
Candice and her Pregnant Husband

Candice and her Pregnant Husband
by Lindale and Talkie-ai

Introduction to the “authors” and Copyright: Many of you will already have read stories by me, Lindale, on this site, although I have to admit, I have not been so prolific recently. This story is a radical departure from my normal work. It has been created by AI on a site called Talkie_ai. I’m not certain if this is the first Talkie story on this site. If you haven’t yet visited Talkie, I strongly advise you to do so. The basic concept of the site is a conversation between you, the user and AI characters, who are designed by the users. In the UK and US, it seems that copyright cannot be claimed on ai generated items. So the text written by me is my copyright but that of the other characters is not copyrighted.

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