Exchanged - Chapters 02 and 03

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Chapters 2 and 3
by Sofia Hammerstein

Two years ago Stacy visited a newly discovered dimension, with his parents, on an adventurous summer vacation. He was astounded by how the other dimension's technology was decades ahead of his own! During his senior year he applied to Emerson University in the city he had visited. He was excited and hopeful of learning more about their technology as an exchange student, and hopefully bring it back to his own world. (Story set in the Diaper Dimension)


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The Legal Stuff: Exchanged © 2017-2024 By Sofia Hammerstein
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.

Chapter 2: Portal

ALL TOO SOON, it came time for me to pack my belongings. The dimensional portal charged for luggage much like an airport. Since I had purchased a long-term ticket, I was allowed two large suitcases and my backpack. I had a feeling I wouldn't necessarily be wearing a ton of 'my' clothes over the next few years though. I remembered seeing the diapers and how they had poofed out of just about every set of pants I had seen on littles. I settled on taking some sweat pants at least, some other wind pants, my letterman jacket, other jeans, and underwear just in case I ever had that freedom. I doubted that would occur and then packed some more critical essentials. My XBOX and PlayStation fit in the luggage easily, both of which were the latest models. I had no idea if I could connect those to their TV, but I took them and a plethora of games anyway.

The final item I really cared about was my state-of-the-art laptop. It was a fifteen-inch model that I could easily carry around in my backpack and had a battery that was rated well above ten hours. It had the latest graphics card and processor, and I had maxed out every bit of the options I could when I ordered it. I knew realistically it would be way behind the specs of the computers in the other dimension, but at least I could be assured it would be my size… Or at least I hoped it would be. I assumed it would shrink with me at least. Otherwise, I would regret not going smaller!

My grandparents, cousins, and even Gabby gathered for the last dinner celebration the night before I left. Before they all arrived though, Mom brought me a women's razor and said, "I'm not saying you have to do this… but I remember some crazy advertisements about hair removal. So, it might be a good idea to at least shave your legs and down below…"

I blushed but took care of those areas like she suggested. It had been awkward contorting to take care of it, but I had felt her suggestion wise. I didn't do my arms though… I felt I needed at least that bit of maturity. I was self-conscious throughout dinner with my naked legs under my shorts!

After dinner, my grandfather cornered me on my own late in the evening, "Stacy, I'm so proud of you! You have an adventurous spirit that lives up to the Slane name," he told me with a smile.

"Thanks, Grandpa!" I told him and gave him a hug. Grandpa Stacy Emile Slane II was a big man like dad and stood three inches taller than me. His grey hair was still full and contrasted with his still black bushy eyebrows that rose above his blue eyes.

"That being said, I think you should pack one last thing… just in case!" He said and handed me what looked like a Nintendo Switch.

"Umm, I already packed two game consoles, Grandpa," I started.

"I'm sure you did," he said with a laugh, "which is why I'm pretty sure this will fit in well. The only games that are in here are child games that should seem tame to your surrogate family."


He then pressed on one part of the case, then another in a sequence, and I watched the back come apart. My mouth dropped as I saw that inside the cover was a small pistol…

"Grandpa, I can't…"

"Yes, you can. Every member of the Slane family that has ever gone on an adventure like this has been armed. This pistol is something you'll hopefully never need, but if you do, I hope you'll have it with you."

I felt some tears in my eyes as I hugged him and examined the pistol some more. It looked tiny but had a magazine with eight rounds of 9mm ammo. "Where did you get this?"

"I had it made for you," he told me. "It's made of a material, along with the rounds, that can go through a metal detector unseen. The case is designed so that it looks like mundane supporting components on an X-ray machine."

"That sounds…"

"Illegal?" He laughed, "Yes, this is a very illegal gun and concealment for it. It would be stupid to send you away without something, though."

I hugged him tightly. "Well, hopefully, this doesn't get me in trouble…"

"If someone finds it, just tell them your grandfather gave you this as a gift - you had no idea it was in there."

I nodded, and we reassembled the Switch to where the pistol was again hidden. Grandpa walked me through the steps to open it one more time before we rejoined the rest of the party. That night my dad gave me a single beer to celebrate. As we looked at each other, I knew we both feared that would be the only beer I would ever drink with him.

