Exchanged - Chapters 36 and 37

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Chapters 36 and 37
by Sofia Hammerstein

Two years ago Stacy visited a newly discovered dimension, with his parents, on an adventurous summer vacation. He was astounded by how the other dimension's technology was decades ahead of his own! During his senior year he applied to Emerson University in the city he had visited. He was excited and hopeful of learning more about their technology as an exchange student, and hopefully bring it back to his own world. (Story set in the Diaper Dimension)


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The Legal Stuff: Exchanged © 2017-2024 By Sofia Hammerstein
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.

Chapter 36: Letters Home

“IT’S PRETTY FAR,” Fred acknowledged, “but Kacey is clearly malnourished. She needs to be supplementing with formula, at least even if she doesn’t want to feed her solids… I’m doubtful any of the girls can eat those anymore.”

“What?” I asked, “Why wouldn’t they?”

He sighed, “I don’t know for certain, but among the things that I think she had done to them was a reintroduction of the infant tongue thrusting reflex.”

“What’s that?” I asked.

“It’s a natural reaction that keeps babies from choking on solid food before they’re ready for it,” Amanda answered. “I’m pretty sure she did do that. So yeah, you’re right that they couldn’t even get solid food down now if they tried.”

“I don’t even have words for how awful that is!” I said.

She squeezed me tight, “It’s bad.”

“I’m guessing since you’re talking, your jaw must be feeling better?” Fred asked me.

“It’s still sore, but the ice helped?”

“Let me take a look at it,” he told me. For the next few minutes, he used his hands to gently probe my jaw, had me open my mouth, close it, and finally said, “There’s some mild bruising, and you’ll be sore for a day or so, but I don’t think there’s any permanent damage. In the future, if one of those gets thrown in your mouth, don’t mess with it. They’re designed to be tamper-proof from any angle your hands would approach it. Plus, you have to use a fair amount of strength and press just the right way.”

“I got that… thanks,” I told him semi-sarcastically.

He smiled at me, “well, hopefully, you learned.”

Just then, the phone rang, and he walked to get it, “Hi Mom!” he said into the phone. “It’s my parents,” he said to Amanda as he covered the receiver.

“No, I’m sorry we didn’t call yet… we had kind of an exciting afternoon so far…” he said into the phone.

He came down sat by Amanda, “Well, I’ll tell you what, I told you about the Little we were fostering here?” There was a pause, “She’s sitting next to me. You want to video chat instead so we can all talk?” Another moment passed, “Okay, give me just a second, and I’ll call.”

He hung up the phone and looked at me, “You up to meeting your other grandparents over video call?”

I shrugged, “They can’t be like Mommy’s psycho sisters?”

“They’re not all psycho,” Amanda defended them.

“You’re right; I like Megan. She’s sweet,” I told her.

She squeezed me, grabbed the ice pack from my hands, and sat it on the table. “Why don’t we put that away for a bit while we talk?”

I nodded and was pulled closer to her in her lap while Fred messed with some controls on the TV remote and said, “Call Fred’s parents.”

I watched the screen come alive with a pretty cool connecting screen, and then the TV was filled with an image of two people that Fred was clearly the result of. His dad had white hair and looked to be in his early 70s. Wrinkles filled a face that still seemed quite happy. His thick glasses made it hard to tell what color his eyes were. His mother was grey-haired and seemed a little bit younger. Her nose was his nose, and I could see her eyes were very similar to his. Both smiled and said, “Hi!”

Amanda stood me up on her lap, “This is Stacy,” she squeezed me into a hug, “say hi to your grandparents.”

“Hi,” I said shyly.

“You’re adorable!” his mom cooed. “I’ve never understood how every Amazon woman in your area seems to want to kidnap every Little and put them in a nursery, but you clearly are cute enough to fill the role!”

I blushed, “Umm… Thanks, I guess?”

