School or College Life

Emerald Princess - Chapter 04 - No Magic

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Emerald Princess

Chapter 4: No Magic
by Sofia Hammerstein


Eighteen-year-old Nicholas Hammerstein is at the cusp of finishing high school in his hometown of Los Alamos, NM. He has a seemingly ideal life and is blessed with loving parents, a cute baby sister, and great friends. Nicholas is a gifted student and martial artist who has dreams of leaving for college at the end of his senior year. But, living in a world of Emergent humans, he will soon find his life turned upside down as his life and the fate of a kingdom hang in the balance. His future and theirs will be determined by how he navigates the drastic changes in his body and the magical and superpowered Mergent population he joins.

Emerald Princess - Chapter 03 - Homecoming

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Emerald Princess

Chapter 3: Homecoming
by Sofia Hammerstein


Eighteen-year-old Nicholas Hammerstein is at the cusp of finishing high school in his hometown of Los Alamos, NM. He has a seemingly ideal life and is blessed with loving parents, a cute baby sister, and great friends. Nicholas is a gifted student and martial artist who has dreams of leaving for college at the end of his senior year. But, living in a world of Emergent humans, he will soon find his life turned upside down as his life and the fate of a kingdom hang in the balance. His future and theirs will be determined by how he navigates the drastic changes in his body and the magical and superpowered Mergent population he joins.

The Return of Lilith Chapter 22

The city started to fill up with wizards, some non-wizards come with them as family members. We have to start organizing the city so that we can offer support to all those that we have here.

A group of earth wizards, who have specialized in agriculture, are creating an area where we can plant crops to help feed the city. Luckily using hydroponics made these farms much smaller and fit in only a few warehouses. Meat is something we will have to bring in from outside. We don't have room to keep livestock within the city limits.

The Other Side of Me - Part 29

The Other Side of Me – Part 29
by Lily Rasputin

“Charlie? Are you okay?”

Sight and sound popped back into existence around me, revealing that I was in the living room of my apartment, sitting on the sofa with Samantha’s head resting in my lap. I glanced down to find her looking up at me with a concerned expression.

“Huh?” I asked, still trying to reacclimate to the dimensional jump. Unlike the previous swaps, this one was jarring. The difference between stepping across a threshold and stumbling across one.

Emerald Princess - Chapter 02 - Careful

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Emerald Princess

Chapter 2: Careful What You Wish For
by Sofia Hammerstein


Eighteen-year-old Nicholas Hammerstein is at the cusp of finishing high school in his hometown of Los Alamos, NM. He has a seemingly ideal life and is blessed with loving parents, a cute baby sister, and great friends. Nicholas is a gifted student and martial artist who has dreams of leaving for college at the end of his senior year. But, living in a world of Emergent humans, he will soon find his life turned upside down as his life and the fate of a kingdom hang in the balance. His future and theirs will be determined by how he navigates the drastic changes in his body and the magical and superpowered Mergent population he joins.

Emerald Princess


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Emerald Princess

by Sofia Hammerstein


Eighteen-year-old Nicholas Hammerstein is at the cusp of finishing high school in his hometown of Los Alamos, NM. He has a seemingly ideal life and is blessed with loving parents, a cute baby sister, and great friends. Nicholas is a gifted student and martial artist who has dreams of leaving for college at the end of his senior year. But, living in a world of Emergent humans, he will soon find his life turned upside down as his life and the fate of a kingdom hang in the balance. His future and theirs will be determined by how he navigates the drastic changes in his body and the magical and superpowered Mergent population he joins.

(Rewritten) Doom Valley Prep School: Chapter 25

Doom Valley Prep School
Chapter 25
Femme Fatale

“So let me get this straight,” Ella said, rubbing her forehead. “You narrowly avoided dying after being set up by Victors friends, and now Rock For Brains thinks you're flirting with him because you managed to drop a shiny boulder on his head?”

“Pretty much,” I said, sinking deeper into my comfy chair.

Emerald Princess - Chapter 01 - Jealous

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Emerald Princess

Chapter 1: Jealous
by Sofia Hammerstein


Eighteen-year-old Nicholas Hammerstein is at the cusp of finishing high school in his hometown of Los Alamos, NM. He has a seemingly ideal life and is blessed with loving parents, a cute baby sister, and great friends. Nicholas is a gifted student and martial artist who has dreams of leaving for college at the end of his senior year. But, living in a world of Emergent humans, he will soon find his life turned upside down as his life and the fate of a kingdom hang in the balance. His future and theirs will be determined by how he navigates the drastic changes in his body and the magical and superpowered Mergent population he joins.