THE NEXT MORNING it was suddenly the day! It was Monday — two weeks from the day orientation would be starting. My nerves had barely let me sleep the night before. Right after lunch, I found myself driving to the Inter-Dimensional Portal with my dad in the passenger seat and my mom in the back. They both seemed to understand that my driving opportunities would not exist in the other dimension. Both remembered well that every time we had entered a vehicle, there had been booster seats or car seats for all of our kind. Dad had been the only one spared that indignity since his height kept him from being an actual Little when he arrived for some reason.

No one was entirely certain why the portal shrank some more than others. For some reason, Dad shrank all of an inch on that last trip, while I had definitely experienced more shrinkage! I expected the same would be true on this trip and had steeled myself for it. Dr. Bremer supposedly had a few theories, but she never shared them with anyone before she disappeared one day. I calculated that should it affect me the same way as last time, I would be at about four feet seven inches, max! At the terminal, I checked my bags just like at an airport and kept my backpack with the Switch and a change of clothes.

Mom brushed my hair out of my face and gave me a big hug, "Stacy, take care… we'll be here to take a video call from you Friday…"

"I love you, Mom," I told her and felt tears on my face and knew they were on hers as well.

"Take care, Stacy!" Dad said to me and hugged me tightly too.

I wiped my tears and said, "I love you guys, see you soon!"

As I turned, I made sure to wipe my tears just in case any marks were visible when I got to the other side. My backpack with the Switch in it made it through security with no problems, and I found myself in the final room before being allowed to the portal. The portal had its own branch of TSA agents that questioned me, "Purpose of your trip?"

"I'm going to college."

The agent looked at me coolly, "You sure that's a good idea?"

I shrugged, "I have a family that I've made a contract with. We pay them for my room and board now and an additional fee upon my return. I won't say it's without flaws as a plan, but I think I can learn enough there to make it worth the risk."

"You are aware…"

"Yes, sir, if you look at my passport, you'll notice I passed through here two years ago."

He shook his head, "Well, it's your life, ma'am… I mean, sir." He added the last bit after looking at my passport.

"Girl’s name?"

I sighed, "Family name, it's my grandfathers, and was my great-grandfathers too. Back then, it didn't have a feminine leaning to the name. I've heard it all growing up and just kind of tune it out now."

He just shook his head again and said, "Good luck, son, you're cleared."

I walked down the hallway and stood in line to watch as groups of about pass in a single file line through the portal. Soon enough, it was my turn, and I walked in between a group of tourists that I hoped were all smart enough to have a guide. A moment later, the world flashed, and then I was standing on the ground on the other side. Signs clearly marked to keep moving with In-Betweeners seeming to draw the job of first contact here. I walked down the hallway and gathered my luggage from a conveyor belt before standing before a huge customs desk.

"Anything to declare?" The large, nearly Amazon-size, In-Betweener lady asked me as she leaned down to look at me through the window.

"Just my computer and gaming systems?" I asked.

"No need to declare those. Any food? Perishables or Alcohol?"

"No…" said without hesitation.

"Okay, what's your business here?"

I found myself repeating my previous conversation with the agent on the other side, but this one didn't offer advice. If anything, I felt like there was a predatory smile on her face. She eventually stamped my visa and then had me pose for a local identification card. The agent smiled again and said, "Enjoy your stay, sir."

I walked quickly down the hallway to the concourse and hoped I would see Amanda and Fred quickly. But, instead, I could see several Amazon women eyeing me just beyond the tall barrier to underscore the perilous situation. Then, just as I was beginning to panic a little, I spotted Amanda and waved! I pulled my suitcases quickly towards her and had just about reached her, when I felt a large hand on my shoulder.

"Excuse me, but you aren't with a tour, are you?" A sinister sneer was in the lady's voice.

"No, but she's with her mommy," I heard another voice say and saw Amanda close in.

"I got here first bitch," the lady started to snarl.

"Hold it!" I said. "I have a contract with Mrs. Westerfield here."

"Sure, you do… Stupid tourists and guides…" the lady griped as she walked away.

"That was a close one," Fred said quietly under his breath. "Well, how are you doing, Stacy?" He asked with a smile as he crouched down to my level.

I couldn't help but shudder involuntarily as I realized just how different our heights were. Especially with the shrinking, I didn't feel like I even had hit toddler height compared to him. I smiled though and stuck out my hand, "I think I'm glad I met up with you right away… That was scary. It's nice to meet you!" I said with a smile.

Amanda was crouched down next to me a moment later and said, "I'm so glad that you decided to come!" Then, she engulfed me with a hug and asked, "Is this all of your stuff?"

