Exchanged - Chapters 34 and 35

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Chapters 34 and 35
by Sofia Hammerstein

Two years ago Stacy visited a newly discovered dimension, with his parents, on an adventurous summer vacation. He was astounded by how the other dimension's technology was decades ahead of his own! During his senior year he applied to Emerson University in the city he had visited. He was excited and hopeful of learning more about their technology as an exchange student, and hopefully bring it back to his own world. (Story set in the Diaper Dimension)


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The Legal Stuff: Exchanged © 2017-2024 By Sofia Hammerstein
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.

Chapter 34: Playing with Giants

“I THINK IT’S way past time for you to get a spanking!” Chloe said, standing next to her as she swatted her right hand towards my butt while her left attempted to grab my arm!


Chloe’s hand connected with my butt, and it felt like it was struck with a sledgehammer even through the padding of my diaper! I knew I couldn’t stand there and take that from her, or I’d be seriously hurt! I dodged the hand now grabbing for me, ducked underneath her open legs, and began running as quickly as I could towards the nearby playground set. The slide was metal with a reasonably gentle slope that rose well above my head. I could see it was next to a tree branch and hoped my shoes had enough traction! Chloe chased after me as I attempted the difficult task of running up it. I could remember at the end of elementary school when I would always run up the slide in my backyard over and over again for fun. I’d sort of used to do it at a skate park in middle school too, and so I thought it was my best bet to escape her. Finally, just as I heard huffing behind me from a mad giant, I made it to the top and jumped over to the branch of the tree.

It was more than sturdy enough for my lightweight, and I ran along the length of the branch to the trunk and began climbing up until I was thirty feet up looking down at the pissed-off women.

“Get your ass down here and take your spanking!” Chloe screamed at me and began looking at the tree herself.

I looked around and saw another large tree right next to the one I was in, and an idea came to me. I quietly followed a branch over to the next one. Because of the pretty full branches, I could just barely see Chloe and hoped she would miss my transfer. ‘Thank you, nanites! That agility setting helped!’ I thought as I climbed over towards the other tree’s trunk. I looked back and saw my transfer had gone unnoticed as she began climbing up the original tree. Cassie stood at the bottom of the tree, and I heard her say, “Umm, sis, maybe we should just wait for her to come down?”

Meanwhile, Amanda came back outside from the house and was just catching something was wrong, “What’s going on here?”

I chose that moment to start climbing down the new tree. I went unnoticed until I had made it to the bottom, and Cassie spotted me, her face giving me a shocked expression.

“There you are, you little brat!” She said as her giant legs began pounding her towards me.

I heard a “What?” and a thud but didn’t pay attention as I ran towards the deck where Amanda stood. I noticed a chair that I could climb up to and then make the railing of the decking. It was a near thing, as I almost fell, but I clung to the rail and began running along the top before suddenly feeling my body picked up and in the air.

‘Shit!’ I thought to myself and waited for the spankings to begin.

All I heard instead was laughter… male laughter.

I turned my head and realized it was ‘Gramps’ that had picked me up. “Gotcha!”

‘Shit!’ I thought to myself. He can probably hit way harder than those two!

But instead of hitting me, he tickled my side, “Did you enjoy making fools of those two idiot daughters of mine?”

I was in shock but smiled, “Maybe?”

The two idiot daughters in question were mere feet away at the patio by then. Cassie had helped Chloe up after apparently having a tree branch break in her hands, which caused her to fall. Some leaves were in her hair, and I tried not to directly laugh at her. “Daddy, give her the spanking she deserves or hand her over to me to do it!” Cassie told him.

“For what?”

“She’s a snotty brat who won’t shut her trap and mind her own business.”

Amanda came up then and asked, “What did she do?”

“Klara had an accident, and she had the nerve to say maybe she isn’t ready to potty-train. Like I’m going to listen to potty training advice from a diapered Little? We all know THEY can’t use it, so she just wants my daughters to follow in her footsteps.”

