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Chapters 20 and 21
by Sofia Hammerstein
Two years ago Stacy visited a newly discovered dimension, with his parents, on an adventurous summer vacation. He was astounded by how the other dimension's technology was decades ahead of his own! During his senior year he applied to Emerson University in the city he had visited. He was excited and hopeful of learning more about their technology as an exchange student, and hopefully bring it back to his own world. (Story set in the Diaper Dimension)
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The Legal Stuff: Exchanged © 2017-2024 By Sofia Hammerstein
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.
Chapter 20: C.A.R.E.
WHEN I WOKE up, I was being suspended in the air by fabric in the new sling they had bought. I moved a bit, and Amanda cooed, “Hold on, sweetie, and I’ll adjust you to where you can see where we’re going.”
I had been in a typical infants’ cradle position, and she moved me to an upright position like I remembered on the packaging. She looked down at me and gave me a kiss on the forehead, “You are so adorable!” I could see a little over her shoulder and then a bit to my right, but my primary view was her. The fabric held me firmly below my diaper, and I felt safe as she began walking again through what I decided was another mall.
“Where are we?” I asked as I let the pacifier fall from my mouth.
“Westgate Mall,” she told me, “I’m glad you’re awake as your Granny and I want to buy a few things for you here that we want you to pick out!”
“Okay…” I said nervously.
I expected to be walked into another baby store, a toy store, or even the next clothing store. I didn’t expect to walk into a bookstore like Barnes and Noble back home. Especially given how advanced technology was here, I was shocked that they had places like this still! “Let’s look over here first, Momma,” she said.
I watched as we approached a massive set of bookshelves and mentally slapped myself as I realized just how tiny I was now! The area was a test prep section of the store, and the books were nearly two-thirds my size. “Those books seem really big!” I found myself saying aloud.
“Yes, they are. I think we’ll be putting your books on a tablet for school. I don’t think there’s any way you’ll be able to carry a backpack full of them,” she told me. “I want to get a book or two for you to study before your placement exam next week.”
“I have a test next week already?”
“You’re a Little Stacy… the university will need to make sure you still belong in school. If you don’t do well enough on the test, they may suggest you go back to high school… or even back to preschool.”
My eyes opened wide, “But you promised!”
“We did, and because we promised you, I want to help you make sure you get through this test.”
I leaned into her and said, “Thanks,” I leaned into her, “sorry…”
“After the day you’ve had?” She asked, “I can’t say that I blame you. Momma told me what you saw in there when you went in with her to get your diaper changed.”
I nodded, “So what’s the test I’m taking?”
“College Aptitude Readiness Exam,” she told me, “CAREs are considered to be the best way for a university to examine Littles.”
“Is it even a fair test?” I asked her.
“Good question… Obviously, some Littles must pass, so all we can do is try, huh?” She asked as she hugged me before grabbing a book on a shelf high enough that I didn’t believe any Little would have a chance to grab it! She opened it in front of me, and I flipped through some of the giant pages with her. It had some textbook-type work in the front and several practice tests that seemed the most useful. It also came with a subscription to a website with a few realistic practice tests. We grabbed another too before walking through more of the store.
“How about some fiction books?” I asked her.
She looked at me and shrugged. I grabbed one that looked like Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, but different in this dimension with Gandalf being an elf? I also picked out several others, including one that supposedly told the tale of a Little who won their freedom. The last looked like it had sat on the shelf forever with the dust on it. A few other books on computers and some on history joined it before I eventually was carried to the children’s section. Several preschool-and-elementary math workbooks were added to the collection. Granny also added a couple of bedtime story-worthy picture books.
“Don’t you want Mommy to tell you a bedtime story at night?” Granny asked.
I blushed and shrugged, “Okay,” was my response.
The bag from that store was heavy enough they decided to take it back to the car before walking some more through the mall. After a while, though, it was clear to me that Granny was getting tired, and Amanda seemed to be ready to call it quits too. So the car, when we returned to it, was stuffed to the brim of new clothes, toys, baby stuff, and now books that hopefully would appeal to me!
We drove for a while until we must have reached Granny’s house. From what I could see, it seemed to be a little smaller than our house but looked well-kept and had a pretty yard with rose bushes in the front. “So, you’ll be here for lunch Sunday?” She confirmed.
“Yes, we’ll be here… hopefully, Chloe will behave.”
