School or College Life

Cory's Changes

It all started with Cory’s Grand-aunt. As it turned out she really was Cory’s Grand-uncle if you had a strict legal view of things. Unfortunately she was extremely rich and equally extremely convinced that Cory really was a girl inside. Admittedly Cory wasn’t exactly the alpha-male type and some of his interests, such as ballet, were considered by many as a bit girlish but being a girl? No way!

For years Cory had been able to duck most of her attempts while at the same time avoiding insulting the old lady. That was Cory, ever polite and NICE but always managing to glide around obstacles, like water, and finally get his own way. Then the old lady passed away and Cory found himself the heir of a substantial fortune. Provided he spent one complete year as a girl of course.

I Fod yn Rhywun Gwahanol

I fod yn Rhywun Gwahanol
(To Be a Different Someone)

Here is the original story that I submitted to my former publisher (the now defunct Torquere Press).
There were a few changes:

Debriefings 25

Debriefings 25

Anam Chara

Along life’s journey we each encounter those events where all that we know, all that we do, and all that we are may change. But even as we approach such events, we don’t always notice their markers until we look behind us and see them for what they were.

One boy is about to learn that he has already passed such an event, and nothing will ever be quite the same…

Hard Time - Part 2


Hard Time - Part 2
by Melanie Brown
Copyright  © 2021 Melanie Brown

Jason falls victim to judicial overreach

This story takes place in the not too distant future -- Ed

Hard Time


Hard Time - Part 1
by Melanie Brown
Copyright  © 2021 Melanie Brown

Jason falls victim to judicial overreach

This story takes place in the not too distant future -- Ed

Ashley, part 19

“Me next! Me next!” Dorothy squeaks, bouncing up and down with excitement as I put the finishing touches to the pink lipstick I’ve applied to Cassie’s mouth.

“Okay, okay, calm down!” I giggle, before kneeling down next to the six-year-old girl and carefully applying the sweet-tasting cosmetic to her lips. “Now remember, this is a one-time treat, okay? And you have to wash it off before you go to bed.”

“Aww…” Dorothy pouts, making me giggle.

“And no kissing Eddy either!” I chastise. “You’re lucky that mum and dad agreed to this!”

Amy's Day Off - part 3

The rest of the day at school I had classes with Nicola so we sat together and I had to keep reminding myself not to be so girly in public, but at least for the first time, I now felt that I had a BFF I could be a girl with. I also realised that I had now seen another erection, and Bev was right, I am a lucky girl, but not by much. It also occurred to me that I had held another man’s cum, even if it was in his used condom.

The Teacher: An Illustrated Story - 2


Allan Rogers loves teaching community college and running stats for the football team. What happens when he gets involved with a secret genomic project in his spare time and who will he be after? I light, fun illustrated story!

The Teacher: An Illustrated Story - 1


Allan Rogers loves teaching community college and running stats for the football team. What happens when he gets involved with a secret genomic project in his spare time and who will he be after? I light, fun illustrated story!

Summer's Current 4: Summer's Past- Chapters 6-9

Summer's Current 4:
Summer's Past

It took most of the remaining hour for Dr.Smithe to review and comment on my calculated area requirements and wafer composition for the proposed, prototype emitter. In the end, he could find no errors in my math and gave me approval to send it to our drafting department then to the process printer for manufacture.
The rest of my Saturday was spent catching up on my class assignments and composing a report on the fall of ‘Modern’ Society in Ancient Rome for Western Civ.
Chen and I had agreed to meet again tomorrow morning around 10AM.

Totes Adorbs Chapter 1

I always wanted to be Wonder Woman.
Was never a fan of Supergirl…or Marvel comics…a lot of plunging necklines but not a lot of character development which really sucks, but, hey, to each their own.
Magic lasso that tells the truth?
Yes, please.
The ability to fly?
I’ll take the invisible jet or the power to skip around the clouds. I’m not picky like that.

Summer's Current 4: Summer's Past- Chapters 1-5

Summer’s Current 4:
Summer’s Past

The thick morning fog was just starting to lift as I made my way onto campus and across it to my first class. Above, the sun- a subdued, dull glow- diligently fought to penetrate the gray, muting murkiness and bring about a happier start to the day.

Family Business Part 15

“Mouse, I’m going to give you access to Eruption Communications satellite system. You should be able to monitor all cellphone calls coming and going from the US Marshal’s office.” Anika sits down at the dining room table where Mouse’s laptop was sitting.

Lilly, Zoey, US Marshal Weather, and Ashley didn’t know Mouse brought her laptop with her.

“How do you have access to a telecommunications companies satellite system?” Marshal Weather looks at Anika.

“Because I work there, and my brother owns it.” Anika looks at Marshal Weather when she responds to him.

A different Angel 10

Ada 10

“look Richie ya shudden get too close to ma” Steph said sadly.
“lemme be the judge of that Steph, I'd call ya a friend and friends dun let friends suffer”
That caused her to look more closely at Richard and the haunted look softened. She let out a shuddering sigh and moved round to face him.
“I'm kinda special Richie, ya see I was called Stephen, but I kinda don't feel like a him”


A Different Angel 10.


Arya wipes the sweat away from his forehead as he picks up litter around the community pool area. He would love to go swimming. He admires the girls in their swimsuits. He loved how the swimsuits looked on them and wish he could wear one. He has always loved women's clothing, especially some of the more revealing and sexy lingerie women had available to them. He hated being a male.

Educating Special Boys in the Feminist Republic: Chapter 7 Transition Summer

In the near future the Great Social Transformation has created a society in which women hold all the authority and power. Men remain uneducated and are restricted to mindless labor. But the Feminist Republic does not waste science and math talent, and has provided an alternative for a few Special Boys.

In Part 1 Kaylie succeeded in proving her intellectual and social merits and was approved for gender reassignment. The summer will be time for discovery about her new identity and relationships. History reading reveals how the Feminists were able to gain power.

I Wish Book 5: Chapter 1

Shannon O'Reilly was bullied and everything his older sister wasn't. When his sister Sarah gives him a chance to change things through a single wish things don't go as planned.


I Wish: Book 5
Chapter 1

As soon as I was standing and we both got a good look at one another, Rebecca and I said in stereo, “What is she doing here?!”

Pete's Vagina -1- First and Goal

Pete woke up this morning with a problem. Can he still play football if he doesn't have all his equipment?

Pete's Vagina
1. First and Goal
by Erin Halfelven

A Better Mousy Trap

This is one of my rare sequels. Quite obviously it’s a sequel to Mousy Trap, well, sort of.
However, it can read as a stand-alone story.

I’m Jane. I don’t fit in. I’m a girl despite what I look like. I’m weird. I’m a tomboy, a terrible one. I’m an outsider.
And that was already before we moved and I had to change schools before my sophomore year in high school.

That’s how I presented myself the first day in the new high school

St Francis of Asissies Correctional Academy Part 4


This is the longest story I have written so far. There is some dark stuff involving forced sex change and prostitution in the Matron's back story.
Thanks to Annabel for editing.

The old wind-up alarm clock woke the girls at an unfamiliar 7am. Dani arose first and made his way to the bathroom. He hiked up his babydoll, then realised it was too short to get in the way. He looked down at the sea of pink froth that was his underwear. He felt sick.


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