Exchanged - Chapters 30 and 31

Exchanged Art - Amazon
Chapters 30 and 31
by Sofia Hammerstein

Two years ago Stacy visited a newly discovered dimension, with his parents, on an adventurous summer vacation. He was astounded by how the other dimension's technology was decades ahead of his own! During his senior year he applied to Emerson University in the city he had visited. He was excited and hopeful of learning more about their technology as an exchange student, and hopefully bring it back to his own world. (Story set in the Diaper Dimension)


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The Legal Stuff: Exchanged © 2017-2024 By Sofia Hammerstein
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.

Chapter 30: Train Wreck

I LAUGHED, “DON’T tell him, you know,” I whispered.

“Don’t worry,” she told me and gave me a squeeze, “You two seemed to finally start to hit it off,” she said to me with a smile as she sat me down at the edge of the changing table and began brushing my hair.

“I hadn’t really talked to him much before.”

“He is kind of quiet… probably as much trouble for him to warm up to you as it was for you to warm up to him,” she told me seriously. “But just remember he’s all mine,” she said and pointed the hairbrush menacingly at me.

“We can’t share?” I asked with a smile.

“I guess…” she said and went back to work. She wove my hair into twin braids and tied off each with a bow that matched the blue on my dress. She pushed me back and looked side-to-side at my head before giving me a hug and saying, “I know it may be hard to believe, but I really do love you as my own already.”

I smiled at her but couldn’t think of an appropriate reply.

“Come on, we need to go meet your Aunt Cassie and your cousins!”

I hugged her tightly and tried not to shake but apparently failed, “Don’t worry, she’s not like Chloe.”

“But didn’t you say she took out her Little’s teeth, and he can only crawl?”

She looked a little bit surprised that I remembered everything but said, “Yes, she did that to Neville… but he can still talk. He also still has a few teeth.”

“Why leave some?” I asked nervously.

“I don’t have the slightest clue, Princess… I know she got paranoid about Neville making a run for it when Chloe’s Littles tried… I think that’s why she did that to him.”

I sighed, “You can understand why I’m nervous, right?”

She shook her head, “Remember, you are MY baby, not hers. I won’t let anyone do that to you, and neither will Daddy, huh?” She said.

“Nope!” He said as he gave both of us a hug. “Where are we meeting them?”

“That diner in her part of town, I think it’s called Carmichaels?” she told him.

“Helpful to know the place we’re going?”

She slugged him in the arm, “I know where we’re going even if I don’t know the name. Now let’s get going, so they aren’t sitting there waiting for us all night.”

“Yes, Mommy,” he said with a smile. She kissed him, and before I could say something, we were all walking downstairs together. Fred grabbed the diaper bag, and before I knew it, we were in her car, pulling out and driving towards yet another crazy Aunt.

I just sat through the trip nervously, wondering what this family member would be like. The drive to the diner wasn’t short, so I had plenty of time to think. “What are the names of Aunt Cassie’s… kids?” I asked.

“Kristina is her oldest real baby… she’ll turn four next month,” she added the last part, and I groaned internally, knowing she was sure to be bigger than me. “Klara is the youngest and just turned two… she’s in the middle of what she called potty-training boot camp with her right now.” I felt even more self-conscious, knowing the two-year-old would be out of diapers before me. “And then, of course, Neville is her baby.”

“How old is he?”

“Twenty-six, I think…” she said.

“How long…?”

“Has she had him?”

“Uh-huh,” I said.

“About a year now?”

‘Poor guy,’ I thought.

I was quiet then as I thought about all of the possibilities ahead of me. The Little I had spoken to on my trip before had mentioned how real Amazon babies would pick on Littles. I had eliminated about half of the responses to my posting simply because they had kids of their own already. I could only imagine how embarrassing it must be for their Little to watch two baby girls be potty-trained while he was stuck crawling in dirty diapers instead.

The car came to a stop, and Amanda said, “They’re here already,” she said as she pointed across the parking lot. I heard her shout “Hey!” as she went over to say hi, and Fred opened my door since he was on my side of the car.

“You ready for this?” He asked me.

I shook my head, “Not really, you?”

He laughed, “Not really!”

