Coming of Age

Hatchlings Remorse 07: The Counselor's Office


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Hatchlings Remorse 06

Chapter 06
David sprinted toward the crosswalk, glancing at his watch with growing panic. He was cutting it close—ten minutes until his shift started at Morgan's Grocery. Mr. Morgan wasn't exactly known for his flexibility when it came to tardiness.

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This story is 40 words long.

Hatchlings Remorse 04 Digital Dialogues


Remi slouched in his computer chair, the soft glow of the monitor illuminating his face in the darkened bedroom. He'd been browsing his favorite gaming forum for hours, deep in a heated discussion about the latest patch notes for Final Fantasy XIV. The debate over tank balance changes had consumed most of his evening, with Remi passionately defending the Dark Knight's new rotation against a barrage of complaints.

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This story is 68 words long.

Hatchlings Remorse 05 The Breaking Point and Aftermath


Remi stared at his reflection in the classroom window, barely registering Mrs. Caldwin's voice as she droned on about cellular mitosis. The autumn sun cast long shadows across the school grounds, and his thoughts drifted to the D&D session planned for the weekend. Johnny had been texting him ideas for their next campaign between classes, providing a welcome distraction from the growing knot in his stomach.

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This story is 68 words long.

Hatchlings Remorse 04 Digital Dialogues


Remi slouched in his computer chair, the soft glow of the monitor illuminating his face in the darkened bedroom. He'd been browsing his favorite gaming forum for hours, deep in a heated discussion about the latest patch notes for Final Fantasy XIV. The debate over tank balance changes had consumed most of his evening, with Remi passionately defending the Dark Knight's new rotation against a barrage of complaints.

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Hatchlings Remorse 03 Making Waves - Remi Joins the Team


Remi stood outside the pool office, his hand hovering uncertainly over the door handle. The hallway smelled of chlorine and disappointment—the latter being a scent he'd become all too familiar with after the recent football and lacrosse tryouts. A small plaque beside the door read "Coach Sarah Ramirez - Aquatics Director," with a newer addition underneath: "Synchronized Swimming Program Director."

Taking a deep breath, he knocked.

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This story is 67 words long.

Hatchlings Remorse 01

Preamble - I have now completely re-written all of the works I had worked with Sudowrite on. I no longer use it as a writing tool, only a story organizing tool. With my left hand healed I can now type again properly so I'll be able to write a lot easier. I am also returning to the online world but have permablocked where I got hated on for my prior writing of this. I will never author there ever again, and won't even lurk for their content. Their user base proved to be very toxic and the admins didn't care when authors were being harassed by readers. The reviewers were annoying but it was the DM's there that really got me.


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This story is 121 words long.

Hatchlings Remorse 02 The Breaking Point


"Remi! Did you grab your allowance for lunch?"

Remi paused at the front door, backpack half-slung over his shoulder. His mother, Melinda Halistaad, hurried from the kitchen, a few crumpled bills in hand. Despite the early hour, she was already dressed for her day at the office, though her usually pristine appearance was slightly disheveled from the morning rush.

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This story is 59 words long.

Turning Handstands

Copyright © Tracy Lane, 2013/2021.

Turning Handstands

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The Witch of the West, Chapter 5


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Nancy is required to learn less feminine skills

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This story is 8 words long.

The Witch of the West, Chapter 3


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Nancy encounters Gotham

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Hide and Seek


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I pushed open the door to find the house just as it always was at this time of the afternoon, silent and empty. Shafts of the waning sunlight illuminated tiny dust particles dancing lazily through the air. Even though I knew no one was home, I tried to suppress the rustling of the bag I was carrying as much as possible. Why did the bags at the bag sale always have to be paper? It felt like it would be taboo to mar the silent spell of isolation that laid upon the house.

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This story is 93 words long.

All We Are - 3


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A Sequel to You Are You

And in the end the words won't matter
'Cause in the end nothing stays the same
And in the end dreams just scatter and fall like rain

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This story is 39 words long.

All We Are - 2


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A Sequel to You Are You

And in the end the words won't matter
'Cause in the end nothing stays the same
And in the end dreams just scatter and fall like rain

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This story is 39 words long.

All We Are - 1


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A Sequel to You Are You

'Cause all we are we are
All we are we are
And every day is a start of something beautiful
And in the end the words won't matter
'Cause in the end nothing stays the same
And in the end dreams just scatter and fall like rain

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This story is 59 words long.

The Boy Inside Part 2

After the day when Seth shared the true him with will they didn't have time to talk much about what was shared. With exams on the way and state finals close at hand their time was spent apart. They would see each other passing in the hallway but their mind was always somewhere else.
When exams and state finals were over with though, things went on as if nothing happened. One day Will decided to bring the shocking statement back up to Seth.

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This story is 83 words long.

Dreamer Book 2: Part 10


Dreamer: Book 2. Part 10

By Tanya Allan

This part Copyright © 2012

This is the third chapter of the ‘new’ bit, written in response to those readers who requested it.