She laughed. For the next hour, we talked, and I learned more about them. It put some pieces in the puzzle for me to understand why Fred really didn’t have the lust for conquering Littles that so many giants I had met seemed to have. In the end, they promised to let Amanda and Fred know soon if they would come out for Christmas. Originally, they weren’t planning on it, but as I was the closest to a grandbaby they were going to get, they were now strongly thinking about it.

Before we ended the call, my body made the need to go poop known and quickly let loose of it. Amanda picked me up off her lap and smelled my rear before saying, “I think someone needs a clean diapee; let us know what you decide! We’ll talk to you later!”

I turned bright red and was too shocked to say anything in response.

“Come on, stinker butt,” she told me as she carried me upstairs.

I tried not to cry at the gross mess sitting next to my skin. Amanda gently placed me down on the changing table, but it still smeared my butt with poop. “Arms up!” She told me with a smile and pulled my dress up. “You got this dirty enough; let’s put you in something cleaner.”

She pushed me back to lay down then and got to work on the sticky diaper. Amanda started to put a pacifier in my mouth but then remembered I was still in some pain, so she thought better of it. She moved quickly through several wipes before re-diapering me in regular pampers and then dressing me in another shorter dress that clearly marked me as a proper infant. I guessed it came with a diaper cover that she didn’t bother putting on me.

“That’s better!” she told me with a smile.

“Not really,” I told her honestly, “I liked the other dress better.”

“Well, don’t go climbing trees in it next time I put it on you, and you can wear it longer!”

Sure enough, I looked at it on the table and realized there were stains and dirt on it, as well as some pitch or sap. “Sorry,” I sighed.

She picked me up and hugged me, “No, I’m sorry. I definitely overreacted myself back there. I should have just plain stuck up for you.”

I shrugged, “You were right; it was kind of dumb.” Then, I thought for a second and added, “Thanks for feeding Kacey. That poor girl!”

She nodded, “Why don’t you take some time for yourself for a bit, and then we’ll have dinner downstairs on the patio tonight?”

I nodded, and she sat me down on the floor. I looked around the room for a moment before making the easy decision to walk over to my desk. I opened the computer screen and sat down in front of it. Amanda smiled at me and walked through the doorway, closing the gate before leaving. I sighed and accepted my caged status without grumbling since I had a computer. I logged in and then took a quick look to make sure my Switch was still in my backpack. I breathed a sigh of relief, noting that it was. ‘I’ll have to make sure the gun is still okay at some point, but I think it can stay in my backpack safely?”

That actually made me wonder, and I triple-checked that the backpack was still possible to carry. Thankfully it had come down in size with me! It wasn’t exactly a girly backpack, though, so I wouldn’t be surprised if we ended up getting a different one. I got back to my computer and began writing a new letter to my parents.

I created my greeting with the proper safe messages and then talked about the past couple of days,

‘Well, I hope you aren’t too ashamed of me having seen me on Friday… Sorry it has had to go so far, but I can still give you grandkids someday… I’ll just be the one with the baby in my belly! (That is definitely a weird thought!)

This weekend has been a rollercoaster of a weekend. We started off yesterday by returning some clothes that didn’t fit me. Amanda was taken as much by surprise by my size as I was. That meant she had purchased a ton of diapers and dresses that were way too big for me. While we were taking the diapers back, I saw some more of the Amazonian cruelty, and I can’t help but wonder why this dimension is that way. There are bright spots, though, as we went to another boutique baby store with a sweet lady who owns it. She’s an old family friend of Amanda’s, and it was funny to see her practically give Amanda the bright-light treatment to make sure she hadn’t kidnapped me off the street! Apparently, she refuses to serve customers who do that to Littles... She and I actually hit it off quite nicely!

We came home then and ended up in the pool. Their pool is probably nothing to write home about for an Amazon their size, but for me, it’s pretty much the equivalent of about eighty feet. When you add in that I’m just over three feet tall now, it might as well be an Olympic-sized pool. I did a ton of laps the last couple of days, and it felt really nice! I’m glad they’re letting me swim like this, as it’s good exercise! The only downside is that the temperatures apparently fall enough for snow to come later, and we’ll be closing it up in a bit over a month.

