Exchanged - Chapters 28 and 29

Exchanged Art - Amazon
Chapters 28 and 29
by Sofia Hammerstein

Two years ago Stacy visited a newly discovered dimension, with his parents, on an adventurous summer vacation. He was astounded by how the other dimension's technology was decades ahead of his own! During his senior year he applied to Emerson University in the city he had visited. He was excited and hopeful of learning more about their technology as an exchange student, and hopefully bring it back to his own world. (Story set in the Diaper Dimension)


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The Legal Stuff: Exchanged © 2017-2024 By Sofia Hammerstein
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.

Chapter 28: Fershings

OUTSIDE THE STORE, she loaded everything into the car, and then popped me out of the cart and into the car seat. “Let’s go hit the next store.”

I pulled the pacifier out of my mouth, “How many more?”

“Two more,” she told me.

I sighed but didn’t say anything. Our next two stops were the ValuMart, where she returned two dozen outfits, and then finally another baby store that looked like a boutique store. I could tell it was much higher on the income scale for shopping from the neighborhood. “Here, let me have your paci. You shouldn’t need it in here,” she told me as she pulled it from my mouth. I’d forgotten I was nursing it. ‘Who would have thought that those were so relaxing?’ She picked me up and settled me on her right hip while carrying four dresses in her other hand wrapped in plastic.

“Welcome to Fershings,” a lovely lady behind a counter said as we walked in. Unfortunately, her attention was on something at the counter, so she didn’t look up at us.

Whereas the other stores I’d been in for babies and Littles had been practically massive warehouses, this one was small and quaint. Cloth diapers, clothing, and other more obscure baby gear seemed to be their market, and only for real babies? “Hi Mrs. Fershing,” Amanda said as she walked up to the counter, “I’m here to return some dresses that were too big for my Princess here.”

“Amanda! In twice in a month to see me? What’s the occasion?!?”

Amanda patted my head and sat me on my feet on the counter. I felt a little guilty about putting my feet there before I remembered that the shoes had probably touched the pavement twice at the most…

“My land, you’re tiny! How old are you?” The lady asked me directly, to my surprise.

“Eighteen,” I told her.

The lady looked up at Amanda and then looked back at me, “And you went willingly with her?” She paused, “I won’t support idiot Amazons kidnapping Littles without consent in this store!”

I laughed, “You can say that… it’s actually more of a contract,” I told the woman. Something about this lady made me think that she wasn’t your average Amazon wanting to baby everyone in sight. On the contrary, the store itself seemed made for babies and not for Littles – not a single punishment device or abusive toy lay in sight anywhere.

She raised her eyebrows, “Well, Amanda, it sounds like you have a story here.”

“We do…” she looked hesitant about telling it.

“Can we trust her?” I asked Amanda before she said more.

Mrs. Fershing seemed a little taken aback but laughed. “Now, this is the kind of Little I can believe you would end up with Amanda.”

“Yes, you can trust her. I’ve known her for most of my life… and she generally hates any Amazon that takes a Little.”

I looked up at her and saw the sincerity in her eyes before looking back at Mrs. Fershing, “I’m from the other dimension; I came here to attend college. I’m sort of boarding with the Westerfield’s.”

“Boarding? In a diaper?” she asked. “Willingly?” She pressed.

I sighed, “It’s kind of dangerous for a Little not to be diapered now?” I looked at her, and she cringed but nodded, “and to make things the safest they can be for me as a student, I decided I’d be better off not in the dorms. So Amanda and her husband agreed to take me in and help me… her only request was that I let her indulge her maternal instincts.”

She looked at me before looking at Amanda, “If I’d known you were buying those dresses for a Little… let alone your own Little?”

“You wouldn’t have sold them to me…” she finished for her. “But now that you know what’s going on?”

She sighed, “You are a cute one.” The woman looked me over and shrugged, “You wouldn’t survive five minutes on your own without someone finding a way to say you needed this. Better it should be Mandy that’s taking care of you than them. You are letting her go to school still?” She said to her.

