Ever have one of those weeks?

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Let me tell you, I wish I could borrow Doc Brown's DeLorean for about five minutes. I'd go back to last Friday and persuade myself not to go out for coffee. Or anywhere else for the next seven days.

As I left, I failed to notice that my chair was drifting off the sidewalk--with motorized chairs, there are unfortunately some blind spots. Consequently, it's hard to see in front of me in those areas. Anyway, when my chair went over the edge of the sidewalk, it landed sideways and dumped me out on the asphalt.

Fortunately, the damage was minor--a few bruises, some scrapes on my hands, elbows, and knees, and one thumb with a hairline fracture. Even more fortunately, I got help almost immediately, thanks to the staff of the coffee shop. I'd hate to think what might have happened had I found myself sprawled out in the parking lot at say, three AM.

The worst part of having to deal with a broken thumb is not being able to play the piano, since my thumb's going to be encased in a splint for three weeks. I'd been working on a ragtime composition, but playing the piano is going to be out of the question for awhile. (There's got to be a joke there, but I'm coming up with nothing).

To make matters worse, that same week I was in the middle of a dispute with my home-health agency (I'd rather not discuss that here, but if anyone wishes to contact me privately, I'll fill you in.)

Just to prove the adage that trouble comes in threes, I checked my bank account to find to my horror that I had a zero balance. Apparently my Amazon Prime came up for renewal a couple of days before, and automatically deducted $99.89 from my account without my knowledge. Fortunately, I was able to switch to a monthly rather than a yearly plan, and I'll get the money refunded, but it won't show up until sometime next week. In the meantime, I have zipperoo to spend.

A side note to Erin--I noticed my "Personal Fantasy vs. Marketable Story" blog entry disappeared from the main page rather quickly--and I think I know why. If I insulted anyone who likes to write stories based on their personal fantasies, rest assured it was purely unintentional. I see nothing wrong with those stories in themselves--I just wanted to know how to move beyond that in my own writing. I know you say, "It's not about you," but it I do write something here that bothers people, I'd rather know than drive myself crazy guessing.



littlerocksilver's picture

Take it easy and get well quickly.


New blog pushes old blog off front page

erin's picture

Every time anyone posts a blog, their old blog gets demoted so that the eight spaces I have for blogs on the front page can be shared. Sometimes it takes me as much as a day to do this.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Doctor, Doctor

Well, you did ask...

"Doctor, Doctor, when my thumb heals, will I be able to play the piano?"

"Why, of course, it is only a simple fracture. You should have no trouble playing."

"That's great! I've always wanted to be able to play the piano!"

Sorry. I know it isn't funny breaking something. You have my sympathies.


A Few Words to Remember !!!!!

waif's picture

It's Not ALL About You....except, of course, for those times when it is!

Just remember that when all else fails...it really sucks!

When the going gets tough...most people quit.

It's always darkest....in the unlit closet.

Two wrongs don't make a right...but three do!

If life gives you lemons...you probably have someone else's life by mistake.

When in doubt...figure you are about even with everyone else.


Cheer up, it could always be worse...you could be living alone, and unemployed....IN GREENLAND !!!!


Be kind to those who are unkind, tolerant toward those who treat you with intolerance, loving to those who withhold their love, and always smile through the pains of life.

I hope you're

Angharad's picture

not getting women drivers a bad name!

Hope the lumps and bumps are better soon. Didn't somebody write a concerto for one hand?
