School or College Life

Misscast: A Gradual Feminization Story

Initially hoping for the leading male role, Jesse finds that his best shot at stardom is accepting the female lead in his university's production of The Phantom of the Opera.

Happy to announce the release of my new 25 chapter novel, Misscast! I'll be posting the first few chapters here for you to try out. I hope you all like it :)


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Just Me: Sins of the Father (Part 1)

A Whateley Academy Tale
Sins of the Father
by Domoviye

 Part 1


Tulsa, Oklahoma

John looked down at the sleeping woman, teeth clenched, his shoulders tight. He didn't say or do anything for a long time, just watched her sleep, longing to reach out and hold her, hating what he was about to do, struggling to hold it off for just a little longer.

He couldn't wait anymore, he had to do it now or he never would.

The Return of Lilith Chapter 11

I headed back to the school after a lengthy discussion with Elizabeth on the passage in the book. I was excited, but I was also trying to stay calm since it just wasn't enough information to take action. Elizabeth and I both agreed that we would look through the library and try to find more information on Shar'li.

(Rewritten) Doom Valley Prep School: Chapter 16

Doom Valley Prep School
Chapter 16

“So why weren't you in Subterfuge class?” I asked Ella when history class ended. “I thought that every student on the leadership track had to take.”

“I talked it over with my advisor, we decided I could skip and go to the second year course,” my roommate said. “Honestly I learned most of what they teach in 101 before I left the nursery.”

“That sounds rough.”

The Return of Lilith Chapter 10

I lay in bed thinking about my life and the life I want now here in the modern age. I don't want to go back into hiding again. There is just so much that I need to know about the world and how I can live in it as I am. Neither Kyle nor I have any experience in living as a teenage girl. Now that Kyle can exert his own will on me is something we will have to work out.

(Rewritten) Doom Valley Prep School: Chapter 15

Doom Valley Prep School
Chapter 15
An Interesting Morning

When magic class finally ended, I headed off to subterfuge, the one class I actually wanted to attend. I didn't want to become a trained liar, but it had my favourite teacher Bob, and I wasn't likely to get burned or horribly maimed in it. That had never really been a concern of mine before coming to Doom Valley Prep, now it was at the top of my list.

Real Stories From An Imaginary Child Chapter 1

Against All Odds

Have you ever looked over the edge of your life and pressed the rewind button in your brain? Just looking back at the things you might have done, could have accomplished, or conquered like a battalion on a literal battlefield of life? I’m pretty sure the general in charge of my life was either asleep at the morning briefing or he was annihilated and no one informed me as I ran up and over the hill into the line of fire.

(Rewritten) Doom Valley Prep School: Chapter 14

Doom Valley Prep School
Chapter 14
Magic Class

With breakfast finished, Calci and I said goodbye to our friends and headed for our first class of the day, Magic 101. The hallway started off full of nervous students wondering what to expect now that classes had started, and we were both pushed and jostled as we walked. Well, actually I was pushed and jostled, Calci, who was built like a brick wall had people bouncing off of her.

The Return of Lilith Chapter 8

After a dinner where no one bothered me and kept their distance from me. I was able to walk leisurely back to my dorm room. It was time to meet my roommate. I was not excited about this, I thought that a roommate would interfere with my training of James. Walking up to Morgana Hall looking at the water motif that was covering the walls of the main foyer.

Joining a club? Chapter 4

When last we saw our intrepid hero:

So now, I am led outside and I can see a little bit but my eyes still hurt, and the entire club is waiting out there! There must be at least a couple of dozen other kids waiting for a bus that’s running late, and I’m trying to hide my face.

“Jackson!” the girls all yell. “Are you okay?” adds a few of them.

(Rewritten) Doom Valley Prep School: Chapter 13

Doom Valley Prep School
Chapter 13
Not Dead Yet

Tired, starving, bashed up, soaking wet, with a hole in the back of my nightgown and one side badly scorched, I finally made it to the girls dorms.

“What happened to you?” Ella asked, when I gratefully slipped into our room.

I ignored her question and asked my own, “Why does our school have a flooded hallway, full of sharks that shoot freaking fire from their eyes?”

The Return of Lilith Chapter 7

The day has finally come, and it is off to school I go. I don't know how I feel about this. My mind is jumping between worry and anticipation. I am worried because I don't know what to expect when I get there. I am also anticipating that there I will cause trouble for James. I have been told that James has been bullied by many of the other students at school because his magic doesn't manifest in the same way that theirs does.

The Return of Lilith Chapter 6

Elizabeth was so angry with me that it came off her in waves that crashed into me. She pulled me into the kitchen and screamed at me, "I can't believe you! You promised me that you would not tell him, and now I don't know what is going to happen between David and me." She was so upset that she started to cry.

