Sad State

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You know, since I began here at BCTS, I have seen a gradual changeover of the readership. It's in the tastes of the types of fiction that they like. We went from one day being a site that had readers starved for fiction, to one where now something barely even gets read much less commented on.

The authors here are not demanding anything for their works except that occasional kudo and comment. It cannot be that hard to comment. What about that story made you feel good? Or bad? Anything?

But the sad truth of the matter is that we have already lost authors due to a lack of commenting. We have lost giants in the field of TG Fiction. They went out our door and began to self publish. While I wholeheartedly support that for them, another part of me is crying that they left us.

So what I am trying to say to our readership is please please please... comment! Say something to our authors who come here daily to publish.

If you don't say something now, they will not be here tomorrow.

...And neither will we.




Melanie Brown's picture

The fact that this post has garnered no comments itself pretty much speaks volumes.


I feel stupid

just saying "I liked it." That's what the kudos are for. I'll comment if I have something meaningful to say. Maybe authors should look at kudos as well as comments?


Erisian's picture

I love kudos, and it's always neat to see them tick upward. But a comment, even if it only says, "Hey, thought this was cool", totally makes my day. Every time.

Why the difference you may wonder? Well, a kudos updoot is anonymous - we have no idea who did it. A comment though puts an identity to someone out there appreciating our writing, and therefore feels more 'real'. Yes, identities through the internet are also anonymous...but a handle can be spotted on other comments / blogposts and recognized. It's different, even if just from a psychological viewpoint. :)

So don't ever feel stupid for simple comments like those. Please! They're worth so much more than the kudos counter going blip.

I apologize

gillian1968's picture

I’m too much of just a reader, although I try to give almost everything I read a kudos.

Thanks to all the wonderful writers who continue to contribute here.

Gillian Cairns

To be quite honest, most of

To be quite honest, most of the stories posted just don't call to me. A lot of the authors that wrote interesting works.. left. They lost interest and abandoned the site, they left claiming they were being abused by comments, they went off on random tangents or tried to set up their own sites, or have just plain disappeared.

Over the years, there's been a shift in the types of stories posted. They've cycled from SF, to fantasy, to superhero, past, future, alternate reality, and always also had a core of crossdressing/tv/real life. So, my tastes themselves haven't changed, but the content has. No, I can't give you chapter and verse (or rather, won't. It's not important.)

I _do_ regularly post on the works that I read - just ask Amethyst, StickMaker, or Erisian. (I'd say others, but they've been inactive or deceased for a while).

I will admit that the constant "Kindle, Kindle, Kindle " pushing turns me off (it's often hard to see when something's actually updated). It's not just here, other sites I frequent do it as well. I'll save my arguments for and against it, and how to manage it, for a more appropriate venue.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

I think that needed saying

bryony marsh's picture

I, too, find that I don't read much on here, nowadays.

If, when I sign in, I find that the recent content is "... part X" or "... chapter Y" that's something I'm going to skip. Your mileage may vary, of course, but I don't read works in progress. My reading time is limited and I'd rather buy something in finished condition.

I wonder if we might be coming at this wrong. Is this a story site, or a writers' group? Anything I've posted here has already been seen by the folks in my writers' group and it will have been through several iterations. I don't need "attagirl, keep going" type feedback because anything I post is complete. I don't need plot ideas for the same reason. If writers genuinely need help or encouragement, perhaps they need writers... and readers only later. This idea of feedback from readers is, well... it's something different.

To my mind, the kudos thumb thing serves only to hint at a decline in readership. (I wouldn't blame the BC crew if they don't want to discuss actual daily visitor numbers... but we only have to look at the stories of a few years ago to see that they got a lot more reads.)

I'm not one of those authors who was 'lost' to commercial publishing (per the OP's message) as I was already on Amazon when I joined BC. I think we have the best of both worlds where people can access stories absolutely free... and choose to buy other ones if they want to part with their money. The only thing I really detest is the story thieves who lift the work of dead authors and list it on Amazon. Scumbags.

Oh - and it saddens me that Angela Rasch feels she can't publish the stories that are her best work. Angela - I don't usually bother with the thumb thing, but if you or anybody else writes something with some sex in it, I'll make an exception. Don't censor yourself and don't let anybody else do it either! (Or post it on Fictionmania...)


Sugar and Spiiice – TG Fiction by Bryony Marsh

It's amazing how important comments are

Angharad's picture

Or occasional PMs ( no not that sort of female crabbiness) I have several times considered leaving the site or stopping my posting here, but as quite a few readers have told me that my writing helped them in some way, I feel a need not to abandon them although I know plenty of readers have abandoned me.