I laughed, “You do realize I made it through about fifteen years of life using the potty just fine, right?” Then, I decided to go for broke. “I’ve watched Klara have two accidents in the last day and not care about having either one. Until she cares, you’re not going to have success at all – Klara didn’t even show signs that she noticed that she was pooping until happily sitting down in it. Speaking of which, maybe you should get her out of that messy pull-up before she gets a rash?”

“You little…”

“She’s right, Cassie, go change her,” Granny ordered.

“Daddy, she still needs a spanking!” Chloe said, “She can’t talk to us like this!”

“Why? You clearly feel like diapers are absolutely fine to wear since you keep three adults in them.” Grandpa said.

“They’re Littles! They’re not adults; they’re just babies!” Chloe practically hissed, “They can’t possibly live on their own! Plus, look what she did by climbing up the tree. I almost got hurt!” She held up scratched arms and hands as evidence.

He laughed, “You know my thoughts on this! I fought alongside some of these so-called babies back in the war. I would have been proud to be around one like Stacy here.” I found myself given a small hug from behind, “Now why don’t you go get cleaned up so we can all eat dinner,” he ordered her.

The two of them fumed, and I watched Cassie go angrily pick up Klara and felt terrible for the poor girl. She began crying and couldn’t seem to make sense of why her mommy was so mad. Chloe just went straight into the house; I assumed to do what her dad had said or to go complain more to her mom, who had gone inside too. “Nice moves,” he told me when they were out of earshot, and Amanda moved closer.

I smiled, “Thanks.”

“You know that wasn’t exactly a bright thing to do, right?” He asked me.

I nodded, “Yeah.”

“Do you mind if she hangs out with Grandpa for a while?” he asked Amanda.

“She’s safer with you,” she smiled. “You and I are going to have a chat later, sweetie. That was about as dumb as it gets!” Her glare chilled the warm summer air, and I hoped I wasn’t going to be in too much trouble!

I nodded meekly and started a bit as I was raised in the air and placed around her dad’s neck in a piggyback position. He moved over to the grill to put cheese on cooked burgers. My eyes widened at the size of the burgers, and I had to laugh that the portions of food were so huge here.

He heard me giggle and asked, “What’s so funny?”

“The portions of food here are so huge… it’s like a food challenge back home,” I replied.

“Then you should see our food challenges! Eat three Littles in one setting, and you can get a free meal!” He joked as he tickled my thigh a little.

I squealed, and he just laughed as he lowered the lid of the grill.

“So, tell me about yourself,” he ordered as he took me off his shoulders and sat me on the rail next to the grill.

I looked up at his hazel eyes and responded, “Well… I’m eighteen and got a crazy idea to come to this dimension to go to college.”

“That is a crazy idea, especially if you were that short in your dimension,” he told me.

“Well, back home, I was nearly six feet tall, actually,” I told him.

He looked me up and down and asked, “What happened to those other three feet?”

“Good question,” I said with a sigh. “I expected to be at least four feet tall… Something about the dimensional trip made me get short the first trip, but this second trip made me even shorter!”

“That kind of sucks,” he said, “You would have been basically an In-Betweener before and had a shot of being safe from this nonsense.”

“Yeah, I’m not going to lie and say it’s ideal. I knew what I was getting into, though… I want to study your computers and programming, so I can take it back to my world. We’re way behind your level of technology!”

We talked for another ten minutes about me as he moved burgers onto buns and plates as the men ended up eating first. “What about you? What do you do for a living?” I asked.

“Well, I was in the military for twenty-five years before I retired,” he told me. “Now, I run a martial arts and self-defense studio.”

“Cool,” I told him, “I used to take Tae Kwon Do when I was little… assuming you have anything like that?”

He smiled at me, “That’s one of the main styles we teach, actually. How long did you study?”

