Ragtime Rachel's blog

Ever have one of those weeks?

Let me tell you, I wish I could borrow Doc Brown's DeLorean for about five minutes. I'd go back to last Friday and persuade myself not to go out for coffee. Or anywhere else for the next seven days.

As I left, I failed to notice that my chair was drifting off the sidewalk--with motorized chairs, there are unfortunately some blind spots. Consequently, it's hard to see in front of me in those areas. Anyway, when my chair went over the edge of the sidewalk, it landed sideways and dumped me out on the asphalt.

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Paging Raff01 and sherryann44...

... your adoring public misses you.

OK. To be more accurate, I miss you.

Raff, you created a fictional universe of dazzling complexity, peopled with characters so real that we hung on every word. When last we saw Tracy, in your Halloween story, she seemed weighed down by all that happened to her, with no respite in sight. I'd hate to think she was doomed to languish in an abandoned storyline.

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Mini-Contests? Sign me up!

My, my, the changes that have taken place since I've been away....

Some sad, like Katie Leone's sudden passing (and more on that after I've had a little sleep--RIP Katie) and some pleasantly surprising, like these "mini-contests."

Where are the rules for each month's contest posted? I've looked in the usual section for contests, but have found nothing. I doubt I'll be able to contribute anything for this month, but May is a possibility.

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Emerging from my burrow

Yes, I know. It's been a long time, and about that I will only say, depression is an evil affliction, lifting for a few days to a few weeks of blessed lucidity, only to return with renewed vigor. Much like the party guest who lingers well into the wee hours--the more you want him to leave, the more determined he is to stay.

Fortunately, in my lucid periods I did have a large backlog of ideas, so expect them to start appearing in future Mixed Tapes, if Hutcho will be so kind as to accept them.

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The ironic downside to losing weight...

In other words, after weeks of dieting and exercise, I've come to the unsettling realization that I was more passable when I was fat. (Less fat means my features are more angular and hence, less feminine). I essentially lost my best asset when I lost the weight, and earlier today, I suffered the consequences.

It was a good day. I'd been pretty good about trying to eat healthy and and at least cut down on the bad stuff, and the results are beginning to show. The weather was warmer than it's been over the past week, with the promise of it becoming warmer still tomorrow. All in all, nothing to complain about.

That's usually a danger sign. It's like an open invitation to God/Fate/the cosmos to give me their worst. And sure enough, that's exactly what happened.

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In motion--even if I don't know where I'm going

I haven't been doing any writing, I admit. However, I think I might have the best possible excuse.

Last week, I decided to do the one thing I'd been putting off forever--no, not removing the colony of unidentifiable life forms from my refrigerator, though I need to do that too. In short, I've taken advantage of a special program for low-income people and joined the "Y".

Why the "Y"? (Hee hee). Allow me to elucidate.

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A simple plea to the alleged "normal"....

As I believe in (among other things) total honesty, I have to say, I love recognition.

No, that's not quite accurate. "Crave it like a drug" would be closer to the truth.

Even so, I find myself at a loss when I'm recognized for all the wrong reasons.

This past Tuesday, I and the fellow residents of the apartment complex in which I live took part in an annual trip that's become sort of our farewell to summer. (As summers in Wisconsin have a kind of "blink and you'll miss it" quality, we get our goodbyes in early).

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Sweet flying spaghetti monster, I thought I'd never have to deal with this again. Especially not from one of our own.

As I was making my way home from my monthly transgender support group meeting, I ended up behind someone obviously transgender herself--someone vaguely familiar.

It turns out she lives in the same apartment complex I do. After years of being the only transgender tenant, apparently I have company.

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Fear of mediocrity?

Real life has really slapped me upside the head lately.

Virtually everything mechanical that I own, or use, has broken down in the last month. My wheelchair, my digital camera, my landline phone, and incredibly, my refrigerator. Luckily, I had very little food to lose--thanks to the foresight of the state of Wisconsin, my laughably meager food-stamp pittance pretty much ensured I wouldn't be able to stock the refrigerator with much anyway.

There are certain advantages to living in an apartment building, however, the most important of which being I (thank goodness!) don't have to hunt for a replacement refrigerator--the apartment management takes care of that. Medicaid took care of the chair, and for the moment I'm relying solely on my cell phone.