I was picked up carefully, and he threw the baby bag over his other shoulder. “Amanda, she is so cute!!!!!!!” the woman I surmised was Cassie cooed at me. She held a girl who I assumed was her youngest daughter in her arms. “I’m your Aunt Cassie, and this is your cousin Klara!” she said to me in a sing-song mother’s voice.

Aunt Cassie looked like a cross between her mother and Amanda. Her darker hair and shorter height seemed to be the most significant differences, but they had the same noses and similar body shapes.

“Hi,” I said politely, “I’m Stacy.” I mentally berated myself since I knew she knew that… but it seemed polite.

“Oh, she is polite!” she said to Amanda, “You weren’t kidding!” Then, she looked down at Klara and said, “You want to see your Aunt Mandy?”

The little girl in her arms looked excited to do so and hugged Amanda tight when handed over. Aunt Cassie extended her arms out and pretty much demanded to get to hold me with her body language. “Come see your Aunt Cassie?” She asked. Fred and I sighed simultaneously, but I think we both knew there was no other polite option. I was handed over and hugged tight to the strange lady’s chest. “Are they not feeding you anything?” She asked me.

“Mandy, she’s lighter than I think Klara was when she was born!”

Amanda laughed and said, “She’s close, but not quite that light… Shall we go inside?”

Cassie carried me in and then played with my braids and dress while waiting for the hostess. “How many?” the lady asked.

“We need five chairs, one with a booster, and three high chairs, please,” Amanda said.

“Big Girl, Aunty Mandy!” Klara demanded.

She looked at Cassie, who nodded, “Make that two booster seats and two high chairs,” she sighed.

“Give us just about fifteen minutes,” the lady said to us.

Cassie turned and faced me towards the man I knew must be her husband. He stood shorter than Amanda but taller than Cassie, it seemed. His scruffy-looking red hair seemed to match the long scruffy beard he had. Something about him just felt rugged and a little bit intimidating to me. “This is your Uncle Kevin. Say ‘Hi,’” she said as she waved my arm. “And that’s your cousin Neville!” She made me wave at him too.

Neville was clearly not actually a blood member of the family. He was black-haired and fairly buff like an athlete, actually. The babied man looked to have two feet of height on me, but the pacifier in his mouth and the exposed diaper under his onesie left no doubt what his place was in the world. He stared at me with a vacant look that just seemed to indicate no one was home. It was both confused and terrifying at the same time - vaguely reminding me of someone I once met that was just fried from drug abuse. I smiled at him shyly before I turned and looked at Amanda, who seemed to be holding in a giggle. I glared at her, and she quietly let it out then. I sighed and was distracted as Cassie sat down, and I was then sitting face-to-face with the ‘oldest’ of her family.

“This is your cousin Kristina!” Cassie said, regaining my attention with a smile.

“Baby!” Kristina said to me.

I sighed, “Hi Kristina,” I said with a smile. ‘Maybe if I treat the creatures with kindness, they’ll repay it someday?’

She looked at her mom, confused, “Not baby?”

Cassie laughed and said, “Oh definitely a baby, she just talks like you do, but see, she has a diapee on!” Suddenly my dress was pulled up and the bloomers down without any warning.

I turned bright red and looked as Amanda had set Klara down, and the girl toddled over to see me too. “Hi Klara,” I said with a smile.

She looked shocked and said, “Mommy, uppy!”

“I guess she’s jealous,” Cassie said and handed me over to Amanda, who had sat down next to her. “I hate to give her back, Mandy. She’s gorgeous!”

Amanda took me back and gave me a reassuring squeeze before saying, “Yes, she is.”

“We have your table ready,” a waitress said to us a moment later.

Seating with two real toddlers and two fake babies seemed to take on a whole new level of chaos. Amanda ended up seated to my right and Fred to my left. I was very appreciative of the protection that I felt they gave me, even as I felt myself turn red from embarrassment as the bib was put over my dress and a bottle of apple juice placed on the tray in front of me.

“Oh no, they gave you a regular high chair Mandy; we should get a Little’s one…” she said to her.

I looked down and thought everything seemed normal to me with this one. I looked confused across the table to Neville and realized things were not so normal there. His high chair had arm and leg straps that he was restrained by.

Amanda laughed, “She’s a good baby girl; she doesn’t need straps.” She kissed the top of my head and squeezed me gently from the side. “Besides, look at her size, and look at the size of Neville’s chair. She’d never be able to reach the straps!”