I shrugged, “A few years, before, I got too busy with school to keep going. I had just finished testing for my red belt when I just couldn’t take any more time away from my other obligations.”

“You should think about coming and studying with me,” he told me with a smile.

“Littles are welcome?”

“Not normally…” I looked at him oddly, “Bigs generally don’t like the idea of dangerous Littles… but as my granddaughter, you would be welcome. Might even help you avoid some of the idiots like my daughters.”

I watched then as Chloe sat down at the table with Kendra and Katie, each on a separate knee. She unbuttoned her shirt and placed each of the girls at one of her breasts so she could feed them simultaneously. I saw Kacey laying on a blankie with a pacifier zoned into space, occasionally looking longingly at the table of food above her.

Cassie was sitting next to Chloe with Neville at her side. She was feeding him from her breast while occasionally hand-feeding the now changed Klara. Kristina looked to be doing alright on her own over by Grandma.

I sighed.

“Yeah, poor things,” he seemed to agree. “You want a hotdog?” He asked me.

“Yes, she does,” Amanda said for me with a smile and picked me up. “No bun, just the dog,” she told him.

I made a face at her, and she whispered, “If you hadn’t just nearly tried to get yourself killed, I might have let you have a bun… but let’s just say I’m not overly happy with you right now.”

I squirmed a bit and said, “Sorry…”

She hugged me, “I know you are, and I’ll get over it, but you’re going to be a good little girl the rest of the day, aren’t you?”

I nodded nervously. Amanda grabbed her own plate with a burger, some chips, potato salad, and some jello on it. She handed me my plate with just the gigantic hotdog and some ketchup on it before she added a small handful of the enormous potato chips. Amanda confidently held onto me with her right arm and her plate with her left. She sat down next to Fred and my two uncles on the other side of the table from Cassie and Chloe. Both of them glared daggers at me as she sat down with me on her lap.

“You got your dress all dirty!” she admonished me and tried to get sand and leaves off of it.

“Sorry,” I told her.

Thankfully she hugged me, so I knew she wasn’t really angry over it. I watched her cut the giant hotdog in half, and she handed it to me, “Eat your hotdog,” she said.

I was glad she dipped the first part of it in ketchup to add some flavor. The actual hotdog was easily the size of a large sausage back home. My hand barely grasped onto it, and I had to be careful not to drop it. As I took my first cautious bite, I realized it was tough to even get my mouth around what seemed to be a large salami or summer sausage. I ended up eating it by taking small bites at a time out of it. Gradually I carved it away with my teeth. When I had finished part of it, she asked, “More ketchup?”

I nodded, and she lowered the plate so I could dip it.

“Living dangerously there, Sis,” Megan said as she sat down next to her. “I’d be worried about ketchup dripping!”

She laughed, “Well, it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world she’s dripped on me,” she told her.

I blushed brightly as Megan laughed. I sat quietly and listened to the conversations around me, not really interacting after being told off by Amanda. I knew that she must have been quite frightened with as attached as she was to me. I also couldn’t help but realize I’d been stupid to say what I had. Running from Chloe had been just as unwise when you looked at the tree-climbing from a parental perspective. My real parents would probably chew me a new one over that too.

I listened as Chloe and Cassie had a conversation across from us, “You know the only way you can trust a Little is if they can’t walk?”

“Well, some like Kacey even if they can crawl!”

“Yeah, I heard just last week at the daycare two Littles managed to get out of the building and ran for it.”

“Did they escape?”

“Not for long, a mom coming to pick up her kids saw the two girls running away. She might have thought they were free Littles, but they both had braided pigtails and dresses short enough to show their poopy diapers.”

“What did she do?”

“Scooped them up and put them in her stroller and dropped them back off.”

“What did the daycare do?”

“When I came for my girls, they were taken care of like Kacey – they can only say about five words, cry, drool, and mess their diapers - just like it should be. If they’re not even going to be mature enough to play like good Littles, there’s no point in not treating them as anything other than the drooling infants they are.”

