Exchanged - Chapters 40 and 41 (Book 1 Final Chapters)

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Chapters 40 and 41 (Final Book 1)
by Sofia Hammerstein

Two years ago Stacy visited a newly discovered dimension, with his parents, on an adventurous summer vacation. He was astounded by how the other dimension's technology was decades ahead of his own! During his senior year he applied to Emerson University in the city he had visited. He was excited and hopeful of learning more about their technology as an exchange student, and hopefully bring it back to his own world. (Story set in the Diaper Dimension)


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The Legal Stuff: Exchanged © 2017-2024 By Sofia Hammerstein
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.

Chapter 40: Mature Diner

ONCE WE ARRIVED at our destination, I instantly recognized it as 3lev4t3d, the restaurant I had been stuck with pureed food the week before. The Maître’D remembered Amanda and said, “Good afternoon, just you two beautiful ladies today?”

“No, my husband and little sister are supposed to join us - have they arrived yet?”

“No, ma’am, would you like to be seated while you wait?”

She bounced me up and down a little right then on her hip then and said, “Please.”

“Right this way then,” he said and took us to a round table close to the kitchen doors. A highchair was brought over for me, but Amanda kept holding me in her lap while we waited. I remembered that the mush from the last time tasted good, but the texture was disgusting if I stopped to think about it. ‘If that mush is what I’m getting to eat for a celebratory meal, then I would rather have gone to McDonald’s…’ I groused in my head. We were celebrating an adult milestone after all!

Fred and Megan came in not too much later, “Congratulations, sweetie!” Megan cooed at me and gave me a hug. “I knew you could do it!”

I was passed over to Fred, who said, “I know last night was terrible, but I’m glad it paid off!”

“Me too,” I told him.

As soon as I was set down into the highchair, bibbed, and the seatbelt was buckled, the chef came back out and recognized Amanda, Fred, and me. “This seems oddly early for you to be dining with us?”

“We’re celebrating,” Amanda said with a smile.

“What’s the occasion?” He asked.

Amanda looked at me and nodded at me to go ahead, “I passed my CARE exam, sir, and I’m allowed to study at the university.”

He looked at me in disbelief like that was scandalous, “You’re letting her go to school at the university? You mean the daycare, right?”

Amanda smiled at him, “No, she’ll be a regular college student… Sort of, she’ll be in protection, of course.”

“Aren’t you worried about her getting hurt?”

“Of course, I am, but we’ll make sure she’s safe. She’s quite brilliant, and I want to nurture that rather than extinguish that.”

“I said before when you came that you have some unconventional ideas, Madame, but I do remember this little girl is the first new diner who has impressed me with her maturity in a long time. So I’ll be sure that she receives a meal befitting the occasion tonight,” he told me with a smile that seemed genuine.

“Thank you, Sir,” I told him politely.

The waiter came over about then, and he told him, “Anton, the Little girl may order whatever she likes. Please mark it with PS, so I know which meal is hers.”

“Yes, Chef…” the guy stuttered a little nervously before looking at me like I had grown two extra heads or something.

“Enjoy your meals, ladies,” he said, “sir,” and turned around to head back to the kitchen.

“Umm… we don’t have separate children’s menus?” He said, looking alternatingly at Amanda and me.

“May I just have the Veal Parmigiana that you had last time?” I suggested to Amanda.

“That seems like a great plan!” she told me with a smile. “I’m going to have the Veal Saltimbocca tonight.”

“You Madame?” he asked Megan.

“The Lasagna, please,” she said with a smile.


“Let’s do the Chicken Piccata tonight,” he said.

“Very good, we’ll have that right out!”

As we waited, bread was once again brought for the table, and I settled in to only get to watch them eat it… but to my surprise, a plate of cut-up chunks was placed in front of me too! Next, the waiter put a dribble of the seasoned olive oil dipping sauce on another tiny dish. A couple with a Little at a nearby table looked at me with shock in their eyes when they saw the plate. When the Little’s head turned, I wanted to crawl away from the sight of the pure rage and jealousy on her face. I decided to ignore it, though, and carefully dipped a chunk of what had to be freshly made bread into the oil. It was delicious, and I slowly savored all eight cubes I’d been provided with. Not eating much for nearly twenty-four hours definitely left me famished!

