Exchanged - Chapters 14 and 15

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Chapters 14 and 15
by Sofia Hammerstein

Two years ago Stacy visited a newly discovered dimension, with his parents, on an adventurous summer vacation. He was astounded by how the other dimension's technology was decades ahead of his own! During his senior year he applied to Emerson University in the city he had visited. He was excited and hopeful of learning more about their technology as an exchange student, and hopefully bring it back to his own world. (Story set in the Diaper Dimension)


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The Legal Stuff: Exchanged © 2017-2024 By Sofia Hammerstein
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.

Chapter 14: Hidden Code

“DO YOU NEED your power cord?” Amanda asked me

I shook my head. “I’m good for ten hours, so we’ll have to leave before I’d be out of juice.”

“Well then, let’s go check this out.” She sat me gently on the ground and watched as I grabbed my computer. Then, with it under my arm, I followed her to her crazy tinkering room Fred had told me to stay out of. A colossal desk sat with four computer monitors on it at one end. I followed her over to the computer and debated what to do. “Here, let me put this up here really quick,” she said as she unfolded another high chair that looked a little less comfy than the downstairs one but every bit as formidable against me moving. “Hand me your compy,” she told me with a smile and sat it on the desk gingerly. “Upsy daisy!” she said then, and I was strapped quickly into the harness, but she didn’t fasten the tray.

Instead, she slid me up to the desk and said, “doing this is really a big no-no with babies. Don’t push this over and tip!” she warned.

I nodded at her and said, “Okay, what’s this system?”

She looked at me strangely for a moment before going to an Amazonian equivalent of DropBox and downloading a folder that looked to be three gigabytes … Much to my amazement, she clicked ‘download’ and had the folder in less than two seconds.

‘That connection is ridiculous!’ I thought to myself.

“We’re going to look through three gigs of code?” I asked nervously.

“I know it’s a lot, but trust Mommy,” she tickled the front of my dress a Little and said, “I’m good at this!”

I watched as she scanned file names, and I noticed the overall folder was ‘patient3894901,’ which must have been me. The first thing that jumped out at me was ‘preferences,’ and I said, “Preferences?”

“Atta girl,” she told me with a smile, “most of it is supposed to be in there. Let’s see what’s in here.”

Like many preference sheets on our systems back home, we could basically look at it as a plain text file. At the top was a bunch of gibberish that looked vaguely Java’ish, “Is that your version of Java?” I asked.

I think she really was sort of surprised that I recognized that by the facial expression she made, but nodded, “We call it Espresso here.”

I laughed, “that was a late-night naming session wasn’t it…?”

She laughed too and said, “I really love your laugh, it’s so adorable!”

We kept scrolling through the sheet until we got to the heart of the matter.

I noticed they used some different characters that we did for some reason for brackets and comments, but otherwise I could follow along and it made me sick to my stomach.

||Gender value 0 = Female, 1 = Male

gendervalue = 0;

||Subject settings 0 = object off or on = 1 (Recommended values)

{Change.Routine = object.nanitecontrol01}

||incontinent = 1

bladderincontinentvalue = 1;

bowelincontinentvalue = 1;

teethremoval = 1;

ovaryremoval = 1;

pacifierdependency = 1;

thumbsucking = 1;

|| Breast Size values 0 = none, to 10 = oversized

breastsize = 0;

|| Circadian rhythm value 1-10, 1 = infant pattern (eighteen-twenty hours of sleep needed), 10 = adult Amazon pattern (6-8 Hours needed), default little = 6 (9-11 hours needed) (Recommended value 2-4)

circadianvalue = 3;

|| Sex drive controls, 1(none) - 10 (constant need)

sexdrive = 8;

|| Motor function adjustment. 1 = infant unable to situp, 5 = crawler, 8 = Preschool, 15 = normal adult, 20 = professional athlete (Recommended 3-6)

motorfunction = 3;

|| Verbal Function 1 = can’t speak, 5 = 2 year old vocabulary (200 Words), 10 = 5th grade (about 20k words), 15 = high school(about 30k words), 20 = full adult skills (Recommended 2-4)