Philippa Stewart, international Movie Star and mother of two, continues to look back at her life. We are finally introduced to her husband, as he too harks back to the old days.

The police close the case, but she needs to return to the school so that door may be closed as well.

She faces her old friend, so past and present become clear. Her family seem to come to terms with her true nature, at least he mother does. Pippa now believes she has grown up, but finds that perhaps her future may not contain a certain Norwegian.

Find out what happens.... read on....

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This story is 132 words long.

Dreamer Book 2


Dreamer: Book 2. Part 9

By Tanya Allan

This part Copyright © 2012

This is the second chapter of the ‘new’ bit, written in response to those readers who requested it.

Philippa Stewart, international Movie Star and mother of two, looks back at her life.

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This story is 41 words long.

Dreamer Book 1



By Tanya Allan
Original Version Copyright © 1972
Revised version Copyright © 2012

The author asserts her moral right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as the author of this work.

All Rights reserved.

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This story is 35 words long.

Dreamer Book 2: Part 9


Dreamer: Book 2. Part 9

By Tanya Allan

This part Copyright © 2012

This is the second chapter of the ‘new’ bit, written in response to those readers who requested it.
My thanks to PEGLEG for help with proofing

Philippa Stewart, international Movie Star and mother of two, looks back at her life.

She has cleared the first couple of hurdles, that of the legal question as to who she is and the medical question of what gender she is. Academic really, but she told the doctor that she has no interest in finding out why it happened, as long as she doesn’t change back.

Now she waits for the police to close the case, as long as her fingerprints match those taken by the police from her room at home and the school she left in a hurry.

Her mother is on the verge of a breakdown and her father is insisting she continue her education. She has yet to meet her family and friends as Philippa, and what about poor old Thor?

But what does she want to do?

Yet again, she feels that others are pressing her to do things to fit in with their plans for her, and not letting her choose her own destiny.

Find out what happens.... read on....

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This story is 212 words long.

Dreamer: Part 6


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Dreamer: Part 6

By Tanya Allan
Original Version Copyright © 1972
Revised version Copyright © 2012

Philip Coates is seventeen and convinced that he is not only trapped in a boarding school for boys, but also trapped in the wrong body. He spends most of his time lost in a world of his imagination. In this world he is the girl he always wanted to be. The girl who screams at him to set her free in every minute of every waking hour, and most of the sleeping ones as well.

Trapped in a social square hole, he becomes simply what everyone - parents, friends, teachers - want and expect him to be. He knows that he wants to be a round peg, but will, in reality, never make it.

Well, he wakes up one morning convinced that his dream might just be coming true.. or is it?

The signs are there, but then again, are there other explanations for what he is going through?

After a rough few days, the girl is set free.

The future is now gloriously uncertain and fresh, as she sets out on a journey, turning her back on her school, her friends and her old home.....

........or is it?

My thanks, once again, to PEGLEG for proofing.

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This story is 208 words long.

Dreamer: Part 4



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Dreamer Part 4

By Tanya Allan
Original Version Copyright © 1972
Revised version Copyright © 2012

Philip Coates is seventeen and convinced that he is not only trapped in a boarding school for boys, but also trapped in the wrong body. He spends most of his time lost in a world of his imagination. In this world he is the girl he always wanted to be. The girl who screams at him to set her free in every minute of every waking hour, and most of the sleeping ones as well.

Trapped in a social square hole, he becomes simply what everyone - parents, friends, teachers - want and expect him to be. He knows that he wants to be a round peg, but will, in reality, never make it.

Well, he wakes up one morning convinced that his dream might just be coming true.. or is it?

The signs are there, but then again, are there other explanations for what he is going through?

After a rough few days, the girl is set free.

The future is now gloriously uncertain and fresh, as she sets out on a journey, turning her back on her school, her friends and her old home.....

My thanks to PEGLEG for help with proofing

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This story is 205 words long.

It's official - A half century

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I think that now makes me an old git. if not an old git, then a grumpy old bastard :)

I never thought I'd get this far and if I hadn't stopped riding bikes and driving cars like a complete maniac, I probably wouldn't have.

That means that by rights, I should now live forever...

God help you all.


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All Things Denied 4 - 'First Ride'

Notes of a Journey Trilogy
Book 1
All Things Denied

Chapter 4 - 'First Ride'

A Gaby FanFic by PB

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This story is 18 words long.

Saturday Afternoon In The Kitchen

A mother shares a secret with her daughter.

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This story is 8 words long.

All Things Denied 2 - 'Meetings'

Notes of a Journey Trilogy
Book 1
All Things Denied

Chapter 2 - 'Meetings'

A Gaby FanFic by PB

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This story is 17 words long.

All Things Denied 1 - 'The Decision'

Notes of a Journey Trilogy
Book 1
All Things Denied

Chapter 1 - 'The Decision'

A Gaby FanFic by PB

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This story is 18 words long.

'Notes of a Journey' Trilogy - Prologue

of a

Trilogy - Prologue

A Gaby FanFic by PB

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This story is 12 words long.
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