Cassie looked… more glared… at me, and I realized jealousy showed on her face. “How did you get one so little?”

“Think of her as an exchange student,” Amanda said. “She’s from the other dimension.”

I watched as she furrowed her brow and said, “Are they all this small?”

I turned and looked at Amanda, who shrugged, “I don’t know… I think it’s because it wasn’t her first visit?”

The waitress came by then to get food orders and started at their side of the table. “She’ll have your grilled cheese,” she said, pointing towards Klara, “and she’ll have your chicken and fries,” she said, pointing towards Kristina. “I’ll have the Chicken Caesar Salad.”

“Good, anything for your little boy?” She asked.

“I’ve got his food in my bag… would you mind heating it up, though? He likes it better when it’s warm.”

“Sure, ma’am, if you’ll hand it to me, I’m sure we can help out this cutie.” She reached her hand out, and I watched a jar come out of the bag. I caught a quick glance at the jar’s label. It featured an adult woman Little, wearing nothing but a diaper and a bib that barely covered her breasts. Her facial expression implied she was enjoying being fed a delicious meal, but I just managed to read “Haggis, tripe, and turnips” on the side of the jar. The waitress tucked it into the pocket of her little waitress apron and continued with our orders. ‘That sounds beyond disgusting!!!’ I thought to myself.

She went to Kevin, and he ordered a chicken fried steak that sounded infinitely more palatable than that baby food. A part of me worried just what Amanda would be feeding me as the waitress first took Fred’s order, which ended up being the same as Kevin’s.

“And for you, ma’am?”

“I’ll have the roast beef melt sandwich,” she told her.

“Fries, okay?”

“That’s fine.”

“And for the little Princess?” She asked with a smile towards me that she hadn’t given to Neville.

“Macaroni and cheese?” Amanda said, looking towards me.

“Grilled Cheese?” I countered, “Please?”

“Grilled cheese it is,” Amanda told her.

“Would you like that to come with fries or apple slices?”

“Let’s do the apples,” she said, much to my dismay. She leaned over and whispered, “You can have a couple of my fries; it’s not like you eat all that much anyway?”

I sighed but said, “Thank you,” to her nonetheless.

As the waitress left, I noticed that everyone on the other side of the table seemed to be staring at us like we were aliens. “Why in the world did you let her have a choice?” Cassie asked, “She’s a baby… they don’t get choices.”

“She’s my baby; I say she gets a choice,” Amanda said with a finality that left no room for discussion. “So, how has work been going, Cassie?” She asked, trying to change the subject.

“Oh, you know… same old thing this time of year. I get paid well to be an accountant, but I get tired of having to explain to the bosses why they can’t do this or that!”

I began to quietly tune out the drivel coming from her mouth and paid a bit more attention to what Neville was doing. He seemed to stare at me in wonder for some reason, and I couldn’t help but ask myself why. I tore my gaze from him and looked at Klara and Kristina coloring in some coloring books their dad had handed them. I was kind of jealous as it was boring listening to Cassie talk, but I turned my attention back to her in time to hear, “So have you scheduled her appointments yet?”

“Which appointments?” Amanda asked.

“The ones with Doctor Wagner’s office. He did such great work on Neville and Chloe’s girls; I figured you’d want him to do Stacy’s too?”

“What work?” Fred asked. I didn’t know him well, but I knew this wasn’t the happy ‘daddy’ voice from earlier. This was more the ‘I will beat you if you hurt my daughter’ voice.

“Well, her teeth and legs, of course,” she said, like saying the sky was blue.

“We are not removing her teeth, and she is going to keep using her legs like she already does,” Fred told her.

“You realize she’ll just run at the first chance?”

“We’re not going to do that; end of discussion, Cassie!” Amanda said.

An awkward silence filled the air, which was broken thankfully by plates of food being delivered for most of us. Everything except the bowl of goop that was placed next to Cassie’s plate looked good. I felt my stomach turn at the contents of that bowl, and I swore I could smell it from across the table. “Here you go, sweetie,” the waitress said as she brought my plate. “Mommy, do you want me to put it in front of her?”

“Yes, go ahead; she can feed herself.”

