Exchanged - Chapters 32 and 33

Exchanged Art - Amazon
Chapters 32 and 33
by Sofia Hammerstein

Two years ago Stacy visited a newly discovered dimension, with his parents, on an adventurous summer vacation. He was astounded by how the other dimension's technology was decades ahead of his own! During his senior year he applied to Emerson University in the city he had visited. He was excited and hopeful of learning more about their technology as an exchange student, and hopefully bring it back to his own world. (Story set in the Diaper Dimension)


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The Legal Stuff: Exchanged © 2017-2024 By Sofia Hammerstein
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.

Chapter 32: Walks

THE NEXT MORNING, I woke up and stood looking out the bars of my crib. I held onto the bars to keep myself standing upright - otherwise, the soaked pillow between my legs barely let me even crawl. The clock read 7:30am, and the sun was peeking through the sides of the window curtains. I quietly waited for ten minutes and had yet to hear any noises making me think my two Amazon guardians were awake yet.

I sighed and looked around the crib to where Elena had been thoughtfully tucked in with me the previous night. I sat back down and held her, thinking about my awkward situation. The skirt of my nightgown had ridden up to uncover the soaked night diaper. I poked at the puffed-up garment for a moment. ‘What the hell was I thinking?’ I asked myself as I looked around the nursery and the crib I was currently confined to. Back home, I could have been going out and doing things, enjoyed freedom, been a boy still...’

‘Well, actually, that doesn’t bother me as much,’ I admitted to myself.

I sighed and wondered what the day would bring with crazier Amazon drama between Amanda and her psycho sisters. I couldn’t help but feel bad for the casualties in their insanity. Neville certainly was the most obvious case of abuse there, but what I had seen with Klara yesterday seemed to somehow go beyond discipline. Something in the tone…? It just didn’t feel right!

I shook my head and smiled as I saw Amanda sleepily walk in with her nightgown still on.

“Awake already?” she asked.

I nodded, “It’s weird… I never wake up before eleven at home on my own.” As I said the words, I realized I had been sucking on my pacifier all night and hadn’t noticed it still lodged in my mouth. I blushed and pulled it out, “Guess we didn’t need the nanites there!”

She laughed, “Let’s get that booty of yours out of that wet diaper.”

She carried me over to the changing table and removed the wet diaper, and soon had me dressed in a new regular pamper. “Let’s figure out what you’re going to wear today,” she told me as she unstrapped me and carried me to the closet. “Pick something you want to wear,” she prompted me.

I looked up at her and asked, “I get to pick again?”

She squeezed me, “I told you before you came, I wouldn’t be able to help myself on some things… but after yesterday… and with school starting soon, I’m wanting to see if we can’t give you a bit more freedom.”

“Thanks,” I told her and leaned my head in to squeeze her. She was standing by the dress section of the closet, so they were the first items in my view. I reached my arm out, and she moved close enough for me to start sliding the dresses back and forth on the rack. “How in the world do I have so many dresses already?” I asked her incredulously.

She laughed, “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you have triple that by the time next summer comes.”

I shook my head, knowing she probably wasn’t joking. I looked through each of the ones and decided to ask, “In my world, they have a saying you should ‘dress for success,’ after yesterday and our time with Chloe… umm?”

“How are we going to handle them?”

I nodded.

“I don’t know. I think there are a couple of ways we could do it. You could wear a very infantile dress with a built-in bodysuit, and I could keep you cuddled up to Daddy or me all day. I imagine that would probably be how Chloe or Cassie would expect us to handle you.”


“Or… I think there are a couple of options that you could wear that would keep your diaper hidden except when I want to check it or it needs to be changed… We could pretend you’re more like Kristina?”

I nodded, “Is there another option?”

“Well, you have several cute sundresses that we could put you in, and as long as you don’t flip them up, they wouldn’t show your diaper, but then you wouldn’t be pretending to be a big girl either.”

I sighed and thought for a moment, ‘I’m not going to pretend they’re not diapering me… I might think about that for school, but it’s pointless today. The infantile dress doesn’t seem like it would irk Chloe and Cassie enough.’