After a while, our food came out from the kitchen. I noticed a bowl again and sighed, ‘I really had hoped to avoid pureed food with whatever a preschool meal is...’

The chef came out right then and said, “I hope you enjoy your meal, little one,” and grabbed the bowl from the tray and presented it to me.

I realized then that it was actually a little larger bowl than last time - and much to my surprise, it was actually filled with sort of full-length noodles! I thought they were probably half the size of the regular meal, but that was fine to me! The veal was sliced up into thin chunks inside, but it could have almost been considered whole at first glance the way it was served. He presented me with a fork that was perfectly my size and said, “Buon Appetito.”

“Grazie,” I told him with a smile.

He smiled back and left me to the bowl of food. I took my first bite and closed my eyes in satisfaction! The veal was tender, perfectly breaded and cooked, and the sauce was to die for! I was pretty sure the noodles had been freshly made as well so that it easily ranked as one of the finest meals I’d ever had. Leftovers and pureed had left the meal tasty, but not like this! I now understood why Amanda and Fred liked this place!

The couple that had stared at me earlier was now glowering at me as I daintily ate the meal. As their food was delivered, the Little girl truly became genuinely unpleasant. When she realized I had real food, while she was getting the pureed mush, it caused a meltdown for the poor girl! Suddenly, a spoonful of that mush was flung against the floor not far from our table. Moments later, the bowl had landed on the shoulder of the now-shocked ‘mother’ of the Little.

I sighed and wondered just what horror I was about to see. The chef came out and looked at the Little and scowled, “And you Littles wonder why you can’t be trusted with adult food?”

“How come she gets real food?” The Little sobbed just before her diaper came down, and she was spanked a couple dozen times. I truly felt bad for her! The loud smacks and her screams made me wince in sympathy.

As her diaper was pulled back up, the chef answered her blubbering, “Because the first time she came in here, she politely sat through her meal without complaint. I’ve never seen a better behaved Little, so she gets to be treated like a big girl.”

“I’m so sorry about this,” the lady apologized.

“It’s fine. If you come in again, though, please just plan to only breastfeed your Little girl. She’s obviously not mature enough to eat even a pureed Littles meal.”

I gulped and kept carefully eating the tasty food from my bowl. I had made it my goal to eat the entire bowl without getting anything on my bib, clothes, hair, or face!

“So, what were your scores?” Megan asked me.

“You never said earlier?” Amanda asked too.

“Am I allowed to talk in here?” I asked quietly.

“Yes, you are,” the chef’s voice frightened me enough. I felt some urine escape my bladder.

I turned and looked up at where he had appeared out of thin air behind me, “You behave maturely, not like bratty Littles like that girl,” he said. “You may converse with your family without fear of any consequences. Just please don’t argue or shout,” he told me with a smile. “Do you like your food?”

“It’s amazing, sir. Your sauce, noodles, the preparation of the veal… you have to be one of the finest chefs in the world!”

He beamed a smile at me and said, “Grazie,” before he walked back to the kitchen.

“Scores?” Megan reminded me.

“Oh… Let me see if I can remember them all?”

“How about the total?”

“I think it was around 1900?” I said.

Megan looked at me in shock, “You realize the average score is like 1,200 for Littles, right?”

I shook my head, “I suspect it’s lower than that if you count all of the Littles who don’t make it through the test?” I paused, “I guess they probably don’t count them though?”

Megan looked at me and asked, “How many took the test today?”

“Four others,” I told her.

“How many made it?” Fred asked.

“You’re looking at her,” I told him sadly.

Megan gasped, but I just kept eating, trying not to think about the fates of those poor people.

I had begun to slow down a little as I reached the bottom of my bowl… But since I hadn’t eaten in nearly twenty-two hours, I was still a bit hungry. Then, as if sensing my stomach’s cries, the chef appeared with a small goblet that looked to have tiramisu in it. He sat it on my tray and said, “Please enjoy this with my compliments, congratulations on your test,” and disappeared quickly.

I looked at Amanda, who looked surprised, “Not quite sure exactly what you did, but you definitely impressed him,” she said with a smile.

I used the tiny spoon in the goblet to eat about half of it before I couldn’t eat anymore. “Anyone want the rest?” I offered.

“I’ll take it,” Megan said with a smile.

