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Chapters 22 and 23
by Sofia Hammerstein
Two years ago Stacy visited a newly discovered dimension, with his parents, on an adventurous summer vacation. He was astounded by how the other dimension's technology was decades ahead of his own! During his senior year he applied to Emerson University in the city he had visited. He was excited and hopeful of learning more about their technology as an exchange student, and hopefully bring it back to his own world. (Story set in the Diaper Dimension)
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The Legal Stuff: Exchanged © 2017-2024 By Sofia Hammerstein
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.
Chapter 22: Hurdles
I WOKE UP on my own in the middle of the night once again and sighed. I wasn’t swaddled, at least, but with the mittens attached to the nightgown and a thick diaper that seemed soaked, there wasn’t much I would be able to do anyway. I rolled over and looked at the wall. I smiled when I noticed Amanda had found a clock at some point yesterday and put it up for me! Then I groaned as I realized it wasn’t even 2am, and I had at least four to six hours left in this diaper before they would check me.
I debated what to do, but the door suddenly opened, and a sleepy Fred walked in. “Everything okay, Princess?” He asked quietly.
I shook my head, “I’m wet.”
“Let’s take care of that then,” he said as he reached into the crib and gently picked me up. I was laid out on the changing table, and he pushed up the banded nightgown to get it out of his way. “You weren’t kidding,” he said to me.
“Why are you up?” I asked him.
“I needed to go to the bathroom and thought I heard something outside, so I went downstairs to make sure the alarm was on.”
“Oh…” I said nervously, “Was there anything out there?”
“Just a raccoon knocking over the trash cans, I think. I’ll look in the morning.” He must have seen my nerves as he wiped me, “Don’t worry, Princess, we have a state-of-the-art security system with backups. Your mommy has even made her own tweaks to it - I guarantee no one can make it into this house without having the scare of their lives!”
I looked up curiously but shrugged and said, “Okay, Daddy.”
He finished up and pulled the nightgown back down. Just as he was unstrapping me, Amanda came in and sleepily asked, “What are you two doing up?” She asked.
“I came to check on her, and she was awake with a soaked diapee,” he said.
“You mean Daddy actually changed a diaper?” She asked us both incredulously.
“He did a good job, too,” I told her with a smile.
“Hmm… Let me see about that,” Amanda said as she picked me out of his arms and lay me into an infant’s carry. She pulled the band of the nightgown back up, looked, and said, “Maybe Daddy can be useful!” She smiled at him.
“Now, shall we all go back to sleep?” He asked.
“I’ll be there in a bit,” she told him. “Thirsty?” She asked me.
I squirmed a bit but had to admit I kind of was thirsty, so I nodded. Amanda sat down with me and nursed me to sleep again, and I had to admit nighttime rituals like this weren’t totally unpleasant as she gently brushed her hands through my hair.
THE NEXT MORNING, I found myself awake, rolled over from my back where I lay. The now wet diaper I wore beginning to seem cold. I looked at the clock and saw it was now seven in the morning and could hear sounds from around the house. “Mommy?” I asked tentatively.
I heard a sound from the kitchen downstairs, and footsteps came up the staircase. Amanda walked through the door shortly then, wearing a pretty blue floral dress. “Well, this is an occasion, an eighteen-year-old up before noon on her own?”
I laughed and held my arms up to her. She came to the crib and picked me up gently, checked my soaked diaper, and then continued to carry me on downstairs. “You’re not going to change me?” I asked.
“It’ll hold a bit more, and we both know that you will need to go more before breakfast is over with.”
I nodded a little sadly.
“Oh, come on! I know for a fact that your diaper doesn’t let any of the liquid stays on your skin. It’s not that bad, is it?”
I looked at her, “It’s kind of clammy still when it’s cold,” I told her.
“Well, we’ll just have to be quick eating breakfast, huh?”
Downstairs I was set in the high chair, and she brought over some pieces of apple to chew on while she busied herself around the microwave. I had just finished two of the impossibly huge slices when she sat down next to the chair with a bowl of some sort of mush.
“What is that?” I asked, looking at the white glop.
“Cereal,” she told me with a smile and spooned a mouthful to my mouth.
I made a face, “What kind of cereal?”
“Baby cereal,” she told me with a smile, “perfect for a Little that needs to practice eating what her Mommy gives her!”
I glared at her as she brought another spoonful to my mouth, “Why?” I managed just before it entered.
“Why not?”
I sighed, “It’s pretty bland.”
“I’ll give you the rest of your breakfast after this,” she told me, “but I also want to see if we can make it through a practice test of yours without having a poopy diaper.”