After swimming, I was dressed to meet Amanda’s last sister I had yet to meet, along with her husband, her two real kids, and the Little she kidnapped. She’s not as bad as Chloe (this is Cassie), but I still feel like she’s abusive. Sadly, not just to her Little who has had his teeth removed, but also to her two-year-old daughter that she’s forcing to potty train. In the end, dinner went over like a lead balloon, and Amanda and Fred ended up collecting me and our food to leave early. It was sad, but I was glad they took a stand. We ended up eating dinner at home and watching a movie last night.

Today we went for a walk in the morning before we headed to Amanda’s parents. I managed to get on the wrong side of Cassie, though, when I made a dumb comment about the accident her two-year-old had. It was the second I’d seen since yesterday, and she just sat down in it happily. I told her that maybe it meant she wasn’t ready to potty train yet... Not my brightest moment! Chloe was right behind her and gave me a whack to my butt that thankfully was cushioned by the diaper. I ran for it and gave Amanda a bit of a heart attack when she realized I had climbed a slide like I used to do in the backyard, jumped onto a tree, and climbed out of reach. I ended up crossing to another and then coming down. With my weight, it’s safer now than it ever would have been before.

Chloe tried following me and fell out of the tree (which was kind of funny), when she was surprised that I had dropped out of another one. Their dad ended up saving me from any further torture, and I hung out with him for a while around the grill. He runs a self-defense school, and I may pick my Tae Kwon Do back up with him. He reminds me a bit of Grandpa, as he is a veteran. He strikes me as a really good man!

Lunch was a hotdog the size of a large salami that I had to take little bits off with my teeth as it was huge!!! Their typical meals for adults, I swear, could be eating contests back home!

I noticed Amanda was standing by me, looking over my shoulder, and she said, “Come on, let’s go get dinner?”

“Let me just sign off here,” I told her.

Well, anyway, things could have gone better there too. It confirmed Chloe is not the Amazon that I would want to be my mommy here! Amanda’s here now, so I’m going to let you go. I’ll write again after I take my test Tuesday probably. Talk to you later!


Amanda picked me up and felt my diaper, “Can you wait?”

I noticed it was damp but not too bad, “Yes.”

“I really am sorry for what happened earlier,” she told me.

“I know you are. It’s one of the risks when you’re dumb enough to antagonize a giant,” I said.

She kissed my forehead and carried me downstairs.

“What’s for dinner?” I asked.

“Chicken Fettuccini Alfredo?” She asked, I think hoping I was okay with it.

“That sounds great!”

“Good!” she told me.

I was pleasantly surprised as we sat down to eat on the patio. I was sat in a portable high chair that clipped to the heavy table. After Amanda velcroed a bib around my neck, she provided me with a plate of pasta and a fork that was just barely my size. She had diced the chicken up small, but otherwise, it was as grownup of a meal as I’d had here! “I figured you could feed yourself tonight,” Amanda told me with a sad smile. Then, I noticed that she set a tiny plastic cup on my tray with juice in it.

Small to her meant it was like a sizeable 44-ounce drink for me, but I said, “Thank you!”

“You’re welcome, sweetie,” she said.

I dug into the pasta hungrily and ate until I couldn’t eat anymore. The breeze outside was nice then, and I saw both Amanda and Fred were quite a bit more relaxed than earlier. I didn’t leave much on the plate, and she commented, “I guess someone was a bit hungry!”

I nodded, “Yes, and you cook very well!”

She smiled at me and looked at the mostly empty juice cup, “finish your juice while I clean up?” She asked me.

I nodded. When Amanda was done cleaning up, I found my face and hands wiped before a diaper change, and then she brought me down to her office. She showed me her various code and debugging software selections, and we played for several hours before Fred came in and said, “Okay, you two, bedtime!”

“But we’ve only been here…” Amanda said.

