Exchanged - Chapters 38 and 39

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Chapters 38 and 39
by Sofia Hammerstein

Two years ago Stacy visited a newly discovered dimension, with his parents, on an adventurous summer vacation. He was astounded by how the other dimension's technology was decades ahead of his own! During his senior year he applied to Emerson University in the city he had visited. He was excited and hopeful of learning more about their technology as an exchange student, and hopefully bring it back to his own world. (Story set in the Diaper Dimension)


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The Legal Stuff: Exchanged © 2017-2024 By Sofia Hammerstein
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.

Chapter 38: Testing

“TIME TO GET up, Stacy,” I heard as I was lifted out of the crib and embraced into a hug.

I groaned and sat passively as she checked my diaper, “How come you’re not wet?”

I realized then I could again feel the need to urinate and just let it go into the diaper to save the time of answering her. I sighed then and said, “My fasting meant I haven’t had any of your milk since yesterday morning… I’ve actually gone back to knowing when I need to go, so I guess its effects must not be permanent?” I sleepily suggested.

“Hmm…” she said. My diaper was changed, and she found the tunic and pants set from Friday and dressed me in it. I sat quietly as she did my hair in a style other than pigtails and found myself quite curious. Soon enough, she said, “Okay, sweetie, I don’t want you to have any solids still, but I have some coffee for you downstairs if you promise to be careful with it.”

I smiled, “Cofffffffeeeeeee!!!!”

She carried me past the mirror, and I saw that my hair was curled underneath, with bangs brushed to the side of my face, making me look as mature as I could. The outfit I was wearing hid the shape of my diaper, so it looked like I wasn’t a babied Little after all. That made me feel the most mature I had since I’d arrived! “What do you think?” She asked as she paused for a second.

“I like it a lot!” I told her.

“Well, don’t get too used to it. Of course, you’ll have the uniform required for school days… I guess it’s between the two looks, though.”

I sighed, “Well, thanks for letting me feel a little grown-up… as much as you can in a diaper anyway.”

She squeezed me tight and carried me downstairs. Once I was sitting in the high chair, she brought a me-sized mug of steaming coffee to me, black. “Do you need sugar?” She asked.

I shook my head, “No, it’s good like this!” I told her as I savored the vapors coming over it. I took a tentative sip and felt like I was in heaven. The latte bottles were good, but this was coffee as it was supposed to be enjoyed! I let out a satisfied sigh.

“You are an addict…” she told me.

“I see you have your own cup too!” I pointed out to her.

She laughed, “You’re right! It takes one to know one. Here, you shouldn’t have solids but give this a try,” she said while handing me an opened packet of some substance.

“What is it?” I asked as I looked at a red gel oozing inside.

“It’s meant for cyclists or runners,” she told me, “it shouldn’t cause any solid waste for you and will help give you a little bit of sugar to get going today.”

I nodded and tasted it. The texture sucked, but it wasn’t terrible tasting. I alternated a few slugs of the gel and the coffee to get rid of the taste.

Fred came in the room then and held something in his hands, “Here, Stacy, let me put this charm bracelet on you,” he told me.

I looked closer at a pretty silver charm bracelet with eight charms dangling from it. Gabby had a similar one back home, and I knew they weren’t cheap. There was a pacifier charm, a baby bottle, a computer, and several other hearts and such on it. “The important ones are the pacifier and baby bottle,” he told me.


“If you feel like you are going to have a messy accident pull either of them off the bracelet by yanking on it and swallow it.”

I looked at him dumbfounded, “they’re silver, aren’t they?”

“The others are, those two are actually a cellulose-like material like you would find around pills. It dissolves instantly in the stomach and sends a chemical signal to your brain and muscles of your bowels to stop you up. You won’t be able to go poop on your own for about a week, though – so try not to use it if you can avoid it.”

I gulped at the thought that I would have to use other help… “I’ll try to never take it… why would I need to?”

“Well, first, if for some reason something is going wrong today, it’s a good idea – you can’t afford a mistake today,” he reminded me.

I nodded, “I get that… and?”

“Well, as you go to school, if you do well, there will be some jealous classmates that will probably inevitably try and spike your drink or food to make you lose control. So while we, in theory, should be able to reclaim you as our daughter if they try to kidnap you, it’s far better if we don’t even have to try to do that. Not to mention the university’s policy on pooping in class?”

I nodded and sighed, “I hope you have some spares?”

He laughed, “I have a couple dozen replacements upstairs.”

I shuddered but said, “Thank you.”

Amanda looked at the clock, “I’m going to change you into a new diaper when we get there. Do you need to go poopy, though?”