The Other Side of Me - Part 28

The Other Side of Me – Part 28
by Lily Rasputin

As much as I might have preferred to sit on a bench and tongue wrestle with Mike all morning, both of us had classes and responsibilities that we couldn’t completely ignore. So, after another ten minutes of really wonderful public displays of affection, I peeled my face away from his and sighed.

“Guess we should take a break for now, huh?” He asked, sounding about as disappointed as I felt.

I nodded. “Probably. I have to meet with Shelly and talk about some stuff. But I could meet you for lunch if you wanted.”

The Return of Lilith Chapter 21

My students are practicing magic compression techniques so that they can enhance their spell's power and potency. I sit back watching them as they work through the steps. I look around the room seeing how they are safe and protected within these walls. Their faces are only twisted by concentration rather than fear. It sparks an idea that I need to share with the council.

(Rewritten) Doom Valley Prep School: Chapter 24

Doom Valley Prep School
Chapter 24

Calci and I were working on our anti-mind control potion again. Like the other day the first half of the class had been a lecture on various alchemicals and how they interact with each other. Professor Pyrotechny was still smoking from adding dragons bile to cockatrice venom. The clockwork teacher been demonstrating why reading the instructions was extremely important, and how two seemingly harmless ingredients could have a very volatile reaction.

The Other Side of Me - Part 27

The Other Side of Me – Part 27
by Lily Rasputin

I made it to school in record time, despite having to pause to accommodate the whims of a flock of stupid geese who decided that the side of the street they had been on was not to their satisfaction.

When I finally pulled into my parking spot on campus, I glanced at the time and calculated that a brisk walk should get me to class just before the lecture started. Which was great, since I doubted my quaking abdominals would allow me to move at any faster pace.

Lisa, part 2

“Liam?” Sonia calls from the living room, making me groan as I wake up. “Come on, time to get up!”

“Yeah, I’m awake,” I reply, not even bothering to stifle my yawn.

The Return of Lilith Chapter 20

The next few days, the media was filled with news about me and my request to see those in charge of this country. President Frump was among those that made a public statement on the subject. His statement said that he refused to meet with me and that I was still considered a terrorist. What an idiot. The media was still all over the place on what I was and what it meant for the future of the country.

The importance of being a team player - Chapter 5

There is one thing Jason love’s more than anything in the world, esports. In fact, he wants to become the best Dota 2 player in the world. That’s why he recently joined a competitive team, only to find out later. That he joined an all girls team. And while pretending to be “Emily” online is one thing, offline this might prove to be a lot more difficult.

The Other Side of Me - Part 26

The Other Side of Me – Part 26
by Lily Rasputin

As the heavy haze of my intense, dream-filled slumber slowly parted, I found that Samantha was no longer curled up next to me.

Some part of my brain, probably still soaked with serotonin, hoped the sexy redhead would rejoin me soon. However, as I continued to lay there with my eyes closed, it occurred to me that the bed didn’t seem as soft as I remembered from the previous evening. In fact, it felt as if I were lying on something a bit stiffer and less comfortable.

(Rewritten) Doom Valley Prep School: Chapter 23

Doom Valley Prep School
Chapter 23

Lady Plague sat on the throne of mithril and emerald green spider silk, that filled one entire side of her office, staring down at Blood Wing, Micheal and myself with her pitch black eyes. The dragon skull on her golden sceptre seemed to be growling at us.

Dresses are for Boys

I've been lurking on BigCloset for years. It helped me figure a lot of things out about myself and gave me a place to escape to when things in the real world were just a little too much. Hopefully I can help contribute to the wonderful work on this site! Apologies for any grammar mistakes, difficulty reading, etc. Again, this is my first time really writing out a story. All feedback and criticisms are welcome and appreciated! That being said, I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 1:

The Other Side of Me - Part 25

The Other Side of Me – Part 25
by Lily Rasputin

“No,” I said, trying to inject nonchalance into my voice. “I didn’t forget. Uh, the time just sort of got away from me.”

There was a pause from Sam’s end, just long enough for me to wonder if she was mad that “I” had apparently forgotten we were supposed to get together today. If she was, I’d just have to find some way to put out that fire as well. After all, it wasn’t as if I could tell her that it wasn’t really me she’d made plans with.