“Oh,” I said, looking at the computer clock.

“Yes, oh is right. You realize the princess leaked onto your clothes?” he told Amanda.

She laughed, and I did too. “Oops… Let’s get you changed. How’s your jaw?” She asked me.

I rubbed it, “It’s still a little sore, but it’s better.”

“Can you help me with my other leaks?”

“I can try,” I told her with a smile.

It was mildly painful at first, but I managed to nurse both breasts dry as I wanted to help her. I knew after this weekend that I couldn’t have found a better Amazon to be my adoptive mommy!

Chapter 37: Cleansing

I LOOKED UP and saw Chloe swing her hand at my face and smack my face before gripping my arm angrily and flipping me upside down, and ripping my diaper down. Swat after swat bore down on my butt, her hand swinging at me until I was a trembling mess of snot and tears.

“That’ll teach you to tell me how to raise my children. Let’s go ahead and feed you some of the last ‘solid’ food you’ll ever have before we go get those nasty teeth pulled.”

I watched in horror as a jar of the goop Neville had been fed appeared in her hand, and she spooned a spoonful towards me…

And then, thank God I woke up!

“It’s okay, baby, it’s just a nightmare,” Amanda said as I found myself being rocked in her arms.

“Thank God it was... just a nightmare... it was scary!” I told her through my sobs.

She offered me one of her breasts, but I shook my head and refused to take it. I just couldn’t bring myself to nurse after what I had just seen in my nightmare. Instead, she ended up just cuddling me close to her and shushing me. When I had finally calmed down a bit, she asked, “What happened?”

“I dreamed Chloe got me,” I told her tentatively.

At that, she hugged me again tighter, “I’m sorry she managed to get to you today.”

“It’s not all your fault,” I told her, “but she’s as terrible of a monster as Hannibal Lecter!”


I sighed, “He’s a fictional character back home. He’s a cannibal who likes to especially eat people with poor manners… There’s a whole series of books, movies, and a TV show that go into his story.”

“He eats people?” She asked, horrified.

I nodded, “It’s a horror series.”

She hugged me tighter, “Chloe wouldn’t eat you.”

I shook my head, “No, she would do worse! She would lock away all of my abilities to speak, walk, eat… You have to see how monstrous that is?!?”

She hugged me again, “I do… maybe even more so than you. I think she’s engaging in Little abuse, but I don’t know what to do about it. For most Amazons, they’re going to look at it and see her just making some tough parenting decisions.”

I snorted, “She needs a taste of her own medicine!”

Amanda sat quietly with me in her arms for a few moments before muttering, “That she does.”

“What would happen?” I started, “never mind.”


“What would even happen if Kacey was ever freed? What kind of future could she possibly have now that Chloe has done what she’s done?”

“Not much of one,” Amanda said, “It’s not like you can easily put teeth back in. You might be able to do implants… The problem is that the standard procedure when removing Little’s teeth now involves inserting an implant in at the same time just under the gum, so that would be a problem.”

“Gum implant?” I asked.

“You ever see a really old person without their dentures?” She asked me.

I thought back and nodded.

“You know how their lips can’t support the shape it should without their teeth? And their lips sink into their faces?”

I nodded, “Yeah… wait, Littles have their teeth pulled all the time, though?”

“The gum implants act as ‘teeth’ bumpers. It’s really just a semi-rigid material that gets placed underneath the gum and becomes a ridge. So the Little still has that ‘gummy’ grip with their mouths, can’t chew, etc., but no worries of old person face.”

I shuddered, “Who thinks up this stuff?”

“People like my sister,” she said sadly. She ran her hands through my hair for a moment, “You asked what would happen… Well, assuming she did it by hypnosis - those triggers can be trained back out with a lot of care and patience. Then it would be a matter of a lot of physical therapy, but they could, in theory, walk again with that and a surgery or two... I don’t know what she did to Kacey’s tongue to keep her from speaking; that’s probably beyond hope…”

“It reminds me of a dystopian series of books from back home where they have mutes for servants.”