I watched as Cassie’s face scrunched up, and Neville looked red and embarrassed. Kristina and Klara seemed to be equally in shock at that pronouncement. For my part, I looked at the large sandwich and asked, “Mommy, could you cut it up another time for me, please?”

“Why sure, baby,” she told me and did that for me. “You be a good girl and chew really good,” she warned me.

“Yes, Mommy,” I told her.

I made sure to carefully chew every bite of the sandwich as the awkward silence carried on. It was broken a few moments later when Klara said, “Mommy, I need to go potty!”

“Hold on just a second, baby,” she said to her. ‘Just a second’ seemed to be too long, though, because I saw the poor girl start to cry.

“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Cassie asked as she pulled her dress up, exposing the wet pull-up to the entire restaurant.

“I didn’t mean to…” she whined.

“Well, if you’re going to wet your pants like your brother, then you can certainly stay in that wet diapee until we’re done eating like him too.”

I felt my mouth drop in shock as I realized her attitude wasn’t just negative towards Neville. Amanda sighed beside me, “She’s two, Cassie, accidents happen. Especially on a day like this.”

“If you don’t want me to tell you how to parent Mandy, then don’t do it to me,” she said curtly.

For my part, I took a bite of an apple slice and watched Cassie angrily feed a spoonful of the goop to Neville. He grimaced, but he must have been starving because he still swallowed it. Klara was a mass of tears and ended up shoving her plate to the ground in her fit. I watched in horror as Cassie grabbed her, flipped her over and pulled the wet Pull-up down right in the restaurant, and spanked her. As if that wasn’t enough of horror, though, she said, “You want to be a baby like your brother; that’s fine, Klara!” She proceeded to grab another bib from Neville’s diaper bag, tied it on her, and fed her the goop that was supposed to be Neville’s meal. Again, I watched in horror as she forced her mouth open for every bite, and the poor girl spat most of it back out each time. Her bib was quickly getting covered in the goop.

I felt like I was watching a train wreck in that I couldn’t turn away from the horrible scene. My appetite was lost then, and I sat my sandwich back down on the plate. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one, “Excuse me, can we get a few boxes for our meals and the check?” Fred asked.

“What?” Cassie glared at us all.

I looked at Amanda, who just looked at her and shrugged her shoulders, “Cassie, you’re my sister, and I love you, but I can’t sit here and watch while you treat your babies like this, insult me, and more importantly make me sick.” The boxes appeared, and Fred and Amanda quickly took their meals and mine and boxed them up. “I’d offer to change Klara for you, but I suspect I would be refused.” I was gathered in Amanda’s arms while Fred grabbed everything else, and we left.

“Bitch!” Cassie said loud enough for the whole restaurant to hear, but we just moved to the cashier and tried to pay.

“Your meal is on the house,” the manager at the desk said, “Thank you for standing up to her.”

Amanda asked, “Are you sure?”

“Yes, ma’am, I am.”

“I’m so sorry about this…” she told him.

He shrugged, “They’ve come in pretty regularly, but when they come up here to pay, I’m going to let them know they are no longer welcome here.”

We made it to the car, and Amanda burst into tears as she sat me in the car seat.

Chapter 31: Aftermath

FRED HAD TAKEN the driver’s seat after he hugged Amanda for a moment, and I couldn’t help but feel terribly sorry for her.

“I’m sorry,” I said to her when her sobbing calmed a bit.

“Not your fault, baby, not Neville’s fault, and most certainly not Klara’s fault!” Amanda said.

“Let’s just go home and eat the rest of our dinners,” Fred told us both as he pulled away.

I sat patiently in the car seat during the long drive home. I was growing kind of bored and impatient… not to mention my stomach began grumbling! ‘Why couldn’t she have been a witch AFTER I had the chance to eat?’ I groused to myself.

After we pulled into the garage, Amanda exited and picked me up from the car seat to cuddle me. I had a feeling she just needed the equivalent of a teddy bear or a doll to hold since she kept carrying me while throwing our dinner leftovers into the microwave. While she swapped out meals, she didn’t say anything, nor did Fred.

Once our dinners were made, she sat down with me in her lap at the table and handed me one of the now soggy pieces of grilled cheese.

“I’m sorry, that’s not nearly as good now,” Amanda said as she looked at it herself.