Verbalfunction = 3;

|| Hair removal functions. 1 = on, 0 = off

leghairremoval = 1;

pubichairremoval = 1;

chesthairremoval = 1;

backhairremoval = 1;

butthairremoval = 1;

armhairremoval = 1;

handhairremoval = 1;

foothairremoval = 1;

eyebrowremoval = 0;

eyelashremoval = 0;

cranialhairremoval = 0;

facialhairremoval = 1;

nosehairremoval = 1;

|| Height Reduction value 0 = no change, 10% of body mass for each number 1, 2, etc. More than 3 is not recommended for littles, 6 for Betweeners, or 8 for Amazons.

heightreductionvalue = 3;

|| Hair color change value, 0 = no change, 1 = Brunette, 2 = Brown, 3 = Blonde, 4 = Red, 5 = gray, 6 = White, 7 = Blue, 8 = Pink

haircolorchangevalue = 0;

I had just finished going through the list of options and found I had long since dropped the pacifier from my lips. “That’s horrible!”

I looked up at Amanda, and she said, “Oh my god, those default values! Why would you make a baby oversexed?!?”

“It’s sick!” I said.

She shook her head, “I don’t think there’s anything we can really do about it for anyone else, but at least we can edit your values.”

“I just hope there’s nothing else hidden elsewhere,” I told her.

“Well, let’s just start editing this…” she told me. “First option?”

“Well, it’s the whole point, right? Leave it at female.”

She nodded, “Okay, next is incontinent values…”

“Well, please change the bowel back to zero?”

“And we’ll change bladder to zero too… I don’t want you to be diaper dependent when you go back home in a few years.”

I smiled at her, “Thanks… I kind of figured that one would be a non-negotiable for you.”

“Nah, you’re already making peepees and poopies in your diapees just fine,” she told me with a smirk that told me she was enjoying this too much.

“Teeth removal to zero, please,” I told her.

“Well, of course, that was a part of our contract. So let’s take the ovary removal off; not sure what it will honestly do there, but hopefully, in your changes, you’ll get them instead.”

I just nodded, “If I’m going to be a girl, I at least want to be able to have kids someday.” I moved on to the next one, “Pacifier and thumb?” I asked incredulously.

“I want to leave those on.” She told me.


“But that would be tough going back to your world… just pacifier?”

I sighed, “I can almost live with that one… but what about classes?”

She looked sad but nodded.

“Look, I’ll do my best to develop my own addiction to it when I’m not at school?”

She smiled and said, “I guess I can live with that.” Then, with a sigh, she changed the value to zero too and moved on, “Next up, breast size.”

“I’ve never had them before; it can stay at zero.”

“We can always fix that later; I agree with zero there.”

I looked at the circadian rhythm and wondered what she would suggest here. “Circadian?”

“Well, as much as I would like to just have you sleep, pee, poo, and eat all day instead of anything else, I think we can use some of these values to help you out. I’m thinking a nine here?”

“So, I’ll feel like staying up later like you all?”

“And be able to get through your classes with no naps.”

I nodded at that, “Okay.”

“I can’t believe this next one is in here…”

“It is, and it’s dangerous and disgusting all at the same time. I don’t even know what the right answer should be to how sexed a baby should be?”

“I’m probably at a three right now.”

“A baby shouldn’t have any sex drive, though,” she said.

“If that’s true for Littles, then why those scary diapers that lady showed you?”

She nodded, “How about the three you said then. Probably no change, and I don’t have to worry about you trying to jump Daddy or constantly doing something with yourself.”

“That’s a mental image I didn’t need,” I said. ‘Hopefully, if I make it through this, I’ll have enough desire to have a family.’

“Motor function was something I knew we’d have in here. So I’d like to make you an eight here…”

“An eight?!? I’d be helpless for a lot of things!”

“You already are?”

“But what if that also is looking at mental motor functions too?”

“What do you mean?”

“Most child psychology models believe there are stages beyond just the sensorimotor stages of infancy. So, if that’s what this is asking, then it’s also asking about cognitive reasoning. Things like picturing abstract ideas too?”

She sighed, “Which do you want?

“Seventeen,” I said.

“Absolutely not; you don’t need to be an athlete.”

“Don’t I? What if I have a sticky situation and need to run from some other crazed Big?”

She sighed, “Better make it nineteen then… Hopefully, he doesn’t look at your file too much before he initiates it.”