“If she doesn’t, I’ll send her home. She was way out of line today!”
Amanda hugged her mom and said, “Thank you, Momma, I love you!”
“I love you too, sweetheart,” she said as she opened the door.
Then, my door was opened, and Granny looked down at me, “You be a good girl and study! But, if you can’t get into college, I’m sure the daycare would be more than happy to help take you!” She smiled at me. Earlier today, I thought she would prefer that decision, but she seemed to be a different person entirely from what I expected. She kissed my forehead, and I felt a finger check my diaper. “Amanda, make sure you change her when you get home. She’s probably close to leaking.”
“Yes, ma’am,” she told her, and soon we were driving back down the roads and highways.
“Thank you for being such a good girl today Stacy,” she told me, “If I was you, I probably would have gone on a rampage after all that you’ve been through and be demanding to go back home!”
I grimaced and said, “Well, I’m not going to lie - if you weren’t who you are, I think I would be regretting this decision already. Well, if I was still capable of regretting it...”
“Most of the time, those people like Chloe leave just enough adult in you so that you can fight back and make them feel like you deserve to be treated like that.”
I just nodded, “I felt so bad for that guy earlier; you could tell someone in the store was looking for him as we left.”
“Well, when you visited before, there were at least some rules in place. If a Little was smart enough to wear a diaper, they were pretty much safe – you as a Little had to give permission to be taken home with them… Of course, ‘permission’ is just a word, in all honesty, but it seemed to help a little bit. Now that law has been all but gutted… Any unclaimed Little not in or out of a diaper just has to be seen doing anything immature can be declared to have a case of maturosis, and they can be claimed.”
“So, what about me going to school?”
“You’re not unclaimed… and I made sure we’ve filed all of the paperwork along with linking it with your application, so the school has to acknowledge our parental authority to enroll you.”
We were pulling up to our house now. I could see through the mirror, and she opened the garage door. “The one thing they can pull is if you do really badly on your placement CAREs, but the score has to be pretty low... So I made sure you are allowed to use your diaper there, but we’ll be making sure you have nothing to drink or eat a few hours before you go to keep anyone from playing other games with you if we can help it.”
I nodded. Amanda came around the side to my carrier after the garage door closed and picked me up, “Uh-oh,” she said. “You leaked! I guess we should have changed you at Granny’s, huh?” She asked me. Sure enough, I looked down at the car seat, and there was a massive darker spot in the fabric where my romper was also soaked through.
“How did I not notice?” I asked her.
“You know what my milk does to you, and you’ve had several sessions today,” she reminded me.
I sighed, “It would be a whole lot easier to hate if it tasted bad.”
“So, it tastes good?” She asked with a bemused smile as she carried me upstairs.
I grimaced but nodded, “It’s almost like a vanilla milkshake.”
“Well, I’m glad you like it, as I keep getting full every time I turn around. Your diaper is not the only thing leaking!”
I looked down at her chest just as she sat me down on the changing table and noted the growing spot over her right breast. “So, let’s change one leaky diaper, and then maybe you can help me out?”
I sighed and said, “I guess I can’t say no when I already admitted it tastes good?”
She smiled at me and tickled me a little before laying me back on the changing table. My diaper was opened, I was wiped clean, and a new diaper was put on me in record time for her. Then, she sat down in the glider without putting anything else on me. I watched as she pulled her shirt over her head, leaving just her bra on before she pulled it off, too, leaving her completely topless. Finally, she pulled me into her breast, and I had to admit there was something nice about having my bare skin completely touching her warm skin as I nursed.
She seemed to feel the same way as I could feel a lot of tension in her relaxed as I nursed. Finally, when I finished, she burped me and then brought me back into her arms and said, “Okay, I know you may be getting a bit sleepy, but do you want to come back downstairs with me and sit in your playpen?
“Do I have to?”
“I thought you could look at one of those test-prep books?”
I thought for a second and nodded, “Okay, but can I have a new outfit and diaper first?”
“You think just because you wet that brand-new diaper already, it’s time for a change?”
I nodded.
“Well, if the Princess insists…” she tickled my unprotected belly, and I giggled.
The diaper was pretty well soaked for such a short time, I thought, but given how much I’d had to drink in the past couple of hours, I wasn’t surprised. ‘As soon as I begin nursing, it’s like my body has to expel urine… I just hope whatever is in Amanda’s milk won’t cause cancer or something!’
