Enemyoffun's blog

Computer on its last legs :(

Well just when I started to get back into developing more story ideas, my computer has decided F you and isn't working properly anymore. Its making weird noises and keeps shutting itself off. I used to have the money to replace it but my account is all but empty now because life sucks. So just when things were FINALLY starting to look up for me, the universe is giving me the finger. :(

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Writing Update

I'm still busy working on Don't Forget The Glitter but at the same time, I really want to finish up A Summer Tail. Its one of those stories that's really been nagging at me for awhile now. I've tried continuing it a few times over the past couple of years but I kept getting stumped trying to figure out how to continue the story from where I left off. I finally came to the realization that I just didn't like the end of Ch.10, so I'm going to delete the ending, rewrite it and continue to write the story from there.

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Its Just a Skirt on Kindle

A bit of a rough patch with book sales again. Bills next month might be a little tight so I'm looking for a bit of help. Gonna post a link to one of my more popular books here again. When I did this in June, I got a small boost in sales that will definitely help me out next month. This blog will hopefully help me to pay my bills at the end of September, unfortunately there's not much help I can get now though :(. I'll have to squeak by next month with what little I made in May.

Here's a link to Its Just a Skirt. If anyone hasn't read it, I'd be happy for the help :)

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Hello My Name Is... on Kindle

The bills have been pounding the HELL out of me the last few months. If anyone hasn't purchased this book or one of my others on Kindle, I would really appreciate ANY support you could give me. I'm gonna work harder to write some new books for Kindle, one for Doppler and I want to look into setting up a patreon as well. In the meantime, here's a link to Hello My Name Is, my most popular book on Kindle to date :).

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Big surprise. Just when I think my life is back on track, I get FUCKED OVER AGAIN.

NYSEQ increased my Budget Billing to $210 a month, which I can't afford half of on top of the $80 a month I shell out for internet. Add insult to injury, I'm supposed to pay $400 by the end of April. For some stupid reason.




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New Chapter of Wayward

I don't generally do this when I post a new chapter but seeing as its been a while since I posted the last one and well frankly, I said there wasn't going to be anymore. I thought I'd let everyone know that there is in fact a NEW chapter of Wayward that I posted today. Its a bit on the short side because well I haven't written anything in a bit but I'm just happy I pulled my ass off the floor to do something again.


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I'm currently broke. I've begged to have people pay my bills for the last three months and I'm going into at least 2 more months where I'm going to have to beg again. As it stands now, I've got $40 to my name and next month $200 in bills to be paid. If I can't pay them, you won't be seeing or hearing from me AGAIN because I won't have electricity.


Here is a link to my current book:

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New Kindle Book

I mentioned a few weeks back that I pulled my first Center story, Darkest Before The Dawn, off site and decided to publish it on Kindle because I'm broke. I've finally gotten around to doing so. I've opted to drop The Syndicate from the title and decided to call the universe Tainted Waters. I felt it was more appropriate.

US store link: https://www.amazon.com/Darkest-Before-Dawn-Tainted-Water-ebo...

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Wayward Update

Sadly there probably will be no Wayward update this week. What with the sweltering heat and crap, I've fallen a bit behind. I've only been able to write in the morning when its cooler. Its a pain in the ass when you don't have an AC :(. So hopefully I can get a few more chapters written up again before posting Ch.4. I'll update as I make progress, probably on Discord :)

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Not Bothering Anymore

My carelessness has killed ANOTHER dog, I'm tired. The only true thing that kept me alive the last time is the current dog who is dying in the corner. He was my last hold to a life I no longer have and the with him hours from death himself, I don't really have anything more I want to do. I did this too. I knew the warning signs from the last tragedy and I carelessly ignored them all and got myself into the SAME situation again.I'm a HORRIBLE person.

I'm tired of trying.


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Brand NEW Book on Kindle

I've posted a brand NEW, NEVER BEFORE read on here book to kindle called A Light in The Darkness. Its only the first part of the book, 10 chapters but I'm REALLY excited about it. Its been a LONG time coming. I started it months ago and struggled for a while to get it done. I plan to post the second part in a few months time after this.

Here is a direct link to the store page, I'm sure someone more capable than me can clean this blog up a little better *crosses fingers* I'll also post a look at the cover too :).

Thanks in advance,

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The Hits Just Keep Coming...

Just when you think everything is good and nothing else bad can happen, something else slaps you in the face. I was just informed this morning that I have until the 15th of September to get both my dogs vaccinated and licensed because the city is doing a consensus. If I had been told about this at the beginning of the month, I would have been fine. As it is, Kindle has not been kind lately. I had to use last month's kindle money to pay for bills and the tiny amount I'm getting this month won't even pay for one vet visit. I'm NOT sure what I'm going to do now....

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Hello My Name Is... on Kindle

As I'm sure some of you may have noticed, Hello My Name Is... is no longer available to read on this site. I would have liked to keep the story up here a bit longer but my other books have run out of steam selling wise on Kindle and I have bills to pay.


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Summer Story

Working on a new story for the summer. I hope to start posting it here very soon. Its something quick and fun. It will be shorter than Hello My Name Is... and in very similar to my DarkRealms stories, you could almost call it a DarkRealms Alternate type story. The universe feels very similar. I want to make sure that I have at least 5 chapters written before I start posting, I'm almost done with ch. 3 now :). So stay tuned :).

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Need Some Writing Help :)

I need some help with Oregon region. I've been toiling with this particular story for a while now and I want to be fairly accurate with it. I've been known to write as vague as possible when it comes to the region I place my stories. I generally just put them in a fictional town in the area where I live. The thing is, I like variety too. This current one I'm writing takes place in a fictional town in Oregon. The problem is that I don't know ANYTHING about the area. Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated.

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I'm sorry but the next chapter of Hello won't be posted today. I'll try to get it up tomorrow but more than likely it won't be until the end of the week if at all this week. I got behind in writing and I like to have a buffer of at least two chapters before I post. I only have 2 more chapters of this story written. I don't want to fall behind or have a large lull in the story.

Sorry again :(.

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So I paid off my outstanding bill with NYSEQ, my electric company. Thanks to everyone who helped me with that. You're AMAZING people. Sadly the company decided they WANTED more. I was on a Budget Billing plan and because I fell behind in my payments, they told me today---AFTER I paid ALL that money to keep my power from being shut off---that the plan was now cancelled and I owe them another $1000 to keep them from shutting it off again.

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Burning Bright

Every time I post a new book on Kindle, I have a lot people asking me on site what happened to this story or that. I thought I'd get in front of this time and tell everyone that I unpublished Burning Bright from the site because I just put it up on Kindle. I'll try to have a link for it up as soon as its officially published.

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