I looked at the options chose something that matched her third option, “That one,” I pointed towards a dress that had an alternating almost quilt-like appearance. The top part of the bodice was yellow with a crochet overlay; the next section began under a yellow ribbon and bow with mostly blue flowers and an occasional yellow one. Below that section was a mostly yellow fabric with green leaves with light blue flower petals. The final selection was a white background with almost water-colored flowers in various shades of blue.

“I like that one too,” Amanda told me as she took it and the hanger down before grabbing another dress with a bodysuit attachment.

“Why’d you grab that one?”

“Well, we want to keep the other dress pretty for when we leave, don’t we?” She smiled at me.

I nodded, “I guess.”

She dressed me in the bodysuit dress, which was cute, but a quick view in the mirror meant it looked like I was the three-month-old baby everyone seemed to be expecting. I sighed as she patted my back and said, “Let’s get your latte bottle!”

Her nightgown was thin, and I could see she was beginning to leak through it. So I thought for a second and asked instead, “Can I reserve an extra day instead…?”

She looked at me oddly, “Why?”

“You need to get rid of some?” I asked shyly.

She looked down and laughed, “Alright, I guess we can hold that one off. But don’t cry later about caffeine withdrawals!”

I smiled at her in response and expected her to sit down in the glider. Instead, she just moved the gown out of the way and put my mouth to her breast right there where she stood. It was a little odd at first, but she supported me solidly, and I knew I was in no danger of falling. She rocked back and forth, and I found myself growing more relaxed as my stomach filled. I was burped between breasts and discovered we had moved outside to the backyard on a porch swing as I began on her second breast. By the time I finished, I was feeling pretty full, and Amanda looked like she was in a good mood as well. The air outside felt like the perfect temperature, and I enjoyed the breeze against my exposed skin.

“Okay, baby girl, why don’t you study in your playpen while Mommy gets her shower,” she told me with a smile while feeling the state of my diaper. “That diapee should be good until I get done.”

I blushed but nodded. Amanda carried me back inside and left me in the playpen with all of the books on the test, and I began cramming information in my head again. When I started hearing the noise in the kitchen a little while later, I started a bit and realized that Fred was making breakfast. He stopped when he saw my gaze and came over to pick me up. “How about you keep Daddy company in the kitchen?” he suggested kindly.

He gave me a hug that I returned and brought me to my highchair, buckled me into the harness, and then left to grab my books. He kept working on pancakes, sausage, and eggs while I made it through another section of a practice test. I suddenly felt my stomach cramp up a bit and let the fart loose… only it wasn’t a fart. Wet mushy poop went into my diaper, and I froze, shocked by it.

Fred had just scraped the eggs into a bowl and looked at me before sniffing. “Uh-oh, did some make a poopy?”

I felt tears going down my face, and he said, “It’s okay, come on, Daddy will get you cleaned up.”

He pulled me back out of the high chair and carried me upstairs. When we reached there, I felt another cramp and pushed more mess out. “Shhh…. He said it’s okay.” He rocked me for a moment in his arms and then lay me down on the changing table. “You done?” He asked.

“I think so,” I whimpered.

“Well, if not, I guess we can always change that diaper too, huh?” He said in a good-natured voice. Then, as he opened it up, he asked, “You fed from Mommy this morning, right?”

I nodded, “Yes.”

“How many times yesterday?”

I shook my head, “I don’t know a few?” I had a sudden fear, “Is there something wrong with me?”

He shook his head, “No, sweetheart, but your stool is more like an all-breastfed baby right now. I wasn’t expecting that. Nothing wrong with it, but I’ll make sure Mommy gets some good solid foods in you today too.”

I shuddered a bit as he cleaned up a diaper that seemed to be among my messiest yet. He was quick about it, though, and pulled the snaps of the bodysuit closed quickly before giving me a hug, “There you go, baby girl. Let’s go wash our hands, and then we’ll have breakfast.”

He carried me back down to the kitchen and washed his hands and mine in the large kitchen sink. It was the first time I’d been so close to it, and I knew without a doubt if they were any other pair of people, I would probably be getting my baths in the sink for ‘my safety.’

“You’d fit in that sink just fine, huh?” He smiled at me, obviously reading my mind.

I sighed, “Hard to even think of people taking me seriously as a college student sometimes.”