“Yes, ma’am, just waiting for her to take that stupid CARE exam next week before we can pick up her schedule.”

“That infernal exam… you have a plan for it?” She scowled and asked us.

“We do,” Amanda said, “Fred is going to bring some things from work to help out.”

She nodded, “Unfortunately, I think it’ll take that to beat that. I think I heard from someone in the CAMOL group that only like twenty to thirty percent of the testers managed to finish that stupid thing. The only good thing is if you can make it through without a shitty diaper, you should be good.”

I looked at her in shock at her bluntness for a moment but nodded in agreement.

“So those dresses are definitely way too big! You want to exchange them?” She asked Amanda.

“Yes, please. Sadly, Stacy’s only in the three-month sizes, and it’s not like she’ll grow into these.”

“Nope, I don’t think she’ll be doing that,” the lady said with a tight smirk. “Okay then, you said three months?”

I was picked up by this strange woman and sat on the ground next to her, “Come along, young lady, and we’ll see if we can find you some pretty dresses!”

For the next hour, I was changed into dress, after dress, after dress. Eventually, ten hung from a small hanging rack next to the register. “You better change that diaper before she gets a rash,” Amanda was told.

Amanda laughed, “Yes, ma’am, we’ll pay when we get back.”

“Here, put her in this dress when you get done. She looked adorable in it!”

The romper that had been back on me for all of two minutes was quickly removed, and I lay naked on a changing table in a room for trying clothes on the babies that were the target of the store. Amanda took very little time to put me in a regular pampers diaper, and I was buttoned up in a beautiful and frilly yellow dress. Next, she added some white shoes that she’d bought and some lacey white socks.

Back at the counter, Mrs. Fershing said, “She’s adorable in that… What are you going to do for uniforms?”

“You remember Jenny Murtha?” Amanda asked.

“Yes, I do; she’s always been talented. She’ll have no problems making some beautiful uniforms for your little girl here.”

“That’s what I’m hoping. I figure I’ll get a couple more days of babying in here, and then we’ll work on helping Stacy grow up a bit.”

That was the first I’d heard of growing up, and I looked up at her smiling at me. “Just a bit!” She said and kissed my nose. We left the store with the new dresses and headed back home.

“Let’s get some lunch in your tummy,” she told me after she had carried the new dresses up to my room. I held my arms up to her, and she carried me downstairs and buckled me into the highchair. I watched as she went to the fridge, pulled out the leftovers from last night, and placed them in the microwave. When it beeped, she looked over at me, “So should I run it through the blender first?”

I gave her a horrified look, but she smiled at me, “Don’t worry, I’ll let you have it the way it’s supposed to be eaten by adults.” Then, she paused, “well, if an adult is being fed?”

I groaned. Amanda clearly needed to rub some things in, but at least she came over to me and began feeding me as she cut the meal up. The first bite was absolutely heavenly, I decided. “Why did he destroy this in the blender last night?” I complained.

“You didn’t seem to mind that much,” she said as she stuffed another bite in my mouth before snagging her own taste.

I stuck my tongue out at her. “Careful, or a little birdie’s going to bite that,” she told me with a smirk. For lunch that day, she really couldn’t feed me fast enough with the way it tasted, and I hated that I’d had to have mine mutilated. The noodles being fed to me by her were kind of tricky, and I knew if you looked at my face, it was a mess!

“By the way, what did he mean by preschool meal?” I asked her.

She shrugged, “I’ve never heard of a Little getting anything other than the pureed meal.” I watched her think for a moment before she shrugged and said, “Maybe it’ll just be pre-cut for you to use your own utensils on?”

“It would be better than mutilating it!”

“Well, be prepared at least that depending on where we are, that may not be the last time you have your dinner like that.”

“Why?” I asked, “I mean, seriously, why do your people feel like they need to bring us down to that level?” I paused as she wiped my mouth with the bib, “I guess I maybe get the diapers with the huge toilets you all need, maybe even the high chairs and such… but why feed an adult pureed baby food?”