I shook my head, “I have a feeling I’ll be cleared out for a week after last night!”

She smiled and kissed my forehead before taking my empty mug away. “Let’s go then,” she told me.

I was surprised when she loaded me up into the car since we had walked to the university so many times. She parked in one of the many faculty parking lots; I suspected she planned to distract herself by going to work in her office while I was testing. My harness was unbuckled, and she laid me down on the back of the SUV to change a soaked diaper. She gave me a hug when she was done, and I realized she had replaced my thinner Pamper with one of the thick princess diapers. The pants clearly showed the diaper bulge if they were uncovered, but the long tunic still did a pretty good job hiding it. I didn’t think it would hide my waddle when it got wet, though! “Why the thick diaper?” I asked.

“You need that long of protection,” she reminded me. She sat me down on the ground on my own two feet and gave me a new purple backpack that was my size and had the university emblem on the back of it.

“What’s in this?” I asked.

“Supplies, an extra diaper, wipes, your ID for the test, pens, pencils, etc.”

“Thanks,” I told her politely.

“Come on, let’s go take your test,” she said and directed me to walk beside her. It was a novelty as we walked a good quarter-mile on my own without her hand, a stroller, or being carried. I got the feeling my slow pace kind of bothered her, but we made it to a department in a tall building labeled ‘Student Assessment Center’ with more than ten minutes to spare before the time we were supposed to be there. She pushed me forward to a table that said, “CARE Registration.” In front, I was surprised to see a table manned by a Betweener. A convenient set of steps to help with my height impairment was laid before the table. But, of course, I could barely see above the table even with it.

“Name?” The girl asked in a bored voice.

“Stacy Sl… Westerfield,” I said.

“Not sure about your name?” the girl asked suspiciously.

“It changed recently,” I told her.

“Oh,” she said while looking at me oddly but shrugged. “ID?”

I opened the front of the backpack and was rewarded with a wallet and my ID from home… except it was different. My name, gender, and address were the new ones… like an endorsement, there was a mark on it that said ‘ADP.’ I was genuinely curious what it meant, ‘probably adopted,’ but just gave it to her to verify my information. After a moment of scrutiny, she handed it back, “Okay, you need to go down the hallway here; the third door on the right is your room. Show this ticket to the lady in there, and she’ll get you all set up.”

“Thanks,” I told her.

I looked up for Amanda but saw she was gone. I sighed but smiled when I caught sight of her mouthing, ‘Good luck,’ to me as she left the doors. I squared my shoulders and marched towards my destiny in the room three doors down on my right.

I was glad to see it was open since the handle was well out of my reach as I reached the door. ‘It’s the little things,’ I complained to myself. I looked up to see a giant about Chloe’s size notice me. “Ticket, please,” she said brusquely.

I handed her the paper, and she said, “Okay, right this way.” To my surprise, the stations were actually Little sized, so I didn’t have to feel quite as out of place. Of course, it was still huge for me since I was tinier than usual, but compared to Amazon-sized furniture, I felt comfortable! Unfortunately, when I climbed into my designated chair, my tunic got caught and rode up a bit, exposing the diaper hanging above my pants. I blushed but pretended it was normal, and once I settled in, I pulled it back down. A moment later, the lady said, “I’ll have to hang onto your bag until the test is completed.”

I sighed but nodded; teachers back home did that stuff too. She came back over, and her fingers flew over the keyboard that must have seemed like a tiny tablet keyboard to her. A short while later, she spoke to the group that was seated, “Okay, here we go. The software keeps track of your progress and automatically scores the test when you are done. You have six hours to complete the test, and you may not take any breaks – that includes bathroom breaks. Should you poopy in your pants, you will have to leave, and your test will be scored as you have completed it to that point. Any questions?”

I shook my head, “No, ma’am,” I told her, along with a small chorus of the others.

“Then begin,” she told me.

I looked at the screen that read, “Press any key to begin the College Aptitude Readiness Examination.”

I sighed and started the exam with the reading section. I flew through the passages and noted a definite bias in the reading examples and questions that seemed to take jabs at Littles, even believing they could be ‘adults’ in this world. One passage was all about the author extolling the necessity of Littles being diapered and properly cared for at their adopted mothers’ breasts… I just answered the questions and was pretty sure the section was perfect when I finished it – even if my answers to the content made me ill. It just wasn’t all that difficult for me!

