(aka Bike) Part 912 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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I managed to convince Simon that he needed a bike ride as much as the girls did, and seeing as we’d have Meems, Trish and Livvie riding with us, he decided he could cope with the pace. The last time he rode he got knocked off his bike by a white van, so his reluctance was understandable.
To give Meems a chance, she rode on the trailer bike, on the back of my Scott, Si rode his Tarmac and the two older girls their Barbie bikes. We probably did a mile or so before little legs began to get tired and then we turned back along the cycle path and headed home.
At least we all got a bit of fresh air and a sort of leg stretch, but on twenty inch wheels, and little legs–a mile can seem a long way. Livvie was whingeing a bit before we got home, but the promise of an ice lolly cheered her up when we got there.
When the boys got back, I was making dinner–a pasta dish, with tuna and white sauce which I did with some mushroom soup. Again, it was for quickness as much as anything, and it was on the table an hour after we got home.
This time Trish got to help me in the kitchen, so her temper improved–and she made the fruit salad almost entirely by herself. I even let her whip the cream–yeah, forty lashes–with my hand blender.
Julie was still flirting with Leon, but less obviously than before. I did mention she needed to be careful offering something she couldn’t deliver. She then completely shut me up by asking how I’d coped before surgery.
I blushed profusely–we were alone in the kitchen, supposedly bringing through the food–“I, um, didn’t flirt, that’s how I coped.”
“So how did you develop your boy catching skills?” she continued.
“Boy catching skills? I don’t think I have any.”
“Well you caught Daddy, and I saw you in action with Dr Sage, you were pretty hot then–for him anyway,” she said and tittered, enjoying my floundering.
“Hot for him–good gracious, Julie, I’m a happily married woman.”
“Yeah–but you do like him, don’t you?”
“He’s very good looking, I’ll grant you that...”
“Who is?” said Simon behind me–the pasta nearly went over the floor as I jumped.
“Nobody, darling.” My face felt so warm, I’m sure it was hotter than the actual pasta.
“Don’t believe her, Daddy, she’s got the hots for Dr Sage, the wildlife officer.”
Julie poked her tongue out at me as my mouth opened and closed without saying anything. I was thinking that the next time someone cuts her throat, it stays cut, in fact it was likely to be me–little cow she is.
“Wildlife officer? What’s one of those when he’s about?” asked Simon, who seemed to be equally enjoying my discomfort.
“You know, he’s there if you want some, like–wild life,” Julie twisted the screw.
“He’s the field officer for Natural England, he’s involved with the survey.”
“Yeah–for like, a romp in the field,” Julie winked at me then left before I could put her down.
“Cheeky little madam,” I snorted picking up the baking dish.
“I’d like to meet him, if my wife fancies him.”
“Simon, it isn’t like that–I’m happily married–to you, remember?”
“It’s not me who has to remember it–is it?”
“Hang on a minute–“I put down the dish and grabbed his arm.
“You are choosing to believe the silly games of an adolescent girl over the word of your wife?”
“No, I believe my wife–but if this guy is a dishy as you seem to think, I’d like to check out the opposition.”
“What opposition? Stella and I had a flirting competition while the poor man was here. That was it. I’ve been to a meeting with him since and it was pure business. He’s a very decent man and I like him, but I love you–so that’s all I have to say about it.”
He didn’t say anything, he made me put down the dish once again before he grabbed me, pulled me to him and kissed me aggressively, forcing his tongue into my mouth. Lower down, something else was pushing against me too–I guess he was pleased to see me.
“You’re mine,” he said and released me before walking back to the dining room, and this time I did manage to carry the dish to the table–albeit on shaky legs and cheeks burning. Julie was so going to pay for her cheek.
After dinner, while Julie and Leon were whispering to each other, I decided to act. “Here’s your money, Leon, we don’t need you tomorrow, so we’ll see you next week–okay?”
Julie’s expression fell several storeys hitting the ground with a grumble. “Aw, Mummy, you’re rotten.”
I smiled a false smile at her before Tom wiped it off my face. “Aye we dae, Leon, can ye help me with yon vegetable patch, tomorrow?”
“Of course, Professor.”
“Well, I’d like tae get it dug over and some muck spread on it. Guid man,” he went back to the dining room and his conversation with Simon–they were talking about cars or something.
“Ha ha,” Julie poked her tongue out at me.
“Fine, see you tomorrow then, Leon, Julie and I have some shopping to do–so it’s just as well you’ll have plenty to do.” I smiled sweetly at them both and waited for him to go. As she went to escort him to the door, I told her to go and unload the dishwasher, I’d see Leon off.
She stalked off swearing at me under her breath, which I chose not to hear. Two can play at being a bitch–and I have a bit more practice, as well as status.
I saw Leon off, knowing he’d clear off and come back and she’d be out the kitchen door as soon as my back was turned. I could have exercised more power–but I’d made my point, now she’d have to give him a quick peck and a grope and dash back into the house, before she thought I’d missed her.
Why do teenagers think we’re all stupid? Do they forget, we’ve all been teens ourselves, and okay, I wasn’t as devious as she is–but that’s probably because I didn’t waken to the attractions of men as sex partners until later. Naïve doesn’t begin to describe it–comatose might.
The game is all about keeping her safe, because teens take risks–they can’t see danger, especially when their hormones start pumping–so that’s my job. I’m glad it’s Leon, she’s using as practice material–I can talk with him, well, as much as I can with any young man–I also suspect he won’t do her any harm, and he knows her situation.
What will happen when the two boys grow a bit older–they call themselves brothers and sisters, but they’re not, however much they want to be. Will there be attractions between them and the two remaining girls–Leon demonstrating that having slight plumbing problem isn’t necessarily a hindrance to attraction. I suppose my own history reflects that with Simon–he still loved me even though he knew I was incomplete–and he kindly waited for that to happen. Then–Simon is a special sort of man–which is one of the reasons I love him so much.