She sighed and picked me up out of the highchair, grabbed a cloth, and then carried me to the couch in the living room. I was gently turned on her lap to face her. She stared down at me for a moment before asking, “How much do you know about our reproduction?”

I turned red, “I assume it’s sex, like anywhere?”

She nodded, “I didn’t mean like that, but yes, it is.” I watched the pain in her eyes, “The ultimate problem is our birth rate in this world is very low… really too low for the population to support itself for more than a couple more centuries without something drastic being done. When this all started, somehow it became custom to look at the Littles around and decide they would make good surrogate kids… and then somehow babies. Of course, it doesn’t help that you’re all so cute!” She said with a smile to try and lighten the mood. She ran her hand through my hair before continuing, “Depending on who you listen to, there are between sixty and eighty percent of us that can’t have children.”

I looked at her and nodded, “You’re one of those… I remember your mom saying that.”

She had a tear in her eye that she wiped clear. “Yes, I am, and so is Chloe… but just because we can’t have children doesn’t remove the urge to have them. I think, in some ways, it’s even worse for us because it seems that women like my sister and me really crave having a baby to take care of. We seem to have a full-on syndrome at times that makes us go crazy if a Little is cute enough – it’s why my breasts lactated within a day of you being here!”

“So, it’s all instinctual?” I asked.

“Pretty much… And, if you’re going to have a surrogate baby? Then you want to have all of the experiences of raising them as a baby.”

“What happens as everyone gets older?”

“Well, you all age much slower than we do. If you remain in this world, your appearance probably won’t change for twenty years or more. Your hair, face, skin, and everything will remain all but frozen at your current state. But, unfortunately, we tend to age faster… and there are more than a few cases of Littles having their parents precede them in death.”

“What happens to them then?” I asked with a morbid curiosity.

She shrugged, “What happens to any baby when their parents die?” She paused, “Hopefully, they have a Will, and the Little has a place to go. Occasionally the Will states the Little should be free, which usually gets honored. If they’re still cute enough, often they’re adopted out to the richest couple that wants them.”

I shuddered as I looked at her, “Just out of curiosity...?”

“Megan gains custody should we die, sweetheart,” she told me with a smile. “Mom and Dad are in line after that… then Fred’s parents, then Cassie, and then a specific safer orphanage over Chloe.”

I reached over to her hand and squeezed it, “Don’t go making that necessary!” I told her.

She smiled, “We told you we’d get you through college, didn’t we?” But then, I felt my side get tickled mercilessly, and my diaper began to fill with urine.

I was out of breath a couple minutes later, and she asked, “Thirsty?”

Chapter 29: Daddy's Girl

AMANDA HAD FED me from her breast again. I couldn’t help but notice it was becoming more mundane to me to be presented with the giant orb of flesh. A diaper change followed, and she lay me down in the crib for a nap that I took advantage of. As much as we didn’t change my sleep patterns with the nanites, I couldn’t help but notice I was still taking naps like a baby at least once or twice a day!

After my nap, Amanda dressed me in a swim diaper and swimsuit she asked, “I assume you don’t mind swimming?”

I shook my head and grew excited. Before she let me up, she took some sunscreen and covered me from face to toe with it. A small swim cap was then pulled over my hair.

I smiled at her and hugged her when she had finished getting me ready. “Thank you!”

She laughed and said, “If all it takes to keep you happy is a swimming pool, I might have to see about getting it enclosed!”

I nodded as she carried me out of the nursery, and we ran into Fred, who had just changed into his own swimsuit. “Here, why don’t you take the Princess outside while Mommy changes into her suit.”

“Okay,” he said and gave her a kiss as she handed me over.

“Ick,” I said for effect.

He laughed and squeezed me tight, “you make things a lot more fun, but you sure are squeamish about Mommy and Daddy kissing!” He tickled my side through the swimsuit, and I giggled.

“Go throw her in the water, and I guarantee she’ll stop caring about it,” Amanda said with a smile.