I groaned a bit when I realized she was dressing me in the thicker princess diapers! Given I’d made her change my diaper twice in an hour, though, I was sure that was my own fault! I was quickly redressed in a cute dress with an embroidered flower with a bee on it. She carried me down to her room and sat me on the bed while she changed her bra and shirt. Amanda wiped off her breasts first of a substance I was sure had to be my slobber… ‘Eew,’ I thought to myself.
As soon as she had thrown on fresh clothes, she picked me back up and carried me downstairs to leave me in the playpen. I tried to stand up and found myself back on my butt a moment later from the diaper, bowing my legs too much with the soft floor of the playpen. Finally, I just sighed and sat back up to watch Amanda come in and out of the garage. She brought me one of the test prep books and laid it on the playpen floor for me.
“Do you have a highlighter and a pencil?” I asked.
“I’ll be back with some,” she told me. Several minutes later, she was back with both, and I couldn’t help but once again have a moment of size shock. The pencils in our dimension would be about six inches long on average; they were easily a foot or more in length in this new world! Add to the fact that I was now tiny by either world’s standards, and the pencil was nearly as long as my stubby legs!
Amanda watched me for a moment and asked, “Can you use that one?”
“I don’t know… we’ll just have to try!” I told her.
I sat down with the book and opened the first page with a lot of effort. It wasn’t that the page was heavy; it was more that it was nearly two-thirds my new length. It reminded me of the time I’d gotten a chance to look at some architectural diagrams and how tricky it was to open them! I quickly read through the first chapter that served as an introduction to the test.
The College Aptitude Readiness Exam (CARE) will measure a student’s readiness for university coursework in Reading Comprehension, Writing, Math, Sciences, and Basic Reasoning. The test allows for up to six hours for testing, with no breaks allowed for test security.
‘What?!?’ I thought to myself. ‘Six hours with no breaks?’
Should any test taker need to leave due to illness or a potty accident, the test will be considered complete and grade what the tester has completed at that time.
‘So, they’re just trying to make excuses to make Littles into babies….’ I thought to myself. As I read through more of the introduction, I couldn’t help but feel dismayed at the cards stacked against anyone who wanted to go to college and had to take this test! I was flipping through a FAQ section and found a somewhat helpful section.
Q: Are disposable diapers or pull-up garments allowed in the testing room?
A: Yes, diapers and pull-ups are allowed in the room, providing the Little checks the box on the sign-in sheet disclosing they are wearing them.
Q: May a soiled diaper or pull-up be changed during the exam?
A: Unfortunately, a soiled garment may not be changed due to test security. Wet diapers or pull-ups may continue to be worn, and the tester may continue taking the test until they deem themselves finished or unable to continue testing. Should a tester defecate, they will have their test marked completed. Someone will help them out of the testing center to get an appropriate change; they will not be allowed to remain in the testing room for sanitary reasons and avoid distracting other testers.
I shuddered as I realized I would have to be very careful to not have anything of a need to poop that day. ‘If I have an accident during this test, it’ll all be for naught!!!’ I felt my stomach churn at the thought of failing at my goal so soon after getting to the dimension!
Chapter 21: Settling
‘IT’S NOT ANY different than every day will be, though,’ I thought to myself.
Amanda surprised me then by picking me up suddenly, “I’m sorry, baby, I didn’t mean to scare you,” she told me as she realized what she had done.
Inadvertently I knew I had peed a little in the diaper and sighed, “What?”
“It’s time to eat din-din,” she told me.
“But it’s only…” I said before looking at a clock and realizing I must have been looking through that book for a couple of hours. I smelled some chicken dish coming from the kitchen where she carried me.
“You certainly get focused on your work, don’t you?” She asked me as I noticed Fred wasn’t home.
I nodded, “I always have… it’s part of why I like computers, I think. I have the patience to sit through and code until it works… Where’s… Fr… err… Daddy?” I asked.
“He called a few minutes ago and said he got pulled into an emergency surgery on a pregnant woman in a collision.” She looked at me and shrugged, “I married a doctor, so I expect this to happen every now and then. But, because of the way the hospital schedules on-call duties, he actually doesn’t have it very much anymore, but if he’s there when it comes in at the end of the day, he sticks around until the patient is taken care of.”
I nodded, “Sounds like he’s probably a pretty good doctor then.”