She ate the rest and said, “This is delicious!”

“I know, right?” I told her with a smile.

“Everything was to your satisfaction tonight?” The chef reappeared one last time.

“Yes, sir, it was amazing!” I said with a smile.

“Please come back soon!” He told us with a smile. Fred quickly took care of our check, and we were soon walking back out to the car.

Out by the car, Amanda told Megan, “We’ll see you next week maybe; we’re going to go out of town this weekend.”

“Where are you going?” Megan asked.

“Call me later, and I’ll tell you. We figured we would make it a surprise for Stacy.”

I looked at her curiously, and she shook her head, “You’ll find out when we get there!”

I sighed and leaned against her, “Spoilsport!”

She laughed and felt my damp diaper, “Well, we need to get this one home and in a new diaper. I’ll call you later,” she told Megan.

“Okay, Mandy,” she said as she mainly hugged her and a little bit of me, “Bye, Stacy,” she told me.

With that, I was latched into the car seat, where I sat silently on the way home while reflecting on the day. ‘One impossible victory achieved!’ I thought to myself. I couldn’t feel genuinely happy about it, though, when I thought about the poor people who had totally lost their freedom today.

“Whatcha thinking about?” Amanda asked as she undid my harness back home.

I sighed, “The people who were sentenced to being treated like who knows what?”

She picked me up and squeezed me into a hug, “What exactly happened?”

“The first boy didn’t even bother wearing any protection… He wet his pants early on in the test after I think he asked to leave to go to the bathroom? I wasn’t paying a lot of attention until the proctor started chewing him out!” I paused while she walked through the door into the kitchen, “Then these scary mechanical arms came from nowhere and grabbed him and took him off to the daycare,” I said sadly as she carried me over to the couch in the living room. She turned me towards her in her lap as she sat down. “The next girl was wearing a pull-up at least, but she messed it… I was terrified, though, as the lady actually checked the back of my diaper first,” I shuddered at the fact that I had no privacy here. “Once she checked and found me clean, she moved to the girl. The poor girl tried to lie to her… but after that, she said she’d make sure they knew she wasn’t even ready to be a toddler and taunted her that her teeth would be removed… poor girl is going to be like Chloe’s Littles.” I felt a tear in my eye then.

“Oh my God…” Amanda said.

“The other two, for some stupid reason, trusted the bottles of water that the lady offered them. The boy at least had worn something for protection, but the girl was just in panties. They were carted off by those mechanical nannies quicker than you could believe… Poor people…”

She hugged me and rocked me in her arms for a few minutes, “But not you – it’s not your fault either.” Then, she told me, “Don’t go feeling survivors’ guilt! The information and warnings are out there if they had looked for it, and they could have prepared like you did.”


“What do you mean maybe?”

“Those test prep books I studied?”

“What about them?”

“They were all high on the shelves where no Little could realistically read the titles or even get to them. How many Littles do you actually think can reach high enough to get them?”

I looked up at Amanda’s face, and I think she realized the horrible answer to that, “Not many,” she said softly.

“So, what now?” I asked after some moments of silence passed.

“Why don’t you email your real parents and let them know you survived the test. I’m sure they’re as worried sick about it as I was… Then maybe we can take a swim?”

I smiled at her, “Okay!”

She sat me down on the ground, and I walked with her to the stairs wondering why she hadn’t just carried me. Finally, she looked down at me and asked, “What are you waiting for?”

I began the awkward climb up the steps, almost like crawling, and realized I’d gone down them many times, but this was the first time I’d had to climb up them! When I made it to the top, I looked down at the staircase, feeling like I had climbed a mountain! Even with the seemingly new athletic abilities that I’d demonstrated against Chloe, I still felt like that was tough!

“Good girl,” she told me with a smile. She’d hovered behind me the whole time, making sure I didn’t fall backward but hadn’t offered a bit of help.

I blushed, “that’s harder than it should be!”

“Well, you’re the size of a three-month-old infant! They definitely don’t climb stairs!”

