
Looking for a long forgotten story

Hey folks,

After a long time I find myself longing to re-read a story. How nice, you might say, but why put that in a blogpost? Well, the thing is that I remember neither the title nor the author. What I do remember is the following:

The title I think was a greek word
Our protagonist starts out as a witness, goes undercover as a girl, helped by a special division of spies/super cops. These are all trans girls, but the company gives them very high end tools, indistinguishable from the real thing. Near the end of the story she becomes part of the organisation officially, and gets to live her life as a girl. If I remember right, she set herself up to be a witness with that exact result in mind.

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Unfolding World Online: Hello, World! - Chapter 1


Hello, World!


Chapter 1: Getting Classy


The first thing I noticed entering the world was the cool breeze on my skin. For a moment I kept my eyes closed, and took it all in. There was the smell of fresh grass, the birds sang their little hearts out, and the world felt…. Fresh.

I opened my eyes to find myself standing in one of the many little parks that were scattered throughout Threefold. It was such a familiar sight; I’d spent days just wandering the streets of Threefold, and here I was once again. It was exactly as I remembered and yet so much more. The breeze became a bit more pronounced, and I looked down to see if I was dressed right at least.

Unfolding World Online: Hello, World! - Prologue


Hello, World!


Prologue: The final countdown


Time it seemed had slowed down. And not in the fun way, not in the Unfolding World Online way. UWO had a time dilation system, time would actually slow down artificially. Ok, so time is not really affected of course, but our perception of time is, which is as good as the real thing. There were whole research papers on the effects of time dilation on the human brain and body, they were publicly available. I had even once given it a shot, to try and learn more about it, but the dryness of the content had me quickly giving up on it. Everyone in the end agreed it was safe for use when the proper safeguards were in place, and that was what mattered for me.

The Power of Belief

Shared beliefs will change the world.

This story is based more or less on a theory that I like quite a bit. Has the world always been a sphere, or did the common belief of millions shape the world when a plausible theory had been found? In what way do expectations influence the result? Do we believe we can go to the moon because we can, or can we go to the moon because we believe we can? Our protagonist is about to find out what the expectations of millions can do to you.

This story is a repost (after editing and fixing the tense) from my original post on fictionmania in 2003

CastleFest 2012

So... I went all out for this years castlefest, and I have to say I'm more then pleased with the results :)

For those who are wondering, Castlefest is a fantasy /Steampunk festival here in the Netherlands.


edited to include the second pic.. something went wrong there

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Avatar: True to Yourself - Chapter 1

A "What If" retelling of Avatar. What if Jake's wheelchair wasn't his only problem?
What if it wasn't Tom that should've gone to Pandora - but Jake's twin sister, Jill?


True to Yourself

by Amber Willow

Drabble Theatre: You are gay, aren't you?

“Mom, dad, there’s something I have to tell you. I don’t quite know where to start…” Mark sat nervously on his chair, his parents on the couch across him. Though his parents seemed relaxed he felt like it was the inquisition.

Practical Occult

This here is an old story I wrote before I started transitioning, when i still went under the nick Arice McQueen. After the long downtime of FM I wanna make sure my story is safe if one site goes down. It's not my best work, but I hope you'll all enjoy.

What would happen if your body died while having an out of body experience?

Practical Occult

By Amber Willow

A thirst for change: Chapters 11 and 12

Chapter 11: Against all odds

I woke up feeling good. Better than good even, I felt great. Was I in heaven? I don’t think I should be, they say suicides go straight to hell. But if I was in hell, why did I feel so good? Hell wasn’t supposed to feel good... hell was supposed to feel… well, like hell I guess.

A thirst for change: Chapters 9 and 10

Chapter 9: All alone

I stumbled out of bed. I was a wreck. I hadn’t been able to sleep at all, all I’d been able to think about was Joanne. I needed to pull myself together. I got up, brushed my teeth and took my pills. I went through all the motions, but my heart really wasn’t in it.

A thirst for change: Chapters 7 and 8


She looked at me intensely, and asked, “Do you believe in love at first sight?”

Not trusting my voice I nodded slowly, never breaking eye contact. She leaned a little bit closer and kissed me full on the lips. I swear I could hear music playing as fireworks burst in front of my eyes. The lush softness of her lips, the scent of her hair had my world quivering beneath my feet. After what felt like an eternity but was still way too short she broke off the kiss. I felt her teeth scratch my lip. She noticed and licked the drop off blood off of my lips, looking as content as I felt.

A thirst for change: Chapters 5 and 6

Chapter 5: Like night and day

-- since some couldnt read the note, i've changed it from script font to just italic. Just imagine it was handwritten.

Dearest stranger,

I know you have been around my house for a while now. I’ve noticed things that have been misplaced, little things that have changed. At first I thought I was going crazy, and maybe I have. But I don’t think so. I think you are real and that maybe you are thinking the same thing about me. Please meet with me tonight in the main hall, just after the sun has set.

Yours sincerely,

A thirst for change: Chapters 3 and 4


As we walked up to the mansion my jaw dropped. I looked at my sister with big question marks in my eyes, and she laughed out loud as she said, “Yep, Sis. This is the real deal. This is where you are going to live for at least a little while. Now, follow me. I used my shifting powers to get inside and I actually found the keys to one of the side doors.”

A thirst for change: Chapters 1 and 2


“Did you get your new prescription yet?” Cathy asked. Not that it was a real prescription; they wouldn’t give me an official prescription yet. Next year I’d go visit the doctor. It wasn’t till I was 16 that they would start with official hormone treatments. But for now I had to stop the damage that was being done by my birth defect.

Firefox's blackbox

Is there anyone out there who knows how to get rid of the black rectangle/black box that overlaps the stories? It happens with firefox, i've seen it on multiple machines, and have had the problem on both xp and vista.

It's not selectable, i can get to the text beneath by copy pasting it, but it detracts from an otherwise very good reading experience.


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My 2 humans.

It all started this morning. I was resting on the heater, letting the warmth soak into my fur and flesh. I had been well fed had just finished grooming myself, and was thoroughly enjoying not doing anything at all. One of my humans, the girl, was moving about the room, seeming to be almost floating. She picked up something here, put it down there, came by for quick scritchie, moved along to move something else. This human seemed obsessed with placing things in other spots.. Silly humans, but what can one do?

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