The Witch Hunt Chapter 11

Zoe didn't see or talk to Miles until Monday morning at school. She was just coming into the entry hall when she ran into Miles. "Hey," she said. "How's it going?"

"Pretty good," said Miles. "I didn't tell Mr. Al know. And I told Avery not to tell him, either."

"Good," said Zoe. "Just as long as there weren't any curses placed on Skylar's property-"

"Well, I didn't wake up with boobs and a vagina on Saturday," said Miles. "So I think we're fine."

Alan came up to them. "Miles! Zoe!" he said. "Where were you on Friday?"


I had Expected My Sophomore Year to be Boring

I grew up in a smallish town in one of the Prairie states. The town has about 50 000 inhabitants. It was quite a straight town. The straws in the surrounding wheat fields were straight. The plough furrows were straight. The edges of the fields were straight as were the roads separating them. The roads just kept on going straight on until they disappeared beyond a horizon unobscured by hills, mountains or forests. In town the streets were straight and the blocks square. To be honest the people were straight and square as well. Even my sister’s flushes were straight.

(Rewritten) Doom Valley Prep School: Chapter 12

Doom Valley Prep School
Chapter 12
Suicidal White Knight

High pitched shrieks and shouts shook the large cavern. It sounded like the entire goblin camp was stampeding up the slope towards me. Somehow, despite the loud roar, I heard Reginald running in his heavy armour.

“Petra, where are you? Has a goblin attacked you?” he shouted.

The Witch Hunt Chapter 08

For the rest of the week, all anyone at school could talk about was Ralph being turned into Ruby. Everyone-the boys, the girls, and even the teachers-were scratching their heads over what had caused the transformation. The generally accepted theory was magic, though that raised more questions than answers. What kind of magic was it? Was it a curse? A forgotten wish? A potion that had been slipped into Ralph's food earlier that day?

Joining a club? Chapter 2 (Revised)

Please note there is another revision to the first chapter posted, not much changed except correcting the wandering tense. I did make a few significant changes to this one, though

The Witch Hunt Chapter 06

For the rest of the week, Zoe tried her best to keep an eye on Skylar. Since P. E. was the only class she had with her, there wasn't much opportunity to interact with her and try to get closer to her. Of course, there was the first meeting of the breast cancer awareness club, but it ended up getting delayed to Friday at the last minute. So Zoe had to wait a little longer for that opportunity.

Joining a club? (Re-Revised) chapter 1

I was just about to lose my lunch when I feel an arm snake around my waist, and someone else sit beside me on the bench. Strange, I think, the bullies in this little town usually begin by throwing my stuff in the trash and knocking me around a bit.

“It’s OK Jackson, those girls abuse everyone,” says a soft voice behind me. Turning around, I see several girls I don't know, along with my best friend and neighbor Deanna with her arm around me.

“Are they always like that?” I ask, putting my head back on the picnic table.

Wings, part 13 of 62

One of the trans guys at the meeting announced that he’d finally figured out his permanent name (he’d been trying out different ones, like me). That reminded me again that I needed to think more about my name. Amanda was nice, but it wasn’t quite right, any more than Natalie, Amber, Isabella or any of the others I’d tried on for a few hours.

(Rewritten) Doom Valley Prep School: Chapter 9

Doom Valley Prep School
Chapter 9
Things Are Looking Up

While the boys went to the opposite side of the cafeteria to get their food, I went with my friends to our usual counter and glared at the cat woman. “Let's try this. Give me anything you have.”

“I'm not a mind reader kid, give me something a bit more specific,” she replied.

“Oh for the love of!” I screamed. “Give me a piece of bread!”

“All out.”

Boy in a Girls School

Boy in a girls school

by Jennifer Reed

Chapter 1

Ethan is a boy whose has to deal with the issues of also being regarded as another girl attending an all girls school

Spin The Bottle

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"Be A Girl - It's Just For One Day!"

Four teenagers: one girl and three boys are partying before they go their separate ways to different colleges when someone says 'lets play spin the bottle'. But they are one girl short so they spin the bottle to see which boy will become a girl... just for the day of course.

(Rewritten) Doom Valley Prep School: Chapter 7

Doom Valley Prep School

A gong woke us up for our first breakfast at Doom Valley Prep School. Today was the day we'd meet the older students, see the school and pick our classes, I was dreading every minute of it. While Ella stepped into her closet and came out wearing the blue school dress, I came out in my padded armour. After seeing how bad the freshmen were, I didn't want to even think what the older students were like and had to be ready for anything.

Dare Poker - Part 3: Primed and Polished

Liz whispered something to Felicia, then said aloud, “Felicia is the one who will do your nails. She has the biggest nail polish collection out of all of us, which is why I figured that it was best for her to do it. She knows the colors I picked out, so you can go with her to her room to get started.” Miles did as told and walked with Felicia to her room.