She sat me down in the highchair and latched the harness. “Most people think he is! Now, just because Daddy isn’t here doesn’t mean we don’t eat! So, let’s get some chicken in that belly of yours!” The tray was placed in front of me, and then a bib was tied around my neck.
I watched as she put some sliced chicken breast pieces on a cute plate with this dimension’s equivalent of Disney Princesses. Then, she began cutting them into tiny square chunks – mutilating the meat. I knew better than to argue about it; she could always throw it in the food processor if she wanted! A pile of mashed potatoes ended up on the plate too, and then she put the plate down on the tray in front of me and handed me an almost me-sized plastic spork.
“I’m feeding myself?” I asked.
“Well, you don’t have to if you don’t want to,” she smiled at me, “but given how good you’ve been as a baby today, I think a little bit of independence is okay?”
I smiled, “Thanks,” and began using the spork first on the mashed potatoes. They were delicious with just the right amount of pepper and salt, along with garlic and… probably some cheese. The meat I was able to get stabbed on the tines of the spork and was amazed by how juicy and tasty it was. I made a satisfied sound and said, “You are a really good cook!”
“Thank you, sweetheart,” she told me as she was eating her own plate of food. “Did you learn anything while you were studying?”
“That these CARE tests really seem to just be a way to place more Littles into nurseries than universities?”
She grimaced but nodded, “I’ve heard some things, but I really don’t know anything that specific about it.”
“Did you know it’s a six-hour test with no breaks?”
Her eyes opened, “bathroom breaks are allowed, right?”
I shook my head, “No, and I get the feeling a wet diaper is the best thing you can hope to have. If you otherwise wet your pants without protection or poop… well, I wouldn’t be surprised if you were immediately taken to another school?”
She nodded at that, “I had heard many Littles end up not going to school – or at least college - after them… I didn’t know specifically why, though.”
“So, between now and next week, we’re going to have to figure out a way to keep me from pooping for six hours.”
“Well, I think I have an idea… you won’t like it, but I don’t think you’ll have much of a choice if you want to make it through. It’s not exactly a dinner conversation topic, though.”
I grimaced, “I’m pretty sure I know what you’re going to suggest… no, it’s not.”
“So, did you get through any of the subject stuff yet?”
“I scanned through the reading section. That part seems pretty simple, maybe even easier than our tests back in my dimension.” For the next half-hour, we both ate and talked like I might have with my mom or dad now. The fact that I was sitting in a highchair, a wet diaper, a bib on my neck, and looking like a tiny baby; didn’t enter into things for one of the first times since I had arrived.
After we were both done, she came over to me and used the bib to wipe off a spot of mashed potatoes on my lip. She then used a baby wipe on my hands and face before setting me down on the ground.
“Okay, sweetie, you just told me that you’re basically going to have to stay in a diaper for over six hours this week… I kind of want you to get used to that. Can you hold off on a change until your bath in an hour?”
I thought about it for a moment and nodded, “Can I keep studying for now?”
“That should be fine…” she hesitated before asking, “How about trying your walker to study in?”
I looked in the living room corner and just noticed the pink walker sitting on the hardwood floor. She must have assembled it earlier while I was engrossed in the book. “Can you pull the toys off so I can set the book down?”
“Sure!” She said with a smile.
I walked over to the walker, and she lifted me up into the cushioned seat. My feet just barely touched the ground enough for me to propel it, “Is this the highest setting?” I asked, wondering if it could be lowered and trying a few steps.
“No, sweetie, it’s the lowest,” she told me, “given that’s an actual baby one, I don’t think we’ll find one any shorter!”
I groaned, “Well, at least I can reach… barely!” I told her.
She reached into the playpen and grabbed the book and supplies I’d been using earlier, and handed it to me. It was kind of an awkward system, but I was able to get the book propped between my belly and the front of the walker, and the pencil and highlighter sat just in reach on the side. Amanda also delivered a baby bottle of juice to me in the little cup holder spot.
“So, comfy?” She asked.
I thought for a moment and nodded, “I remember as a baby loving my walker, actually.”
She smiled, “and it’s not mechanical!”
I shuddered and nodded. “Please keep it that way!”
She laughed and leaned down to kiss my head before she began moving about the house. I could just tell she had moved another load of laundry from the washer to the dryer from the sounds I was hearing. In the meantime, I just began getting back into my studying. I scanned through the reading section, not really worried about that one too much. From what I could see, it really was as easy as I had told Amanda.