She nodded, “Hunger Games?”

“You have that one but not Silence of the Lambs?”

She shrugged, “I wish you had brought some of these movies so we could compare them. It’s kind of like speaking to an alien sometimes, but other times you’re in the same universe as me,” she hugged me again. “Are you going to be okay?”

I shrugged, “I’m sure this won’t be the last nightmare I suffer while I’m around here… Hell… sorry… I’m pretty sure I’ll have these nightmares even after I go home.”

She squeezed me tight, “Try nursing for a bit to get that nice sleepy milk coma back?”

I shrugged, “It might help.”

Without another word, she bared her breast again, and I sighed before giving it the ‘old college try’ to get back to sleep. My jaw slightly hurt still, but I nursed at the offered nipple anyway. ‘If I ever get back, I want to put a sign up at the trans-dimensional terminal to quote Dante, ‘Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here,’ seems quite appropriate.’ I was glad that I could go to sleep between the nursing relaxing me and the milk with whatever crazy narcotic properties it had.


“COME ON, SWEETIE,” I heard the following day.

“Huh?” I said, realizing a giant was looking over the top of me. I looked around, confused for a moment, before going, “Oh.”

“Oh, so that’s how you’re going to be this morning,” I heard as I stared blearily-eyed at Amanda. Suddenly I jumped as she tickled me!

“Stop!” I whined, “Too early!”

“Too early, says the little girl who woke me up screaming in the middle of the night,” she said, going back at tickling me after a pause.

“Sorry,” I said as she stopped. I realized I was lying on top of the changing table then and hoped it was the wet diaper I had just made wetter.

“Sorry, she says after she wets a brand new diapee!”

I blushed, “You’re the one who tickled me,” I complained as I thought back to how I must have just peed and not realized it. ‘That milk is destroying my bladder muscle control,’ I thought with a sigh.

“Sure, blame it on me,” she said with a smile that I tried to return but just couldn’t. “I’ll change you after your bottle and breakfast,” she told me.

I sighed and let her carry me downstairs, still dressed in the pink nightgown from last night. Once buckled in the chair, I was given my latte bottle and watched as she moved about the kitchen and made some gigantic French toast slices. Once she’d cooked them on a griddle, she cut one slice up into eight triangles that were still big for my size. Bacon and eggs sat on the plate as well, to make up a huge breakfast! I was provided a little baby fork and a gigantic plastic disposable knife to cut with. I looked up at her, “You trust me with a knife?”

She laughed, “I don’t think you can hurt yourself with that – even if you tried.”

I looked at it some more and thought it looked almost the size of a large chef’s knife in my hand. Still being plastic, I guessed she was right and nodded. I cut into the first triangle that she had placed just a bit of syrup on and took a bite. “Yummm!!!” I said.

“You like it I take?”

I nodded, “Thanks for adding cinnamon to your egg wash!”

She smiled at me, “Glad you like it!”

I ate quietly for a few minutes while alternating nursing at my caffeinated bottle. “So, what’s up for today?” I asked.

“Well, we’re going to give you a chance to do some more studying this morning, maybe get a swim in, and then we’ll let you eat a tiny dinner early tonight before we begin your fasting for tomorrow’s test.”

“Fasting?” I asked.

She sighed, “Fred and I think the best way to do this is to treat it like you’re going to have a colonoscopy.”

My eyes widened when I remembered what my dad had gone through with that…

“Don’t worry, we’re not going to do one on you though,” she said with a smile, “I agree that is going to suck someday when I have to have one… Trust me though, I think annual exams down on our plumbing are probably just as bad!” I groaned as I realized I would be in for those in the future myself. I heard Gabby talking about them one time to Cami… I turned back my attention to her, “The main thing is we’re going to make sure you’re completely clear of any stool from your body by the time you go to take your test tomorrow. It’ll make it easier to avoid having problems.”

I nodded, “Okay.”