“What’s this about your car stopping and starting all the time?” Simon asked.
“It’s stopped doing it now,” I replied
“Why’s that?”
“How do I know? I’m a biologist not an engineer.”
“A biologist who can take a bike apart and put it back together.”
“So–? I’m cute too, but I don’t hear you complaining about it,” I decided I was going to be sassy this evening.
“It’s haunted,” said Julie, looking flustered from her stolen liaison.
“Haunted?” Simon’s eyes almost popped right out of his head.
“Yeah–it breaks down when it wants her to do something.” Having thrown this grenade into the room, Julie disappeared upstairs, leaving me to persuade Simon that there was nothing wrong with the car.
“I’ve got the chance to swap it for an A class,” he threw at me, “But if there’s nothing wrong with it...”
“A Mercedes like I had before?”
“Yeah, a couple of months old–ex demonstrator.”
“Oh this one is a real pain, yeah you need to change it really–totally unreliable...” I did like my little Merc.

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Bike pt 912.
I can see that Cathy will be discovering things about being a teen girl, thanks to Julie. Good thing she an only child.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Somehow, I Don't Think It Will Make A Difference
Somehow, I don't think it will make a difference if Simon trades her car in for another one. Cathy is right in trying to cool Julie's ardor. She should remember what nearly happened to her when Cathy found her and think about consequences. It is good that Leon knows about her and doesn't seem to care, but other people won't be so understanding if she let things get too far. There are countless sad stories about girls who took too many risks. Cathy is just trying to make her understand.
The Joys of Having a Teeenage Daughter
At least with Julie, Cathy is gaining valuable insight for the time when the other three girls are teenagers. Forewarned is forearmed.
Thanks for another splendid episode, Ang.
... Compared to Those of Having A Teenage Grandaughter !
The weekend just gone I spent both mornings with Dear Daughter, sorting out Sweet Sixteen Grand Daughter's bedroom. Gaining entry whist she is away off island visiting her other granny for her birthday was not easy, because entire floor was buried beneath several strata of THINGS - cast off clothes, lost toys, half empty bottles of pop, sweet wrappers, coins, school folders, sheet music, small dolls, plastic jewelry, foil wrapped painkiller tabs, bottles of nail varnish, lipstick tubes, hair brushes, pens and pencils, electric cables and plugs, greetings cards, coins, a dead mouse, and even a small pile of cat pooh. There were ... THINGS under the bunk bed, and on the bottom bunk, in the top bunk bed even, and on the floor of the wardrobe...
Next Crisis will be mid week when she returns. Will she say "Thanks for sorting out my room" or will she scream "How could you? I cant find Anything! Where's my xyz?"
After 6 hours on my knees they feel bruised, my back is sore, my fingernails broken and bits of wire from cheap jewelry have stuck through my fingers. Daughter will paint one wall black today. 21 year old joiner grandson will build new bed study unit, hopefully finished in time, with lots of cupboard space to hide junk.
She is a lovely girl, and bright, but Oh Dear, tidy she aint.
Cathy could
be out on her bike enjoying a nice ride.... But if the blue light needed her....You can be sure she will get a puncture!!!
*sighs* I'm soooo. glad...
my older daughter didn't cause the kind of problems Julie's trying to cause. Okay, she found things to tease about (more recently - she's the one that said my wife & I were acting like newlyweds - a month after I came out to her - she's been very supportive)...
Hopefully Julie'll become a tad less ready to jump anything that resembles a male and breaths once the increased dose kicks in. I've personally only seen females THAT aggressive of the canine variety. (Yeah, I saw a bitch jump a fence to get to our chained dog to scratch her itch...) I'm almost surprised she's not tried making moves on Simon.
Time (& perhaps the fearsome writing team) will tell how this all shakes out.
It's a family affair!
Well, well. So Cathy's learning what it's like being amum.
Must admit it's a bit of a 'Deep end' thing, but so long as the kids get loving and care, they'll muddle through, hormones and all.
Yeah, we all know Leons a bit of a 'walking gland' (Aren't all teenaged boys?) so Cathy's suddenly realised she's got her work cut out.
Provided Leon knows about Julie's situation then I believe Cathy can go a bit easier on the pair. And as for potentials for future incestuousness amongst the others well, Cathy can only blame herself. She adopted them and technically they are not blood brothers and sisters.
What is the law about adopted siblings havine relatioships provided they are not related by blood. I've never asked this question before.
Any lawyers out there please?
Keep writing Angharad, this story just gets curiousor and curiousor!
Love it,
Beverly Taff.
This is wierd. I haven't changed my password but the site wont dispayl all my thingies at the side like 'Submit Story'!
Did I Get the Translation Right?
Whingeing means whining -- do you pronounce it the same, i.e.
the 'ge' is silent?
Ice lolly means "Popsicle" (tm)?
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
…really denotes complaining with a whine; somehow it seems more expressive of a certain situation than just plain whine.. The Aussies use it a lot (ask JoanneBarbarella) when they whinge about “whingeing Poms†in other words “complaining English migrantsâ€.
You will find it on the OED (Oxford English Dictionary)
Thank You
Thank you for keeping your saga going. It has been my favourite since part one. I find myself driving through Pompey giving cyclists a wider space as I pass them by than I did before.
I really must stop getting my realities confused.:-)
Cathy has it easy. Mine were sneaky. I starting noticing thing that said the no boys in the house while I wasn't there rule was being violated. So I parked out front, pressed the garage door opener, and out popped the neighbor boy!
It's not the car, It's Dog. It looks ok if you're dyslexic
Cathy will do anything to get that Mercedes