“Throw you in the water, huh?” He said. He walked downstairs and asked, “Did she mean like this?”

I went flying up in the air as he tossed me into the air like I had seen many daddies do with their babies before. I felt my face redden as my nerves made my diaper grow warm, but I also couldn’t help but smile. I had no doubts he would catch me, and of course, he did.

I giggled, “Again, Daddy!” I told him with a smile.

He tossed me up again and then hugged me before walking through the back door and out into the backyard. “So, your mommy tells me she thinks you’re part fish?”

“I’m not a fish!” I told him with a smile.

“Is that so?” He said as he opened the gate.

“Uh-uh, I’m a dolphin. They’re not fish; they’re mammals,” I told him while enjoying his attention. This was the most time I’d seen him without Amanda. I could kind of see what she saw in him when she married him.

“What happens if a shark comes along?” He joked with me as he waded into the water.

“Then I attack them,” I said with a smile, “everyone knows sharks don’t mess with dolphins!”

He laughed and placed me down in the water, where I began treading water. “Thank you,” I told him, though, and reached over to hug him around his neck. “You are way nicer than I ever could have hoped for,” I told him.

“You’re welcome,” he said, and I could see there were some tears in his eyes that he blinked away, “Okay, my little dolphin, go swim,” he told me with a smile.

I did as I was told and began swimming laps back and forth across the pool like I had yesterday. The only thing that I felt slowed me down was the stupid diaper… but I knew that wouldn’t be something I could negotiate my way out of. Even if they trusted me here, there was no way any Amazon in this world was going to risk a Little pooping in their pool!

I counted eighty laps when I decided I was feeling tired and flipped on my back to just float and look up at the clouds. I had noted Fred and Amanda swimming off to the side while I swam. Fred enjoyed a beer, but I hadn’t paid them much attention. I knew they’d been carefully watching me like hawks, just in case, I started having problems. The water lapped at me as I drifted on my back and remembered back to when I was nine or ten and would spend nearly every day at the pool with my friends. I’d always bring some diving toys to go swim down to pick up, and we would see who could get them soonest.

I squealed suddenly as I was unexpectedly picked up.

“I thought dolphins were able to fend off shark attacks?” Fred joked with me as I found myself cradled in his arms.

“Well, they are when they’re paying attention!” I told him and stuck my tongue out at him.

He squeezed me into a hug and said, “Okay, your mommy said it’s time for us to get out before you shrivel up like a raisin.”

I looked at my skin and had to admit that wasn’t that far off the truth. “Do I have to?”

He laughed, “Yes, or it’ll be both our heads.”

“Where’d she go?” I asked him, looking around as he wrapped me in a towel.

“Your Aunt Cassie called a few minutes ago, and she’s talking to her on the phone inside. I’m curious what your Granny and Chloe have said about you.”

“What do you think they’ve said?”

“Well, I’m sure both will agree you’re the prettiest and cutest Little they’ve ever seen!” He said, as he tickled my side, “Or at least while you smile like that.” He told me and touched my nose gently with his.


“I’m sure Granny probably thinks the world of you since you handled yourself maturely the whole day. Meanwhile, Chloe probably is telling her that they need to convince us to take your teeth, walking, and speech away as quickly as can be done.” He sighed, “I shouldn’t talk bad about any of Mommy’s family, but Chloe is the nutty sister.”

I hugged him and said, “Yes, she is!”

We walked through the back door into the house, and I looked to see Amanda sitting at the kitchen table smiling. Clearly, the conversation wasn’t going badly, at least. “Oh, they just walked in, just a sec,” she told her sister. “Daddy, do you think you can manage to get our daughter in a new diaper and dressed? Cassie wants to meet us for dinner in about an hour?”

Fred looked down at me, and I knew I had to look terrified. The thought of him changing me kind of scared me on the one hand, but I knew this wasn’t going to be a one-time thing, so I just gave him a slight nod.

“Daddy can handle that!” He said with a smile as he tossed me in the air without warning.