He hugged me and carried me back to the highchair. “Not everyone is going to take you seriously, Stacy, but just remember there are, in fact, two people in this world who will always have your back.” He kissed my head before saying, “Still have some room after Mommy’s milk?”

I nodded, and he returned with a cute decorated child’s plate and a soft plastic baby spork that he gave to me. The dish had a mutilated part of a pancake, some eggs, and a piece of sausage. I looked at it all and laughed, “You all would starve in my world!”

“Huh?” He asked as he took a bite of sausage.

“This is a full meal for me… and it’s not even full portions!” I shook my head, “Well, hopefully, your food bill isn’t going up too much on account of my stomach.”

He laughed as Amanda came down in a cute dress that matched one of the panels of the dress we had picked out for me later. She looked and saw the plate in front of me and said, “There is no way she’ll ever finish all of that, Fred,” she told him.

I giggled, and she said, “Oh, and what are you going to do, finish it to prove he’s right?”

“I doubt it,” I told her with a smile, “but he’s still right.”

She gave me a kiss on my forehead and said, “Honey, you forgot something for her.”


“A bib?” She said while holding one up in her hands.

“I think she’s doing just fine without it,” he pointed out.

She sighed, “Oh well, we’re changing her outfit later anyway,” she lay it back down on a stack of them and gathered her own plate of food. “Thanks for making breakfast,” she kissed Fred on her way to the seat next to me.

For my part, I had been eating on my own and kind of hoped to continue that. I hoped if I could do it without making a mess of my clothes, maybe Amanda would let me do it more often. So I ate carefully and daintily through the breakfast and avoided making a mess with the spork. It was an awkward utensil that, even as something sized for a baby, still felt more like a long teaspoon to me. Finally, I finished all that I could eat and suddenly burped, “Excuse me,” I said aloud and realized they both had been watching me.

“Well, don’t we have a dainty Princess,” Amanda said as she came over to me and used a baby wipe on my face and then my clean hands. “I don’t think you got a single drop on your outfit!”

“I don’t have to have a bib,” I told her with a smile.

“Sometimes no,” she agreed, “but you will later in that pretty dress.”

I sighed as she picked me up and nodded. She carried me to her lap, where she was still playing with her own plate a little bit. I could tell her mood was about as in the pits as mine right then. Then, on a whim, I gave her a hug and leaned into her. She responded by putting her arms around me and kissing the top of my head. “How in the world did we end up with the perfect little girl?” she asked Fred.

“We responded to an online ad for a deranged lunatic,” he said with a smirk.

“Hey, I resemble that remark!” I told him.

Just then, Amanda decided to launch a tickle attack on my side and didn’t let up for several long moments until I was out of breath and more than a little bit wet.

When I managed to get my breathing under control, “Mommy, you might want to change my diaper?”

“And why is that missy?”

“It’s going to leak probably otherwise?”

She laughed, “Fred, you want the baby or the dishes?”

“I’ll take the dishes; she looks happy to be in your arms,” he said with a smile towards both of us.

Amanda carried me upstairs, and I did feel comfortable in her arms. I was changed into a new diaper, and she asked, “It’s still a few hours until we go. What do you want to do?”

“Study?” I suggested.

“I was thinking maybe something else?”


“Well, I thought we could go for a walk?”

I laughed, “Somehow, I have a feeling that doesn’t involve me walking much.”

She smiled at me, “Well… we’ll probably take your stroller.”

I thought for a moment about how little I could see out of the stroller… “Could you take me in the sling instead?”

“Really?” She asked me, “Why?”

“I can see better,” I told her.

“Okay, baby, we can do that.” She looked at me and said, “Wait in your crib for me,” and deposited me without warning.

‘Why am I in a cage…?’ I asked silently. She returned a few minutes later with the sling carrier and began getting it set on her shoulders. Then, she walked over to a drawer of my dresser and looked for a moment before saying, “Aha!”

For my part, there was nothing I could do but look like the helpless baby I felt like. Finally, she returned to the crib and picked me up to set me into the carrier. She seated me in it, facing just to the side to where I could turn my head and see where she was going, but I could also see to her side. I felt very safe in the sling and said, “Thanks, this is way better than the stroller.”