I nodded, and she selected verbal skills at twenty before I even asked. The hair removal was left alone as, by default, it left on eyebrows, eyelashes, and cranial hair… “I can’t believe some people would want to lose their babies’ beautiful eyelashes…” she decried.

“I guess it’s for those doll enthusiasts… You really would look like a cheap child’s doll then!” I shuddered.

“Height reduction... Hrmm..” she said, “I think we definitely should take off another eighty percent don’t you think?”

I glared at her as she made the value zero and left the hair color at zero as well.

“Well, that’s all of the obvious places and code.”

“I wish there was a height increase.”

“No, you don’t,” she told me.


“Because right now, your cuteness is going to help you more than you know.”

“Isn’t every Amazon going to take one look at me in an outfit like this and say go back to daycare?”

“You won’t be in an outfit like that,” she smiled at me, “at least not at school. Next week I have a seamstress that I sent your general size to who is making you your school uniforms.”

I sighed, “I guess.”

“Okay, here, let’s start doing some double-checking on everything here.”

I watched her search out the specifications of each class we had just adjusted, and I was grateful that we did because bowel incontinence would still have happened for sure otherwise! She also found another nasty easter egg for the size of genitals that made both of our stomachs retch again. There was no end in sight to just what some of these sick Amazons did with their Littles. I hoped that someday they’d gain some real rights, and people that made these things would get the punishments they richly deserved…

After a while, she looked at a clock and said, “Leftover pizza okay for lunch?”

I nodded, “Can I keep looking while you’re doing that?”

“Sure… but let’s have you work from a backup just in case you have an accident.”

“Okay,” I told her and eagerly watched her copy the folder and open that copy for me to work in.

As I used her computer, I couldn’t help but marvel that while it was similar to our computers back home, it was so much more advanced! I’d watched her use touch screen stuff much more effectively than I’d ever seen. Even the keyboard I was using had every key programmable to be different. Currently, she had it as a Dvorak keyboard, which suited me just fine! The ‘mouse’ for the interface reminded me more of a Wii in that you basically just gestured in the air.

‘Less playing, more avoiding traps!’ I yelled at myself.

I searched deeper than we had so far and came up with nothing new initially… but I just had a feeling something else was hidden. So I opened a new window of Amanda’s coding software and quickly guessed about what the syntax would be, to write a new subroutine to search everything deeper. I came up with keywords based on the items that had preferences and then used those items to develop variations of syntax, spelling, and even Thesaurus definitions and let it loose on the folder.

A bell sound rang through the speakers with five quick tones and pointed me to files with some horrifying options. Most were in the null position, but I found one that made my stomach turn. The comment read:

|| stomach.processing function will cause the subject to only be able to digest breast milk. Any baby food or adult solid foods will result in severe abdominal cramping and possible intestinal distress.

“Oh my god,” I heard from behind me from Amanda. “That’s terrible!”

I looked up at her and said, “Yeah, it is… I hope you don’t mind that I’m turning that one off!”

“Make sure you save this file, and then I’m going to copy it over. It looked like you found more files in there. Anything else need to be adjusted?”

She sat over my shoulder for a few minutes while we made sure the copies made it to the live folder. I was enjoying the chance to learn a new file system and was surprised when she unbuckled the harness and said, “Come on, baby girl, we’re going to leave the toys here and go eat downstairs. It’s a rule your daddy made.”

I shook off my confusion and looked up at her face, “Daddy made a rule?” I smirked, “Not just for me then?”

She giggled, “Early in our marriage, he got tired of me disappearing for practically days at a time while I was working on one project or another. So he came up with that rule to at least make sure I was coming downstairs to eat.”

“That’s actually kind of sweet, I guess.”

She nodded, “I love him a lot. Without him, I would probably just be hidden in a laboratory each day for hours at a time.” Then, she hugged me and said, “You’re going to probably be just as bad about that too, though!”

She deposited me in the high chair and then found the most enormous bib she had practically that was a bit more uncomfortable to me as it was vinyl. I liked the cloth ones more and made a face, “I don’t like this one.”

“It’s going to keep that pretty dress clean, though!” she told me.

“I can’t even put my arms out from it!” I whined.