I read very few stories here these days, I don't like superheroes or fantasy or much sci-fi, preferring stories of a form of real-life like Alyssa Plant's delightful tale of transitioning while of school-age. I read every comment or PM and although I admit I do notice kudos, it is anonymous and while I appreciate some people are paranoid over being outed, it is also almost automatic unless the author wrote something you don't like. The readership are different from when I first posted here, less committed, more selfish and harder to please.

Some authors are more popular than others, that I understand and I wish them luck, being British means I'm not as popular, again I understand as the cultures are different but I won't apologise for using British English or moaning about some stupid Americanisms which have obviously missheard the original expression but I could care less ( that expression doesn't make sense, it's I couldn't care less) and obviously I do care but I'm increasingly in a minority these days.



I am sorry you feel this way. I am not reading as much at the moment because of time, and there are certain authors which I look every day to see if they have updated any of their stories. I will not name drop who because it is unfair to them for me to do so in this message.
I agree with you, I am not as much into the mythological, science fiction, super hero. I like stories where I can relate to the main character. I am fine pushing plausability, but not moving so far into the impossibility that it loses any connection to reality.
Having said that, there are some authors whose ability to transcend into the impossible is still an interesting and enjoyable read.
Keep up the good work. It has been a while since I have read you, Sorry. I also do not always leave kudos. I reserve those for stories I thoroughly enjoy and plan to read again.

Well Said

To write effectively, the author must be in the head of all the characters simultaneously. More importantly, the author must be in the head of the reader at all times.

It becomes harder and harder to write when your readers are giving you a blank stare.

This past week I was in Maine visiting a brother. Took my brother-in-law with me. I quit trying to get my family to read my books decades ago. Many of them read Peaches but had little interest in my next few books.

I told my brother and brother-in-law that I've had twenty-two books published on Amazon. I told them that as many as four books have been in the top one hundred sales at one time, in one of several genres. I told them my books have gathered over 20,000 reviews that averaged 4.3 stars.

They asked why I hadn't sent them copies. I said, I went to a place where the readers would tell me what they think. I needed the feedback.

Sometimes even a bad review helps.

We often talk about our muse. Reader's comments are my muse.

In defense of our readers, sometimes reader's wants and authors' preferred genre don't match.

I'm a much better writer when I'm writing forced fem but I know I'll get slammed here if I write forced fem so my best work goes unwritten.

Hits are as important to me as kudos or comments.

Curiously, my forced fem stories gather by far the most hits.

There are so many stories on BC currently that garnering hits is becoming harder.

Fewer hits result in fewer comments.

Thanks for the post. I hope your illness is allowing you to enjoy life.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Secrecy itself is a source of appeal

And there is no rule that everything in mental life need be authorized. I was fortunate to meet a wise elder who taught me that.

People who have been threatened might avoid forced fem due to its portrayal of threats. But I can imagine that for others, stating approval of forced fem might lessen its pleasure: paradoxically, the lack of kudos and comments might signal a story’s appeal. We humans are strange.

My own dislike for forced fem……

D. Eden's picture

Comes from the fact that it makes me uncomfortable - no, that is not strong enough. I find it upsetting, both emotionally and physically. I have seen too much evil in this world, and also seen the resulting pain and loss from it. Unlike many of your readers, I spent a large portion of my life in some of the worst shitholes in the world, and have seen things which I still revisit in my nightmares. I have seen real evil, and seeing it recreated in fiction is not appealing to me.

One of the things that has always bothered me about forced fem is the supposition that the perpetrator is force feminizing the victim because they love them! This is not love - it is violence and sadism. Forcing someone to do something against their will is not an act of love, even if the author attempts to justify it after the fact by trying to show that the victim is happier as they are, and didn’t know that they would prefer to be feminized. That’s just another example of claiming that the ends justify the means - which is BS.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

Not a Simple Answer

BarbieLee's picture

Giving a response to a story requires a lot more than a simple like or dislike take on the tale. As there are authors who really are world class writers, there are others who are stringing words together and not very well. There is the problem is most authors don't take criticism very well or not at all. There are readers who haven't a clue how to critique a story without slicing and dicing it along with attacking the author. Readers who didn't like the way the story plot was written as it wasn't the way they would have wrote it. Provided they could write a story in the first place.

The author went and gave birth to his or her child, the story, and posted it. Let's say it was good to excellent writing and a great story. Congratulation it's a pretty baby, comments are posted. Only a few authors on this site understand the next relationship between them and their readers.