I nodded and walked to my bedroom… nursery and sat down on my small desk chair while she disappeared to their room. As I sat down, I noticed she hadn’t changed my diaper yet, and it was definitely at capacity now! I sighed, but it didn’t take me long to log in to my email, and I saw a copy of my score report. I glanced at it quickly and looked at the total composite score of 1,929 again. ‘Megan said the average score was 1,200?!?’ Maybe I won’t be in totally over my head the next few years…

I created a new message then to my parents, made my greeting, and added some safe phrases before beginning,

I just wanted to let you know I did pass the test. I ended up with a score of 1,929, which is supposed to be an exceptional score for the test. Fred used the typical steps he uses as a doctor before surgery to keep me from possibly having messy pants in the test. It was an extreme solution, but given that the other four Littles in the test are probably toothless, drooling babies, I have no complaints! It was a tough test, but I’m proud I passed!

Anyway, Amanda mentioned swimming, so I’m going to end this, but I just wanted to make sure you knew I passed and was still safe! I’ll write more later on.


I hit send and looked up at Amanda standing in her bikini. “Ready to swim?”


I lifted my arms up to her, but she didn’t take them. “Let’s see if we can’t start teaching you how to change your own diapers.”

I looked at her with a confused look, “What?”


Chapter 41: Independence?

“WELL, IF YOU’RE going to be a big college girl, you need to be able to change yourself, right?”

For a second, I looked for the second head she had to have sprouted but nodded, “Right?”

“Then here, let’s teach you how to do this!”

She handed me a package of gigantic wipes, a swim diaper, and a changing mat. “You don’t really need the changing mat by yourself, but it’d be good for putting your wet diaper on in a moment; just stand on it.”

I nodded at her and laid it down before standing on it, “Okay, take it off?” I asked.

She nodded, and I pulled my skirt off and set it out of the way before I ripped the tapes loose from the diaper. It wasn’t as easy to pull them off as I would have thought, but I still managed with a little bit of effort. I gently held it and, without being told, rolled it up like Gabby had shown me with Elena’s diaper.

“Go ahead and use plenty of wipeys now,” she told me.

I wiped myself as clean as I’d felt anyone else do for me carefully. My fingers jolted a bit as the wipe touched my still new vagina, but I just kept cleaning until I felt like I was done. “Okay?” I said as I put the wipes I’d used on top of the diaper.

“With regular diapers, the websites say there are a few ways you could put a new one on… But this is a swim diaper, so it’s the easiest since all you have to do is pull these up like big-girl panties. You don’t even have to worry about powder with it like you will a normal diaper.”

“Okay,” I told her.

“I’ve spent some time researching how free Littles manage with normal diapers too; I’ll teach you that later today or tomorrow.” she told me, “I know you’ll need to do this on your own.”

She was right with the swim diaper; it was just a matter of pulling it on. I looked down and felt like it was probably a good fit, ‘I feel like a big kid now!’ I joked internally.

“How’d I do?” I asked her jokingly.

“Let’s see!” She said with a smile, and she tickled my stomach as she picked me up and sat me on the changing table. She ran her finger along the waistband and said, “Good! Of course, you didn’t really have to do anything with this one!”

I blushed, “Yay,” I told her.

She hugged me, “Don’t worry, I’ll still change most of your diapees!”

I blushed some more, “Thanks… I think.”

She handed me my swimsuit, and I pulled off my blouse and put the swimsuit on instead. I let her put my hair up in a swim cap, and she carried me downstairs to the backyard. She sat me down on my feet outside as she opened up the gate.

I followed her to the water’s edge and looked up at her, “Well, jump in!” she said with a smile.

‘What in the world is going on?’ I asked myself. After a week and a half of being allowed to do nothing to care for me, I was stunned that I now could do something as simple as jump into the pool! I stood at the edge and performed a fluid dive into the water. I swam to the surface and turned around to look at her smiling.

“You’re letting me just swim?” I asked.

“You’re capable, right?” She asked.

I nodded, “Yes… but…”

“I told you this weekend, last week was about acclimating you to this dimension; now, for the rest of the week, we need to get you ready to be a college kid!”

I just smiled at her and said, “Okay,” before turning and beginning to swim some laps.

I’d only made it about half of what I had done most of the time the past week before I became tired. ‘Probably still catching up my energy levels from the fasting,’ I admitted to myself. I noticed Fred was sitting in the water reading a book while Amanda looked to be catching some sun in a lounge chair. I swam towards Fred and flipped to float on my back. “Whatcha reading?” I asked.