“You’re welcome! As long as you keep being as skinny as you are, I don’t have a problem using this,” she said with a smile and a kiss on my head. “Now, let’s get this hat on your head!”

I saw the pink cloth hat with a wide brim, and the only actual words that could describe it were cute and adorable… Amanda fiddled with my hair for a moment, pulling my hair into a ponytail with a scrunchy. Then, a moment later, she kissed my nose and said, “Take a look at you!”

She walked in front of a mirror, and I watched a baby with her mouth open in shock. With my hair hidden in the hat, sitting in a sling, with my new face, there wouldn’t be anyone treating me like a Little. Anybody who saw us would think I was the three-month-old baby that Amanda never told them she was having!

“You look adorable!” She told me.

I nodded, “You could pass me off as your actual baby!”

“I think we might just do that sometimes,” she told me with a gentle hug, “for now, let’s go for a walk!”

Fred joined us downstairs, and we went for a nice walk to the university and then back with the two of them holding hands most of the time. Seemingly every time we ran into someone, they would make cute faces at me or come tell Amanda how cute her baby was. It seemed that as long as they thought I was an actual baby, they were just friendly to me. The second there was a suspicion I was a Little, though, they felt the need to rub in my inferiority.

As we walked and they talked, I thought a lot to myself about the dynamic of this world. I knew from my studies in school about the history of minorities fighting to have the same rights as whites in America, or even women having opportunities that there were a lot of parallels. A power imbalance had been created that meant those with power, the Amazons had something over everyone else… and of course, they wanted to keep it that way. By not only taking care of their maternal urges but also keeping competition down in their workforces, they benefited themselves in a lot of tangible ways. By that same token, though, I couldn’t grasp why they would let Littles even try and attend middle school, high school, or college if they just wanted drooling babies. There had to be some ultimately sick twisted mindset that caused this dimension’s issues. ‘Almost like someone dreamed it up!’ I thought to myself.

“Sweetie, you, okay?” Amanda asked me.


“You haven’t heard a word I’ve said, have you?”

“Umm… honestly, no?”

“Let’s try this again then; I’d like you to take a quick nap before we go over to my parents… Actually, I want to too,” she told me with a smile as I suddenly realized we were back in the living room.

“Oh… I don’t know if I’ll sleep, but I’ll lay down,” I told Amanda.

“Would it help to nurse first?” She asked me.

I thought to myself about it for a moment but shrugged, “Sure…”

Whatever was in her milk might as well have been sleeping pills most of the time because I was out before I knew it.


Chapter 33: Family

THE NICE THING about naps is they do wonders to help pass the time when you’re nervous! I think that was part of why Amanda decided to take one. I woke up to find myself wedged on their bed between her and a body pillow. She gathered me up, changed my wet diaper, and dressed me in the dress we had picked out earlier. I was slightly surprised that she added a pair of strappy sandals to my feet. They were white with tiny leather flowers attached to the front of my foot. Delicate, but they seemed to have some tread on the bottoms, to my surprise. I found myself back concentrating on more significant issues, though.

“I can’t believe I’ve gone in my sleep pretty much every time I’ve slept now since the first day!”

Amanda laughed, “It’s a good thing, Stacy! It keeps things from being complicated.”

“What do you mean?” I asked her as she worked on my hair. She seemed to be avoiding putting it into pigtails for some reason this time.

“Well… I think we can pretty much assume my breast milk is doing most of it since your digestive tract is full of liquid, and it has to go somewhere. But, of course, since you shrank when you came to this dimension, that probably doesn’t help a whole lot either… but with you going automatically, it keeps you from having to think about it, right?”

I shrugged, “Why does that help?”

“The less conspicuous you are about wetting or messing your diaper, the easier time you’re going to have to avoid trouble, Stacy.”

“Riiiight…” I told her.

“Trust me… when Chloe and Cassie both took their Littles in, the first thing they would complain about was having to get their Littles to use their diapers without spankings or other ‘help.’”

I gulped.

“Yeah… I know you agreed to diapers before you came, but I was worried you would hold stuff in and end up impacted or something. So I’m glad we haven’t had to help you with either part of using them.”

I sighed, “I guess I’m glad too…”

She hugged me as she finished doing whatever she was doing to my hair. “Want to see your hair?”