“Why do you say that?” Megan asked. “I mean, seriously, would you be happy being diapered and held against your will?”

Chloe scoffed, “Of course not; I’m an adult!”

“What if they really are too?”

“But they’re not Megan! I know because you’re the baby of the family, you must feel some kinship with them… but seriously, they’re just babies! We can’t leave them out there on their own! They’ll get hurt! Everything in our world is much too big for them to use, so we have to help them! I mean, just think if Kacey had managed her stupid plan - no one would have been taking care of my girls! Every time they pooped or peed their pants, they would have been helpless!”

“Only because you made it to where they have no choice,” Megan said with a sigh.

“Next thing I know, I’m going to hear you’re at some rally for Little’s rights, little sister. Take my advice and just go with it,” Cassie told her. “You know there’s plenty of technology that could help you join them if you piss off the wrong person...”

“It would be fun to change Baby Megan’s diapees again, though!” Chloe practically squealed with what I knew had to be a classic case of Amazonian Baby Fever… I looked over at Megan for a moment and saw her face had the same look of horror as mine did.


Chapter 35: Plugged

FORTUNATELY, THIS SEEMED to be a joke of sisters picking on each other because, next, Chloe pulled Kendra and Katie away from her breasts and looked down at them. “You two done?” I heard Chloe ask, drawing attention back to her. “Did you leave anything for your sister?”

I watched as she put Kendra and Katie over her shoulder, in turn, to burp them before laying them down on the blanket Kacey lay on. Kacey hungrily tried to nurse from her right breast and only did so for about two minutes before fussing. “Oh, let’s try the other side,” Chloe said almost sadistically. I watched her nurse Kacey for another few minutes there… maybe a little longer before it was clear nothing remained there.

I could smell her dirty diaper from across the table, but I couldn’t help but stare at her trying to feed unsuccessfully. As I looked closer, I realized her ribs showed way more than the other two... It was clear it was a regular occurrence that she wasn’t fed well enough! Kendra and Katie weren’t exactly fattened cows either, though. I felt a squeeze from Amanda as she apparently followed my gaze as well. She whispered in my ear, “I know.”

I felt guilty as I finished the last bite of the second half of the hotdog and wished I could help her.

Amanda confirmed that she felt the same way because she said, “If Kacey’s still hungry, I have plenty of milk she can have.”

Chloe looked at her and shrugged, “Whatever, it doesn’t hurt her to wait her turn, but if you want to waste your milk on her, you can.” Amanda passed me over to Megan, who pulled my plate with the remaining chips over to her and handed me a couple to eat. I watched as Amanda took Kacey from her and brought her back over to our side of the table. Amanda pulled her shirt and bra down, and Kacey almost desperately put her mouth to her breast.

I wanted to pinch my nose in disgust at the smell from her rear end then… but didn’t. I didn’t want to make the embarrassment worse for the poor girl, even though she might have been past the point of thinking of it anymore.

I knew Amanda had to have been filled to the brim by this point, but Kacey hungrily nursed both breasts empty in no time. ‘I doubt this is the first time Chloe has done this?’ I thought sadly to myself. ‘I remember Amanda mentioning she blamed her for their escape attempt.

On the other side of the table, Klara and Kristina were fussily trying to leave the table to play while Neville was at Cassie’s side, now being fed more jarred goop from hell. The side said something about pickled eggs and durian fruit. I suspected he must have been either just as malnourished or just seriously screwed by hypnosis because he hungrily ate every spoonful without prompting.

I turned my attention back to Amanda and Kacey and noticed the poor girl was trembling as Amanda patted her back and cooed at her. Megan squeezed me tightly and whispered, “You do realize how lucky you are, right?”