With that information, I dug into my food like it was the last meal I was ever going to receive. I ate way past the point of being full. I looked up at a shocked Amanda when I put down the fork, and the plate was empty.

“How in the world did you eat all of that?”

“If I’m not going to get to eat much the rest of today and tomorrow?”

She shook her head, “You do realize all of that has to come back out of your body before tomorrow?”

I shrugged, “It was good while it went down!”

She laughed and picked me up out of the high chair, and sat me down on the ground. “Go find your books and study for a bit. I’ll change you after you make a poopy.”

I sighed but toddled off towards the living room. My diaper was wet enough that it was beginning to sag away from my body without much support. I found my books on the edge of the coffee table and pulled one carefully to the floor, where I lay down and studied some more. I had spent about an hour on the history section when nature’s urge made itself known. I groaned and stood up to squat. Then, with my diaper filled, I called, “Mommy?”

“Ready for that change?” she asked me with a smile, and my day continued in what was now semi-routine. Once changed, I was sat at Fred’s desk for another go at some test prep software by another company. The cool part was that I actually managed to make it through the six-hour test without a messy diaper! The software even claimed I was, in fact, ready for college. The bad part was it meant I skipped lunch, and I had to wait until that early dinner before I was able to eat. I did get a quick swim in, though, while I waited for that. While she was changing me into the swimsuit, I discovered I most definitely had a typical girl’s tan coming on with the swimsuit lines as visible as they could be!

Finally, about three in the afternoon, Amanda provided me with a bowl of soup. Apparently, it was this dimension’s version of alphabet soup and wasn’t exceptionally filling. However, I could understand the need for softer food for the pain of what was to come. Fred had come home early so he could eat with us.

Their dinner consisted of similar soup with grilled cheese sandwiches… I was very jealous of the sandwiches as my stomach still grumbled when I finished the bowl of broth. I noted that Amanda hadn’t nursed me from her breast today, with the only milk being from the bottle this morning. ‘Guess she’s trying to help me there?’ I thought.

Fred picked me up with a baby bottle in hand filled with an ominous yellow liquid when everyone had finished dinner. “Okay, Princess, this isn’t going to be a fun evening, but we’ve got to get you cleaned out for tomorrow.”

I nodded, “Amanda told me earlier.”

He nodded, “Well, let’s get this started… it’s going to be a long night of messy diapers for you.”

“Any chance I could just have a potty?”

He made a thoughtful face but shook his head; “I looked at the store the other day just to see if there was anything small enough for you to use. Even the smallest is about six inches too tall for you to stand a chance with. You’d need our help even with them.”

“You could help me?”

He smiled, “We could, but diapers really are easier to clean up than using one of those constantly.”

I sighed and reached for the bottle, “Let’s get this over with.”

I gagged as I sucked the first mouthful down. “That’s awful!” I said as I pulled the nipple away.

Fred nodded, “Good thing you only have to drink four of these, huh?” He said.

My eyes must have been wide saucers then. “Fo…” I said before he stuck the nipple back in my mouth.

I groaned but drank the liquid down at a constant pace. It was a mix of a lemon flavor, chalk, and… nasty! I tried to speed up so I could get it down quicker. ‘This would be easier to just chug from a cup,’ I thought to myself. Eventually, the bottle was emptied, and Fred placed me on his shoulder to burp me.

“Amanda hasn’t nursed me today?” I asked as he held me back in his lap.

“I suggested we not until you get done tomorrow.”


I looked for her and didn’t see her, “Where is she anyway?”

“She’s working on a project for her lab work,” he told me.

It wasn’t even five minutes later that the concoction of awful fluid began doing its job, and I filled my diaper with a liquidy mush. “Eeew…” I whined as Fred carried me upstairs.

“Eew is right,” he told me when the diaper was opened. He bravely cleaned me up from a semi-solid mush-filled diaper. When he was finished, he said, “I’m going to put some of this special cream on you to keep you from getting a rash tonight.”