“Just some trashy crime novel,” he told me with a smile. “Tired of swimming already, little fish?”

“I told you I’m a dolphin,” I smiled and stuck my tongue out at him. “It’s nice to just float,” I told him with a smile.

He read for a while longer while I floated on my back and let the sunshine on my skin. Then, I heard a splash not far from me and opened my eyes in time to get a flood of water in them. I blinked out the water and struggled for a second to get my bearings back in the water. Large arms encircled me, though, and it was apparent from the material of her bikini that Amanda had picked me up. “I heard it was time to go fishing!” she told me.

I looked up at her, “I was enjoying relaxing.”

“Uh-huh, and beginning to bake your front,” she said as she moved the strap of my swimsuit over to expose white skin versus tanner skin.

“Guess I’m getting an obvious girls tan, huh?”

“Well, that makes sense since you’re a girl?” But, she asked tentatively, “Are you really okay with that? I would have expected anyone else to panic and be depressed over that change.”

I sighed, “I hadn’t planned on becoming a girl, but compared to half of the things I’ve seen, it seems minor. So I guess I’m okay with it as much as anything... it’s definitely not a mistake to call me that anymore. Used to get on my nerves growing up being put in girl’s PE classes because of my name, called a girl, called much worse things,” I shrugged, “It’s not like I had any grand plans that required me to be a guy.”

“Well, why don’t you get out of the water and sun your back with me?” she suggested.

I shrugged, “Okay.”

As we got out, I noticed for the first time that between two huge loungers, a smaller pink one had been placed. I smiled at the thoughtfulness of it and walked over to it after Amanda sat me down on my feet. I laid face down on it and felt her spray some sunscreen on me before deciding it was an excellent place to take a nap.

I wasn’t out too long, though, before Amanda scooped me up and said, “Come on, little girl, let’s go take a quick shower.”

“Okay,” I told her with a smile.

She carried me upstairs straight to their bedroom and bathroom, where she started taking her bikini off. “Can you be a good girl and get undressed?”

I nodded and began pulling down the straps of my swimsuit. I noticed my shoulders were a bit red, but hopefully not too sunburned. When I had it down, Amanda said, “Go ahead and take off that diapee too. Pull the sides apart, so it’s easier,” she told me.

I was kind of shocked that I’d been allowed to both put it on and take it off now! I ripped the sides off like she said and soon held it balled up, “where do you want me to throw it away?” I asked her.

“Hand it to me,” she said, now having taken both pieces of her bikini off. I handed it to her, and she threw it in a trashcan before turning to start the showerhead of a large walk-in shower she had.

She opened the door and let me walk through carefully into the shower when it was a safe temperature. The water came down like a warm rainstorm down where I stood, and it was a nice feeling. She handed me a mini loofah with soap on it, and I scrubbed my body while she did hers.

“Ready for your hair?” She asked me?

“Sure…” I said.

She handed me a palm-full of shampoo, and I closed my eyes and carefully lathered up all of my hair. I felt like I had gotten all of it lathered when she must have pulled the nozzle from the wall and began carefully rinsing out my hair for me. “There, I think we got all of the shampoo out, here’s some conditioner,” she said and gave me a palm-full of it to work through my hair.

The shower was the most grown-up thing I had experienced in a week, and I relished the ability to not feel like a newborn baby! Once the conditioner was all rinsed out, she took care of her own hair while I stood soaking in the bits of the water that went by her. Then, as she turned off the water, I hugged her leg, “Thank you,” I told her.

“But of course, Princess,” she told me. Apparently, she had controlled her mothering instincts as long as she could. Quickly I found myself wrapped inside a towel and sitting on the counter while she blow-dried my hair. I sat patiently with my fingers in my ears until she pronounced me done and carried me into my nursery – her hair still up in a towel. Then, instead of setting me on the changing table, she handed me a pamper, a nightgown, and a travel-size bottle of baby powder that was the size of a whole bottle to me.

“Okay, let’s teach you how to put on your regular diapers…” she said. “Might be easiest to sit down with it on the changing pad to powder yourself. Littles say it is sometimes easier to tape it though standing up against a wall?”