I nodded just as Kacey made eye contact with me. I’d only heard her whimper and say a couple words, but something about her eyes let me know there was still an intelligent adult locked away in there. Her eyes showed a mixture of pain and jealousy – I could understand where both of those came from. Before I could even think of how to respond, I watched Amanda stand and carry her over to Chloe and say, “Here’s your stinker back Chloe, do you want me to save some of my milk for you? Three babies are a lot for one momma to feed herself.”

“I don’t think that’s necessary, Mandy, but I’ll remember the next time I see you that you have some to spare. Especially since you’re wasting yours by throwing it away?”

Amanda shook her head, “I’m nursing Stacy some, but I’m not switching her completely over. Much easier on both of us that way.”

Chloe just scoffed and said, “Okay girls, let’s get going home so we can get you poopy butts sorted out. You’ve been good enough; I’ll change you when you get home this time.”

My mind came to a screaming halt then, ‘She would have left them longer in those diapers?!?!?’

Megan hugged me again before passing me over to Amanda, who had just arrived to pick me up. “Hmm… seems like I have my own baby with the need for a change.”

I knew I had wet my diaper multiple times since we had arrived. Not the least of which was when I had to make my escape from the monster named Chloe. The longer I was around her, the more I understood just how twisted she was. The world would probably have been better with her locked away in a padded cell somewhere…

Amanda carried me over to an end of the table without anything on it, and I had a bad feeling a private diaper change was not in my future. Then, as if to confirm my fear, the diaper bag was opened up, and a portable changing mat was placed down on the table. She laid me down on it, my face flushed bright red as I turned my head to see Klara, Kristina, and Neville all watching. Chloe, at least, was busy getting her Littles through the back door. Finally, my dress was pushed up, and Amanda said, “Be a big girl and hold your dress for me!”

I groaned but used it to hide my flushing face. ‘If I can’t see everyone staring at me, then it’s not really happening,’ I lied to myself.

After my current diaper was ripped open, my legs were soon raised into the air with one hand. Amanda slid a new one underneath my bottom after she wiped me, and I could feel the soft and dry, new padding that she lay my butt back down on. She quickly spread some lotion all over me, gently massaging it into me. Soon I was far less naked when the tapes tightened the Pamper to my body. “Where’s my Princess?!?” Amanda suddenly said and pulled the skirt from my hands. “There she is!” She baby talked to me.

I weakly smiled at her, still as red as a tomato. Right then, Cassie came over and said to me, “You dropped your paci,” and put a pacifier in my mouth. I was about to say something about a pacifier from the ground being gross when it suddenly expanded in my mouth like a balloon.

I looked at Amanda with pleading in my eyes, but she didn’t understand when I said, “What is this? Get it out of my mouth!”

Instead, she just smiled at her sister, “Thanks, but for some reason, I thought hers was still on her dress.”

I thought so too and realized it must have fallen off, or she pulled a fast switch. I watched in horror as the new pacifier was attached to the pacifier clips Velcro and Amanda said, “Well, maybe we’ll see you in a couple weeks. We’ll be missing next weekend for a quick trip.”

“Sorry to hear that, Mandy; good luck with the baby here. I think she’s more of a handful than you realize.” She looked at me with fury still in her eyes and picked up Klara. I noticed as she did so that Klara’s new pull-up looked like it had been peed in already.

I was carried from the table and awkwardly tried to say goodbye to Amanda’s parents through the pacifier. No one suspected anything was wrong! When we got to the car, I tried to take the pacifier out of my mouth. I remembered there was some sort of odd twist motion required to release it when they talked about them in the store, but nothing I did made it come loose! In fact, I accidentally inflated it to another level!

My mouth hurt from the pressure, and I felt like there was a car jack in my mouth forcing it open, but I couldn’t get anything through. I forced myself to keep breathing through my nose, but my allergies were flaring up, and they were already partially clogged. By the time we got home, I was in tears, and Fred came to my side of the car. He immediately sensed something was very wrong and asked, “What’s wrong, baby?”

