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(aka Bike) Part 992 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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“If the size of my breasts is the criterion for selection, wouldn’t Katie Price be a better candidate?”
“Who?” Gareth obviously didn’t recognise the name.
“The glamour model otherwise known as Jordan.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, what does she know about ecology?”
“Very little I should imagine. Look, I’m a lecturer in biological science, specialising in ecology with an interest in mammals and a particular interest in dormouse ecology and population studies. It would be an insult to the more qualified members of that team for me to lead it.”
“So if that was the only problem, you’d consider it?”
“What do you mean–and why do I smell a rat?”
“Perhaps you have more acute olfactory organs than I do, I can’t smell anything but your perfume. What do I mean? I mean if the others were amenable to your leading the team, would you consider doing so?”
“There are two professors on this list–surely they should lead it?”
“Ah, but if we pick one, we alienate the other.”
“Oh come off it, they’re not going to be that childish. Appoint the one with the greater seniority–you know, older uni or been in post longer, or published more papers. Why am I saying all this, you know which one it would be?”
“Both are very senior, possibly about to become emeritus professors within the next year or two.”
“Well there you are; question answered; they’d have the time to sleep on committee meetings, I mean sit on meetings or committees or both.”
“They all agreed it needed someone dynamic to lead it.”
“That lets me out then, I’m not at all dynamic.”
“That’s a matter of opinion.”
“Yeah, my opinion.”
“Cathy, this is the most important job you’ll ever have.”
“Second most important job,” I corrected.
“What is going to be more important? This is even bigger, potentially than a chair at Oxbridge.”
“I don’t want a chair at Oxbridge, if I wanted one at all, it would be my alma mater, I’d want.”
“You could have a bit of a wait for that, but coming from leading a UN committee would be quite a leg up in such a later selection.”
“Even that isn’t the biggest job for me.”
“Okay, what is it then compare it to the UN one.”
“There is no comparison.”
“There has to be, is it Yale or Harvard, or Stanford?”
“No–it’s being a wife and mother. The pension plan isn’t as good, and I don’t get to write many papers, but it’s the most rewarding study area of them all.” I beamed at Gareth and I think he blushed.
“Why do women always outmanoeuvre men?”
“They don’t, men tend to paint themselves into corners by being too didactic.”
“Are you suggesting that women are more flexible?”
“Are we talking about physical characteristics or mental?”
“Women are definitely more mental,” he winked at me so I ignored both the comment and the gesture.
“Women are more flexible thinkers.”
“Aren’t they just, a previous girlfriend was the most flexible thinker I’ve ever met. She could think no meant yes when it applied to using my credit card and be saying yes with her body language while saying no verbally.”
“Oh, that’s the first time you’ve ever mentioned a girl friend.”
“Is it–hardly appropriate in the conversations we have is it?”
“I don’t know, that would depend on if you wanted to talk about it or not.”
“I think we’d be better leaving that particular topic in the history books.”
“Fine, more tea, then I shall have to collect some children.”
He glanced at his watch, “Yes, I’d like some more tea.”
“If you’re not tied up at the moment, why not take Stella out.”
“She wouldn’t want to go out with me.”
“No? That’s why she’s been rubbing herself against you like a cat in heat.”
“Sorry, I wasn’t looking.”
“Why was that?” I wondered if he was gay or something despite having a girlfriend.
“Of course.”
“The woman I fancy most is married.”
“Gareth, is this someone I know?”
“Could be?”
“She wouldn’t happen to have a husband called Simon and loads of children, would she?”
“She could, do you know her then?”
“I have a horrible feeling I do.” I blushed and rose to make the tea. He got up to help me. “Um–you stay here, Gareth, I need a moment to think.”
I almost ran out to the kitchen. I was in such a dither that I didn’t notice Julie standing at the ironing board. “Will you do one for me, too?”
I started, and jumped around to face her, “Sorry, darling, I didn’t see you there.”
“Too busy dreaming about Gareth were we?”
“Certainly not, I’m a married woman.”
“Doesn’t stop him mooning over you though, does it? D’you think I’ll ever get married.”
“What do you mean, him mooning over me?”
“Geez, Mummy, I thought I was supposed to be the novice here.”
I went hotter than the water in the boiling kettle. “Just what do you mean?”
“He fancies you.”
“How can anyone fancy someone they know used to be a boy?”
“Quite easily by the looks he gives you.”
I blushed even hotter and poured hot water into the teapot.
“Don’t you usually put some teabags in there as well?” teased Julie.
