erica jane's blog
A little blathering on about writing, stories, anxiety, depression and other joys...
503 Service Unavailable errors
Sale today on Scrivener!
How do I...
Writing Opportunity!
A glimpse at Editing.
And so it goes...
Current projects and my writer's promise.
Athena's Wisdom, and other stuffs.
I've had this song stuck in my head all day.
Happy Thanksgiving!
So, I'm not doing well.
About writing...
No funnies today.
What can I say?!?
Today's Funny
Beware the Cuteness!
Today's Funny
Sometimes I worry about the British...
I just felt the need to share...
Feeling that way...
Well I'm back.
My brain hurts! It's funny, I promise!
So why is Erica Jane so wacky? (UPDATED)
Help! I have two author pages.
So about Athena's Wisdom...
I'm looking for a story.