I nodded, "Somehow, I had a feeling that much of what I would normally bring won't get used…"

I eyed a pink bag she had sat down next to her feet and had a feeling it was a diaper bag. 'Why pink?' I wondered.

She smiled and said, "Probably not…" She pushed me back to arm's length and then, still on one knee, brought her mouth close to my ear. "Look, I planned originally to slowly get you used to everything. However, I'm thinking with that lady still glaring at us, it would be in our best interests just to get things out of the way…" Her sideways glance at the diaper bag said it all.

I sighed, "It's not like I didn't agree to it."

She laughed, "Then I'm going to take you to the family room and get you changed. Honey, can you get Stacy's bags and get the car?"

"Sure thing, honey!" He said with a smile and easily scooped up my luggage. It was all so small compared to him that I had a fear he would accidentally crush everything. The only thing that remained with me was my backpack.

I watched Amanda carefully put the strap of the diaper bag on her shoulder, and then she picked me up and settled me on her hip. "Just out of curiosity, why pink?" I asked her.

She laughed, "I know you're a bit of a tomboy, Stacy, but I think we'll have to get past that for these next few years…"


Apparently, I had forgotten something in the contract!

Chapter 3: Tomboy?

I WAS IN total shock as my mind processed what she had just said. She carried me a few more steps to a family station with multiple countertops spread around that were obviously for changing diapers. She sat me down for a second on the floor while she pulled out a pink changing pad and then scooped me back up before I could find words. “Umm… There’s a problem…”

“What’s that, Princess?” She said with a smile and tickled my belly for a moment before quickly taking my shirt off.


“Wow, you have small breasts even for a Little!” she said. Her smile grew like that made her happier.

“There’s a reason for that,” I started to tell her as the door slammed open. The crazy lady struggled with a man my dad’s age in a suit and tie. Something was quickly shoved between my lips to keep me quiet.

“Put me down, you bitch!!!” He screamed, and she quickly stripped and spanked the poor guy before he even knew what hit him.

“Not going to happen!” She said as she punctuated her sentence with a solid stroke to his rump, “You’re going to make a nice addition to someone’s nursery baby boy.” The spanking continued until he was a blubbering mess. Breathing hard, she then looked over at us and said, “Well, at least if you’re going to get the cute one, you’re doing things right. No way should a cute Little like that ever be considered an adult!”

With that, Amanda quickly finished off pulling my pants off. It was then that I think the first real clue hit her with the underwear. The second was when she pulled my underwear down and off my legs. My body stiffened nervously as I was now naked for the world to see. I could feel the blood rushing to my head in embarrassment and knew my face was redder than a stop sign.

“I guess you are a tomboy…” she whispered in my ear. “You know we never said anything about that in the contract, right?”

I gulped and felt a tear go down my face before she stroked my face and said, “Don’t worry, I promise I would only do that one with your permission. But we will have some problems here… Thank you for at least taking care of your nasty hair there. Let’s get you diapered and dressed so we can meet up with Daddy.”

I just grimly nodded as she pulled a large folded diaper out from the bag. It was decorated like a Pampers diaper from back home. In fact, it seemed identical to the one I had seen Elena changed into just a few weeks back! She wasted no time grabbing my ankles in her enormous hand to lift my legs up. When she sat me down on the thick padding, it was softer than I would have imagined.

She dug out a bottle of baby powder from the bag that she opened and generously sprinkled it onto my groin. She moved her hands gently around my butt and everything else to make sure she didn’t miss anything. It tickled in a way, and I felt myself get aroused and embarrassed all at the same time. She was quick though, and lickety-split she had the front and back of the diaper taped together with the tapes… Sort of…

“Uh-oh,” she said, “you are way smaller than I expected…”

She sat me up, and I could see myself in the mirror next to me and giggled around the pacifier. The diaper came all the way up nearly past my ‘tiny breasts.’ The tapes had to crisscross to be tight enough to hold. I looked beyond ridiculous in my opinion and was red with that embarrassment, but that, of course, wouldn’t matter.

“We’ll just have to stop at the store on the way home.” She said with a smile. “If you’re a good girl, I’ll even let you pick out a stuffie!”

I blinked like, ‘really?’ but just found myself sucking on the pacifier that was strangely far more soothing than I expected.

She dug through the diaper bag and said, “I really hope this dress still can fit you…”

A second later, sure enough, I was enveloped by a dress that was probably four sizes too big. Amanda tied the bow in the back as tight as she could, though, and then said, “Well, I guess that will have to be good enough. Unless you’d rather just go in your diaper?”