And so commenced the rest of the evening … By the fourth bottle of that crap, I was pretty sure I couldn’t take anything more. Pretty much after every bottle, there had been at least one poopy diaper, with this final one just resulting in a watery mess that threatened to leak out the diaper.

“Is that it?” I asked miserably.

“That’s the first treatment,” he told me.

“The first?” I asked.

“I think it would be wise to go ahead and use an enema too.”

I glared at him, “You want to… stick… something?”

He nodded, “Where the sun don’t shine… You do want to pass the test tomorrow?”

I sighed, “Let’s get this over with,” I told him.

“We’ll wait a little longer for this stuff to travel through your body first.”

“Ughh… I just want this over with,” I whined. I wasn’t in tears, but I could feel the water at the edge of my eyes.

He hugged me and said, “You’re almost done with this stuff. Trust me, I think you’ll be much happier for having done this tomorrow than failing the test and ending up in daycare with Chloe’s Littles?”

I nodded numbly at him. I was deposited into the playpen with a study guide and a bottle of water, “Try and get that bottle down in the next half hour.” I glared at him, “It’s just water, I promise,” and then we’ll do the enema, wait for it to clear, and then give you a bath before bed.”

“You know this has got to go down as one of the worst days ever!” I grumbled.

He reached down and patted my head and said, “Drink!” with a smile.

I did so and tried to focus on the study guide. I was doing more of the reasoning problem sections. It had become a little easier to see patterns in the problems as I spent more time looking over the examples. I felt the need to pee and was startled by the urge. ‘I actually felt the need to do it?!?’

I sat for a moment and realized it had to be because I hadn’t had any of Amanda’s milk since breakfast; with the crap to clear me out, I was probably completely clear of whatever was in that milk! I held the urine for an extra ten minutes just to feel the sensation of holding it in again. After that, though, I chose to let it out and sighed when I realized the back of my diaper was filling too. I sighed and said, “Can someone change me, please?”

Fred was standing over the playpen a moment later and asked, “Sure Princess, do you think you have it all out?”

I looked at him like he was crazy but shrugged, “I’ll try to make sure?” I squatted and pushed, pushed, and pushed some more. All that was coming out seemed liquid, and there wasn’t much. It felt nasty, though, and I felt some tears on my face. Finally, I whimpered, “I’m done, I think?”

He gently picked me up and carried me to the nursery, where he undid the diaper and used far more wipes than I would have thought a single box contained! Eventually, though, he said, “I think I’ve got it all, Princess,” and laid me down on a clean diaper. “I’m still seeing a few bits of semi-solid fecal matter, though; I think we need to go ahead with that enema too.”

“Is it as terrible as I’ve heard?” I asked nervously.

“Probably,” he answered and gently stroked my face. “We don’t have to, but if you’re at least clear of anything solid if they check your diaper in the middle of the test, they can’t say you pooped it.”

I squirmed a bit on the table and said, “Just get this over with. By the way, tell Amanda she’s a chicken… She could have helped, and I wouldn’t have held it against her!”

He laughed, “Believe it or not, she’s pretty squeamish about the idea herself. I guess she saw Hannah get them…” he said the last part sadly.

I sighed, “I’m a little surprised after meeting her mom that she was as bad as it sounds like she was.”

“People sometimes change, Stacy… I think that when Hannah died, it changed her perspective. Plus, once a woman hits menopause, it seems to lessen the baby fever.”

I nodded, “She still cooed over me like I was the most precious thing in the universe.”

“Well, all grandmas do that when they meet new grandbabies!” He laughed.

“Just get this over with,” I told him again.

“Turn over onto your stomach,” he told me after he removed the strap holding me on the table. Once I was flipped, I felt it refastened… but I couldn’t blame him as I was pretty sure kicking was going to be involved in a moment. Sure enough, the intrusion to my butt was anything but pleasant! It seemed to go on forever before I was flipped back over onto the diaper, and it was fastened. “Hold it in if you can for a few moments.” He gently stood me up on the changing table then.