The Importance of Being a Team Player - Chapter 2

There is one thing Jason love’s more than anything in the world, esports. In fact, he wants to become the best Dota 2 player in the world. That’s why he recently joined a competitive team, only to find out later. That he joined an all girls team. And while pretending to be “Emily” online is one thing, offline this might prove to be a lot more difficult.

The Importance of Being a Team Player

There is one thing Jason love’s more than anything in the world, esports. In fact, he wants to become the best Dota 2 player in the world. That’s why he recently joined a competitive team, only to find out later. That he joined an all girls team. And while pretending to be “Emily” online is one thing, offline this might prove to be a lot more difficult.

The Return of Lilith Chapter 19

Sara went off to class to try and make up for the days she missed. Elizabeth went to find David. I take Charlene to the garden where I plan to build our home. Charlene takes great delight in my garden, "I love your garden. It reminds me of our old home. You always make the most beautiful gardens."

"I am glad you like it because this is where I am going to build our home. That is why I want to build our home here in the garden." I replied.

"We are not going to live with Elizabeth anymore?" Charlene asked me.

(Rewritten) Doom Valley Prep School: Chapter 22

Doom Valley Prep School
Chapter 22

“Everyone it's now time to test your shield spell,” Mage Malacoda said.

We'd spent most of magic class learning the finer details of shielding, which according to our instructor was one of the most important spells we could know. Something I wholeheartedly agreed with. I'd written down everything he'd said, double checked it with Calci and Garth, asked questions to make sure I knew all the little details, and watched Calci and Garth cast their own shields.

Ian, part 23

“Good morning, everyone,” Allan- my university lecturer- says as I (and no doubt all of the other students on my course) get my notepad out. “I’ll let you all have a couple of minutes to get set up, then we’ll begin.”

“I’ll talk to you later,” I say, mirroring the sad smile of the long-haired girl on my phone screen.

“Yeah,” Leanne sighs sadly. “I should be getting to work too in the next couple of minutes. Well, not technically ‘getting to’, but you know what I mean, right?”

The Other Side of Me - Part 24

The Other Side of Me – Part 24
by Lily Rasputin

“Well?” The furious woman across the table from me said. “I’m waiting.”

I stared at my mother, pain aching in my chest as I was torn between the elated feeling of seeing her again, and the sheer terror that her sternest glare always provoked from deep inside me. Unlike my father, Mom was slow to anger, but when she got mad, she really got mad.

I held up my hands, shaking my head back and forth. “I …”

Her finger came back up again, pointing right at my face.

Sammi's story part 4

Sammie's story an incident of magic and Fae...this is the final chapter in her introduction!

I am adding this character in to flesh out my stories with more characters I can control fully and not barrow too many of others laying around the Whateley school

Lets see how you all like it and PLEASE PLEASE comment or I don't know what to do next or if you even like this plot?




Swarms And Sisterhood Chapter 02

After two weeks without school for Christmas Break, school was back in session at Eastside High. Unfortunately, Lanie had developed a habit of sleeping in over the break, so she wasn't ready to start waking up early again.

Fortunately, she had her roommate Rachel to help her out. "Lanie," Rachel said. "Lanie, wake up!"


"Come on, Lanie!" said Rachel. "We've gotta get ready for school!"

"Ugh." Lanie brushed her hair out of her face and looked up at her best friend. "Why do we have to wake up so early?"

La Cucaracha

I don’t know exactly when I started loving Paula. Probably it was a slow process. We had been friends since we were toddlers. As the years went on Paula bloomed into a very beautiful girl. We both got scholarships to a very good high school. She was very popular in school. She was a great athlete. She was very competitive. I wasn’t. Not popular, not competitive. not an athlete. Not that I was an outcast or anything like that but I wasn’t exactly one of the IN crowd. Surprisingly Paula kept being my friend. We studied together in the evenings and so on. The problem was that I wanted us to be boyfriend and girlfriend. That was a constant pain that I was too afraid to do something about. As it turned out I was right in thinking that we’d never become boyfriend and girlfriend.

Sammi's story part 3

Sammie's story an incident of magic and Fae

I am adding this character in to flesh out my stories with more characters I can control fully and not barrow too many of others laying around the Whateley school

Lets see how you all like it and PLEASE PLEASE comment or I don't know what to do next or if you even like this plot?




Lisa, part 1

The thing I remember most is that I didn't cry. It's funny how the mind works like that. I don't remember the words my sisters said to me, or what they were wearing, or even if they were crying- all I remember is that I didn't cry.

And that I'd just been told the most devastating news a 13-year-old boy could hear: that his parents were both dead.