“Good thing you don’t need to, huh?” She told me as she speared a piece of pizza that she had cut up into bite sizes onto a fork and said, “Open up!”


LUNCH PASSED QUICKLY, and I was a bit surprised that I wasn’t forced to take a nap after my diaper change but instead was allowed to help her look for any other Easter Eggs one last time. Finding none, she quickly re-wrote the subroutine they were having problems with before putting it all through the compiler and transferring it onto what looked like a flash drive.

“Let’s change that diaper one more time, and then we have to go meet Daddy at the hospital,” she told me.

Seemingly no time after that, I was strapped into the carrier and swinging gently from her hand as she walked through the hospital corridors to an office that had ‘Dr. Alfredo Westerfield’ on a plaque next to it. “There’s my little Princess!” He said as he cooed over me.

“You seem happy?” She asked him.

“You never visit me here?” He said as he stood up and kissed her, “And you even brought me a present on this trip.” He leaned down and kissed my forehead too.

A knock on the door came, and a nurse said, “Oh hi Amanda!” She looked down at me and said, “I had no idea you were even pregnant?!? What’s her name?”

Amanda laughed, “She’s adopted, and her name is Stacy.”

“She’s a Little? Fully grown?” The lady who was dressed in scrubs asked incredulously. “She has to be the tiniest Little ever then!”

“Or close to it,” Fred agreed. “What can I help you with, Doctor Kells? We were just getting ready to head to an appointment for little Stacy here.”

“Well, it won’t take long. We need to work in Terri Castor for a C-Section soon… when can you be available?”

Fred looked at his calendar for a moment and made a note, “Looks like next Tuesday I’m free?”

“I’ll let scheduling know then. Nice to see you again, Amanda,” she leaned right next to the carrier and said, “Bye bye Stacy!”

Her breath had been terrible, and I found myself gagging. “What’s wrong?” Amanda asked me when she had left.

“Her breath was terrible!”

They laughed at me, and I found myself soon being carried through the halls again to a wing that I saw labeled as ‘Little Care Unit.’ Right away, I got the same vibe I had from the office yesterday and would have disappeared further into the carrier if I could. As it was, I grabbed the pacifier that was clipped to the restraint strap of the carrier and nursed it to try and soothe my nerves a bit. It didn’t help much, though!

“Hey, Amanda! Fred!” I heard as we passed through a door and passed into a room that looked like an operating room.

“Hi Eddie,” Amanda said and gave him a sideways hug.

“So, this is your new little princess?” The man said as she sat my carrier down on a table and a giant head looked in on me.

“Yep, this is little Stacy!”

“She’s adorable already! So why do you need my nanites?” He asked.

“Just a couple quick options we want to correct without too much trouble. So here are your new subroutines,” Amanda said, handing him a flash drive.

“Great, I don’t have a problem working a trade with you. Now you’re probably as familiar with this interface as anyone since your department did the initial designs, so why don’t you go ahead and upload your program for the nanites here. Then, as soon as they’re ready, we’ll give your baby girl the injection.”

“Great, thanks!” Amanda said, and I couldn’t really see her, but the clack of the keyboard at a fast rate made me believe she must have been working quickly.

“How’s the house now that you have a little?” Eddie asked Fred.

“Great! She’s adorable and really well-behaved. We haven’t had to spank her once yet!” Fred said with a smile as he squeezed my hand.


“Really,” he said, “She’s even been calm and sweet enough to snuggle with Amanda a good chunk of the time. Not even given us a battle with her diapers.”

“That is something, isn’t it?” Eddie said. “But you know it’s not a bad idea to give them a spanking even if they haven’t done anything bad every now and then.” He smirked at me, “An occasional enema or other punishment can also be a good idea.”

“I don’t know; we’re pretty happy right now. If Stacy starts misbehaving after this, we’ll take care of that.”


“All done!” Amanda said.

“That fast?” Eddie asked.

“I’m good! What can I say?” She asked as she rubbed her fingernails against her shoulder, “I sent the nanites to production, so the canister should be fully programmed in four minutes.”

“Great,” Fred said, “you have the anesthesia I asked for?”

“Right over here, but if you ask me, it’s not really necessary.”

“She’d be in pain if we don’t, right?”