I pointed to the pacifier frantically and pulled on it. “What?”

He tried pulling it out and figured out what had happened. “Amanda, when did you make a decision to use one of those inflating pacifier gags? I thought we agreed not to.”

“What? Of course, I wouldn’t,” she said as she rounded the car to my side as he gently twisted the lock, and I sighed in relief as it deflated and he pulled it out.

“How…?” Amanda asked, but before I could respond, angrily said, “That bitch!”

Fred picked me up and hugged me tightly before passing me over to Amanda, “I’m sorry I caused problems,” I told her.

“Shhh…” she told me, “I know you are. But I also know they overreacted, and you did all you could to keep from getting hurt. Is your mouth okay?”

I rubbed my jaw and shook my head, “My jaw is really sore now. Do you have some Advil or something?”

“I have something I can give you,” Fred said. “Let me go get it, Amanda; why don’t you both go have a seat in the living room. Maybe get an ice pack?”

Amanda took his advice, and we stopped by the freezer first, wrapped an icepack in a terry bib sitting on the counter, and then carried me over to the couch. My jaw hurt like hell, and I hoped no permanent damage had been done. The ice pack helped a little as I waited for Fred to come with the medicine. He ended up bringing a liquid bottle and an eyedropper-like device.

“Given your jaw hurts, I’m guessing nursing a bottle probably doesn’t sound pleasant?”

I shook my head, “No, not even remotely.”

“Amanda, I know you’d prefer her to drink out of bottles and sippy cups, but it’d be easier if she had a regular cup of milk with this mixed in?”

“Here, you take her, and I’ll go mix it,” she told him.

He hugged me tight to him while she dug through the cabinets and went to the fridge. I watched her grab what I knew must have been a bag of breast milk that she emptied into a sippy cup, mixed the liquid medicine in, and then brought it over to me.

“Drink this very carefully,” she admonished me, “do NOT spill it.”

Even though it was just a sippy cup without a lid, it was the most adult cup I’d had in the week since I’d arrived! I drank the cup slowly so I wouldn’t spill, but as quick as I could so the medicine could take effect. By the time I finished it and handed it to Amanda, she seemed just relieved I hadn’t made a mess. I sighed at her, “You do remember I really am an adult, right?”

She sighed, “I know that… in my mind, but it’s really hard to remember that. Of course, you say that, but what you did earlier was stupid!”

“I can’t say that was your brightest moment Princess,” Fred added.

“You could have been hurt or killed climbing like that!”

I sighed, “I know that in retrospect, but the first swat from Chloe was like a sledgehammer blow to my body! If my diaper hadn’t taken part of the impact, I would probably be severely bruised from that one hit,” I told her and watched her wince. “She was clearly itching to go at me the whole time, and I could tell she wasn’t going to just let me go… I didn’t think then and reacted. I knew I could get under her legs, and the slide was nearby with the branch… I just reacted, trying to get away from her. What should I have done? Let her abusively beat me? I didn’t exactly say something wrong. There’s no way Klara is ready to be potty trained. She’d already wet that pull-up again before we left!”

Amanda sighed, “You are right, I don’t doubt that… but giving parenting advice to an Amazonian woman when you are a Little in diapers… can you understand why she would be offended?”

“Maybe she should have been. Cassie clearly got even with me for them,” I said with a sigh.

“Yes, she did, and I think we’ll let any further punishment go with this too.” She hugged me tight, “You have to be smart here, Stacy. You have taken a crazy risk to come here, and I really do want you to succeed in your dream! Mouthing off to giants is going to land you like Kacey if you’re not careful!”

“Poor Kacey…” I said.

“Yeah, I’m genuinely concerned about her,” Amanda said.

“I’m a hairs breath away from having to file an LPS report based on what I saw today,” Fred acknowledged.

“There is actually a line your kind views as uncrossable?” I said semi-incredulously.

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