She isn't the only one but I'm going to use Emma Anna Tate as a prime example. Readers who comment on her story receive a response from Emma herself. Think of it as receiving acknowledge from one's movie star, pop singer, or heart throb. The reader has been given an emotional boost they were acknowledge by one of the Great Writers. You can bet your last lucky dime the next story from said author is going to get a comment about his or her story. Comments are a two way street. Authors, you want comments, let your readers know you appreciate them.

Sadly, I come from an industry where response to submissions were never answered if the manuscript didn't fit in the genre of the stories published. Unsolicited manuscripts hit the trash almost faster than they made it in house. Even accepted manuscripts without a synopsis were tossed. If the author received a response, it was a postcard, NOT ACCEPTED.

BCTS is a godsend to all kinds of writers and I find I have landed in publisher's heaven. Virtually everyone gets to submit and have their story posted, no rejects that I have read about. Some of the finest writers to put ink to paper post on this site and I'm privileged to read their story. If a million dollars of push was behind them like all the writers who get notice on New York Times Best Seller List receive, they would headline that list. The game book critics and publishers play is blood thirsty and costs millions to play in their casino. Hillary Clinton is an excellent example. She was paid millions for a book her spook writer wrote, it sold a few thousand and the rest went to remainders and the dump. Welcome to the league of Dead Tree writing and publishing.

Thank God most here haven't been tainted by the world of politics in the world of publishing. A few tears, a few hurt feelings, a few broken hearts isn't like losing one's home, their life savings, their job, their family. The authors here didn't bet everything when they met the sharks massaging their ego telling them their manuscript was the best. All it needed was a little push, money, to be a number one best seller.

Instead they met one of the kindest, bestest, publishers in the world. Erin and the girls who keep BCTS open for all writers who want to share their story with anyone who would like to read it.
Hugs Ms Sephrena Lynn Miller
Barbie Jean

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

What Can I do?

I try Barbie. Lord knows I try. But there are some things here that I cannot succeed with. I figured I would try to help the authors little with the lack of comments. I have had authors come to me saying they didn't they would not be writing anymore due to the lack of comments. Well, it seems, even writing this blog is not the best thing to do either. I am damned if I do. Damned if I don't. What do I do?

I even considered pulling the Christmas contest itself because of the huge lack of response. Melanie Brown begged me not to. I am not sure what to do here anymore. Yes I want to help the authors. Yes I would like there to be a new fresh supply of critical readers for them to hone their craft. Yes, we have lost a lot of great authors as well. And yes, I know most of us here probably wouldn't pass those supposed "Publishers" first firewall. But what can we do?

What can I do?

My music representing me
Unite, Ending 2, Full Mode - Accel World:
Unite, Ending 2, Instrumental Only, Full Mode - Accel World:


Erisian's picture

Christmas is still months away, and likely anyone working on a Christmas entry will want to post it much closer to the actual holiday - as posting Christmas-themed stories right now seems odd, given there's still Halloween and Thanksgiving yet to go. And with the voting on Patreon, authors will want their posted works to be 'fresher' in readers' minds at the time of voting.

Having multiple contests running concurrent likely also divides attention between them, though that's just my opinion. :)

How can I help our authors any more than I am doing now?

Could Be. I considered that also. It's just I gave so much leeway time for it, I would have thought people would have piled into it sort of. Obviously, I was wrong. So again I am back to square one. As with the everything else, what could I do better to spur on the imagination of our authors to get them inspired to write entries for our contests? If I knew THAT answer, I would surely be doing that for them now.

How can I help our authors any more than I am doing now? This is the question I am asking. I hope I can find an answer soon. I don't have much time left.

My music representing me
Unite, Ending 2, Full Mode - Accel World:
Unite, Ending 2, Instrumental Only, Full Mode - Accel World:

Deadlines are often considered as "not much before"

I don't have any good answers to the fundamental problems facing this site (surprise!).
One problem is that we compare the present situation with the "Golden Days". One question we should ask is whether this is a good site now, even if it's not as great as it used to be. Still, using a shorter timeframe the readership now is vastly improved compared with August :)

However, when I break things down to smaller bits and have a look at them I find that:
* I personally appreciate and respect what you are doing. I would be very surprised indeed if I'm the only one.

* People have a tendency to work close to dead-lines for many reasons so there will be more stories.
If you have a look at the three contests during Fall the participation appeared to be weak at the September caption contest and then they dropped in and there was a fair bunch of them in the end. The Halloween contest stood at 0 particpants for a long time but now they start flowing in. I expect that this will be repeated with the December contest.

* I personally appreciate your comments. Perhaps I don't write that many new stories at present due to a reason unconnected to BCTS but I really do appreciate your comments.

