A glimpse at Editing.

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Below is a picture showing the first page of JG Ballard's Crash. The marks all over it are the author's edits. When I'm doing my own edits, I do this. I print out my work to edit in a different font (and font size) so that it doesn't look the same as it does on the screen. I've read and can testify from experience that changing how the text looks can help see it fresh. It can help you see those things that you gloss over from familiarity and such.

I also thought it was just neat as hell.

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When asking for corrections, it is easier to understand small lettering when it is in print, and not cursive.


erica jane's picture

was the author's own editing. He printed it out and took the pen to it. As long as he can read his own scribbles... :)

~And so it goes...

A couple of tricks I know of.

Okay. One trick I know that helps with editing. If you are editing a scene, copy and paste the scene on a word processor. Then, edit the scene. Next, compare the edited scene with original scene. I find that helps.

Also, another tip. I don't delete my outlines. I just put them on the bottom of the word document I am working on. And I organize them by chapters.

A spellchecker, especially one that searches for double-spaces, are a wonder thing to have.