Ice Cream Never Tasted This Good

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[With thanks to Courtney for another great caption!]

Life really takes some strange turns and moving to New Mexico did it for me. I hated my new life. At my old home in Idaho, I had a couple of friends, and we played games and hung out, but not in the new place. It sucked.

(Rewritten) Doom Valley Prep School: Chapter 6

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Doom Valley Prep School
Chapter 6

A gong rang out declaring it was finally time for supper, which was a good thing, my stomach was about ready to start chomping on my kidneys and liver. Several doors opened up along the walls, and a stairway appeared in the floor, none of them gave any clue about which way led to food.

Tom's Project


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TG Universes & Series: 

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This story is set ten months before Tom's Fireworks and is the continuation of the preludes story.

Tom's back at school after the Christmas Break but is under instruction to decide what he can do for his Business Studies long-term project. We finally learn how Tammy meets Sarah Bonney.

(Rewritten) Doom Valley Prep School: Chapter 5

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Five o'clock finally rolled around.

I couldn't wait to get to my room, it would mean I could either take a nap or get ready for supper. Thanks to the time difference between my hometown and Doom Valley, my body insisted it was not only past my bedtime, but I'd missed supper by several long hours.

Lanie's Journey Chapter 12

For the next couple weeks, Lanie and Rachel continued to go to the board game club and hang out with Conner, Justin, and the other guys there. Outside of the club, Lanie practiced playing checkers at the orphanage with Rachel, Aaron, Trevor, and some of the other kids at the orphanage. It took some time, but she was able to improve. And it got to a point where one day, in the game club, Lanie actually beat Conner in a game of checkers. She felt proud of her victory-but she didn't let it cloud her feelings for Conner.

Lanie's Journey Chapter 11

NOTE: Sorry that this one's a tad shorter than most of the other chapters. I'm kind of figuring out the structure of this story as I go along, and there wasn't really much ground to cover for this chapter. So...enjoy what you've got, I guess.


When Wednesday came, Lanie and Rachel both went to the board game club Conner had told them about. It was held in Mrs. Lin's classroom, with about a dozen kids gathered to play board games. The president was a Senior boy named Justin Kathy.

Life Isn't Fair

Katelyn sits on the bleachers and watches as the other girls on the swim team compete. Because of her states, new law outlawing nongenetic girls from competing in girls’ sports. She couldn’t compete anymore. Last year she could, but this year she was informed by her school board that if she wanted to compete. She would have to do it on the boys’ team. Otherwise, she’ll be riding the bench.

Emma's Story: School Days: Chapter 5

We were sitting around the table that night, eating a casserole that Abby had cooked. She actually had a lot of culinary experience for someone her age, having had to look after Nicole when Daniel had to work late. She had been working on it when we arrived and it had now been brought to a point where we could eat it. I had set the table and we were all waiting on Abby to move the dish containing the casserole over to the table. Abby placed the casserole dish in the middle of the table.

"Emma, can you serve us?" Abby asked.

Emma’s Story: School Days: Chapter 5


Audience Rating: 


We were sitting around the table that night, eating a casserole that Abby had cooked. She actually had a lot of culinary experience for someone her age, having had to look after Nicole when Daniel had to work late. She had been working on it when we arrived and it had now been brought to a point where we could eat it. I had set the table and we were all waiting on Abby to move the dish containing the casserole over to the table. Abby placed the casserole dish in the middle of the table.

"Emma, can you serve us?" Abby asked.

The Only Boy in the Girls' Locker Room

Sometimes I hate being the only boy in the girls’ locker room. Usually that coincides with my fellow cheerleaders deciding to tease me. Not verbally, visually, in the showers. That can be quite annoying. Not that I get any help from the girls’ coach either. She just smiles and say that I have no one but myself to blame.


Parker looks at her reflection in the full-length mirror on the back of her closet door. She couldn’t believe her parents had accepted that she had wanted to be a girl since she was little. True, she has to see a counselor about how she feels. But she didn’t mind.

The counselor she has been seeing wants to see how she looked as a girl today. Her friend Tony was coming to pick her up to take her. He stood by her when she came to him about how she was.

“Parker, Tony is here to pick you up.” Mary sticks her head into her daughter’s bedroom.

(Rewritten) Doom Valley Prep School: Chapter 4

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Chaos filled the common room of the girls dormitory.

Apparently having more than one dorm key was a good thing, and the tougher girls were stealing as many as they could from anyone who couldn't or wouldn't defend themselves. I could only watch as a crystal covered girl came towards me, flames erupting from her nostrils with every breath. Looking around for help, or maybe a distraction, things didn't look good.


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