“Exactly, but…”

“She’s been a good girl; I’m not going to make her feel pain when she doesn’t have to.”

“To each his own,” Eddie sighed.

Fred unhooked me from the carrier and laid me down on the bed. “I’m going to strap you down here, honey, just so if you start flinching, you don’t fly off of the table.” He placed his hand reassuringly with his thumb on my chin before strapping me tightly on an infant-sized gurney with a strap over my waist, feet, and arms.

‘I really hope I’m not going before the executioner the way he did that.’ I thought to myself. He brought a small vial of liquid and drew a tiny amount from it to set it aside.

Quickly like the pro he was, he first hooked me up to a saline solution IV and said, “Okay, Princess, I want you to count backward from ten.”

“Ten, Nine, Eigh…”


Chapter 15: It's a Girl!

THE WORLD CAME back in focus for me slowly, and I felt pain in just about every part of my body. I tried to say “Owww,” but something was in the way.

“I think she’s waking up finally,” Fred said.

“Where am I?” I tried saying it and figured out that it was a pacifier in my way.

“I love when they try talking after the procedure… Depending on which settings you chose, no one will understand anything but ‘Dada,’ ‘Mama,’ or ‘Baba, from now on!” I heard Eddie gleefully exclaim.

“I actually toned down those settings,” Amanda said.

I heard a disappointed sigh from Eddie, “I guess that does let you understand their whining better. Still, all the same, it looks like the treatment did the job. She’s definitely a she, and there’s not a follicle of hair anywhere that’s not supposed to be!”

I opened my eyes a little wider and managed to get Fred’s eye. He gave me a reassuring glance that I hoped meant my head was fine. “Yes, but I’m glad to have a full head of hair on her head still,” Amanda said as if to also reassure me.

“If you ask me, cutting that hair down to a newborn’s length would be a great look for her! Combined with what the nanites did to her facial structure and no one will be able to tell she’s not actually your naturally born infant daughter.”

‘Facial structure…?’ I thought to myself. I never thought to include that in the search? ‘Shit, what did it do to me?’

“I wasn’t expecting that one, but it does make her absolutely adorable!” Amanda chimed in happily. “But I enjoy playing with her hair too much to cut it. It reminds me of having my dollies as a kid. I would always change their hairstyles!”

As I became more alert, I noticed Fred watching some readouts, and he said, “I think she’s awake enough we can lose the support machines.”

“The straps too?” Amanda asked.

“Yes, she should be good for you to hold and cuddle now,” Eddie’s voice said. “But you might want to change that diaper first; it’s a little rank.”

I sniffed at that one, ‘what an ass!’

I stiffened, ‘I don’t feel any shame about that… not like I did last time… I sure hope we didn’t do more damage here than good.’

Fred pulled an IV line out of me, pulled a pulse monitor off, and also took off some EKG leads before undoing the straps on my legs and waist. “Here, Mommy, do you want to change her?”

“Men… bunch of wimps!” Amanda said, and I soon felt her gentle hands undo the diaper on my otherwise naked body, maneuvered my legs, and then quickly had me in a clean diaper that was clearly a thicker one from what I could tell. Next, she quickly dressed me in what seemed to be a sleeper, but I was too tired to really notice what she was doing.

“So, you think everything turned out fine internally?” Fred asked Eddie.

“Oh yes, she has all of the proper internal organs. They aren’t any more active than a toddlers would be, though. She’ll need an injection of a high dose of estrogen to begin her cycles and start growing breasts. Unless she gets that, though, she’ll remain free of any signs of puberty. I don’t know why you would even want her to have those, though?”

“Well…” Fred started to say.

“Duh, how stupid can I be? When you get tired of her, you can breed her for a fortune! I mean a fully-grown Little at thirty-nine inches of height? Make four or five offspring with her, and you could probably keep breeding for forty years and keep getting the perfect Littles like she is!”

“Umm…” Amanda said.

“Brilliant,” he said. “Well, before you take your baby girl home, I strongly recommend you nurse her exclusively now. There’s a subroutine in the nanites that will make sure she gets sick if she has anything other than her mommy’s milk.”

“It was only in one file, right?” Amanda asked.

“Yes… but not in the preferences file?”

“Oh good, that means she’ll be fine to eat regular food still.”

