
Sad State

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You know, since I began here at BCTS, I have seen a gradual changeover of the readership. It's in the tastes of the types of fiction that they like. We went from one day being a site that had readers starved for fiction, to one where now something barely even gets read much less commented on.
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I know it's been awhile...

So... Issue Three sat for a week before I posted it. I love that people were looking forward to it. I thought I procrastinated way too long and there wouldn't be any interest.

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Working on Athena's Wisdom

One of the things I'm wondering about is if I'm making Archie a little too broken here in the beginning. I mean, yes part of writing fiction is torturing your characters for fun and profit. That said, I wonder if I'm being too hard on Archie too soon.

Things aren't going to get better anytime soon. Archie's story has some miles to go before it's done.

Just wondering...

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The methodology of writing.

After years of being a lurker, and that was before I registered on the site, I'm finally taking a more active role. I'll be posting the first chapter of a new story later today. (Yes, if I say that here, then I've got a deadline I have to meet.)

That said, I want to get a discussion going on the writing process itself. I've noticed that the appropriate section of the forums is rather dead. Goes back over 2 years on the first page of threads. So, I'm posting here.

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My Scribbles.

Heyo, your friendly neighborhood Jenn here. I wanted to bend your ear a bit, if i could. I love my readers very much. I love every kudo (I'm addicted to checking) and every comment. I try to pm everyone who comments, if i missed you I'm very sorry. More than a few folks here at BCTS have pointed out I'm kind of a "Debbie downer" when I write. I am working on it, I really am. But on occasion my poison pen manages to produce something not so depressing.

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Couple of things to talk about.

Ok. Folks I've got some stuff to talk about, lend me you ear for a bit. I had a story idea and wrote it out, done right? Nope the idea came from my head but what comes out of my fingers barely resembles the language we call English. If you have been unfortunate to see my first drafts I apologize and hope your eyes recovered after a bit. Why am I telling you this, because I had that story go up today.

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A thank you to everyone, and some good news for once....

In my last blog entry, I broke my usual rigidly-imposed rule and told far more about myself than I would normally allow, especially to people who are relative strangers. That endless rush of fear, frustration, depression and anxiety is a bit embarrassing to me now, upon reflection.

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A wealth of ideas, a poverty of stories...

My first anniversary as a member of this site came and went without any fanfare, but the fact I'd reached that milestone with still no stories posted caused me to wonder: is it unusual for someone here to be part of the site for as long as I have, and yet contribute no stories at all?

Not that I'm lacking for ideas--I have almost too many. Observe below, at these plot synopses taken directly from my notes:

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