I nodded as she sat me down and let me walk over to the mirror on my own. She had again used two tiny braids from the front to make almost a ponytail holding section into the back. A yellow bow was tied to the back section of a half ponytail that rose from it. The dress fell to my knees for length – making it one of the longest dresses I owned! “I almost look big enough to be in elementary school again!” I told her semi-sarcastically but with a smile nonetheless.

I turned and hugged her gigantic leg behind me and said, “Thank you for not just deciding to dress me in what I’m sure Chloe or Cassie would have!”

She picked me up, “If I did, Megan would probably beat me up - you know that, right?”

I laughed but also got serious, “If she feels that way, how does she put up with your sisters?”

“You ever hear ‘don’t talk politics and religion?’” She asked.

I nodded.

“Same idea with my family and Littles.”

“Oh,” I said.

“Plus, she’s truly the baby in our family with her height. She’s only considered a Big because of our parents. Height-wise, she’s technically more of a Betweener… Add to that the rest of us are taller than average! So, she’s never gotten big enough to give it back to them physically.” She sighed, and I could tell she actually felt bad for her sister, “Why don’t you come and keep Mommy company while I redo my hair and makeup,” she said to me with a smile and carried me down the hallway to their room. She sat me down on her makeup table, and I was actually kind of fascinated to watch her redo her hair and then her makeup. When she seemed done, she dug around for a second before telling me, “Pucker your lips like this, Princess.” I did as she asked and was rewarded with some strawberry-flavored lip-gloss coating my lips. “There, now you’re perfect,” she told me with a smile.

“You about ready to go, honey?” Fred asked as he peaked back in from wherever he had been for the past couple of hours.

“As ready as I think any of us are?”

He gave the two of us a hug and led downstairs to what I had decided was now to be considered the family SUV. Strapped into the car seat, I sighed and waited to see if Amanda’s family would have a massive world war erupt when we got there. But, I was at least reassured that ‘Sunday Dinner’ meant lunch to them like it did with my grandparent’s generation. So, if nothing else, I hoped we’d at least be done with whatever catastrophe in time to go home for ‘supper.’

From dropping off ‘Granny’ before, I remembered that the house wasn’t far, so it seemed like no time before we pulled into their driveway. Amanda had driven, so Fred was closer to my seat and freed me from the carrier before settling me down at his side on the ground. “You want to walk in, or do you want me to carry you?” He asked as he knelt down next to me.

‘An excellent question,’ I thought to myself. Of course, Chloe and Cassie would expect a good Little to be carried inside. But, given their choices to rob their Littles of their ability to walk, I decided, “Walk and hold your hand, Daddy.”

He smiled at me. Somehow, I suspected he thought like I did! I saw five cars in the driveway and on the street, so I guessed everyone was already there. I took a deep breath and extended my hand way up, and he reached down a little awkwardly, and we began walking. Amanda took up a spot right behind me while we walked up the steps of the large porch that had a swing sitting on it. I noted that there were a lot of pretty flowers neatly planted in front of the porch and a couple of lovely maple trees around the front yard. It opened up just before we reached the front door, and Granny stood there.

“And there’s my new grandbaby!” she practically squealed and bent down to hug me.

I forced myself to relax my body posture and told myself that the touch was okay… as she was still mostly a stranger! But it was terrifying to have a giant hug you!

“Hi Granny,” I said with as much of a smile as I could manage. It must have been an okay job because she smiled back at me.

“Hi Mandy, Fred,” she said, standing up and giving them a hug while leaving me still holding onto Fred’s hand.

Just then, I saw one of the first men to actually make Fred not look like the tallest giant in the world come up. He hung back a little bit next to Granny, and I suspected he was Amanda’s dad. Suddenly I felt lifted in the air and found myself in Amanda’s arms while simultaneously feeling some urine involuntarily leaving my bladder. “Daddy, meet your new grandbaby, Stacy,” she told me as she carried me closer.

The giant man looked intently at me, and I gave him a similar look over. He was incredibly intimidating with short, cropped hair and exposed biceps that seemed large even for an Amazon. He reminded me a lot of my real grandfather, whom I had said goodbye to the previous weekend… Something about him just said ‘military’ to me.