I looked up at her quizzically and tried her directions. I realized that the swim diapers were really just pull-ups and very easy to handle; this would be trickier. I opened the diaper up and laid it on the changing mat. I sat down with the front of the diaper in front of me and reached for the powder. I used a good bit and felt self-conscious the whole time, touching myself and knowing Amanda was watching me. I laid down on my back and got some on my butt with some gymnastics before sitting back up. I pulled one side to the front and had a feeling I wouldn’t be able to get it tight enough sitting. I ended up carefully standing and moving with my back to the dresser next to me to hold the diaper in place as I taped it. I was careful to keep the diaper’s front and back even so it looked even and pulled everything as snug as I could.

“Good girl! Let’s see how you did!” She said as she picked me up and sat me down on the changing table. She ran a finger along the waistband and the leg holes before saying, “Look at you, you did a great job!” Then, she tickled my belly a little, “You’re going to put Mommy out of a job!”

“Thanks…” I said. I was a little disturbed that being able to put on my own diaper would be a milestone.

“Don’t give me that look; you need to be able to change yourself in between classes if you need it.”

“Won’t every Amazon girl in my classes be checking me and wanting to change me themselves?”

“Yes, but if you’re smart, you’ll refuse most of them unless you implicitly can trust them.”


“Do you really want a surprise enema?”

My eyes widened at that, “They’d…?” I shook my head, “Of course, they would, but they’ll let me change myself?”

“You are a college student who has taken the mature approach to wear protection – it’s in Emerson’s code of conduct. Plus, if they know you’re already adopted, which I’m sure will get out, they won’t want to step on your mommy’s toes too much. But, on the other hand, you might have a mother like Chloe that wants her baby left in a messy diaper for some reason?”

“I hoped she was the only deranged lunatic.” I said before I could stop myself, “Sorry…”

She looked upset and blinked away a tear, “It’s true, though.”

“I’m still sorry,” I told her.

She leaned over and gave me a hug, “It’s okay. Here I’m going to put you down on the ground, get your nightgown on, and then why don’t you play on your computer or something for a bit while I go take care of myself.”

“Okay,” I told her and accepted her lift down to the floor.

I quickly pulled the nightgown over my head and noticed it had that elastic band at the bottom that gathered at my ankles. The nightgown was comfortable in that it was pretty warm, but the pink color with a little white bunny embroidered on the chest could cause a diabetic coma. I followed her advice, got onto my computer, and began exploring to see if I could perform some subterfuge with my IP address like I knew she had done for the practice tests. To my surprise, the techniques were pretty similar to back home. I discovered some newer methods and tools were available here, but I quickly learned some strategies that the hacker crowd considered nearly impossible to break through.

I was just testing it out when I realized I had an audience; Amanda was back. “Uh… hi,” I told her.

“Hi yourself,” she told me and said, “log out of it all,” she said.

I groaned but did so quickly and found myself in her arms while she sat in the glider. “So, am I in trouble?” I asked.

She laughed, “No, you’re not in trouble, but you need to be careful.”

“I know; I promise I won’t use my knowledge to break into anything?”

“I actually am glad you know how to do that. It’ll keep us from having to worry about you doing things online and it getting back to us as easily. Just be very careful to wipe your footprints! I’ll give you a couple other tools tomorrow to put on your computer if you remind me.”

“Wait… you’re okay…?”

“I figure at some point you’re going to stumble onto some of the more liberal Littles rights sites. I’d rather if you don’t get involved with them, honestly, but if you do, please make sure you can’t be traced back here. I’ve heard of Littles being removed from parents when they’ve been tracked.”

I nodded, “I’m honestly not planning on getting involved in any protests… I just saw a couple old articles from the past few years, and I have no desire to have my brain become much like they did.” What I didn’t say was that I saw similar nanotechnology had apparently been used on the supporting Amazons to turn them into Littles, too – that seemed a fate I would never want Amanda and Fred to go through!

She gave me a good squeeze, “Good, neither do I,” she said.

“So, what’s up for the rest of this week now that I passed the test?” I asked her.

“Well, tomorrow I’ve got an appointment with a lady named Jenny Murtha in the morning for you. I gave her all of your measurements last week after your procedure so she could make university uniforms for you. She’s an incredible seamstress, so I know they’ll look very fitted, and that should help you out a bit with dealing with your classmates.”

“How’s that?”