Therefore, I can get back to what would normally be my main concern. Namely, writing.

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Why am I reluctant to read others' work?--and other bits of inanity

Since I started contributing complete (though short) stories to this site, I've noticed a curious thing.

I've pretty much stopped reading other people's.

Once in a while I might find something that piques my interest, but that's rare these days.

Now, this is no reflection on the quality of the writing. If my fellow Mixed Tape authors are any indication, the quality of writing on Big Closet certainly hasn't declined.

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Am I hallucinating, or did TGStorytime get hacked?

OK, this is seriously weird. It doesn't concern this site, but I thought I should mention since it has to do with one of the sites on which the Mixed Tape anthology is posted.

I happened to go to TGStorytime to check and see how our latest anthology was doing on that site (I often check here, there, and on Fictionmania for reviews), What I saw when I got there made me think sleep deprivation finally got the best of me.


Breaking out of the box

Yes, amazingly enough, I've posted two entries in one day. Don't worry, Erin, this will be it for now.

I've read a lot of arguments on one side or the other of the "Plotter vs. Pantser" debate, and so far, they've only served to increase my frustration.

Each side has valid arguments. The trouble is, I've tried both approaches, and get equally bogged down with each one--just in different ways.

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Perchance to dream....

This entry's going to be quite a ride, folks, so strap in and hang on.

A recent post by another BCTS blogger on the subject of dreams and creativity reminded me that dreams can be a wonderful muse--and a maddeningly frustrating one. Submitted for your approval, as Rod Serling would have said:

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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Confirmation bias?

This month's TG Mixed Tape will not have a contribution from me, sadly.

I had every intention of contributing something. Really I did.

I wish I could blame it on the illness (bronchitis, to be exact) that refuses to go away, even after nearly two months.But I can't, since really, I feel pretty good now, and conceivably could have contributed something in the limited window left to me.

Since my fiction stories are in various stages of completion at the moment, I told Hutcho that I'd contribute an essay on growing up as a disabled transperson. It seemed like a good idea, since there's not much written about folks like me, and no documentary to my knowledge has ever tackled the subject. Easy, right?

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Blog entries: what do people want to read?

Looking over the past few months of blog entries, I've noticed that some of mine get far more reads than some others, and they're not always the ones I think are going to attract attention.

With that in mind, I put a question to all of you. What do you like to see in a blog entry, and what do you not?

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Sound the trumpets! A complete story!

The following was written at about four this morning, but I, in an example of supreme boneheadedness, kept it in edit-mode limbo until just a few minutes ago. Read on:

Yes, folks, it only took two years and change, but I did manage to submit a complete story to this month's TG Mixed Tape.

I imagine the feeling of "What the hell have I done?" will follow in due course, but for now, I prefer to ride the high.

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"By George, I think she's got it!"

Since I figured you folks needed a break from yet another blog post detailing the myriad reasons I don't have the talent to write, the courage to write, or the experience to write, I thought I'd talk about my trip a week ago to Green Bay to see a speech pathologist (hey, it ain't a trip to Lambeau Field, but I at least got a chance to get out of the apartment).

No, no. I'm not going to replace 500 words of whining about my writing or lack of same with 500 words of whining about my voice.

Well...maybe a little whining, but for the most part this is good news. It might not seem like it at first, but...well, just read on:

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Tabloid slumming, and the need for a role model

I feel as though I'd just emerged from a six-month coma--otherwise, how could I have missed something like this?

While perusing online newspapers, as I'm inclined to do, I happen to run across a familiar name and a phrase I never thought I'd see linked together: "Bruce Jenner" and "sex change".

The "click bait" worked. True or not, there's no way in hell I was going to pass this by.

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A question about writer's critique groups and TG stories....

(Note: Your ragtime gal made a few corrections, to correct some of the more egregiously horrible wording, the result of sleep deprivation and writing on a wonky computer in the wee hours--Rachel. )

With the extended downtime, I amassed quite a stockpile of questions for the BC readership at large, and question number one concerns a source of considerable dread for me, the writer's critique group. (I would have to promise that I'd post a story to the site.

I've always likened such groups to group therapy, and not in a positive way. Either way, I'm baring my inner self to relative strangers, leaving myself open to judgement and ridicule.


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