“Well, look at you,” he said to me, “I’m not into babies like the womenfolk, but I have to admit you look like you’re about the most beautiful little baby I’ve seen!” His voice, though low, was sweet.

“Nice to meet you, Sir,” I told him politely.

“Glad to see my Mandy has more sense than to just silence you…” he muttered quietly to me.

I smiled at him, “Me too!”

“You want to hold her, Daddy?” Amanda asked.

“The real question probably should be, does she want to be held by me,” he said with a smile towards me.

I thought for a second about the best move and said, “Sure.”

He smiled at both of us, “Well, give her over here then.”

I was passed over to the hulk of a man who took me gently into his arms and held me in an upright position. “So, how old are you really?” He asked quietly.

“Eighteen,” I told him.

“And my daughter kidnapped you?”

I shook my head, “I’m living with them to go to college here.”

He raised his eyebrows and looked at Amanda, “You’re not planning on making her just another living dolly?”

Amanda sighed, “No, Daddy, just her temporary parents, really,” she smiled at me. “Though giving her up eventually will be very difficult!”

“So, if you’re going to school? What are you studying?”

“Computer Science,” I told him.

“Oh, so that makes sense. You just wanted a nerd baby who could understand your babbling about computers,” he said with a smirk towards his daughter.

Fred laughed, “You have no idea, Joe!”

“Well, everyone else is back in the backyard. I just started up the grill, so we should have food ready in about a half-hour or so,” Grandpa Joe told all of us. He gave me a gentle squeeze and then handed me back to Amanda, “You lucked out there, Mandy,” he told her, “I’ve got to go man the grill; we’ll talk more later.”

Mandy gave me a squeeze of her own to reassure me before putting her hand under my dress and feeling my diaper. “Little wet, but I think you can probably wait for a bit?”

I sighed and nodded, “He scared me!” I told her.

She laughed, “Come on, let’s go see if your cousins want to play?”

I didn’t know what to expect outside, but she carried me through the large open living room and out a sliding glass door to the backyard without any other options. Once through the door, I could see a large deck outside with a smoking grill that her dad walked to. At a table nearby, two other enormous men stood. I knew one was Cassie’s husband and assumed the other was Chloe’s.

“Let’s come meet your uncles!” Amanda said excitedly in her annoying mommy voice. She carried me nearer to a red-haired giant and said, “You met your Uncle Kevin last night,” she reminded me, “Say Hi!” I looked more closely at him, and he seemed put out that attention would be even given to me towards him.

I waved at him and said, “Hi,” quietly. I really was terrified at meeting anyone married to Cassie or Chloe! But, though he was sitting, I felt like he was shorter than Amanda, which gave me a bit of comfort there.

“And this is your Uncle Derrick!” She said, pointing towards the other man who looked to be just a bit taller than Amanda. He had blonde hair styled in a short, gelled, almost punk look. Though too old for it, he reminded me of someone who would be a skater or surfer. “He’s Aunt Chloe’s husband.”

“Hi,” I said meekly.

They went back to talking about something else pretty immediately as neither seemed to suffer from the women’s baby fever. “Let’s go meet your cousins now!” Amanda said with a smile and a short tickle to my belly just above my diaper.

As she climbed down the steps of the large deck, I noticed the giant sandpit in the backyard. I recognized Klara, Kristina, and Neville as Cassie’s kids from last night’s dinner. The other three had to be Chloe’s Littles, and my stomach knotted up as I saw them.

The three women were sitting in just their diapers, with nothing else on. I felt myself squirm awkwardly inside my head as no bras or shirts covered their small but still developed breasts. One girl seemed to just be idly moving sand on her stomach. Something about her said ‘defeated,’ and I guessed that was the poor girl that Chloe had really abused. She was the biggest, easily over two feet taller than me, with blonde hair tied into short pigtails. Her diaper looked full of sand… and I could smell and see the brown stain from the load in it from several feet away. I guessed that she looked to be the oldest.

Amanda introduced me to all of them and pointed to her first, “This is Kacey there with the poopy diaper.” I grimaced for the girl but was amazed the Kacey didn’t even react more than to say, “Poopy” in a sad, lifeless voice.