“Well, most Littles will just walk into the University Bookstore and buy the closest sizes to them they can find. Unfortunately, most of them tend to be pretty baggy, making them look uncared for. Amazons just can’t stand to let Littles not receive proper care!”

“Oh,” I said.

“So, by having clothes that fit you perfectly like a model, everyone will know you’re well taken care of – or at least not your average Little.”

“What do I do if?”


“If some random Amazon tries to take me?”

She hugged me, “Tell them you want them to call your mommy.”

“If they don’t believe us?”

“Tell them to take you down to any hospital and read your chip. Then, the second they try and adopt you anywhere else, they have to try the chip reader, and when they find you have parents already, they’re required to remove you from their care and get in touch with me as soon as possible.”

“That sounds scary still,” I said.

“Well, I’m not going to lie, sweetie, lots of bad things could happen in that time. If something like that happens, just be sweet and non-defiant, so they don’t feel like they need to do anything to regress you.”

I just nodded at that, “After we get my clothes?”

“Well, you’ll wear one of the uniforms to go meet with Doctor Butler, your advisor, to get your class schedule figured out.”

“I can’t just do it online?” I asked.

“Every Little must do their schedule with their advisor; it’s a university policy that is set in immovable stone. Even first-year students Amazonians must do it that way next week, though, too, so don’t feel like it’s a big deal.”

“What is this guy like?” I asked.

“A condescending asshole,” she told me.

“What?” I said, startled by the venom in her voice.

“Sorry, it’s the truth. Doctor Butler is the Dean of Computer Technology and a pain in the ass to deal with. I’m glad my department is with the engineering department, so I don’t have to deal with him too regularly.”

“Fun…” I sighed, “what do I need to do there?”

We spent the better part of an hour cuddled up on the glider talking before Fred came in and said, “You two want to come down and have a snack?”

“Oh, what are we having?” Amanda asked.

“I made some sliders?”

“Okay,” Amanda said, “how’s that sound to you, Princess?” She asked me.

“So, sliders… meaning a normal burger for me, I can live with that! Just keep it plain, though.”

“No cheese?”

“Well, of course, cheese is good… ketchup too… but hold everything else.”

“What is your problem with veggies, young lady?” Amanda asked as she stood up with me on her hip.

“I don’t know… I just never have liked veggies?”

“We’re going to get you over your aversion to them before you graduate college. Proper young ladies eat salads to watch their figure,” she told me with a smile and a kiss to my forehead.

“Not tonight, please?” I asked.

“Hmm… maybe I can get Cassie to bring by some of that little food?”

My mouth opened like a fish, and she said, “Just kidding, sweetheart, no way in hell I’m feeding you that slop.”

I sighed and hugged her tight. “I don’t know how Neville eats that without throwing it up immediately?”

“I don’t know either,” Fred said at the bottom of the stairs. “Seriously, why in the world would you combine pickled eggs and durian fruit? Two of the worst smelling things on the planet!”

Amanda squeezed me, “Maybe he had been fussy?”

“I’d be fussy too if I had to eat that,” Fred said. “The jar wasn’t any better the day before… and then she forced Klara to eat that one! I mean Amanda, I’m not trying to pick a fight here, but your sisters both seem to be getting worse and more out of control each time we’ve seen them this year.”

She nodded, “I don’t know what happened to them both… but I think Chloe started it all. Cassie has just always looked up to her so much I think she feels like she has to keep up.”

I watched from my highchair as Fred finished cooking some burgers on the grill built-in on the range. Well, sliders for them… He presented me with the perfect size cheeseburger a few minutes later. The bun had a glossy sheen to it and felt warm and fresh! Ketchup had been spread onto the burger, and I didn’t wait for them to even think about bibbing me. I took a bite.

“Oh my God, this is perfect!!!!” I said aloud.

“See, I can cook something,” Fred told Amanda.

“One thing… but I agree,” she said as she took her own bite, “these are really good.”

It was intimidating to watch her eat in two or three bites, which was an entire hamburger. I relished the adult taste of a burger. I finished it off and couldn’t help but wish for some fries. “Still hungry?” He asked in surprise.

“Just needs some fries or something?” I admitted.

Amanda laughed, “I said one thing… that’s basically it. Hold on a second, and I’ll see if I can figure out something else. Unless you just want another slider?”

I thought for a second, “Just another slider will work. No need to go cook something else for me.”