I shook my head, and she smiled. “You’ve been so good so far; thank you, sweetie.”

I was then given a high view of the terminal from her arms as we traveled towards their car. As we passed a random height gauge, I couldn’t help but feel my mouth open in awe. Amanda was obviously incredibly tall, even for a giant! I could tell her height was nearly eleven feet if the gauge was accurate. But then, I remembered Fred was even taller…

One guide on our trip had given us a way to guestimate the difference between Amazon and Little heights/ages. The simple method was to just divide the height of an Amazon by about six-tenths, then you could sort of guesstimate the relationship with heights. As we cleared some automatic doors, the math in my head made me nearly drop the pacifier. This put Fred and Amanda at like six-feet-three and six-foot’ish?

I had a very good memory and had intentionally memorized a few data points for at least my projected height I had guessed. I seemed even smaller than I had been before, but without a measurement, I couldn’t guess just how small I had become...

I was so shocked by the situation that I almost missed that Fred was standing outside of a nice-looking car. It looked like an expensive BMW SUV from back home. Of course, the vehicle was humongous compared to me, but that was not unexpected. Inside, a pink rear-facing car seat awaited me. The pink and rear-facing… that I had not been expecting. “Since she’s smaller than we expected, I went ahead and installed it as a rear-facing seat,” Fred told Amanda.

“Good thinking. I’m really glad we got one of the carrier models now. I worried she would be a bit bigger than we expected... I never expected her to be even smaller!” She said that with glee and tickled my belly through the too-large dress. Or, at least she tried to… The diaper was in between her fingers, and so my skin was safe from tickling for the moment!

He stepped out of the way, and she gently sat me down in the seat and then brought a set of straps together and then tightened down on them. But, of course, I wasn’t going anywhere with those as tight as they were. “Comfy?” She asked me as she pulled the pacifier out of my mouth.

“Umm… not really, to be honest,” I told her.

“Well, the clothes and diaper being way too big probably aren’t helping that. However, I do want to stop by a store on the way home and pick up some diapers and a few outfits that will fit. Are you okay with that?”

“I have a choice?” I said.

“Well, if you really aren’t ready for it, I could take you home, and Fred could stay with you while I go shopping.”

I sighed, “I might as well get used to it. But….”

I started to say something about the gender issue when she interrupted and said, “Good girl! Would you like something to drink?”

I was thirsty after all of this stress, so I nodded. I pretty much expected a baby bottle straight away, but she surprised me with a pink sippy cup instead. I took a tentative suckle from it and discovered apple juice inside. I examined it for a moment and was surprised to feel like something meant for a baby could feel almost too large in my hands. Finally, she gently closed the door, and I heard both of them get in the car.

“We’re so excited that you’re here!” Amanda said for the billionth time.

“I think I’m glad to be here too…” I hedged politely, “Thanks again for saving me from the psycho lady earlier. I so don’t want to end up in a random orphanage here…”

“We wouldn’t let that happen to you, sweetie,” Fred said.

“So just out of curiosity… just how tall are you two?” I asked, “I mean, if that’s not a rude question…?”

Amanda laughed, “Well, I could see why you would wonder. I’m an inch shy of eleven feet, while Fred is eleven feet five inches.”

I gulped, “You’re taller than average… right?”

“Fred is… I’m just above the norm.” Amanda said.

“So… Not to sound ungrateful as I see there’s a ton of pink around… but…”

There was a sigh from Amanda up front, “I think we’re going to leave things as they stand, Stacy. You’re going to have to get used to dressing up while you’re here. If nothing else for the fact that the university has you down as the same.”

I groaned, and Fred asked, “What are you talking about, honey?”

“I’m not a…” I started to say.

“She’s not a girly girl,” Amanda said. “But we’re just going to get her over her aversion to pink. I mean, after all, a little tomboy is just sending up an invitation to Bigs that a Little isn’t being taken care of… Her hair with a little bit of styling is going to just make her so adorable!”

I groaned but decided there was nothing I could do on this subject. Amanda clearly didn’t want Fred knowing about my extra parts. How she planned to keep him from seeing them though through diaper changes was beyond me. I stuck the massive sippy cup back in my mouth and quietly drank it as we continued down the road. The cup itself reminded me of a large fast-food cup from one of the restaurants back home. My rear view of the car wasn’t exactly inspiring, but I was able to see some of the city that I remembered from last time. In fact, we even drove past the hotel we stayed at. I felt a feeling of Deja Vue right as another tourist group with a guide was being organized on the sidewalk. One teenage girl locked eyes with me briefly and waved at the baby in the car seat.