The real test was on a computer, which boosted my confidence considerably! I worried a bit about typing fast enough on the keyboard and decided it might be a good idea to practice typing on her keyboard some more. Depending on what shortcuts were available on their keyboard, it might be more or less complicated… The mouse could be tough to deal with, too, if it wasn’t gesture-based like Amanda’s. I was under no illusions that they would be providing keyboards and computers appropriate to my size. I honestly expected the only accommodation for our size was to be a booster seat to reach the desk…
I looked carefully through some of the writing prompts and looked at the grading guidelines. Nothing seemed unusual about any of it to me, and if anything, I felt like I would be in okay shape for knowing those. “Hello, Princess!” I heard from next to me as I was startled by Fred’s arrival. “You look adorable!” He said as he reached in and picked me up from the walker.
“Hi, Daddy,” I told him.
“What are you working on so intently?”
“A practice guide for the CARE test.”
“Oh… I forgot you are taking that next week. How do you feel about it?”
“It’s not too bad… I’m just worried about any tricks they may pull while I’m doing it.”
“We’ll do what we can to help you there,” he told me. “Why don’t we go find Mommy, and she can tell me where dinner is?”
He carried me away from my study material, but given I looked at the clock and realized two hours had passed, I decided that would have happened soon anyway. We found Amanda in my nursery hanging up a pile of new clothes in the closet. “Did you leave anything in the store?” He asked before going up to her and kissing her.
“Eeww,” I said for payback of having to be right in the middle of an intimate moment like that.
“What?” Amanda teased, “Jealous?”
I leaned into Fred, “He’s mine already,” I told her while sticking my tongue out.
“I was hoping she wouldn’t be a daddy’s girl!” she said with a pout of her own.
“Good luck with that!” He laughed. I wriggled a bit, and he set me down on my feet while they talked for a moment. The diaper I was wearing had swollen so much from the padding expanding I had trouble standing. It was a true balancing act to stay upright! I turned carefully and saw my computer and desk were back where they belonged along with my backpack. I was happy to know that they hadn’t just disappeared, but it reminded me.
“Umm… Mommy?” I asked.
“Uh-oh, she’s pulling the I want something card for the first time…” Fred teased me.
“Yep,” she smiled down at me, “what does the Princess want?”
“While I was studying down there, I was figuring out the test… It sounds like the test is all on the computer – which is great… but your computers are so much larger than mine. Would you be willing to let me get on yours for a while tonight or tomorrow to take the practice tests?”
She looked at me and nodded, “Not tonight, you need to take your bath and go to bed, but tomorrow we’ll do that first thing.”
“Thanks!” I said and walked up to her leg and hugged it.
She promptly picked me up and felt my diaper, “Wow, someone soaked her diaper!”
“You told me to…” I told her.
“She’s got you there!” Fred said. “I’m going to go heat up those leftovers. Why don’t you give her the bath she needs, and then we can all cuddle on the couch again?”
“Sure,” she said. I was picked up, and she walked to the bathroom with me. She sat me on the ground and began running the taps before turning her attention to removing my dress and then the soaked diaper.
“Uh-oh, I need to remember to put some cream on you when you get out of the bath,” she told me.
“How about no diaper for a while?”
“No nakie baby time right now,” she told me with a smile, “but I’ll remember you’re willing.”
“No, I didn’t…”
“I know you didn’t, but I do. So tomorrow we’ll go out and play in the pool in the backyard. We’ll see if you can swim like you said you can then too.”
I nodded. Amanda seemed satisfied with the water a few minutes later and picked me up to place me in the tub. After sitting me down, she played with me and the bubbles for several minutes. During that time, I got to see what bath toys Granny had brought over that morning. We played with some tub crayons on the side of the tub before she began scrubbing me down completely and washing my hair.
“And look, I have a clean Princess!” She told me with a smile as she picked me up out of the tub as it drained.
I smiled at her as she wrapped me in a towel before using the blow dryer on my hair while setting me on the bathroom countertop. The superjet engine was loud, and I had to plug my ears as she worked to dry it all and brush it. “Is that too loud for you?” She asked sympathetically when she was done.
“I’ve never been a fan of really loud sounds,” I told her honestly.
“I’ll see if we can find a quieter one then,” she told me, “but we do have to dry your hair.”