“You found that…?”

“Actually, my beautiful princess here did,” she said as she picked me up and cuddled me against her shoulder. “She thought she could be a great computer programmer someday if she came here to get schooling.”

“Ah, and now destined for the nursery? How fitting!” Eddie said.

“Something like that...” Fred said.

“Fred, can you grab her diaper bag and the carrier? I think she needs cuddles right now,” she said. “Thanks again, Eddie. Let me know how those new subroutines work on the next generation!”

I heard some stuttering before he said, “Thanks!”

We made it down the hallway away before she started whispering to me, “You’re fine, baby. Other than that little glitch with your face, everything came out perfect… And I think the glitch made you even cuter and harder to resist!”

“Why can’t I talk?” I tried to say.

“Did you just ask why you can’t talk?”

I nodded weakly.

“That’s just the anesthesia wearing off; you’ll be fine in a while. I know we caught all of those subroutines. So don’t worry, your pretty little face.”

“Amanda, do you want to take her to my office to wake up the rest of the way?”

“Probably a good idea. Should I feed Stacy now or back home?”

“I’d say wait till you get back home, your milk seems to be a powerful sedative to her, and right now, it’s more important she fully wakes up!”

Not long afterward, she paced the office with me as I came out from my cobwebbed brain. Then, finally, she took the pacifier out and asked, “How are we doing, Princess?”

“Better, I think,” I told her, and it sounded like my normal speech again.

“Much better!” She said with a smile.

“So how much different do I look? I mean, really?”

“Well… First, I’m sorry I missed this one… Eddie must have written a routine somewhere in there to fix one of the easiest ways you can tell a little and an actual baby apart, their faces. With a Little, even a chubby one, the fat on their face isn’t quite distributed right.”

“So, I have a permanent baby face?” I asked nervously.

“Looks that way,” she said a little guiltily.

“Mommy, why don’t we let her see so she stops worrying,” Fred told her. “Here’s a mirror.”

I looked at the mirror and grimaced for a second but had to admit I was indeed much cuter now. My nose had a different character now, which I kind of liked, but sadly my cheeks looked to have gained a ton of weight... It looked like the healthy baby fat of a toddler, though, and at least I remained slender through the rest of my body. My eyes appeared to be a little more open or something too.

“See, you’re adorable!” Amanda cooed at me.

“So, no one will think I’m a Little now, I’m guessing?”

“I doubt it... at least if we cover that hair of yours with a hat or something. If we introduce you as a baby, no one will dream that you are actually a Little. That’s a good thing given how mean some of our babies can be to Littles.”

“But what about school?”

Amanda laughed, “Don’t worry about that. Yes, you’re going to get some grief there, but you’ll still be able to function fine… if not better. Thanks to the nanites, you should be smarter now than you were before since I also implanted a couple extra traits to help your memory.”

“But I’m all girl now?”

“I guess you were too tired to look back there while I was changing you?”

I nodded, “sorry, I’m still pretty out of it, actually.”

“I’ll show you when we get you home,” Amanda told me. “Do you think she’s alert enough to go home now, Doctor?”

“I think so, Mommy. Do you want to go out for dinner tonight instead of cooking? You’ve certainly had a long day.”

“That would be nice…” she said, “I don’t think the baby’s going to be awake enough to eat much, though.”

“I think I’ll be fine,” I told them, interrupting.

Amanda looked down at me in shock but squeezed me lightly in approval, “The princess has spoken my king!”

I was fastened into the carrier, and a blanket was put over the top as she carried me down to the car. Fred was to meet us at a restaurant they apparently ate at frequently.

“How are you feeling?” she asked when she left.

“Not so great,” I said, “I’m beginning to get a bit sore.”

“Daddy has some pain medicine he can get you when we get to the restaurant,” she told me.

I sighed, “thanks.”

“Are you okay?”

“Just nervous about what else happened to me that we don’t realize yet.” Although, I thought for a second through my groggy mind, “Eddie was kind of an…”


“I wasn’t sure if you’d get mad at me, but yes!”

“Sweetie, yes, I’m treating you like our baby… I can’t resist that urge… but I also know you’re not a baby. So as long as it’s not constant, and you don’t do it in front of other adults, we can give you some leeway.”