* I'd never have completed "Death in Venice Beach" without you. Not exactly the most popular story I have written but I'm glad that I wrote it, and in particular that I finally finished it. Personal satisfaction is not always related to hundreds and hundreds of kudos

So regardless of any other things going on, you have my personal gratitude

I Love You Bru! *hugs*

Thank you so much. Even as I'm writing this and very much in agonizing pain, I thank you so much! I'm glad you are one of three active supporters I have and the most vocal of the bunch! If I did that for you, I feel my stay here has been worthwhile. I may not have much time left and the pain is starting to stack up, but its people like you that bring a bright spot in an otherwise dull day for myself.

*hugs* May you have a blessed day Bru!!!!!!

My music representing me
Unite, Ending 2, Full Mode - Accel World:
Unite, Ending 2, Instrumental Only, Full Mode - Accel World:

The Times

BarbieLee's picture

Sugar, people are fighting to survive with inflation taking everything and more than they make. The depression and oppression of a presidential election looming upon us. More than half the nation is suffering under a heatwave and drought. Taxpayers are supporting illegals, wars, bloated government. I suspect a lot of people are trying to forget the problems with alcohol or drugs, rather than enjoying a relaxing evening in the imagination zone writing. Government destroyed millions of mom and pop businesses with the Covid shut down. Now they are predicting another follow up and more doom and gloom. Lives and futures are being destroyed by and or for against everything by those in government passing laws for everything and any thing. Others think their way to wealth is sue anyone, right or wrong. Other think stealing everything the other person isn't hugging is their right. All the ills of this great nation paints a very bleak future for everyone except the millionaires and politicians. Even if they can't see it, they can feel it.

For many, one's muse or alter ego isn't going to come out in the middle of a maelstrom this nation, this world has turned into. The dock workers strike loomed up and I purchased enough beans, rice, lintels, canned goods to hopefully weather out another empty grocery store experience. Georgia peaches, cotton and the food products made from cotton, the wheat, rice, over a two hundred billion dollar agricultural loss happened from the hurricane. Think of the lives, families destroyed, the homes, businesses, manufacturing destroyed, close to a trillion dollars. Graft, corruption, stealing, looting, is rampant. Relief supplies are being horded by those who are part of the law. Relief flown in, and rescue by private citizens, they were told they would be arrested if they rescued anyone and didn't leave. Damn Red Neck Hill Billy, you're on my turf, mentality.

Hugs Sephrena, Unless you can change human nature, right the world, I strongly suggest you take the prayer of serenity into your heart and soul to understand your place in this world.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Barbie Jean, "Thank you for this day O Lord. May you bless me, walk with me, and guide me. In Jesus name I ask of these things. Amen"

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

As an author, it is hard not getting feedback

Avia Conner's picture

I have written a lot of stories for BC. A few years ago I had several stories generating over 40 comments. Now, I’m lucky to get 10. I was so dismayed at the lack of comments after book two of a trilogy that I shelved the idea and never started it. The reason I write is for my own release but hearing from someone that says it moved, thrilled, helped them gives me more desire to write more. I hope readers see this blog post.

I for one saw it……..

D. Eden's picture

And I understand how you feel. Please see my comment regarding how, why, and when I comment.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

As one who has spent my entire life…….

D. Eden's picture

Managing people in one way or another, first scholastically through sports as well as in academic pursuits, then as an officer in the service of my country, later in my civilian profession, and possibly most importantly as a parent, I understand that positive reinforcement is one of the key tools.

Having said that, as a reader I try to leave comments when I read a story. However, I will also admit that there are times when I do not, being satisfied with only clicking the kudos button. Sometimes, even though I like a story, there just isn’t a comment that comes to mind - other than the fact that it is a good story, and I have left that comment before. But it feels like too little, like I am doing it just because I have to. So I try to leave more. Also, if I am reading a serial, I may not comment on every posting - just on the ones that stir the most thought and emotion.

I also will say that as a reader I not only am not tempted to read every story, but I couldn’t even if I wanted to. This is kind of a catch 22 - with not much more than a title and author’s name to look at, there isn’t a lot to catch the readers attention. The catch 22 here is that it is often a reader’s comments which will convince me to read a story - so without comments, I am not likely to read or comment, lol. In other words, no comments equals no comments - or perhaps, more likely, comments drive more comments.

Often, I read a story just because it is by an author I like - or because someone I trust has left a comment about the story. Catch 22 again!

I also sometimes read a story and need to think about it for a while before I comment. I will go back and read the story a second time, and then comment. This means that there may be a delay between the author posting and my comment. And that doesn’t take into account the fact that I am not on the site every day, meaning that there may be days before I even read, let alone comment. And even that doesn’t take into account the fact that I may read a story years after it was first posted and then leave a comment.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus