The Time I was Reincarnated as a Fire Goddess 1

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The rain poured heavily as I walked through the dimly lit streets, my thin jacket doing little to shield me from the downpour. I clutched the grocery bag tighter, feeling the cold water seep through the fabric. My shoes splashed in puddles, each step reminding me of how today had unraveled into a string of bad luck. The weight of it all pressed down on my shoulders like the gray clouds above.

When I finally reached my small apartment, I hesitated at the door. I knew what was waiting on the other side: darkness. The power still hadn't come back on, and I could only hope I had enough candles left to light the place. The thought of spending another evening in the dim glow of flickering flames made me sigh.

Once inside, I set the groceries on the counter and fumbled for the matches. As the first flame sparked to life, casting eerie shadows across the room, I couldn't help but think about how everything seemed off today. Late for school, hungry at lunch, unprepared for the history quiz… it was as if the gods were testing me, pushing me to my limits.

As I began preparing dinner by candlelight, the rhythmic sound of rain hitting the windows became a strange comfort. The storm outside matched the one I felt inside, a swirling mess of frustration, fatigue, and isolation. But as the smell of food filled the air, something shifted. In the quiet moments, cooking in the dark, I realized that despite the day's hardships, I was still standing. And for tonight, that could be enough.

I woke up in a bright room without knowing how I got there. In front of me stood a goddess of a woman. Her massive chest pushed her robe open, exposing the top of her breast. I nearly passed out. She was a literal goddess. She was acting very ditzy and upset with herself.

"Hakato, there seems to be a mixup. You were not supposed to die last night in your bed. I accidentally pulled your soul from your body too soon."

"Can't you just put my soul back in my body then?" I looked mad at her.

"No can do, Hakato. The rules are clear: once your soul is removed from your body, it can't be put back in. I am sorry for my mistake." The Goddess replied.

"Then what is going to happen to me?" I puffed my chest up.

"I can't put you back in your body, but I can reincarnate you, in other words."

I love the direction this is going! Let's build on this intriguing turn of events:

My mind raced as I stood before her, this towering woman who radiated divine beauty and overwhelming power. The brightness of the room seemed to intensify her presence, and despite her ditzy demeanor, the weight of her words sank in quickly. I was dead—pulled from my body before my time. A mistake, she said. My fists clenched as a mix of frustration and disbelief churned in my chest, and a sense of helplessness washed over me.

"Reincarnated?" I repeated, trying to grasp the meaning. "You mean, like… born again? Somewhere else?"

The Goddess nodded enthusiastically as if this were the most normal thing in the world. Her long, golden hair shimmered with each motion, and her robe shifted dangerously with the movement, threatening to reveal more than I could handle. I quickly averted my eyes, still trying to focus on the absurdity of the situation.

"Yes!" she said, a smile forming on her full lips. "You'll get a fresh start, Hakato, in a completely different world. And as a gift to make up for my mistake…" She clapped her hands together, eyes sparkling, "I'll let you choose what kind of life you'd like to have! Anything you want!"

The Goddess frowned, her brow furrowing in what looked like genuine concern. "Oh, Hakato, I didn't mean to hurt you… I know this is all my fault, but I can't undo what's done. The only thing I can do is give you the best possible life in your new world. You can be strong, powerful, rich, a hero—even a ruler!" She was clearly trying to comfort me, but my chest still felt tight with resentment.

I took a deep breath, calming myself down. There was no point in arguing with her—what's done is done. But I wasn't about to let her have all the power here.

"If I'm going to be reincarnated," I started slowly, my mind working through the idea, "then I want to have a say in the kind of life I get. You owe me that much, at least." I was determined to assert my control over this unexpected turn of events.

Her eyes lit up, and she smiled brightly. "Of course! You can choose your abilities, your skills, anything you want! Just tell me, and I'll ensure you're well-prepared for your new journey!"

This was my chance to negotiate. My heart still ached for the life I lost, but if this was my reality now, I was going to make sure my next one was extraordinary. The question was, what kind of life did I want to lead? I pondered over the possibilities, considering the kind of person I wanted to be and the adventures I wanted to have in my new life.

The Goddess clapped her hands together, a glimmer of excitement in her eyes. "A fire mage! Oh, that's a popular choice, but I'll make sure you're the strongest—after all, it's the least I can do for accidentally pulling you from your life. And as for remembering your old life, consider it done!"

I folded my arms, still skeptical despite her enthusiasm. "You're telling me I'll be the strongest fire mage in this world. No one will be stronger than me?" I needed to be sure to guard against any more surprises.

