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(aka Bike) Part 930 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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The afternoon became evening and then nightfall. We got the kids to bed and I went and read to all of them, after reading more poetry with Julie. I decided it possibly wasn’t such a good idea to have tried to expand her mind because it stretched my little brain to answer her questions.
I went down to have a cuppa with Stella and Simon, who were still at loggerheads. Sometimes I felt like banging their heads together–I can’t cope with this sibling bickering, so perhaps I was fortunate to have been an only child.
I picked up my tea and went into the dining room and switched on my computer. I checked my emails–there was a response from Siân.
’Sorry, I don’t take emails from unidentified callers’.
I was devastated I didn’t expect that to happen. Would I try again? Why not? The bickering in the kitchen had reached insult levels. I might as well waste my time sending pointless emails as sit in on a pointless argument.
’Dear Siân,
We were at school together in Bristol–I was then called Charlie Watts–yeah like the Stones original drummer, if you remember we had a few meaningful discussions about life and where mine was going. I told you I’d change mine when I left home but it took a little longer than that. I’m now called Cathy and a happily married woman. I’d love to talk to you sometime if you’re willing. If you look at a certain video clip on Youtube–search for dormice and the one with the dormouse popping down the front of someone’s blouse, that’s me. No not the dormouse, the wearer of the blouse.
I’ve been a bit more involved with dormice and the media–I made a film about them last year for the BBC, which went down quite well.
With bet wishes,
Cathy Cameron (née Watts).’
Well that was about as direct as I could get. It was ten o’clock and I was thinking about bed, I decided she’d either remember me now and get back to me or ignore me. I’d give it a week.
The bickering was quietening in the kitchen so it was possible I might get to bed soon–I was tired–though I had been up early, so it wasn’t entirely unreasonable that I might feel tired.
I checked a few emails, including one from Erin to say the film was being entered for a film competition in China, with ten thousand pounds as the first prize. I wasn’t counting on winning anything, the Chinese tend to keep these things to themselves and outsiders are only there to make up the numbers.
I was about to close down when I spotted a new email, from Siân, I clicked on it with some trepidation.
’Dear Cathy,
I saw that film on dormice–it was absolutely brilliant and my partner fell in lust with you–don’t worry I won’t tell her about your past. Oh you wouldn’t have known, would you? I came out at uni–went to UCL, and am living with this delicious female, called Kirsty, and yes she is a Scot.
So you finally did something about your hair I see–kept it and changed everything else, you said in your first email–it didn’t make sense then sorry, it’s been a hard week–my dad died on Wednesday and my mother is a bit lost.
However, I’d love to see you, but can we leave it for a week or two–still dealing with my mum. Do you want to come up this way or shall we meet somewhere between the two eg Winchester or Southampton?
Let me know and look after yourself,
PS Just seen the Youtube clip–very funny.’
I felt so much better after reading that. So Siân was gay–oh well, who am I to judge? I’d write her again soon and maybe set up a meeting.
“Oy–are we going to bed?” Simon shouted from the doorway and I nearly jumped out of my skin.
“Yes, if you finished your internecine warfare?”
“Nah, that was just a friendly exchange of views between siblings.”
“I’d hate to hear you cross with each other, then.”
“When you hear the blows being exchanged–hide, or call help for me–Stella fights dirty–all you women do.”
“Gee thanks.”
“What’re you doing?”
“Checking some emails.”
“Not work I hope?”
“No, I’ve just had one from a girl with whom I was in school.”
“Not in school with, then?”
“Nah, it’s something up, with which I will not put.”
“Good ol’ Winnie,” beamed Simon.
“You know the quote then?”
“Oh yeah, from The House at Pooh Corner isn’t it?”
I slapped my head–no one could be as dumb as Simon pretends to be. “Absolutely,” I nodded to emphasise the point. It suddenly struck me that nodding was something Americans can’t seem to do. They can only shake their heads yes, to agree. I began to laugh at my own silent joke. Of course Simon thought I was laughing at his deliberate mis-attribution. Oh well, I wasn’t going to put him right on it. I closed down the computer and went to bed.
We were lying together when something he’d said earlier came back to me. I turned to face him, the light on the bedside cupboard burning behind me, casting some shadows on his face. I lay on my side my head resting on my elbow and my right hand stroked his chest.
“What did you mean earlier that you didn’t deserve me?”
“Um, when did I say that?” He was lying and he knew I knew it.
“Before you went out in the garden this morning.”
“I dunno–I’ve forgotten.”
“There isn’t something you want to tell me, is there?”
“About what?”
“Why you don’t deserve me?”
“Don’t I? Oh well, I suppose it’s self evident–you’re a paragon of virtue and I’m a naughty banker.”
“That wasn’t the way it sounded this morning.”
“Well that’s all it was.”
“Are you sure?”
“I didn’t expect the Spanish Inquisition.”
I rolled back on to my back and groaned, switching off my light as he went right through the entire Monty Python sketch.
“Oh shut up,” I said coldly and turned my back to him.
I lay there wondering what he’d really meant–was he being unfaithful to me? Had he finally found a natural female to screw instead of me? If he had, could I blame him?
Suddenly, from living an almost perfect life–I was facing a nightmare. I should have let sleeping dogs lie–in all senses. He was fast asleep, snoring his head off and I was still awake crying and wondering if my life was over–I felt so dependent upon him now–surely he couldn’t do that to me, could he? We’re all capable of it–infidelity–it’s just that some of us don’t give in to temptation.

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Too soon. Too soon!
Greetings Angharad
You can't put a new chapter up this early in the day! :)
Thank you for another chapter.
Much better getting my daily fix nice and early, than desperatly clicking refresh at 2am, wondering in our Ang' is ill.
He does seem to be afflicted with foot-in-mouth syndrome, doesn't he?
Here's the exchange from the morning (which, if it seems like two days ago, it was...for us!)
Now I'm fairly sure Simon wasn't suggesting he'd been engaging in extra-marital relations - IIRC, he's said "I don't deserve you" multiple times in the past (IIRC including in the first 100 chapters, before she revealed she was TG and he revealed he was an aristocrat). Besides which, he dotes on the children (especially Mima) and (usually) gets on well with Stella. But he still could do with learning effective means of recognising when he's made an unintentionally insensitive comment and how best to allay the fears such a comment will have instilled in Cathy (does that make any sense?).
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
As a trained athlete...
Cathy is fully capable of jumping to hasty assumptions for England. She also believes:
but has obviously never met a literate American, and there are several of them, perhaps as many as a dozen or more.
She's obviously confused Americans with Bulgarians (although there are a large number of Bulgarian Americans, one in ten they say, and perhaps a few more Lebanese Americans -- although this may be an observer effect).
The Straight Dope: Nodding for ‘Yes’
Just now going to take a nap after a long night and most of a day.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
Re Bulgarians
There are plenty of Bularians in Britain too! The wife of a professor of immunology under whom I studied was one, and her daughter and I had an interesting relationship for a while.
Also my next-door neighbours are, four young men from Bulgaria who work on the fish farms, one is also a part time electrician who works in the Alternative Economy if you follow me, and drives a BMW.
Never to soon
I tend to disagree with the earlier comment. It can never ever be to soon as far as I am concerned. I know it not possible, but do wish the story would roll in a continuous stream.
As for the plot, what skullduggery is afoot now, intimating that Simon might be playing fast and loose indeed, I think something deeper is lying under the surface here. Can not wait to see what.
Keep up the good work, this is my favourite story on BC. looking for the next episode allready.
I do hope Cathy
is making a mountain out of a molehill....Surely Simon would'nt be so stupid as too play away from home......Would he?
Noooooo !
I screamed when I read that. I don't entitely trust her, but I dont really think Angharad would make that happen to them.
Bike pt 930
Si means that he sees his own faults, none of hers.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
That's just how I feel about my own partner after nearly 45 years together. I can't think why she's put up with me for so long because she's just so much a better person - without my hang-ups for a start and she's much cleverer! If Angharad's creation has any faults it's that she's too touchy and sees problems where none exist.
Like the little touch about shakes and nods and transatlantic differences in their meanings. I've often thought the same. Wonder what Angharad's plans are for Cathy's re-discovered friend. Now that could cause eruptions in the Cameron camp.
That's how I read it too
But Cathy's insecurity strikes again. she needs to seriously talk with Simon about it or maybe get professional help. This is getting to be way too much.
How can Cathy be so professionally confident, heroic when needed, and still be so insecure?
I never
I would never, in a million years put the interperatation on this that Cathy has. She is in serious need of professional psychiatric therapy.
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
Cathy is going to get old
Cathy is going to get old before her time if she doesn't stop abusing herself mentally. She is constantly putting herself down both mentally and in her speech and it is not doing her or others any good. I do hope her friend from the past will get her out of this syndrome after they meet up again. Jan
I am starting............ confidently think Cathy is bipolar. Takes one to know one.
but then again,
I'm sure she isn't :-)
Mountain building
After nine hundred and thirty episodes, it's obvious that Cathy has perfected the art of making mountains out of mole-hills. Mind you; would we really want her to completely mend her ways?
As I've said before, Angharad; you keep writing 'em and I'll keep reading 'em.
Cathy appears to have a terrible case of Worrywartitis.
Cathy might be able to help her friend with her recent loss - having been through it with both parents not all that long ago. Hopefully they get along well. :-)
So Siân…
…is gay. Cathy had better watch out, in case Siân tries to come between her and Simon. It wouldn't be quite the same thing as the kids coming into bed for a cuddle with them both.
Simon's ambitions.
I hope that Simon stays loyal to Cathy but I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Simon would secretly love a child of his own. A genuine 'blood child' that he has actually fathered.
My gut feeling is that Cathy's old friend Sian or her partner would like a child but is forced to contemplate a 'turkey baster'.
Voila! Simon provides the necessary, Sian and or her partner do the business, The child (or children) come to live at Cathy's while Cathy's old friend and her partner get on with their lives in London. They can easily commute from that part of the UK to London every day.
Alternatively, they might even seek new jobs and a new life near Portsmouth. Then Cathy gets to see her old friend every day, (if they wish) the two mothers get to see their children every day and Simon also gets to see his own children every day. Perhaps if Sian and her partner bought the farm next door and Simon helped pay for it there might be a sensible solution for everybody. They could even use Cathy's place as a 'creche' so that Cathy can indulge her maternal instincts, Simon can indulge his fathering wishes and nobody betrays anybody.
Simon remains both biologically, emotionally, ethically and actually loyal to Cathy whilst helping to make two lesbian girls and himself blissfully happy. That seems to me like an eminantly suitable solution to issues that I suspect are emerging.
Well we'll just have to wait and see.
If I've ruined your options Angharad just write and say so, and of course bollock me; then I'll stoppit! (At least that is I'll stop putting them into print.) After all it's something that you might not put up with! (Oops, sorry Winnie, I'd better shut up now before this becomes a field of human conflict.)
I just love your stories and one of my most enjoyable evening relaxations is 'wunnerin' were you'll take the next chapters.
This little scenario is a typical manifestation of my fantasies.
As was said just earlier by another,
You keep writin' em and I'll keep readin' em'
Love and hugs,
Beverly Taff.
This is wierd. I haven't changed my password but the site wont dispayl all my thingies at the side like 'Submit Story'!
Cathy's logic
is what give other women a bad name. In many ways her intuition (if not clairvoyance) is spot on, but where Simon is concerned it is a durn shame.
Shades of Lucy! here.