Hi everyone,
do you know this phenomenon? The more I write the less time I spend actually reading stuff. I mean I used to check BCTS every few minutes in my free time, but nowadays I'm happy if I manage to read all stories that interest me. I'm pretty sure I missed some, I really should have read. Hell, I have tabs open with stories I want to read, but I don't find the time, because I'm just enjoy writing that much.
Anyway, do you feel the same, or is it maybe the opposite? (I also know that phenomenon ;)
Oh yes
Oh yes, I'm very familiar with that particular phenomenon as I don't seem to read many stories these days. I've even been putting off readings stories by some of my favorite authors which in the past was highly unusual.
Have a delightfully devious day,
We're only human, after all.
I find that you can spend your time reading ten-thousand words, or you can spend your time crafting
five-hundred to a thousand. If you have the desire to craft a work that is better than your previous,
or you are like me and have literary handicaps you must needs overcome, that the effort is a far more
intensive and preoccupying use for a mind. Only a writer, or some another poor soul afflicted with a
similar psychopathy, can understand, because the one or two that I've ever spoken to on this subject,
were in no way surprised by this realization. I think this is something that when you realize it has
sneaked up on you, that you recognize that it is something you might have been justified to expect all
I know
The feeling. Writing is pretty addicting and have little time for anything else. Looking forwards to wrapping up my first season so I can take a little break
People say, "You don't know what you had until it's gone." Very true, but also equally true is, "You don't know what you've been missing until is arrives."
You have just tabs? I found a limit on tabs in firefox and have 4 windows open with stuff i have yet to finish reading.
I write when the mood hits me. But then again I find myself able to type near 100 words a minute, and that shocks me more than you know,so writing a 1000 words doesn't take all that long. I write in spurts though. A couple minutes here a couple there. Then go back read through it copy paste to save my work etc.
Still not yet ready to load up ms office and start on the whole grammer thing yet but getting closer. When I'm ready I will and not before.
I suppose I'm the opposite,
and all my writing is in the form of commentary or blogging. :D
I know doesn't it, especially when my muse is yelling in my ear. Then again lately, work has killed my writing time.
Is fearr Gaeilge briste, ná Béarla clíste.
Broken Irish is better than clever English.
my view on things
Hi Beyogi,
Guess we all have the same problem, only 24 h per day, which causes all these other issues.
I think the most important is to have fun, to enjoy. I know for sure I miss a lot of great stories here. But I simply enjoy the ones I do read.
I know I could write more stories. I enjoy the ones I write. Some were never finished till now, some likely never will. But even so I enjoyed working on them. And when occasionally one does get finished and I think it is good enough it gives me great pleasure to publish it and to share it with the wonderful people on this site who also share theirs with me.
So it seems whatever I do, it is always well done and there is no regret that when I did one thing I could therefore not do another. Will this philosophical view help you?
Kind regards,
I don't know... I try to find
I don't know... I try to find those stories that really interest me and maybe remeber a few others for times when my creative juices have dried up.