The writing section wasn’t much more difficult because of the relatively small keyboard; my fingers flew over it to type nearly as fast as I could on my own computer. Before pressing submit, I proofread the essays several times and moved on to the first section that had me slightly nervous – math. Fortunately for me, it appeared my time of practicing my calculus problems back home in the Base 60 math seemed to have paid off. Even the most challenging Calculus questions seemed easy. Only the final two questions seemed to get me flustered at all, but I was sure that I had handled even handled those Advanced Calculus level questions without too much trouble.

‘I was expecting worse than this,’ I told myself nervously.


Chapter 39: S.C.A.R.E.S.

THE SCIENCE SECTION was relatively straightforward until I vaguely recognized as organic chemistry level questions came about. I was sure I missed those last ones, but I managed to do well at the physics and biology portions. Another couple of jibes were taken at Littles in the biology section, trying to explain why Littles were destined to never be potty trained… I just sighed and kept answering questions with what I knew the Amazons had to consider were the correct answers.

I had a little less than two hours remaining when I reached the reasoning portion of the exam that I had been scared of. Just as I was answering the second question in that section, I was distracted by, “No, I didn’t mean to! How can you expect me not to go potty through a six-hour test?!?” A teenage boy my age, about two feet taller than me, asked with a wet spot clearly visible on his pants.

“If you were mature enough for college, it wouldn’t be a problem, or you would have worn protection,” the proctor said with a smile. She pressed a button on a panel next to the door, and I watched in horror as robotic arms swung in and captured him in their grasp. “Clearly, you are afflicted with a case of maturosis. You’ll do better back in preschool or daycare. Your new mommy or daddy can decide which to send you to and ensure you’re nice and protected! For now, we’ll send you down to the universities daycare center while we wait for someone to take you to the orphanage.”

My mouth dropped, and I noticed the other three Littles testing in the room looked panicked! I closed my eyes and forced myself to breathe before focusing back on the test. I would have expected it to be tougher to concentrate, but the fear I had seemed to send my adrenaline into overdrive, and my focus was razor-sharp. I was on question number fifty of the section when I heard, “I smell poopy pants, which wittle baby had an accident now?” She asked in a sweet voice that made me sick. I turned and looked at her as she asked, “Was it, you Ms. Westerfield?”

I shook my head, “No ma’am, I didn’t poop my pants.”

“Better check first, huh?” She told me.

Without warning, she came over to my seat and pulled my tunic up and out of the way. My top was pulled high enough to expose my back a long way up. She shoved my upper body forward a bit and used a finger to yank back the elastic on my pants. “Smart enough to wear a diapee, huh?” she said to me with a bit of menace in her voice. She pulled my pants down to expose the diaper more, and her hand smushed at the back of my diaper. “Doesn’t feel like you left us a present in there.”

I thought maybe my indignity was over, but she used her finger then to pull the elastic on the top back and looked inside. I blushed bright red in shock, “Hmm… just wet. Glad you had the maturity to wear a nice thick diapee to protect our seats.” She gruffly pulled my pants back over my diaper and pulled my top back down, “Keep working on your test, sweetie,” she told me before looking at the Little girl that was a few feet away from me, “Well, I guess that means that it must be you, huh?”

The girl was quite pretty, with blonde hair in an intricate French braid. She looked like she was the same age as I was, but her shaking meant I had a bad feeling on her behalf. She whimpered, and I watched a tear go down her face as she shook her head, “N…n…Not me,” She said.

The monitor pulled her dress up, though, and you could clearly see a purple Pull-Up with a visible bulge on the backside of it. Her mess appeared watery too, and it had clearly escaped the edges of the pull-up to leave a brown stain on the back of her dress. The monitor wasted no time and pulled the dress off from over her head. I tried not to stare too much at her now naked form and looked instead at the monitor as she shook her head, “Not even mature enough to own up to your messy pants. I’ll make sure they know being a toddler isn’t even a good fit for you. I’m sure they’ll have you crawling or squirming only across the floor by the end of the week. Those beautiful straight teeth definitely won’t be wanted by your new mommy,” the lady said.

“No, I’m almost done!!! Just let me see if I got a high enough score!!!” The girl begged as she tried covering her chest with her arms.

“Sorry, sweetie, but we have the same rules as classes here at Emerson. Poopy pants mean you’re not ready for big girl school. You’ll love playing in the daycare, though! I know they’ll find you the perfect mommy!”

I gasped but turned and looked at my computer as robotic arms again snaked into the room and removed the sobbing girl. ‘Poor girl…’ I thought to myself.

“You have sixty minutes remaining! Would anyone care for a bottle of water?” The lady said after a while.

“Thank you, but no thank you,” I said politely, ignoring how thirsty I was.

“Please!” The remaining boy and girl across the room said.