“You are way too polite,” she told me with a smile. “Chef, your Princess needs another slider… I’ll take two more for myself.”

“Gah! No one told me that I was going to be enslaved when I had another girl come to live in the house…” he grumbled as he stood up. We both had our second order a few moments later with a smile and a kiss to both of our foreheads as he delivered them. “Your wish will always be my command, my ladies.”

That earned a giggle from both of us.

After the late dinner/snack, Amanda, Fred, and I sat down and watched some TV before being carried up to the nursery. I realized something then, “You haven’t nursed me today?”

“Fred and I think it might be more trouble than it’s worth, Stacy. You and I both know your continence has sort of returned today without it; if we do that all the time… well, it may just very well end up costing you your adulthood.”

I leaned in to hug her, “But isn’t it painful for you to keep it?”

“I’ve pumped a few times today,” she told me, “I can always give it to Chloe to try and keep her from starving her little girls.”

I thought for a second and shook my head, and whined, “But what about your own little girl?”

“You sound like an addict Stacy… That’s why I don’t really want to feed you any more of my milk.”

‘Why does this upset me so much?’ I asked myself as I realized I was pouting.

“Why are you frowning? Shouldn’t you be happier knowing you’re safer?”

I sighed and looked at her from the changing table she sat me down on. “Maybe?”

“Look, did you even realize that your diaper is still dry?” She asked me.

For the first time, I did realize that my diaper was dry, and I needed to go pee. I must have looked shocked, “No, I didn’t?” I paused and let it go into the diaper a little awkwardly since Amanda was watching me.

“So, you can see why?”

“Okay, how about this… I honestly actually kind of appreciate not knowing I’m peeing… But, we both know training potties aren’t likely in my future anymore, and there’s no chance that a regular toilet is.”

She nodded.

“How about just at night before bed?” I asked. “You can save the rest for Chloe’s girls… but that should probably be enough that I can keep from waking up needing to go every night too.”

Fred came in just then, “I told you.”

Amanda sighed, “Okay, Stacy, nighttime only now is all we’re going to do – that won’t change to more no matter what! So if I think it’s still affecting you too much, we’re cutting that out too.”

“Why the sudden concern?” I asked.

“Since Sunday, I realized that Fred is right - there is a line I don’t want to cross with you. Otherwise, we need to just take you to an etiquette center and make you like Neville … And I refuse to do that! I want you to be you, the smart, adorable girl who will finish college… If I don’t have you do stuff on your own, there’s going to be a slip-up somewhere that will keep you from succeeding here. I’m sure of it.”

“And more than anything else,” she said after a pause, “I cannot allow myself to become what Chloe and Cassie are!”

I hugged her, “You won’t become that - I know that!”

“You agree with this, Fred?” She asked him.

“It should be okay. Bedtime allows a long time for the chemicals in your milk to process and go through her body. She should be fine by the time she goes to classes.”

“Okay then,” she said and seemed to be relieved as she presented me with her breast, and I was relieved that she had.

I didn’t hesitate to latch on and began sucking milk into my mouth. After having such a stressful day, there was something so relaxing about the act! I thought about everything so far along my journey to this dimension while I nursed.

I’d managed to make it safely into a home that I had hope would support me in my dreams of earning a degree here in this dimension! I was excited to know that I’d soon be studying the fantastic technology, even as I couldn’t help but be terrified of ever becoming like Chloe’s Littles…

I sighed after being burped by Amanda and squirmed a bit as she moved me to her other breast. I just wanted the tasty liquid to continue coming into my mouth!

‘Maybe I really am an addict,’ I thought to myself as my stress and cares seemed to abate as I thirstily nursed on her nipple.

‘I’m okay with that,’ I added when I was laid down in my crib a while later. I was awake just long enough to hope that my journey would continue to go just as well in the coming years!


End Book 1

What did you think? Please leave me a comment and press the kudos button if you enjoyed it! This book and more are also available on my Kindle Store if you would like to support me! I should begin posting the second book, Little Hope, next week. Thanks again for reading!

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A wonderful story

From the perspective of a little this is a bit terrifying. I am sure glad Stacy found a good family. She could have ended up with some truly awful Amazon's like her new aunts. I can't wait to read the next book.

EllieJo Jayne