(Rewritten) Doom Valley Prep School: Chapter 20

Doom Valley Prep School
Chapter 20
Not a Damsel in Distress

Leaving magic class, I was grateful that none of my classmates followed me to subterfuge. Having to face anyone who'd seen me naked so soon after it happened, would have been unbearable. There was one teeny tiny problem however, I had to walk the hallways by myself, and who knew what Micheal or his friend Victor would do.

The Return of Lilith Chapter 15

Sara and I made our way out to the center of the school garden. I found a good place for us to sit and try and commune with the Goddess. "Are you sure you want me here while you do this?" Sara asked me extremely nervously.

"Sara, I don't want you alone with that crazed boy after you."
I say with the utmost seriousness and love. I am not going to let anything happen to her, so I will stay by her side till this whole incident is resolved.

The Return of Lilith Chapter 14

I woke up early and Sara was still sound asleep next to me. I slide out of bed and walk to the bathroom to get cleaned up for the day. The other girls were not surprised to see me in their dorm building now, especially after the scene we made at dinner last night. It didn't bother me that they knew what I was doing last night. It was fun and I am sure most of them would have loved to be having pleasure like that last night.

Twins, part 11

Luke grunted as his phone’s alarm woke him from a deep sleep. His mouth was dry and his head throbbed, but what concerned him most was that he didn't recognise his surroundings, particularly the feel of his bed- the mattress was much stiffer than his usual one, the pillow and the sheets thinner than what he was accustomed to. As his eyes started to focus, he was able to take in his surroundings.

(Rewritten) Doom Valley Prep School: Chapter 19

Doom Valley Prep School
Chapter 19
I Wish I Was Dead

The next morning, I was once again forced to sit still as my friends taught me how to put on makeup. “Why do I need to do this again? I don't look that bad,” I said.

I really did look good. I'd gotten a good nights sleep, and I was learning how to comb my hair so it wasn't tangled, or looked like I'd slept in it. And with my new, unwanted, assets, most people wouldn't be looking at my face.

The Return of Lilith Chapter 13

Elizabeth, David, and I are sitting in their home library. David is pacing around the back of the library concentrating, and Elizabeth is sitting across from me in a recliner. "Mother, why did you have to scare me so bad? Do you know how hard it was on us when you left us the last time? It destroyed our family, and I just got you back."

"My darling Elizabeth, I am so sorry that I put you through that again, but I couldn't think of any other way to get out of the situation without exposing magic." I lean forward to grab her hand and comfort her.

(Rewritten) Doom Valley Prep School: Chapter 18

Doom Valley Prep School
Chapter 18
Fate's Chew Toy

“So... Petra, will you be keeping the new body?” Clarice asked, looking a tad envious.

Slumped in my seat, I was busy stuffing food into my face. Being killed and resurrected over twenty times had made me work up an appetite. The new proportions probably didn't help matters either. It felt like I was sitting on balloons, and I missed being able to see my feet.

The Return of Lilith Chapter 12

After a couple of weeks, I have finally gotten into the grove of things between teaching and council. They still haven't found any replacements yet which is getting on my nerves but I'll survive. Today, I have decided to sit in on an Earth magic class taught by my dear friend Mr. Karrington. This guy has still not lightened up on me.

Misscast: A Gradual Feminization Story (Chapters 2 & 3)

Initially hoping for the leading male role, Jesse finds that his best shot at stardom is accepting the female lead in his university's production of The Phantom of the Opera.

Here are chapters 2 & 3 of my new 25 chapter novel, Misscast! I hope you all like it :) To those who've read it so far, thank you!!


MCAST V3.jpg

Normal 2: For the Birds

The character in this story was introduced as an encounter in The Kissing Bandit. I later decided the character deserved a background of her own. Normal started as a way of reconciling the inconsistencies.


I’m Ben Plover. I was a perfectly ordinary thirteen-year-old boy until it happened. Actually, until two things happened. Where most boys grew hair on their body, I started growing feathers. And I started turning into a girl!

(Rewritten) Doom Valley Prep School: Chapter 17

Doom Valley Prep School
Chapter 17
Things Get Worse

I was only a little late getting to Potions class, but it was humiliating having everyone stare at me and my new body as I handed over the note and went to sit beside Calci. I'd gone from being a fairly normal boy, on the smaller side, to a small girl, and now I was a bouncy, buxom girl. If I saw a girl looking like me, I wouldn't have been able to take my eyes off of her.

Being attracted to my own reflection wasn't something I was used to.


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