“This will help?” I asked.
“Can’t hurt…”
I sighed and opened my mouth, and cooperated as she fed me the bowl of bland food. “What exactly was that?” I asked her when she went to wash the bowl out.
“Rice cereal mixed with my milk,” she told me, “which is probably the most solid food you should be eating, according to my sister and most other Amazons.”
“I thought you disagreed with her?”
“I do, but we need to figure out something that will fill you up but not cause you to have too many problems out the other end.”
I nodded as she wiped my face quickly and then carried me to the couch. She opened her shirt up, and just before I had my face planted in her boob, I asked, “Won’t this make it harder for me not to?”
She shoved my head forward, and I sighed before nursing the sweet liquid. “It might, but I’m also thinking if we do this early enough, you’ll get all of the poopies out of your system.”
I nursed until she was empty in both breasts before she carried me upstairs and asked, “Do you need to go poopy?”
I shook my head, “Not yet?”
“Okay,” she said and placed me in the crib. “Call once you’ve gone…”
“Wait!” I shouted, but she kept going.
‘What is going on with her?’ I asked myself as I found myself on my hands and knees. The diaper was bloated from being soaked, so walking wasn’t really a good option right then. Instead, I crawled over to where Elena lay and cuddled her tight to me as I finally felt the abdominal cramping that was a portent of things to come. Sure enough, a few moments later, I felt the need and forced the mess into the diaper with my rear end sticking out. I pushed for several moments, and it seemed like it would never end.
It did eventually, and I found myself quietly sobbing at the gooey mess on my butt. “Mommy!” I cried out.
“Good girl, you made a stinky diapee for me, didn’t you!” She told me as she picked me up and carried me to the changing table. It took way too long for her to clean me up, I thought before she lay me on a new diaper.
“This is so gross…” I told her with a grimace.
“No, it’s not; it’s normal!” She told me with a smile and a tickle to the belly that I was afraid would release more pee. Thankfully for the clean diapers’ sake, it didn’t! “Baby, I looked at the website that came with that test and registered you for an account with a fake name and e-mail address… and I’m spoofing our IP address… I don’t trust them to not have tracking going on there. I also took a quick look with another fake account to see if I could see anything that would be signs of brainwashing.”
“What?” I said as she rubbed a thicker lotion on me.
“I wouldn’t put it past someone to think that putting some subliminal messages in test prep materials would make it easier to catch you off guard in the test.”
“How can I possibly win against things like that?” I asked her.
“You can’t - that’s why I checked!”
I sighed, “Okay, so what now.”
“Now you’ve just been put into your thickest diaper with some extra rash cream… and we see if you can make it through the six-hour practice test.”
I nodded and let her dress me in a simple pair of really stretchy jeans and a yellow baby-doll style top that reached nearly as far as my dresses had. She carried me to the mirror, and I looked at myself. The facial changes still kept me from looking like an adult or even a teenager, but at least with the more mature top and jeans, I actually sort of looked like I didn’t have to be in the nursery I was in. Also, the top seemed to disguise the diaper I wore.
“What do you think of your outfit?” She asked me.
“I like it,” I answered honestly. “Can I wear this again sometime?”
She laughed, “Of course, I want you to wear it the day of the real test too.”
“Oh,” I said.
She took my hair and brushed it back almost like it was when I arrived but added a glittery yellow thick headband around the front to tame my hair out of my face. “No bow?” I teased.
“Tomorrow,” she told me with a smile.
“Okay!” I actually genuinely liked that I looked pretty and less like an infant!
“You ready to try this?”
I nodded, “Your computer?” I asked.
She shook her head, “No, we’re going to use Daddy’s computer in his office here… it’s a bit more like what you’ll probably be stuck with.”
She nodded, “They’re cheaper, and some people like them better for some reason. The gesture pad I have is way more efficient… Even a trackpad or trackball is too!” She sighed, “Some dinos like your Daddy just can’t adapt, though,” she winked at me and held her hand out to me. I reached way up high to grab the end of her fingers, and she led me to his office down the hall. She had switched out his chair and sat an uncomfortable-looking booster seat on top of a folding chair.
I looked up at it, trying to figure out how I would get into it… “Will they help me sit down?” I asked.
She shrugged, “I don’t think they’d be able to help to feel a need to help you, but they may be instructed that if a Little can’t get in their seat to take the test, it’s not necessary.”