“Thank you,” I told her and just zoned out a bit more.

The restaurant must have been close, or I was really out of it because when she came back to get me, I was back nearly asleep. “Do I need to bring the carrier so you can sleep?” She asked me.

I thought for a second and nodded, “Unless you want to look like a bad mother and have me sleep on the floor or in the high chair.”

She unlatched the carrier, carried it and the diaper bag into the restaurant, and put her name on the waiting list. Fred arrived soon after that, and we were called back to a booth. “Do you need a high chair, or we have a seat cradle?”

“The cradle will work.”

“Okay, I’ll grab that real quick.” A moment later, I felt the seat sit down in one of the mesh car seat cradles I’d seen back home for babies. “She is so beautiful!”

“Thanks,” Amanda said.

“How many weeks old is she?”

I gasped for a moment when I figured out that she really had mistaken me for an Amazon baby. “Nine weeks,” Amanda said without skipping a beat.

“She has so much hair!”

“Some weird medical thing,” Amanda said, and I saw her wink at Fred.

“Well, here are the menus. You can look through it and let me know what you want.”

“Here, sweetie, switch pacifiers with me for a moment,” Fred said.

I just got a glance at the new pacifier a second later and realized it was one meant to deliver medicine through the nipple. So I sleepily sucked on it and hoped it was a good pain medication as I felt like I had growing pains all through my body again.

“Looks like someone is going back to sleep?” Amanda said to me after it was empty.


“Hungry baby?”

My stomach grumbled in response, “a little.”

She pried me loose from the carrier a moment later and held me. “I really do love you, baby,” she whispered, “are you actually hungry for food or?”

“Or…?” I asked sleepily.

“Just nurse for now?”

I sighed as I’d had a feeling that would be on her mind, “Here?”

“I’m the one with boobies hanging out in public,” she whispered.

I giggled and turned red. Then, I thought for a few moments and said, “Okay.”

She messed with her top and bra and presented me with her breast once free. I sleepily nursed at it and was conscious that it felt like people were watching us. She had burped me from the first breast and just switched me to the other when I heard, “I’m so glad to see your Little happily nursing from you. She’s adorable! I imagine that took a few spankings! My Little Heather here must have a red bottom every hour.”

“She’s just a perfect baby,” Amanda said, “if you’ll please excuse us, she had some surgery today. So I’m just feeding her dinner before she naps in her carrier.”

“Teeth out?” The lady said, “the best thing I ever did with Heather! I’ll let you enjoy your feeding.”

I was so tired that I didn’t even care about the horrific conversation at that point. I was feeling full and sleepy when Amanda burped me again. A hug, a kiss, and then a pacifier was placed in my mouth before she strapped me back in the carrier. I ran my tongue over my teeth to reassure myself they were there before I fell fully asleep.


THE NEXT THING I was aware of was being pulled out of my car seat, with Amanda lovingly cradling me. “Where are we?” I asked, feeling drool was definitely around my mouth and the pacifier I had blocking my mouth.

“Home, baby,” she told me.

“Oh…” I said. She had just walked through the garage door when a phone inside the house began ringing.

“It’s your mom,” Fred told her.

“Hand me the phone. I’ll sit down with the Princess and talk to Mom in the living room.”

I sleepily watched as she walked to the living room and sat in the recliner with me before reaching for the phone Fred held to her. “Hi, Mom,” she said.

The phone volume was way loud, or her mom just yelled, because I heard the reply clearly, “Don’t ‘hi Mom me,’ sweetheart! How is it that I just heard from Carol Eastland that you adopted a Little? And you haven’t even bothered to call and tell me yet? Your own mother!?!?!” There was just enough pause for her to breathe before she added, “She saw you at the restaurant! She thought the Little was a real baby until I said you hadn’t been pregnant! How can you not tell me? That hurts!”

“Mom, we were going to surprise you this weekend at the family dinner…”


“Seriously, Mom, you’ve been bugging me for ages, so I thought I would surprise you! Plus, we were dealing with the adoption paperwork and getting her into a doctor to have some modifications made.” I felt her hold on me tighten just a little bit.

“Well, in that case, I guess I can understand trying to keep it a surprise… But, all of that is done, right?”


