TopShelf's October 2010 All Hallows Eve Contest Results!

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And Now for the Winners of the October 2010 All Hallows Eve Contest...






First Place was won by one of our old Pros here at TopShelf.
She is known for her variety of talent and surprises in writing.
It's no surprise to me that she put a lot of effort into her submission.
Please welcome, our First Place winner...


First Place with 90 Kudos!!! (And this is a really good story too!)



Second Place, unlike First, was won by one of our newer authors here at TopShelf.
She is bright, has a lovely style, and grabs your attention and emotions in her works.
The Scary thing however, was that the race for Second place was down to 1 razor thin Kudo!!!
Struggling out to be the victor,
and with works such as
"Becoming Robin", "Shadowcraft: Aria Blade", and "One Heart to Another,"
it is my pleasure to introduce her,
our Second Place winner...

Second Place with 67 Kudos!!!


A Trick ... or a Treat?
by Zoe Taylor

Copyright © 2010 Zoe Taylor
All Rights Reserved.


The struggle for Second Place was awful fierce,
yet having fought the good fight,
our Third Place winner was won by one of TopShelf's favorite authors!!!
She is known for her works such as
"The Price to Pay", "The Butterfly Effect", and "The Gift of the Red Planet,"
Please welcome
TopShelf's Third Place winner...

Third Place with 66 Kudos!!!


I was lost.

I was wet through.

The cold rain was battering my face mercilessly.

I was running for my life.

Mollies' Revenge
by Alys

Copyright © 2010 Alys
All Rights Reserved.


But that's not all!!!

There were 3 other very close winners that came close to 2nd place in the fight of Kudos!!!
I decided that I couldn't let their struggle to win go unnoticed.
So I created a Fourth Place.
All 3 of them and they will equally get the prize for Fourth place!!!
So please give our Fourth Place Winners,
a warm round of applause!
TopShelf's Fourth Place winners,...

Fourth Place with 60 Kudos!!!


by Maeryn Lamonte

Michael’s new apartment is too good to be true. Immense, beautifully furnished and cheaper than his last place.
Sometimes when fortune smiles you smile back and accept what it offers you.
Other times, with Halloween just round the corner and a killer on the loose,
it might have been as well to ask a few questions first…


Fourth Place with 58 Kudos!!!


Tomas remembers the blue dress that had enraptured him one Halloween and how magical it had made him feel.

Momento Mori
by Heather O'Malley

Copyright© 2010 by Heather O'Malley
All Rights Reserved.


Fourth Place with 56 Kudos!!!


Joss Whedon portrayed it right. High school really is hell. At least mine was.
A genuine monster came to my school, and I was one of those who lived to tell the story.
Sometimes I envy those who didn’t survive….

by Dorothy Colleen

Copyright© 2010 by Dorothy Colleen
All Rights Reserved.



We Need Maggie Finson, Zoe Taylor, Alys,
Maeryn Lamonte, Heather O'Malley and Dorothy Colleen
to please PM me with your mailing addresses and legal name for me to mail
or the account to send by Paypal your Cash Prizes!

And Now... for the Runner-Ups!
In no particular order

Jason Strikes Out by Angela Rasch
Fangs Ain’t What They Used To Be By Susan Brown
The Case of the Perfect Picture by Armond
Playtime by Cyclist
Why Did I Ever Agree To Do THAT? By Billiebob
Halloween: brings out the best and worst. by Jennifer Sue
Lost in the Myth of the Sleepy Eye Lights by Angela Rasch
Are We There Yet? by BillieBob
Lucy and the Ghost by Kristine Roland

October 2010 All Hallows Eve Contest Honourable Mentions
In no particular order

The Soul of Man by Jaye Michael
O My Son, My Daughter Absolom! 1 by The Rev. Anam Chara
Bewitched By Topsy
Cutting Edge by Barbara Lynn Terry
Demon of the Fallen Angels by Charlotte Dickles
Abby Normal by Jennifer Brock
A Journey Off The Beaten Path by Barbara Lynn Terry
November brings out the creeping shadows by Omri
La Suite Danse Macabre 1 by The Rev. Anam Chara
Night of the Werebabies by Heather Rose Brown
Teacher's Pets by Jengrl
Cinderella Zombie by SuZie
Caught Behind the Mask by Zoulless
Oww!!! by Lauren Renée
Everett by Lauren Renée
The Resurrection of Mary Baker By Louise Anne Smithson
October’s Bright Blue “Whether” by Angela Rasch
One of My Teachers By BillieBob
The Blood Red Tombstone by Jengrl
Need by Faeriemage
The Topshelf Mash by Kate Hart
Her Diary - 1980: November 1st by Faeriemage
This Trick's a REAL TREAT! by PattieBFine
The Halloween Party From Hell! by PattieBFine
A Trio of Terrifying Tunes Submitted by Lauren Renée
Silver Blood: The Cost By Stanman63
The Demon (Inspired by "The Raven" by Edgar Allen Poe) by MonaLisa
Mi Esperanza by Kaptin Nibbles
S.R.U. Silver Blood: Frankenwoman By Stanman63

