.
Enjoy your lives - you only get one shot.
Thank you for that insight, Angharad
Thank you for that insight, Angharad.
I love your work, and hope to see a lot more of it, so please don't fall off that bike!
Going back and reading Bike from the beginning was an enjoyable experience. I highly recommend it to anyone who missed out on the early parts.
Give Bonzi a scratch behind the ears for me.
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
Hey Angie
Keep em commin' I love the story... and if you could post a few chapters of the other stuff over to the new caretakers at Sapphire's I think people would enjoy that also.
Hey, I Just Noticed!
We don't get to vote anymore. What happened? Did the votey thing break?
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
The votey thing
Hi Jenny
A few weeks ago, the software that runs BCTS was upgraded. Unfortunately the upgrade was incompatible with the votey thing. The result was that the votey thing started to grind the system to a halt.
So, Erin and Bob (after a lot of diagnostic testing and hair pulling) turned it off.
Like you, I miss the votey thing. I wish we had a replacement.
Poll Shattering
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wonders if the KUDO button is replacemnt
1st of all the recent convert to this story is awed & amazed. you most definately have the ability to write & keep most of us happy, amused, thrilled, wanting to shoot you at times, and a thousand other things.
and the reason for this is because you gave us charactors we not only could relate to in one form or another, but wanting to KNOW that charactor even more.
Thanks ANGHARAD for showing us world of Cathy & friends which we deeply appreciate.
Yes some of it may be over top, but being over top, you've actually been able to intragrate topics that often are touchy at best for discussion with so many backgrounds & ages, but you've done exceedingly well in bringing up a topic which, I'm probally talking more for the TS's in your audiance than others, that have so close to home. I would of sworn at times you opened me up & looked into my locked secrets box.
even if a few complain, never wory, I cant possible see why. but there so many more of us that love your work
Been tame lately
I like tame. I know it will not last though.
I can see Cathy and Maureen fighting back to back, covering each other. Cathy with her high flying kicks (which according to the style I was taught is a mistake :P ) and Maureen the brawler.
Maureen may move into one of those buildings
Teenagers ! I'll bet a torn dollar bill Julie told Maureen about her extra bits .
Maureen must be ok she knows Park tools and she used to be a serious bike rider, that's all Cathy needed to hear.
I,ve read that the Bard was a big time CD, nothing wrong w/that
Sorry to hear some are unhappy with Bike going on so long. As they used to say, "Grab a TS sheet and go see the Chaplin"
Bike is like sitting at Tom's kitchen table and being part of the day to day life of the ever expanding Lady Catherine Family.
It's not a soap opera. Angharad throws in Russian Hit men, ex Spetnatz paratroopers, evil local thugs, and a few vile individuals for spice.
Like most readers, I'm addicted. To not read this, I would need an intervention specialist !