“So here,” she handed me a piece of plastic that looked like it would fit into a backpack my size – just barely. It folded out into a set of steps that let me just reach the chair. I pushed the chair as far forward towards the keyboard as possible before setting the steps next to it and climbing in awkwardly. It was a little scary, but I managed to do it without dying.
“Okay, what now?” I asked her.
“Well, go ahead and login there,” she told me and handed me a paper with my login information. The keyboard was cumbersome, and I was slowed down by the traditionally QWERTY setup, but I logged in successfully and was given a dialog box of instructions.
“Go ahead and start?” I asked her.
“Yes,” she told me.
I sighed and clicked the buttons to go through the first part of the test. As I had guessed, the reading really was straightforward, but I was impressed that the software seemed to gauge responses from one section to bring up a more challenging selection if you could handle what you had just done. By the end of that section, I was bleary-eyed and had much more thinking and inferring of the text than I expected.
The writing prompt was succinct and involved reflecting over a passage written by a historian on a war that I had never studied, but the passage gave enough details I was able to fake a pretty good response. I definitely found myself slowed by the keyboard not being small enough for my fingers to fly over, but I could still do more than a credible speed as I wrote the required essays.
When the math started, I could tell that the same intelligent software was in action. It began with basic elementary school math that quickly moved onto algebra, geometry, pre-calculus, and calculus. I finally encountered some advanced-level differential equations with which I started having issues, mainly because of the Base 60 math. I finished the section reasonably confident I was doing well, though.
Sciences were a repeat of that kind of test, and I had to give answers on basically every science class I’d ever had. Towards the end, I was just guessing as I didn’t have the slightest clue on some of the chemistry questions that I thought must be from upper-level courses. Physics resulted in the same thing too.
I was in the final section of Basic Reasoning when I noticed a problem – I really needed to go number two. I clenched the best I could and kept answering. Just before the five-hour mark, I could tell Amanda was standing behind me, and I knew I would be losing the battle. Sure enough, on question number forty, I felt my bowels empty themselves, and I quietly sobbed while I kept answering.
“Stacy, that means the test is done, sweetheart.”
“But Mommy, I’m almost done?”
“You read the rules; we need to get a realistic score here…”
I sighed, “Okay.” I clicked the done button, it asked for confirmation before going into a mode that processed the results.
“Let’s see what you got, and then we’ll go change that diapee,” She told me.
I realized as I sat there that the diaper had flooded badly, and spots were formed around my crotch where it had leaked. I could feel the area around my legs was soaked, and I groaned. “I’d be on my way to the nursery!”
“It’s not all bad news, Stacy; look at your scores.”
Scores are out of a possible 400 points per section:
Reading – 386
Writing – 340
Math – 382
Science – 350
Basic Reasoning – 72
I looked below it and felt my heart sink at the bottom text.
Recommended Academic Placement: Preschool
An info button was next to the recommendation, and I clicked it to read,
Test not completed, subject lacks reasoning and physical capability of an adult ready for university.
“It’s okay, baby,” Amanda said. “Come on,” she said and picked me up to walk down the hallway to the nursery.
Once she lay me down on the table, I saw the clock showing five-and-a-half hours had passed. ‘I just needed another half-hour!!!!’ I felt tears roll out of my eyes.
“It’s okay, Stacy, we’re going to get something figured out here.”
“It seems impossible, though!”
“Well, some people do it – so we know it is possible.” She paused and sighed, “We just need to take more drastic measures.”
I nodded as she wiped my filthy bum. She had pulled both the top and bottoms off; as I had leaked through to both. “Do I have another outfit like that?” I asked her.
“What if I want to put you in a dress?”
“Then I guess I get put in a dress,” I told her honestly.
“Hmm… You seem to understand that’s how this works… But I’ll compromise!” She finished putting a fresh Pamper on me before looking through the closet quickly. She pulled out a reasonably cute cap-sleeved top and a matching set of leggings that she dressed me in. The top and leggings were a light sky blue, almost that I had to admit were pretty. I was back to looking completely like a toddler, though, for the design.
I sighed, “So this is what my parents will see me in later?”
She laughed, “Of course not!”
I perked up and looked at her, “What am I wearing then?”
“Well, a dress, of course, silly! Your parents can’t meet their new daughter wearing anything else on a video call!”
I groaned, “I shouldn’t have asked.” Finally, my stomach grumbled, and I asked, “Lunch?”
“Come on, macaroni and cheese work?” She asked.
I nodded, “Sure.”