I would like to thank everyone who took the time to participate by submitting entries and for those who took the time to, not only read our wonderful entries, but to actually vote using our Kudo system! In every sense of the word, all of you who entered the contest are winners!!! I wish I had the funding to pay everyone who took the time and entered, but... I simply don't have the resources. This is what BigCloset TopShelf is all about! Writing, Reading, Commenting, and Participating.

I will return with presenting the December 2010 Santa's Helper Contest!





Sephrena Lynn Miller
BigCloset TopShelf

Image Credits: Images All Hallows Eve Rhyme,   Haunted House,   Elvira
Want to host a Story Challenge or a Prize Contest on BigCloset TopShelf?
PM Erin for details and time periods available ^^



Original Comments

I spent 4 and half hours

Submitted by Sephrena Lynn Miller on Sun, 2010/11/07 - 9:52am.

collating the results and coding this page. I'm pooped ^^


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First off.

Submitted by Maggie_Finson on Sun, 2010/11/07 - 10:03am.

Thank you, Sephrena for all the behind the scenes work you do around here, and for running such entertaining contests.

Second, thanks to all of you who voted, commented on, and read 'Haunting'. There were a lot of really good stories in this contest and I know it took a lot of time to read them all.

Third, congratulations to the other winners, and everyone else who contributed a tale to this contest. It takes time, effort, and sometimes nerve to write and post a story and everyone put those thing in with their contributed stories, so in that way all of us win because of the shared tales that resulted.

Thank you again, all. For everything.


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Thanks for the Inspiration

Submitted by Alys on Sun, 2010/11/07 - 10:18am.


Thanks so much for organising this contest and all the fantastic graphics associated with it, especially this stunning results presentation.

I am extremely grateful to you for inspiring me to actually write something new after such a long time although without my regular companion 'Insomnia' I would have failed to reach the deadline :-)

Congratulations to Maggie for producing such a wonderful story and to everyone else who participated.

Please use my prize as a donation to either general Big Closet funds or towards the cost of the next contest whichever makes more sense.



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Thanks from me too

Submitted by cyclist on Sun, 2010/11/07 - 10:21am.

It got me writing things I normally wouldn't....and congrats to the winners

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Hip-hip Hooray!!!

Submitted by Faraway on Sun, 2010/11/07 - 12:58pm.

Congratulations, best wishes, BIIIIIIIIIG HUGS to everyone! ^_^

Oh, and just for fun, Alys has managed to score smack in the milestone of 66 kudos! :)

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Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
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An excellent

Submitted by Alison Mary on Sun, 2010/11/07 - 3:36pm.


'and well deserved result,with all thanks going to Sephrena for a marvelous job once again. She also deserves your kudos!
But Maggie,you were a stand out favorite and well deserved winner.

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i won 4th?

Submitted by dorothycolleen on Sun, 2010/11/07 - 4:58pm.

wow! I am speechless. (and anybody who knows me knows how rare that is)


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I am stunned. I thought for

Submitted by poetheather on Sun, 2010/11/07 - 9:07pm.

I am stunned. I thought for sure that with 58 kudos that there was no way I could even be remotely close to winning. I am excited about sharing 4th. Thank you one and all for voting on my story. Squee!

I am in great company.


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Late as usual...

Submitted by Maeryn Lamonte on Mon, 2010/11/08 - 4:01am. adding my comments, but more or less a variation on all that's gone before.

A major, major thanks to Sephrena for organising and running the competition; so much work involved and so much less enjoyable than actually writing something (IMHO at least).

Really thrilled with the placement, and major congrats to the other winners - all very much deserved.

Thanks also to all those who voted. The sound of your approval is grist to my mill.

Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you (curtsies and picks up flowers, blows kisses to the audience)


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