At this point, I realized they were the only other Littles still in the room with me, and I just wanted to warn them off. ‘Don’t they know not to trust her by now…?’ I thought. I didn’t dare say anything, though and just got back to the test.

While the other sections were about sixty questions long, I was now on question eighty of what is listed as a hundred-and-twenty for this section. I sighed and ignored my overwhelming hunger and thirst that seemed to grow by the minute. I had just answered question one-hundred-and-eighteen when I heard a gasp.

“What the hell?” the boy whispered.

Like a train wreck, I couldn’t resist the urge to turn and look at the boy. She approached him, and he tried his best to squirm away, “You must have put something in the water! You can’t poison me like this!”

She laughed, “I would never do anything like that, silly. So let’s take a look at your pants, even though I think I know I’m going to find a mess, huh?”

She pulled his shorts down his legs and exposed a medical-looking plain white diaper. Well… it was plain before the brown stain that managed to show through the back of the diaper. He tried struggling for a moment as she squeezed the lump and said, “Looks like we have another baby, huh?”

“I’m not a baby! You poisoned me!”

“Don’t worry, they’ll get a fresh diaper on you at the daycare. It’ll even have cute pictures on it!” The lady cooed at the boy. I shivered in fear over the idea that they would come for me next! I was worried that no matter what, she would find an excuse to target me too!

Once the arms carried his screaming form away, she checked the girl too. I heard her whimper as the lady said, “Well, I thought you might have been mature enough, but I know wet and poopy panties when I see them! I’m honestly shocked you didn’t at least wear training panties, little girl. Oh well, it’s back to diapers for you too!”

I turned just for a heartbeat and looked at her standing there with a shirt and ruined panties only. Then, I focused back on the screen and ignored her screams.

I had just clicked submit on question one-hundred-and-twenty just as she rounded back on me. “Wow, you actually finished?” She asked, shocked. “Better make sure you made it with no poopies, though!”

She pulled my pants back again and found a once again soaked but not messy diaper, “What a big girl you are?!? Making it through your test all nice and clean!” Her voice dripped with motherly condescension that made me feel a need to run away.

I shrugged though and calmly asked, “So how do I find out my score?”

“Just press that button there,” she told me.

I clicked through a couple more screens, following her directions displaying my scores.

Scores are out of a possible 400 points per section:
Reading – 398
Writing – 389
Math – 397
Science – 378
Basic Reasoning – 367
Total Score: 1,929 – Averaged Score: 385.8
Recommended school placement: University


I sighed in relief, and the lady said, “Well, congratulations on being such a smart big girl!”

“Thank you, I know my mommy will be proud. How do I get a copy of my scores?”

“I’ll print a copy for you,” she said, seeming more shocked by the moment by my success and scores. I stood up and gathered my backpack while she worked at a workstation that was sized for her. She handed me a copy that matched the screen and two sealed versions of them two minutes later. “It’ll be emailed to you, sent to the university, and a hard copy will be mailed to your residence.”

“Thanks!” I told her with a smile that tried to act like nothing had happened earlier.

“How about I change that soaked diaper for you?”

“Thank you, but I’ll get my mommy to do it; she should just be outside,” I told her.

“Wait, you’re adopted already?”

I nodded, “Mommy wants me to be smart just like her! Thank you for taking such good care of me today. Bye, bye,” I told her as I walked through the door that was thankfully open.

“How the hell did she do that?” I heard behind me as I walked away.

Amanda stood in the hallway, pacing nervously as I came out, and she quickly picked me up and wrapped me in a hug. “How did it go?”

“I passed!” I told her with a smile.

The girl that had checked me in earlier blurted out, “You passed?!?” She blushed as we looked at her, “Sorry, it’s just that not many do… you must be really clever!”

“I am, thanks!”

“Well, let’s go change the clever little girls’ diaper and then go out to celebrate,” Amanda said to me.

“Great, I’m starving!!!” I said as my stomach grumbled loudly.

She carried me off to a nearby bathroom and changed my diaper back to a normal Pamper. “So, how did it really go?” she asked me.

“I made it with some high scores, I think… none of the others taking the test made it, though...” I told her sadly.

“Tell me about it when we get home…” she said.

“Okay,” I told her.

She sat me down on my feet again, and we walked out of the building the distance back to her car on my own feet. As she strapped me into the car seat, “I am so proud of you! I’m guessing you’re starving?”

“You have no idea!!!” I told her.

“Good, let’s go meet Daddy and Megan for food!”


What did you think? Please leave me a comment and press the kudos button if you enjoyed it! I will post the final two chapters of this book this weekend, and should begin posting the first sequel next week. Thanks again for reading!

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