She nodded earnestly. "Yes, yes! You'll start with immense potential and the knowledge to unlock your power. But be warned," she added, her expression a little more serious, "being the strongest doesn't mean the world will simply hand itself over to you. This world has its own challenges—monarchs, rival mages, and creatures far beyond anything you've seen before. But I'll make sure you're well-equipped to deal with it. And don't worry, your memories will remain intact."

I took a deep breath, considering everything. It was starting to feel real now. A world of magic, kings, and strange beasts. A world where I could wield fire itself. I had always imagined what it would be like to live in a place like that—now I had the chance.

"Alright," I said, straightening my posture. "Send me there, and make sure I'm prepared."

The Goddess smiled and waved her hand, a bright glow surrounding me. "Oh, one last thing!" she said, almost as an afterthought. "Since you asked to be the strongest, there may be those who fear your power... so be careful who you trust."

Before I could respond, the light intensified, and the room around me vanished. I felt myself being pulled away, weightless, as the Goddess's words echoed in my mind. A new world awaited, where fire would be my tool and weapon. But even with the promise of strength, I knew one thing for sure: the gods had given me a second chance, and I wouldn't waste it.

When I opened my eyes, the world was a blur of light and sound. My body felt strange, small, and fragile. An overwhelming warmth was pressing against me, and it took a moment for my mind to grasp what was happening. Something was wrong—very wrong.

The memories flooded back. The Goddess. The new world. The promise of becoming the strongest fire mage. But... something had gone awry. I tried to move, but my limbs were weak and uncoordinated. I blinked rapidly, trying to clear my vision, but everything remained hazy.

And then I heard a gentle voice, soothing and unfamiliar, cooing softly above me. I looked up, or at least tried to, but I couldn't move much. It was then that I realized the truth.

I was no longer the person I had been. My body... I had been reincarnated, but not as the powerful mage I had imagined. I was a newborn—a girl—lying swaddled in someone's arms.

Panic surged through me, and I wanted to scream, to demand answers from the Goddess who had made this terrible mistake. But all that came out was a weak, high-pitched cry. My tiny fists clenched uselessly, my frustration mounting. This wasn't what I had asked for!

Through the haze of my newborn senses, I caught glimpses of the room around me. Stone walls, dimly lit by flickering lanterns—this was no modern place. It looked medieval, just as the Goddess had promised. And yet, the body I was trapped in was far from the mighty fire mage I had imagined myself to be. How was I supposed to master fire magic, let alone be the strongest, when I could barely move my arms?

I was passed to someone else, and I felt the roughness of their hands as they held me. Their voices were muffled, but I could tell they spoke in a language I somehow understood. "She's a beautiful one," someone said, likely my new mother. "A blessing from the gods."

Blessing? I thought, gritting my nonexistent teeth. More like a curse.

The Goddess had undoubtedly kept her promise—she'd reincarnated me. But as a girl? A newborn with no control over my body, let alone magic? This was far from what I had bargained for.

But then, deep within, I felt the warmth of fire, the Goddess's blessing, still pulsing inside me. It was faint, but it was there. I could feel the power waiting for me, the potential to become something great, even if this start was far from ideal. I wasn't helpless. Not completely.

"Fine," I thought to myself, despite the frustration. "I'll play this game, Goddess. But I will become the strongest fire mage, no matter what body you've put me in."

As my new mother gently rocked me in her arms, I drifted into a fitful sleep, plotting how I would rise from this new beginning. I would learn to use this body, master my magic, and find a way to reclaim the strength I had been promised.

I wasn't done yet.

Being trapped in a helpless newborn body with memories of my old life was agonizing. My new parents, the Duke and Duchess, doted on me endlessly, fussing over every little sound I made. They called me Akari—a far cry from the name I had once known, but it would have to do. From what I could gather, the estate was enormous, with sprawling grounds and towering buildings. Yet, all I could do was lie in my crib and listen to the sounds of life happening around me.

The knowledge that I was the daughter of a noble family was somewhat comforting, though. It meant I'd have resources, influence, and, most importantly, access to education—something I desperately needed if I was going to unlock the full extent of my power. But right now, all I could do was wait... and endure the humiliations of infancy.

Every time I cried, I winced internally. Every time they changed my diaper, I swore I'd make the Goddess pay for this. However, as the days passed, I realized there was no way out of this predicament but to grow, learn, and eventually regain control of my abilities. And once I did, the world would feel the flames of a fire mage unmatched in history.

For now, though, I had to bide my time. My parents, the Duke and Duchess, seemed like decent people, and at least they would provide a comfortable upbringing. But the real challenge was yet to come—the moment when I could stand on my feet, cast my first spell, and begin carving out my destiny in this new world.