I was carried down, bibbed, and fed a lunch of what apparently is a standard across dimensions. The spirals were even covered with the same fake cheese stuff we had back home! Then, after I had eaten all I wanted to, she said, “I’m going to finish feeding you your lunch, and then I want you to take a nap for a little while before we go swimming out back.”
I smiled at that thought, “Swimming sounds like fun after this morning!”
She carried me back upstairs, and I nursed until she was empty. Then, I was laid down in the crib, and she told me, “Now be a good girl and nap for a while.”
“Okay, Mommy,” I told her sleepily and found myself looking sleepily at the butterflies turning overhead playing their gentle lullaby.
Chapter 23: Part Fish
I STIRRED AN hour or so later; I woke up and noticed I had a major diaper leak. My outfit, crib bedding, and everything seemed soaked. “Mommy?”
A few moments later, she came in dressed in a bikini and said, “Oh no, that diaper didn’t hold up, did it?”
I shook my head. ‘Between this morning, this, what else can go wrong today?’
“It’s okay, sweetie, let’s get you changed into your swimsuit, and then I’ll take your bedding downstairs.”
There was something utterly humiliating about having not only my diaper being wet, but everything else I was lying in too! It was like the ultimate sign of immaturity... “Definitely not going to be able to use a regular Pamper at nap time if you’re going to wet like that,” Amanda clucked.
When she was done stripping me and wiping me down, she pulled out a strange-looking diaper that I realized was some sort of swim diaper. It felt slightly different as it pulled on like regular underwear and had a much different cover. “Does this really work?” I asked her.
“It mainly keeps poopy out of the pool. In theory, it’s supposed to catch your pee too if you’re not in the pool, but in the end, it doesn’t matter, does it? If you wore a regular diaper, it would swell up like a beach ball!”
She tickled my stomach and asked, “Feeling better?”
I shrugged, “I guess I’m just scared?”
“It’ll be okay, Stacy. Your Daddy and I talked while you were napping, and we can definitely keep any poopy from happening during your test.”
“Really?” I asked.
“Really,” she said with a smile.
“How?” I asked.
She sighed, “The same way he does when he needs to do surgery in that area.”
I groaned, “That’s going to suck, isn’t it?”
“Not going to be fun for you, that’s for certain. But hopefully, you’ll still be able to concentrate for the test.”
I nodded, “Okay.” I looked around, “Where’s my swimsuit?”
“Oh, silly me, you don’t want to go outside topless?”
“Good girls, don’t do that,” I told her very seriously.
“Big girls don’t, but you’re not a big girl, are you?” She asked as she tickled me briefly.
I looked up at her, wondering if she was serious before she pulled out a pink one-piece swimsuit that seemed to be the cliché little girl swimsuit to wear. It was edged with little ruffles along the legs and neck area. She had me stand up and helped me into what I knew should have been a tight-fitting suit, but it seemed a little large and too loose. I was not surprised that the diaper could be clearly seen peeking out from around the crotch area.
“Guess this one is too big, huh?” She said, surprised. She reached and flipped the fabric from the back and shook her head, “It says three months… I guess we’ll have to try on some next shopping trip. It’ll do for now, though!”
She sat me down on the ground and gathered the wet bedding and my wet clothes before saying, “Come on, let’s go swimming.”
I did the sit and scoot method of getting down the stairs the last time, so this time I tried the hop-down method. I would stand and jump down the distance. It was actually kind of scary jumping down something nearly waist-high, but I felt kind of daring and proud when I reached the bottom.
“Stay there for just a minute while I take these to the basement, Stacy,” she told me while opening a door I’d somehow missed the past few days. I peeked down and saw a staircase that led to an abyss until she turned the light on. Then it only looked mildly scary, and I could see the laundry room must be down there, along with mystery…
She came back up, and I asked, “What’s down there?”
Amanda laughed, “I guess I never showed you the basement, huh?” She picked me up and held me against her bikini-clad body. She opened the door back up, turned the light on, and showed me a simple laundry room and then a vast space filled with junk. “Nothing too special down here. Spare parts, old clothes, old furniture, some antiques we don’t know what to do with, stuff like that,” she said as she climbed back upstairs and closed the door.
She stopped and grabbed a can of spray sunscreen and some water wings before taking me outside with her. A ‘short’ six-foot-tall chain-link fence ran around the pool to keep babies and Littles like myself out. But, of course, Amanda could easily open said fence before she stood me on my feet on the concrete!
It was kind of hot, so I kept hopping from one foot to another, and she laughed as she led me to a couple of lounge chairs and lifted me onto one. “Let’s get some sunscreen on you, so my Stacy doesn’t become a crispy critter!”