I wondered for a second what he meant, but the sudden urge to poop became as strong as it ever had. The cramping I’d felt all night from the other stuff seemed like child’s play compared to this! A few minutes longer, I asked, “How much longer? This hurts…”

“Try and make it two more minutes,” he told me.

So, I held on and on and realized it had to be more than two minutes. I finally said, time or not, it was coming out and squatted to release it… and push it out… It seemed to take forever, and my head was pounding from the pain. Finally, I was gently changed into another diaper, and he said, “Why don’t you play on your computer for a little while, and I’ll clean you up again and give you your bath.”

“I’m not done getting rid of this yet, am I?” I asked.

“Probably not. Drink this bottle of water too – dehydration is not fun!” Fred told me while placing a baby bottle of clear water in my hands.

“Yes, sir,” I told him with a sigh and waddled over to my desk. My rear felt sore from all of the wiping it had endured as even baby wipes hurt after enough of them!

I sat down at the computer and read a reply from my e-mail last night from my mom. She wasn’t thrilled about anything in it, but she echoed she thought I couldn’t have been luckier to find these two benevolent giants to take me in. I sent a quick reply with safe headers and a promise to write tomorrow. I didn’t feel much like doing anything with some of the night’s concoctions still wrenching my guts and oozing out my butt. I started a simple shooter game and ran around blowing things up for probably an hour before Amanda picked me up without warning, and I died.

“Hey!” I griped.

“Hey yourself!” She said with a hug, “You can play again tomorrow after your test.”

I sighed, “Okay, let me exit the game first, though.”

She gently sat me down, and I quickly exited everything and put the computer to sleep. I was cleaned up at the changing table, and she said, “Sorry I didn’t help tonight… I just have too many bad memories of poor Hannah,” she said as she wiped my rear clean.

“I get it… let’s not do this again anytime if we can avoid it,” I told her, “it really does suck!”

“I can imagine… Mom did it to me once…”

My eyes opened at her admission, “What?”

“I was being punished for it happening to Hannah… it wasn’t me though, Chloe filled the poor girl with two enemas and blamed it on me.”

“Didn’t Hannah say something?”

Amanda shook her head, “Chloe threatened her, and she just trembled in fear and cried.”

“You realize your sister is more than just in baby fever mode, right?”

Amanda didn’t reply; she just carried me to the bathtub. She started first by placing me in there and using the nozzle sprayer from the shower to wash me off before letting the tub fill. I was gently washed, and she finally broke the long silence, “I know Chloe is probably a victim of some sort of mental disorder. The problem is there is no way to accuse her of it without her pointing the finger right back at me and getting LPS involved. Her Littles might be removed, but you would be as well.”

I shuddered, “I get it, thanks in that case?”

She kissed my forehead and finished washing me. Once I was clean, she put my hair in a sleep braid and carried me back to the nursery. “I think you should probably just try and get some sleep tonight. I’ll check on your diaper before I go to bed, but I’ll wake you up about six or so to get ready.”

“What time does the test begin?”

“I got you an 8am appointment, so they want you there by 7:45.”

“Ughh…” I sighed.

“I know… not exactly a time any teenager wants to be awake, let alone a Little who’s had her body tortured tonight.”

She enveloped me in a hug once she had me dressed, “I hope you can get some sleep tonight, Stacy. I really do love you.”

“Thanks,” I told her, “I know you aren’t a fan of this stuff.”

She lay me down into the crib and covered me with a light blanket, handed me Elena, and placed a pacifier at my lips. I hesitated on the pacifier but opened my mouth anyway and sucked gently on it. “Good night Princess,” she told me and turned on the mobile, playing its lullaby above me. Then, I heard Fred’s voice, “Good night, sweetheart, see you in the morning.”

I sighed and closed my eyes. It was only eight-thirty, but I forced myself to close my eyes and at least try to sleep. At least the music helped get me to sleep, ‘Hopefully, there’s no chance of me pooping for the next forty-eight hours!’


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