“Well then, expect to see me bright and early tomorrow! Chloe will be coming too, I’m sure. Her daughters will all be at daycare, so the three of us can go to lunch, and maybe I can even buy my new granddaughter something for the nursery?”

“What time?”

“Probably eight-thirty in the morning. That should give Chloe time to drop off her girls.”

“We’ll plan for it.”

“Good, and I want a picture tonight!!!! Carol said she was the most beautiful baby she’d ever seen, so whoever did the work… maybe Chloe should get her girls in there?”

“That’s natural for her as much as anything… I’ll send you pictures later. I have a messy diaper that needs to be changed right now. I’ll see you in the morning, Mom.” She said.

“It wouldn’t hurt her to be left in it for a little while, sweetie. I mean, if she’s just a Little, it’s not a big deal?”

“Mom, my Little, my house, my rules, and my decisions.”

“Stubborn as always… we’ll see you in the morning,” Amanda’s mom said and hung up.

She looked down at me and sighed, “Sorry, it sounds like you get to meet my crazy family members sooner than I hoped. But, don’t worry; like I said, I won’t put you down. You’ll have to be my clingy baby tomorrow.”

“That’s fine,” I said, thinking what I had heard, “Your mom certainly sounds special.”

“She is; let’s go change that diaper of yours now,” she set the phone down and stood up with me.

“Am I really messy?” I sniffed.

“No,” she said with a smile, “I said that to get her off the phone.”

“Good… I would hate to have missed another of Eddie’s Easter Eggs!”

She squeezed me gently again and carried me upstairs to the nursery. I was laid on the changing table but asked, “May I please see?”

“I forgot you were asleep when I changed you.”

“At least you’re not rubbing it into me too.”

“I’m sorry you have come into contact with some of our more monstrous people the last couple days,” she said as she pulled down the bloomers and pulled the tapes off of my diaper, “there really are a lot of very sweet Bigs… I think you’ll meet some in school.”

“I hope so.”

As she pulled the diaper open, I noticed it was pretty soaked with urine and wondered if I was just not noticing because of the drugs, the breastfeeding, or the fact that there was an Easter Egg we missed… I chose not to worry about it then and stared at the section of skin on my body that was now missing a part of me I’d had since birth. The slit that had taken its place looked exactly like it should but seemed so strange and wrong on me. I took my hand to touch it and felt the new skin.

“Now, don’t be naughty,” Amanda told me.

“Sorry, it’s weird.”

“Are you going to be okay with it?” She asked as she gently pushed me back down on my back and began wiping.

A few tears stung in my eyes, but I shrugged, “No use crying over spilt milk, I guess… or missing body parts.”

“For what it’s worth, it just makes you more adorable… and shows a great deal of strength.”

“Kind of hard to feel strong when your grown-up ass is being wiped in the middle of a diaper change,” I told her moodily.

“I’m going to let that word go for now, but I won’t in the future, sweetie. It’s okay if there’s really something to be angry about, but using vernacular just to use it isn’t acceptable. So your booty is being wiped.”

I sighed, “Sorry, Mommy,” I told her as she taped the last tape.

“It’s okay. I think you’re understandably unnerved by it. Now I think you’re probably just going to end up sleeping on us some more if I had to guess. What do you want to wear to bed tonight?”

“I get to choose?” I asked, surprised, “Aren’t I just a human dolly?”


“Sorry…” I sighed, “will you let me sleep without the swaddling tonight?”

“What’s wrong with it?”

“It’s just really hot… I like blanket sleepers, but that plus the quilt?”

“Hmmm…” she said and went digging through the drawers and came up with a pink sleep sack. “How about this?”

I shrugged, “in one of those nighttime diapers, it’s not like I can walk anyway!”

She laughed and pulled the dress off my body first before getting me dressed in the sleeper sack. The sack itself probably would have been too short for anyone bigger than me. For anyone else, it would probably keep them from standing up, but for me, it was longer than my legs by quite a bit.

“It’s comfy,” I told her honestly.

“So, do I put you in the crib?”


“You want to cuddle with Mommy?”

“You choose; I’ll sleep either way.”

She chose the cuddle option, which didn’t surprise me. She sat down with me on the recliner downstairs and gently ran her hands through my hair. I didn’t last through one commercial break before I was asleep.


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