I glanced into the steaming teapot. “Of course, silly me.”
“It’s quite funny watching Auntie Stella frothing at the knickers to attract his attention and all the time he’s watching you.”
“Oh no, not a rerun of Des?” I said to myself.
“Who’s Des?”
“Never you mind.” I clattered mugs on to the tray.
“I’ll just ask Auntie Stella, shall I?”
“Don’t you dare or I really will get cross.”
“Well, tell me then.”
“Not now, I won’t.”
“Okay, later then?”
“Perhaps–I don’t know if I can trust you to keep your trap shut.”
“Gee thanks, Mummy.”
“This isn’t some game played by teenagers, this is family destroying stuff.”
Julie stepped back. “Why do you always have to put me down?”
“I’m not, darling, I’m just trying to make you aware of the consequences that sometimes attach themselves to these events.”
“You fancy him too, don’t you?”
“I’m a healthy, red blooded woman, of course I fancy him, but in the same way I would George Clooney. It’s just a fanciful idea, a daydream–I love your Daddy, and that’s what counts.”
“Are you going to take your dream-boat a cuppa then?” She smirked and I walked briskly out of the kitchen, so briskly, I forgot the milk and sugar. Julie appeared with them a moment later and an empty mug. I poured her some tea and she winked at me as she left.
“You think I should ask Stella out, do you?”
“I think that would be an excellent idea, certainly a better one than trying to get me to lead this UN thing.”
“I still think you’d be brilliant at it.”
“I think I know myself better than you do, first, I don’t have the time; second, it could become very embarrassing if the tabloids worked out who I am, or shall we say, what I was. So ask one of the others.”
“What if they said, you were the best for the job?”
“But they won’t unless they’re crazy, and certainly wouldn’t if they knew about me, would they?”
“They do know about you–remember biology is a small world–and they still think you’re the best for the job.”
“Prove it.” I dared him because I knew he was bluffing.
He reached into his brief case and handed me a sheaf of paper, printed emails. “That proof enough?”

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Has Cathy backed herself
into a corner. Certainly seems that way, looks like it is going to be difficult to get out of this one now.
Keep up the good work
Has Cathy backed herself
Into a corner this time. Looks as if she is going to have a problem getting out of this one now.
Keep up the good work
So exited at being first, I accidently post it again.
Has Cathy backed herself
Into a corner this time. Looks as if she is going to have a problem getting out of this one now.
Keep up the good work.
Poppykin...'re not having a good day, are you?! Let's hope you've had more luck commenting on other stories!
Righteo, business out of the way, time for my random comments on this episode...
So Gareth's still trying to seduce Cathy into the job - not only by his affection for her but also by the wide variety of esteemed professors he's got backing him. And still Cathy's trying to say "No".
Dating Stella though - let's hope it doesn't turn into a rerun of Des - especially not the aftermath! Surely there must be at least one eligible bachelor in the Portsmouth area that would prefer Stella to Cathy?
On the other hand, this could make an entertaining story arc - Gareth continually finding excuses to visit the house to see Cathy, while she tries to push him in the general direction of Stella. And all the time under the watchful eye of Julie...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Be a really jagged story line if
he ended up skipping Cathy and going after Julie (in a year or two).
We sure don't need another situation of someone wanting Cathy but "settling" for Stella.
Is this a case...
...of great minds thinking alike? Or, of fools seldom differing?
“Oh no, not a rerun of Des?†I said to myself.
That’s precisely what I was thinking as I read today’s intriguing installment.
Man meets Cathy and falls in love. Whilst attracted to man, Cathy remains loyal to Simon. Man goes out with Stella instead...
Oh no, it’s déjà vu all over again. Let’s hope the next bit (man gets Stella pregnant, man dies) doesn’t come to pass too.
Now, who was it who said, “the only thing we learn from history is that we don’t learn from history�
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Plethoric comments!
I always try to make a comment (seeing as how I can't support this excellent series by voting) before I read anyone else's comments.
So, it was a case of laughing out loud as I witnessed the déjà vu situation before my own comment.
Thanks Poppykin, it certainly brightened my day!
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Wot 'appened...
... to "no means NO"? How many times does Cathy have to give her decision?
Ah! But it
wasn't the decision Gareth, Which i guess just goes to prove it isn't just children who keep asking until they get their RIGHT answer.
and again, LOL
Not in a corner
and AGAIN, she's right, she has no time. It is her life, her priorities. UN is bollocks anyway.