I shrugged, “I saw how much worse it could be,” and wrinkled my nose at the paste that Neville and then Klara had been forced to swallow.

She hugged me and said, “Sorry about that.”

I turned towards her and gave her a hug, “You didn’t do anything. In fact, you’re amazing! You stuck up for me!!! And you stood up for Klara and Neville, two people that are totally unable to alter their own situations! From what I can tell, you two and Megan, maybe the only three sane people in this world!” I paused for a second and realized some tears had fallen out of my own eyes, “Thank you for being the ones to take me in!”

She gave me a squeeze of her own and handed me a piece of sandwich, “If that’s not edible anymore, be honest with me; I’ll cook something else if I need to.”

The three of us ate in silence for a few minutes before the phone rang. Fred grabbed the cordless and looked at what I assumed was the Caller ID on it. “It’s your mother,” he said.

She sighed, “Of course it is. Cassie always goes crying to her… you would think she was the baby and not Megan!”

For my part, I just sat carefully in her lap as she sat her own sandwich remnants down and answered, “Hello?”

“Hi pumpkin,” I heard Granny’s voice quietly over the phone.

“Hi, Mom,” she replied.

“So… what’s your side?” I heard from the too-loud phone.

I forced myself to take a bite of the sandwich while Amanda shifted uncomfortably in the seat. “Well…” I listened to Amanda recount the horrible dinner affair for nearly ten minutes while her mom said, ‘uh-huh,’ ‘really?’, and other one-word replies left complete doubt in how she was responding. “So, Mom, that’s what happened.”

“Didn’t you overreact just a bit?” I heard.

“What?!?” Amanda cried.

“Did Klara throw a tantrum and her food to the ground?”

“Well… yes…”

“And weren’t you just telling me a few days ago ‘your Little, your rules?’”

“Yes…” Amanda said meekly.

“Then how can you blame her for disciplining her daughter?”

“It wasn’t discipline, Mom… it was abuse, the way she did it. Okay, Klara was wrong, and yes, she just had an accident. But given the fact we were all going out to eat, meeting a new cousin, seeing her aunt, and everything else… is her having an accident surprising? If Cassie is really trying to potty-train Klara, she should have taken her to the bathroom as soon as she ordered. She’s only two!”

I heard her mother sigh, “I guess I wasn’t there, so maybe it was that bad. I don’t know what to do with you two… or you and Chloe for that matter… The three of you haven’t fought like this since you were all living at home.”

“I don’t know, Mom,” Amanda said, and I looked up to see the tears on her face.

“Well, do you still want to come for Sunday dinner tomorrow?”

She looked down at me, having finished the sandwich piece she had given me, and said, “We’ll come for dinner just so Dad can meet Stacy… but I’m not going to make Stacy eat baby food!”

Her mother laughed, “Don’t worry, we’re barbequing, and she can have a hotdog like little Klara.”

“One tomorrow?” Amanda asked with a sigh.

“Yes, that gives us time to get home from church and your dad to fire up the grill. You could join us at church if you wanted to…?”

“No thanks, Mom, we’ll just meet you at your house.”

“Sounds good then. I love you, see you tomorrow!”

“Love you too, Mom,” she said and pressed the end button.

“Well, that’s a mess…” she said.

I responded by giving her a hug as best I could from her lap.

“Thanks, Stacy…” she said and returned the hug. She started to hand me another piece of sandwich but touched it and realized it, and her own food was cold. “Why don’t we see if there’s something else we can have for the rest of our dinner…?”

She held me on her hip as she dug through the refrigerator. She seemed to not see anything in there, but I could see some shredded cheese inside and some flour tortillas on the counter. I tugged at her shirt, “Quesadillas?” I suggested.

“What?” She asked me.

I looked up at her, “Umm… you know, a quesadilla?”

“What’s that?”

I was genuinely shocked that item didn’t exist in this world. “Take the tortilla, put some cheese in it… well, if you’re doing it right, you can put meat too… but you can either cook it in a skillet with some butter or microwave it.” I looked at her, wondering if she was joking, “You really don’t have that here?”

She shook her head, “I have those for fajitas?” She said it with the ‘j’ not an ‘h’ sound like it should be, but rather a harsh ‘j’ sound.