I squealed.

“Not inside,” Amanda muttered before saying into the phone, “Yes, Fred’s helping me out, but I swear having a husband is like having another kid sometimes… Stacy is definitely more mature!”

I giggled at that as Fred carried me upstairs. I couldn’t help but look at his hairy chest and think about the fact that it would never again be my body… not that it had been that hairy, to begin with, mind you! “Hmm… Let’s see, what do I do first with the baby?” He asked as he walked into the nursery with a smile on his face.

“Seriously?” I asked under my breath.

“Well, I guess we have to skin the fish first, huh?”

“Dolphin, mammal,” I told him back while sticking my tongue out at him. He sat me down on my feet on the changing table and pulled the swimsuit off my shoulders and down my legs to have me step out of it. The diaper came off next before he carried me to the nearby bathroom and pulled the showerhead down.

My hair was still in the swimming cap - so he could ignore my hair; he just sprayed the rest of me down with some warm water and washed me gently with some soap before rinsing me off. Then, he had me quickly gathered back in the towel, “I’m pretty sure Mommy doesn’t believe I can do this,” he told me with a smile before laying me down on the changing table. “Let’s see, this is the end that goes in front, right?” He asked with a wink and held the back-side up of one of the princess diapers.

I shook my head, “Don’t quit your day job to be a comedian.”

He smiled at me, put the diaper correctly under my bottom, rubbed some powder quickly over me, and then taped it up. I had been a little worried about a man doing that - especially now that I was a girl - but ‘Daddy’ had wholly disarmed me by now. He left me lying on the table strapped down for a moment before coming back with one of the dresses we had picked up earlier.

He held a sleeveless blue dress that was smocked all over the short bodice. Like most babies’ dresses, it flared quickly out to its wide skirt. At the top sat a white collar that I had been told in the shop was called a ‘peter pan’ collar. The smocking made a tiny diamond pattern across the front, and they had also added some small roses every few inches. It was the kind of dress that genuinely would make any baby girl look adorable! I groaned a bit when I realized I would again be that sweet baby girl a moment later when he undid the strap and sat me up.

I watched, actually kind of amused as he looked at the buttons that extended all the way down the back of the dress, trying to figure out how to make it work. While he was doing so, the bloomers that came with the dress rested at my feet, and I decided to help him out. So I pulled them up while he was still looking at the dress, and he said, “Hey!”

“What? You don’t want Mommy to think you can’t dress me, do you?” I told him.

He grumbled, “She’d never let me live it down!”

“Okay, so she undid about the top five buttons earlier, do the same thing, and pull it over my head like a t-shirt,” I instructed him.

I laughed as he struggled with the tiny buttons for a moment before he pulled it over my head as instructed and began buttoning it up to the top again. I waited patiently, and he suddenly pulled the shower cap off my head, having forgotten it was there. He seemed a little flustered going to look for shoes and socks while my hair was mostly a mess in the braid that had been under the swim cap. He returned with two dainty laced white socks that he put on my feet, followed by a new pair of black Mary Janes we had picked out earlier that didn’t hurt like the first pair I had tried on.

“So, you’re not worthless as a daddy?” Amanda came in dressed nicely in a sundress.

“I haven’t done her hair yet,” he said.

“Well, that’s okay; I’ll take care of that for the Princess. Did Daddy put your diaper on the right direction?” She teased and pulled the dress up to check. “Hmm… not on backward… The dress is on right too…” she smiled at me. “I guess I’m out of a job! Daddy is the new Mommy!” She told me with a smile and squeezed me tight.

“I don’t think I’m quite…” He smiled nervously.

“Oh, don’t worry, we know you don’t have the milk factory that a real Mommy has, huh?” She asked me with a smile. “I’ll do her hair if you’ll go get dressed in something a little less straight from the pool?”

“Okay, honey,” he told her and walked away.

“Good job giving him tips,” she told me with a smile. I gave her a confused look, and she pointed to the baby monitor.


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