She can still say no even if the academic world does not care, it is the general public that will be the one who will be the problem. It's not fair to her, the children and those around her for that matter.
Bike pt 992
Oh my! What a boat load of trouble in this chapter! A GREAT send up for a certain episode.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
When,oh when
will Cathy accept that the past is history? We can't change it, it shouldn't rule our lives but we can, and should, learn from it.
She is a titled, married woman, a mother and academically a high achiever. Would she have managed all that if she'd had a 'normal' childhood? Who knows. Just say to society "I'm here; live with it."
She is a woman in so many respects; we are often at the mercy of our irrational emotions.
Very well drawn mental pictures as usual, Ang.
She really,
really has to learn to just keep her mouth SHUT... Say no, push him out the door and threaten to beat him senseless if he ever mentions it to her again.
But imagine the directions this tale
could go if Cathy expands her sphere of influence and instead of trying to save the dormice she was now working on saving the world!
Hoisted on her own..
Is she...
Cathy's right about how important "Mother" is. "Wife's" also important. I look forward to seeing how you'll make this all work.
I do hope it's not another "Des". I wonder if Julie'll be able to keep from blabbing... I can't believe Stella will enjoy learning. That's something that could still blow up in Cathy's face.
Cathy really must have a sort of "magnetism" to attract all these guys. There ARE times I dream of being that attractive (Yes, I'll admit to it.) though, most of the time I realize that brings a mixed blessing. Just passing MOST of the time will be sufficient, I think... (Okay, I admit I'd still like to be really attractive. See, I CAN be honest. LOL)
Thanks keeping this going. So many times, it makes me think.
Just a feeling...
WHY do I get the feeling that "NO" not only will not, but CANNOT be accepted! I get the feeling that it's a done-deal, and just about to break, or HAS been broken-to the news media that covers such things... and now it's just a matter of everyone pushing and getting Cathy on-board the program!? PREFERABLY like... BEFORE it's anounced on the news! :-)
Need I explain how THAT would get Cathy seriously like, BENT, and I can just see her set her jaw, find who's in charge of releasing such DRIVEL on TV, for a pistols (reads BOW from trunk...) drawn at fifty paces!
I do hope Cathy doesn't give in.
She's right that she just doesn't have time. After all, how much work (other than family and healing work) has she really managed to get done lately? Besides, she doesn't sound like she really wants the job anyway.
This Gareth situation is tricky, just like Des as others have mentioned. Hopefully it will turn out better. Please keep up the great work Angharad! :)
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
Gareth is a typical man, he
Gareth is a typical man, he is so wound up regarding Cathy, he has not seen another beauty, Stella, right before his nose. I believe Cathy is spot on regarding getting him to date Stella and for two good reasons, a) it might get him off his 'Cathy fixation' and b) it just might bring Stella back out into the 'real world' that she seems to have given up on since Des' death. Here is hoping. Jan
In Only Eight More Goes, Chapter 1000!!!
So are we going to do a collective Something to show our gratitude and love for Angharad for keeping us all contented in this otherwise horrendous universe?
Angharad, I am sorry to not have been able to comment for some weeks, (it seems like months but I find it was in fact only about two or three weeks) - my poor computer picked up some new kind of nasty called "Malware", and snarl houlyed up. I have been totally cut off from the World on my wee remote Scottish Island for all this time, with only an old, highly squeaky and growly houly radio that is set at BBC4 to tell me what the World is doing, and all I have heard is stuff about a boring genital erection or something, in which strangely enough a Mr Cameron emerged as winner, or something, although there was also a Clegg, which is a biting insect like a mosquito but much larger, that we used to have in the Black Forest in summer, although not in the numbers that the wee midges come in these parts, and I have been going crazy with withdrawal symptoms without my daily dose of EAFOAB, and the other wonderful tales on BCTS. I am now, sort of able to get limited access only, after a Grandson and two commercial computer "Hex-Berts" have ahd a go at it.
The story of Cathy and Co has taken several unepxpected turns already in the last few weeks, and I have thoroughly enjoyed finding out and catching up again. I hope I will be able to access the Site again, without too much hassle. I want to publicly express my admiration, thanks, and sheer wonder at your skill and effort. Please accept my heart felt thanks.
I think it is safe to say...
1. Cathy will accept the position.
2. Stella will fall in love with Gareth.
3. It will all blow up in Cathy's face.
Hoist by your own petard
Crap ! Don't you hate it when the really handsome ones are smart and clever ?
Don't bring up Des ! Julie, if you joke about it, Stella may try to successfully end it this time.