“Over there is Katie,” she pointed to a black-haired woman who looked to be a bit more than a foot taller than me sitting up in the sand with a small bucket in front of her. She waved back and smiled with an oddly happy look on her face, “Hi.”

“Hi Katie,” I told her.

“And this last poopy-pants here is Kendra,” she said towards the remaining unknown woman with brown hair sitting dejectedly with her hands, drawing random patterns in the sand. She was pretty much in between the heights of Katie and Kacey and looked to be the actual youngest of the women. The poor girl looked to be in tears at Amanda, bringing notice to the state of her diaper, but she still said “Hi,” to me.

“Hi Kendra,” I said. “Umm… I’m Stacey,” I told them.

“Why don’t you sit here and play with your cousins while I go see if Chloe has any diapers for her girls?”

I nodded and timidly stood on my own two feet in the sand. I looked at the others and tried to decide what to do. Katie gave me a grim smile, and I could see her mouth was devoid of teeth like Amanda had warned me. Before I walked closer to them, though, Klara came up to me. I realized then just how tall an Amazon baby could be compared to me… She seemed to be two or three heads taller than me! Even at two years old, I thought she looked taller than Katie too!

“Baby!” She told me as she approached, and I began to worry about what she would do. “Come play!” Klara reached for my hand, and I let the toddler lead me to the other side of the sandpit, where she and Kristina seemed to be playing with a couple shovels and a bucket while Neville looked on.

From the deck, I heard, “Oh Mandy, you are so naïve sometimes! If you change a Little’s diaper just because they went poopy, you’re just wasting a good diaper! They’ll be good in those diapers until we go home. I didn’t even bring any spares since I knew they could sit in a dirty diaper for a couple hours. Sure, they might get a little rash, but that’s…”

I lost some of that as I heard Kendra begin sobbing. I looked over there, and Neville surprised me when he whispered, “she was the last Little Chloe adopted… Just before they all made their run for it.” He sighed, “she’s only been dealing with this for a bit longer than I have and sobs most of the time.” Without his teeth, he was tough to understand; it obviously hurt his skill at annunciation.

“You can talk still?” I asked in surprise that he could do that much.

He laughed, “When you can understand it without the other teeth,” he looked sad then but smiled, and I could see he had three teeth left. Cassie had left him two incisors and one other tooth to the left on the bottom row of teeth. “She didn’t want me biting her nipple,” he answered my question.

“Mommy says you not supposed to talk big words!” Kristina told him bossily.

He sighed and stuck his thumb in his mouth. “Baby pway!” Klara said to me and directed me to join her. I thought about my dress getting dirty but just decided that was to be expected by a playing baby. I knelt on my knees, though, to try and keep it somewhat clean. Klara handed me a shovel and said, “Dig!”

“She’s just a baby. She can’t dig!” Kristina said.

“Can too,” I told her with a smile and began digging with the plastic shovel. I made a small hole and then piled the sand around it to make a shape that reminded me of the Apple Headquarters back home. I looked up at Klara, who smiled at me, clearly happy with what I was doing. Kristina scowled, though, and I wondered what was wrong. Klara began to draw on the walls of my creation with her fingers, and I added some other little turrets and began making it into a castle.

I played with Klara for a few minutes when I realized something seemed odd. Last night it was clear she had been getting potty trained, but she must have thought it was an okay time to join the poopy diaper crowd because I watched her suddenly squat and mess the princess pull-up she had occasionally been flashing as she played. I swore she then intentionally sat down on the mess to smash it. Her smile told me she clearly enjoyed doing so. As the big sister, Kristina, of course, thought it was her duty to tell mommy about this.

“Mommy Klara went poopy in her panties!”

“Klara? Really?” Cassie came storming over to the sandpit.

“Nuh-uh,” Klara said as she tried to keep playing.

Cassie pulled her dress up and the pull-ups back, saying, “You most definitely did, little girl!”

I watched in horror as her mom delivered ten smacks to her on her diaper and then five more on her thigh, “Bad girl!”

“Don’t be so mean; she’s just a baby! Maybe she’s not even ready to be potty-trained?” I said before wishing I could stick the words back in my mouth as Cassie angrily grabbed Klara’s arm and rounded on me.

“You little brat, mind your own business!” Cassie said.

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