Sad State

A word from our sponsor:

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You know, since I began here at BCTS, I have seen a gradual changeover of the readership. It's in the tastes of the types of fiction that they like. We went from one day being a site that had readers starved for fiction, to one where now something barely even gets read much less commented on.

The authors here are not demanding anything for their works except that occasional kudo and comment. It cannot be that hard to comment. What about that story made you feel good? Or bad? Anything?

But the sad truth of the matter is that we have already lost authors due to a lack of commenting. We have lost giants in the field of TG Fiction. They went out our door and began to self publish. While I wholeheartedly support that for them, another part of me is crying that they left us.

So what I am trying to say to our readership is please please please... comment! Say something to our authors who come here daily to publish.

If you don't say something now, they will not be here tomorrow.

...And neither will we.




Melanie Brown's picture

The fact that this post has garnered no comments itself pretty much speaks volumes.


I feel stupid

just saying "I liked it." That's what the kudos are for. I'll comment if I have something meaningful to say. Maybe authors should look at kudos as well as comments?


Erisian's picture

I love kudos, and it's always neat to see them tick upward. But a comment, even if it only says, "Hey, thought this was cool", totally makes my day. Every time.

Why the difference you may wonder? Well, a kudos updoot is anonymous - we have no idea who did it. A comment though puts an identity to someone out there appreciating our writing, and therefore feels more 'real'. Yes, identities through the internet are also anonymous...but a handle can be spotted on other comments / blogposts and recognized. It's different, even if just from a psychological viewpoint. :)

So don't ever feel stupid for simple comments like those. Please! They're worth so much more than the kudos counter going blip.