“Just when you think this world can’t get any stranger?!?” I muttered to myself.

She laughed and squeezed me, “Just kidding, Princess, we have those here too. Is that what you want?”

I glared at her but nodded, “Please?”

“Sure, why don’t we have Daddy hold you, though?” She said as she passed me over to Fred.

It was good to hear her laugh, even if she was picking on me. Fred settled me on his lap with a hug, and I watched as he continued to devour his chicken fried steak. He cut off a piece a moment later and, instead of bringing it to his mouth, brought it to mine. I accepted it only then realized I still had the bib on from the restaurant. I turned red but chewed the steak and enjoyed the taste.

“Good?” He asked me with a smile as he looked down at me.

“Yes, thank you,” I told him.

I snagged a few more bites of the steak before Amanda finished the quesadilla, and I was handed back to her. She had made one for herself too. Unfortunately, I only managed about half of the massive one she made for me. “Hmm… I guess I have to remember we can just share meals sometimes, huh?”

I groaned a little bit but nodded, “Yeah, we probably can if you don’t mind giving up some of your meal.”

She squeezed me, “Of course, I don’t mind!”

With a sigh, she asked, “How about a bath and then a movie?”

I paused for a moment as the need to pee came, and I gave into it before answering, “Sure!”

She smiled at me, and I had a feeling she knew what I’d been doing. “Okay then, why don’t you go to the living room for a few minutes while Mommy cleans up.”

She sat me down, and I did as she asked. Fred disappeared upstairs, and I found myself exploring their living room some more on my own. Next to the TV, there was a noticeable absence of movies sitting on a bookshelf. ‘Probably all on a server or on-demand,’ I told myself, thinking about the fact that we had been moving that way in our own world. I nosed around a little bit and found little baby toys that had been placed here and there for me to supposedly play with.

‘I’m sure glad I ended up with these guys!’ I shuddered and realized just how lucky I had gotten. I was just walking to the other side of the living room from the TV when I felt a familiar need and sighed. ‘This part, though, will never stop sucking!’

A part of me fought the idea of pooping in my pants tooth and nail still. The idea of maybe them changing their mind and letting me use a potty came to mind, but I remembered then that Amanda had said even a potty like Klara used would be too big for me. So I grimaced and squatted down, squeezing my stomach muscles for a moment. My brain still didn’t like the idea of pooping my pants, and so I grunted for a moment before I felt my sphincter open. The disgusting mush piled up out of my behind into the diaper right as Fred climbed down the stairs. We made eye contact as I finished, and I felt my cheeks flush.

“Come here, Princess,” he told me as he walked to me and opened his arms up. So I held my arms up, and he said, “Pee-ew, you stinky!”

I felt tears come to my face as I tried not to think about the mess and appreciated that he seemed to avoid smushing it. But then, Amanda saw my expression in my nursery and said, “What’s wrong?”

“She just made a big present for her Mommy,” he told me as he handed me over to her.

“Wimp…” She said before kissing my forehead, “Well, I’m glad you got that out of your system before we gave you your bath, huh?” I felt more tears stream across my cheeks, and she said, “It’s okay, Stacy,” as she sat me down on the changing table gently.

I felt the log smash against my butt and whimpered as she took that moment to put a pacifier in my mouth. “It’s gross!” I told her.

“We’ll get you cleaned up, sweetie,” she told me. My dress was pulled from my body before she laid me on my back and pulled my shoes and socks, then my diaper cover off, leaving me only wearing the messy diaper. As the tapes were torn away, I grimaced at an increase in the smell, “It’s not even that much, sweetie,” she told me with a smile.

I groaned, “It’s so sticky!!!”

She didn’t answer but just quickly wiped and cleaned me up before saying, “Let’s go pop you in the bath and finish up.”

She gingerly carried me and sat me in the bathtub before undoing the braids in my hair while I sat still in the water. Amanda handed me a squirt toy as she was doing so that I just held in my hands. I realized I still had the pacifier in my mouth and was sucking on it unconsciously. That was when the camera flash went off, and I realized that Fred had his camera out again. I looked down and saw the bubbles at least obscured my lower body - but my chest was exposed! ‘You have as much to worry about being seen with your naked chest as any infant,’ I reminded myself. ‘And they’ve both seen you naked!’