I nodded, “I know.” She left it just brushed back and offered me a toothbrush with toothpaste on it a moment later. Not wanting to lose my teeth of their own accord, I brushed them carefully, rinsed my mouth out with a cup she offered me, and then smiled at her, “thanks.”
“You’re welcome,” she told me before gathering me back in the towel and carrying me to the nursery. Just as she began to set me down on the changing table, I noticed I was leaking from my bladder a little. I knew I had done so in the tub too, but hoped the towel would hide it.
“Uh-oh, seems we have a reason to be in diapers?” She asked me.
I sighed, “How can I lose a skill I’ve had for over a decade in just a couple days?!?”
She shrugged, “I don’t know the specifics on how, but I know it’s normal. Add in the fact that you have had all of your parts rearranged… On the rare occasion a Little is set free, potty training is more usually difficult for them than a normal toddler.”
I groaned but just nodded, “I can see that.”
She used a wipe to clean up my little wet area before placing my behind on an open diaper. “I need to make sure I put some rash cream on these little spots, or you’ll be miserable tomorrow.”
Anytime someone was changing me, it was like the ultimate invasion of privacy. You just didn’t get touched down there ever once you were potty trained, except for during sex… and I hadn’t had that! So, it was completely awkward and embarrassing! “I’m also going to put another coating of this other stuff your Granny found to help with the redness from that stupid device from earlier.”
I felt some soothing relief right away as she put the new stuff on and hadn’t even realized my butt was still sore from that! ‘I guess my body tuned it out,’ I told myself. Eventually, her hands rubbed some other baby lotion all over my body from my neck down, and then she wiped her hands before taping the diaper up nice and snug.
An adorable pink nightgown was pulled out of a drawer that featured yet another butterfly design on it. The bottom was weird because it had some elastic encircling the open skirt, “What’s that for?” I asked her as she brought it closer and unstrapped me from the table.
“It keeps it from riding up in the middle of the night – I wish they did it on adult ones actually,” she told me.
As she pulled my arms through the sleeves and I pushed my hands down, I realized something was weird there. The sleeves had built-in mittens that rendered my hands mostly useless. “What are those for?” I asked.
“I hadn’t even noticed them…” she said, clearly amused, “they’re so newborns don’t scratch out their eyes or something.”
I glared at her, “Can they come off?”
She looked for a moment but shook her head, “Nope, and that’s okay. You know a lot of Littles get put in those, so they don’t mess with their no-no areas.”
I sighed, “Do I have to wear this?”
“Just tonight?” She practically pleaded.
“One night!”
“Yay!” she said with a smile. “You know you have absolutely nothing to keep me to that?”
“Boy, do I know it…” I grumbled.
“Come on, let’s go talk to Daddy for a bit and watch some TV before I give you your nighttime nursie.”
I just stayed comfortably in her arms as she went downstairs. Fred seemed to have just settled down on the couch, “So what did my two girls do today? Did your mom and Chloe behave?” He asked Amanda.
I shook my head, “Granny did, but Chloe is a witch!”
“Stacy, the correct word is Bitch, with a capital B!” Amanda said, but added, “don’t use that one though; that’s a Mommy and Daddy word!”
I stuck my tongue out at her as he asked, “What happened?”
Amanda and I filled him in on everything from the morning until he had gotten home. I watched his face turn red, and his temper was obviously flaring when we told him about the torture device that had ended up being used on me. “I can’t believe anyone lets those things near humans!”
“I can’t believe on the one hand everyone can consider us to be babies, but on the other hand feel we should be tortured and humiliated every time we turn around.”
He nodded at that, “I agree completely with you, Stacy.”
We talked for a while and watched a movie on their equivalent of Netflix. Amanda looked at the clock and grabbed me while opening her shirt and bra towards the film’s end. I sighed but nursed without complaint. I would have been more annoyed if it was nasty tasting... The only thing I wasn’t a fan of was the near-instantaneous wetting of my diaper during those sessions. Tonight’s, unfortunately, was accompanied by some mess too. I was feeling nearly drunk and out of it as she cleaned me up, placed me into a new diaper, and then pulled the nightgown back down.
She settled me into the crook of her arm while she sat in the glider and began to tell me one of the bedtime stories Granny had picked out. I hated the fact I only heard half of it, given that it was unique to this dimension and I had never heard before!
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