I smiled at her and let her spray the sunscreen on me before she quickly braided my hair into a long braid. “Okay, baby girl, you said you can swim?”
I nodded, “I’m not the world’s fastest, but I’m decent!”
“Well then, let’s see you do it – I’ll leave the water wings off for now and get in there with you.”
I nodded and looked as she led me to a shallow area of the pool. Unfortunately, the shallow area of their pool was still marked ‘six-foot.’ At just a few inches over three feet tall, it didn’t matter which end she brought me in; I would drown if I couldn’t float! I jumped in, though, and trod water while she watched me for a moment. Then, after watching me easily tread water, she said, “Okay, let’s see you swim to that side!” She pointed all the way at the end that was marked 11’.
‘I hope I don’t fail at this too,’ I thought to myself and began swimming across the pool. Their pool wasn’t huge, but it might as well have been an Olympic-sized swimming pool at my smaller size! I made it to the other side feeling pretty good and decided to flip and swim back. Something about having control over myself in the water made me feel a whole lot better than I had for the past several days. When I reached the other side, I touched the wall, flipped, and continued to do about twenty laps before I was getting tired and swam to where Amanda stood. She could easily stand with her feet touching the bottom and was staring at me with a dumbfounded look.
“Are you part fish, and you didn’t tell me?” She asked me as she picked me up out of the water and tickled me.
I shook my head, “No, I’m all human!”
“I don’t believe you!” She kept tickling me and eventually sat down in the shallow end, holding me in her arms.
“Thank you for letting me swim,” I told her when I had my giggles under control.
“You’re very welcome! I take it you like swimming?”
“I used to… I haven’t had much time for it since I quit the swim team in eighth grade.”
“Swim team… so that explains how you swim so well?”
I nodded, “I liked the swimming, just not the other kids and the coaches.”
“Well, I guess we have proof now that you can swim. You still need your Daddy or me out here for you to swim, though!”
“What about Megan?” I asked.
“Well, she counts too,” she told me with a smile. “And so would Jennifer if she’s sitting for you. I know she’s a strong swimmer too.”
“What’s the chance you would let me do this in the mornings?”
“Well, it is going to get pretty cold here in a couple months,” she told me.
“Really? When I was here before and now, I would have thought this was kind of tropical for a climate?”
She laughed, “In a couple months, you’ll know why I’m laughing. So you must have visited in the summer or spring before?”
I nodded, “Yeah?”
“Well, we get winter here, and it can be brutally cold and snowy sometimes too.”
I sighed, “So much for that tropical paradise for a college.”
She smiled and hugged me, “Don’t worry, we’ll keep you nice and warm. Do you want to swim a few more laps before we clean up and get ready to go call your parents?”
“Please?” I asked.
“Go for it,” she said, putting me gently back in the water.
I could feel her eyes on me, but I continued to swim until my body was getting sore. Finally, after another thirty or so laps, I decided I was tired enough to go back to her. She wrapped me up in a big hug before pulling me out of the pool. “What time is it?” I asked.
“About three,” she told me.
“That’s it?”
“It feels later than that,” I told her.
“Probably because you’re tired from swimming.”
I nodded.
I nodded, “Kind of.”
“Come drink then,” she told me as she pulled her top down.
“I thought we were only doing this three times per day?” I asked her nervously.
“Don’t you like it?”
“I do… that’s what scares me, honestly. There should be something in my brain screaming and running away from it.”
She laughed and said, “You’re thirsty - I have leaky boobs; that’s pretty much how we got into this mess, huh?”
I laughed nervously, “Yeah, I guess it is.”
“I can tell you’re already sleepy from swimming, so what’s the worst that can happen? A wet diapee?”
“A messy one,” I told her, “and some sort of crazy Amazonian drug-induced hypnosis.”
“Too late if that’s the case, you know, that right?” She told me with a serious look.
I nodded, “I wonder how screwed I am given I can’t even make it six hours without pooping my pants.”
She hugged me and kissed my head before gently laying me at her breast to nurse. I was thirsty, it tasted good, and I just nursed past any common sense that lurked in my brain. When I had finished, she wrapped me in a towel and said, “Okay, let’s get you in another diaper and lay you back down for another quick nap before I get you ready for our visit to the Inter-Dimensional Port.
I nodded and let her carry me, undress me, change my diaper, and then set me down in the crib with nothing by my diaper and a soft blanket she swaddled me in. I glared at her about that for a moment but just decided the nap sounded good. ‘I thought we didn’t mess with my sleep schedule?’ I wondered to myself.
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