I WAS ACTUALLY feeling a little more relaxed by the time we pulled into the parking lot of a big store that shared the name of one in our dimension. The store seemed to be a universal chain, and I just hoped it wouldn’t be too humiliating as Fred undid the base of what was apparently an infant carrier and dangled me from the handle.

“Don’t swing her too much, Fred!” a warning came to him, “You’re cleaning up if she throws up!”

“Yes, dear,” he said with a smile before looking down at me and then tickling my chin. “She really did pick the wrong clothes for you!”

“You have no idea,” I muttered quietly.

She came around with a cart to him, and he secured the carrier to the front of the cart somehow to where she could push and look at me. “There we go, Princess!” she said with a smile. She took the large juice cup from my hands and popped the pacifier back in. Knowing it was in my best interest to go with the flow, I just sat quietly and nursed the pacifier.

After a while, though, I was definitely growing bored. I couldn’t see much of anything else other than Amanda and her enormous breasts. I wasn’t too thrilled about that view for the moment. Not that I didn’t appreciate her exceptionally large breasts! I mostly enjoyed that they seemed to be an average C Cup size for a girl in proportion to her body. I had never liked girls with breasts that stuck out beyond a regular balance. Amanda pushed the cart quickly around the store. I was surprised that she didn’t seem to take her time shopping like my mom would. “Ah, here we are; let’s find you some diapees that fit!” She said with a smile.

I heard an attendant in the aisle asking, “Do you need some help, ma’am?”

“You can probably help me figure this out quicker than we will on our own. We just got our little girl here, and I misjudged her diaper and clothing size by a mile…”

A young lady Amazon was suddenly peaking her face at me and said, “Oh, she’s adorable! Aren’t you, sweetheart,” she cooed at me. She tickled my face for a moment before looking at Amanda and asking, “what size dress is that?”

“Twelve months?”

“Oh yeah, you definitely overshot. If she fits in this carrier like this…?” I watched her face think hard for a moment, “I think you’ll either need a Size Newborn in Little Diapers or Size 1 in regular diapers.”

“What’s the difference?” Fred asked.

“Well, the Little diapers have a bit more room for hips - though it doesn’t seem like you really need that with this baby girl. The regular diapers won’t tell her she’s in a diaper as much as the Little diapers do.” I saw Fred give her a questioning look, and she answered, “You expect a baby to learn to crawl and then walk. What Little this size needs to do that, though? The Little diapers are thick enough that she’ll have to work to even crawl depending on the brand you choose… Really though, it’s all Mommy’s preference! Cool? Huh?” She said, looking back down at me and squeezing my cheek.

“Honey, grab that Size 1 package of Pampers?” Amanda asked Fred before turning back to the young lady and asking, “If you were going to buy some Little diapers for her, what would you get her?”

Amanda pushed the cart down a bit further and ended up being told, “These are great for nighttime! You can easily leave her in this for over twenty-four hours without a leak. They also will keep the baby from moving about!” I overheard the talk of diapers for ten more minutes before hearing three more packages land in the basket and wondered just what had been placed in the cart. Based on how she’d cooed over some diapers made especially for princesses, I was sure those landed there. According to the bubbly girl, they were designed to guarantee I would only be able to crawl along as soon as they were wet.

‘Just as long as it wasn’t a package of those ones…’ she had mentioned something that would basically abuse me with a sex toy. It sounded awful, and I couldn’t imagine why anyone would think of that in the context of a surrogate baby!!! ‘How can that not be against the law...?’

“For such a recent adoption, you seem to have a really good baby girl here!” the girl commented. “We have a punishment aisle if you are worried, though…”

“No, thank you, Miss, I don’t think we have anything to worry about from Princess Stacy here.” Amanda said with a smile that sort of disarmed my nerves from the last ten minutes of horror.

As she pushed me down the aisles towards her next stop, she whispered, “Don’t worry, I didn’t buy any of those disturbing diapers. Just some of the nighttime ones as they make sense… and some of the princess ones because they’re sooooo cute!” she smiled at that, “And then some of the ultra-thin ones that she wasn’t a fan of. They’ll probably be better for you getting around campus.”

I genuinely smiled around my pacifier at that. “Thank you,” I said around it.

“Trust me, I promise I won’t harm you,” she told me with a smile.

Of course, she said that, and then we were in the clothing section.

The GIRLS clothing section!

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