I glared at him nonetheless and squirted at him with the toy.

Amanda laughed but told me, “No squirting water out of the tub, Stacy!”

I nodded, “Yes, Mommy,” I tried to say, but thanks to the pacifier, it came out closer to ‘Yeth.’

Bath time was relaxing as she pulled the braids loose and then washed me carefully and gently. It seemed cathartic to her to scrub me, and I wondered if she would join me that night. She didn’t, instead pulling the drain plug and saying, “Come on, Princess, let’s get you dressed in your jammies and go watch a movie with Daddy.”

She wrapped me in a towel and hugged me tightly in her arms like a newborn. Then, she carried me to the nursery before sitting me back upright in her arms in front of my open closet. “How about this one?” She asked me while holding a pink sleep sack.

I shook my head.

“Hmm… Picky tonight?”

“If you’ll let me be?” I told her with a smile.

She kissed my forehead, “Sure!”

I looked around the section she had hung my pajamas in, as well as the rest of the closet. This was the first time I really had a chance to look around! It was clear she was the kind of OCD person who had to organize a closet! The section she held me to was all pajamas, it seemed, organized by sleep sacks, one-piece sleepers, two-piece sets, and nightgowns. Looking to my right, I saw t-shirts, onesies, skirts, and dresses all hung neatly and even organized by color. Color was my cue, and I noticed a pretty purple nightgown with pink hearts. It had little capped sleeves, and I knew I would probably look cute in it. I pointed at it, “Dat one,” it sounded like through the pacifier shield.

She smiled and hugged me tighter to her as she grabbed it and then lay me down on the changing table. One of the overnight diapers was put on me before she pulled the nightgown over my head and quickly braided my hair in a loose sleep braid. “You look adorable!” she told me when she was done.

“Of course, I do!” I told her, having pulled the pacifier out of my mouth. She pushed it back in and carried me downstairs, where Fred had cooked a bowl of popcorn that sat next to him on the couch. I noticed a sippy cup sat on the coffee table in front of him as well as two glasses of wine that were obviously for the ‘adults.’

Amanda set me next to the bowl and handed me the sippy cup after she grabbed the pacifier from my mouth by hooking her finger through the ring on the guard. I looked at the cup and took a long drink of apple juice in it before saying, “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome, baby,” she told me. “What do you want to watch?”

I shrugged, “I don’t know?”

She turned the TV on, and after some debate, we ended up putting on a science fiction film that was a cross between Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica. I grabbed a small handful of the giant popcorn and leaned against her with my body. She was soft and warm to lean against, which was nice since the nightgown was actually kind of chilly. After a while, she said, “I’ll be back in a moment,” and carefully got out from underneath me. The empty popcorn bowl went with her, and I looked over at Fred, who seemed engrossed in the movie.

As a chill came over me, I made a decision and crawled across to him and climbed onto his lap, “Well, hello there,” he said to me as he hugged me and settled me in. I leaned against his arm and had to admit I was comfy there. My dad had always loved me… but I hadn’t been able to feel close to him like this since I was little. His sarcasm and humor weren’t meant to be mean, but it was tough to get past it.

‘Maybe as a daughter, it will be better?’ I wondered to myself. ‘Daughter…’ I added thoughtfully. Truth be told, since I wasn’t sitting down on the potty anymore, the different parts I had now didn’t seem real to me. Of course, I’d been dressed in dresses from the moment I’d stepped foot there nearly a week ago, so nothing had changed there…

Amanda rejoined us and cuddled into her husband’s side as the movie played on. I would take occasional drinks of the sippy cup while the scenes passed. It really was a pretty good movie, but even in a sci-fi film like this, there was a bias against Littles. Absolutely no Little characters existed in the film, and it was like it was easier to just deny their existence. As the film reached its final climax, I felt a need to pee and gave into it as there was no reason not to. Unfortunately, Fred seemed oblivious to that fact.

Amanda picked me up as the movie wrapped up, “After earlier, I don’t want you to do this if you don’t want to…” she said to me as she held me to her.

“Thank you, but I think it’ll make us both feel better,” I told her, knowing she was speaking about nursing me.

Her shirt and bra were pulled out of the way, and she presented me with the leaking orb that I nursed contentedly from. ‘So glad I got these two!’


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