Akari's early childhood was mostly uneventful, filled with noble lessons, etiquette, and endless pampering by the maids. She explored the estate's vast gardens, pretending to be on grand adventures while waiting for the day her magic would awaken. Though frustrated with her young body, she knew it was only a matter of time before her powers would manifest.

One sunny afternoon, Akari was playing outside in a patch of forest just beyond the estate's borders, her mind lost in thoughts of her previous life and the burning desire to unlock her fire magic. Her parents were always cautious about her wandering too far from the estate, but the freedom of the woods was too tempting to resist. She loved the feeling of the earth under her feet, the rustling of the leaves, and the distant sound of the estate guards calling for her.

But that peaceful atmosphere shattered with a low growl.

Akari froze. Slowly, she turned her head to see a large, wild wolf emerging from the shadows of the trees. Its fur was matted, ribs visible through its skin, and its eyes gleamed with hunger. It had clearly been driven to desperation, and now its gaze was fixed on her.

Her heart raced, and for a moment, she felt paralyzed by fear. I'm just a little girl now, she thought frantically. What am I supposed to do?

The wolf growled again, stepping closer, and Akari felt something deep within her stir—something primal and powerful. She clenched her fists, and as the wolf lunged toward her, she instinctively threw her hands forward.


Akari felt a surge of power rush through her, more intense than she had ever expected. The moment the fire erupted from her palms, it wasn't just a simple burst—it was an inferno. The flames roared from her small hands like a raging dragon, engulfing the wolf entirely in a matter of seconds. Its anguished yelp was cut off as its body was instantly reduced to ash, leaving no trace of its existence but a blackened patch of earth.

The force of the blast sent a shockwave rippling through the surrounding trees, leaves catching fire in its wake. Akari stumbled back, her wide eyes reflecting the massive flames she had unleashed. Her heart raced as the fire continued to blaze, uncontrolled and wild. It was terrifying and beautiful all at once—far beyond what she had imagined her first experience with magic would be like.

Back at the manor, a servant carrying laundry glanced up, mouth falling open in shock as a column of fire shot up into the sky from the nearby forest. Guards rushed to the windows, and her parents, the Duke and Duchess, looked out with expressions of fear and confusion.

"That came from near the forest," her father muttered, his voice tense. "Akari's playing out there..."

Without hesitation, the Duke ordered the guards to saddle the horses and gather their weapons. They prepared to race toward the source of the explosion, unsure of what they would find. Panic seized her mother, the Duchess, who wrung her hands and begged them to bring Akari back safely. The blast had shaken the very foundation of the estate, and everyone feared the worst.

Meanwhile, Akari stood alone in the smoldering clearing, her hands still trembling as the flames around her slowly died down. The power that had poured from her was unimaginable. She had known she would be strong, but this... this was something else entirely.

"I'm... I'm sorry," she whispered to no one in particular, staring at the charred ground where the wolf had stood moments before.

The fire within her began to settle, but she knew this was only the beginning. She was no ordinary fire mage—this was something far more dangerous, and soon, everyone would know it.

As Akari stood in the smoking clearing, her father arrived on horseback, his face pale with shock. He jumped off his horse and rushed toward her, his eyes scanning the scorched earth, the charred trees, and the pile of ash where the wolf had once been. His gaze settled on Akari, who stood trembling, her hands still warm from the fire that had just roared from them.

"Akari," he breathed, his voice tinged with disbelief. "Did you...?"

Akari, shaken but steady, nodded slowly. "It was me, Father. I... I didn't mean to—it just happened."

Her father knelt beside her, staring into her eyes as if trying to make sense of it all. She was his little girl—small, innocent—but the power she had unleashed was far beyond anything he had expected. Fire magic wasn't ordinary, let alone magic of such destructive force. It took years for most to even control a flame, yet his daughter had incinerated a wolf with a single, uncontrolled blast.

Without saying another word, he scooped Akari up into his arms and hurried back to his horse, placing her in front of him on the saddle. The urgency in his movements showed just how worried he was. There was no telling what consequences could follow from this.

"We need to get back to the manor," he muttered, more to himself than to Akari. "Quickly."

Akari held tightly to him as the horse galloped through the woods, her heart still racing from the aftermath of the magic. She could feel the tension in her father's body as he rode swiftly back to the manor. He hadn't scolded her, but the look on his face said everything. He was worried—worried about her, about what this power meant, and about what the future held now that she had tapped into it.

When they reached the manor, her mother was already waiting at the entrance, wringing her hands in panic. "What happened? Is she hurt?"

Her father dismounted and gently set Akari down. "She's not hurt... but we need to talk."

Akari looked up at her parents, both of them staring at her with a mixture of concern and awe. The secret was out—there was no hiding the fire magic now. And while she didn't know what the future held, she knew one thing for sure: this was only the beginning of her journey.

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