"So did you just walk in there and say, 'How do you do this?' You couldn't 'av!!"
Letters from Sky
By Jan S
Part 6
© 2008 by Jan S
>>Monday, April 21 (late afternoon)
SCREW YOU!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!
You're a total, total ASSHOLE. Totally DIE
>>Monday, April 21 (twenty minutes later)
It Just Was NOT Like that at ALL, Mike!!!
At all, AT ALL!!!!!!!
I was there.
Daddy did not kick her out with nothing. I was there, Mike.
He was at the cabin. She had said she was having ladies in Sunday, and wanted him out of the way, so would he go, but needed me to stay to help set up.
And as soon as he left she started throwing things into boxes. And I didn't know why. Everything she wanted she took. The rest was all crud; she said that.
And a truck came that morning, and we went straight to that house, and it was already all set up with new stuff, and it's not a borrowed house either, because she had had it painted already like she wanted. And the truck wasn't even full!
And she wouldn't let me leave a note, and she got a phone that she could carry around and took it with her so I could never call when she left.
And Daddy does not either get "tons" of money from her for me, because he told the judge he wouldn't take it, and the judge said it would go to a special account for when I'm eighteen, but I'll give it to her because I don't want it from her either and told the judge. I was there!! And I said that in court. And he still sends her money. But they kept them separate in the court. That's all the truth.
And she didn't get terminated because of "Lies" me and Daddy told either. I got a about seven inch scar, and like a hundred stitches, on the back of my neck from my ear because she tried to cut my hair with a box cutter - that thing you use to scrape stickers from windows. AND it hurt like hell. And that's why she got terminated!!!!
And yeah - I broke a window on purpose. But know what, shithead? It was in the bathroom with the shelf thing behind the toilet, because I was locked in with a bookcase and stuff she pilled up, and twisted my ankle from being upstairs and stayed in an alley all night because I thought Daddy hated me too then. And someone saw me, and the cops got me and took me to the hospital, and the doctors testified in the court too.
And she had said she thought that Daddy had broke my arm that time we were getting the branch out of the tree, and you know he wasn't even there then. And said that I wouldn't say because I was afraid of him, and she thought he did worse things too!!!!
AND the only person in the whole world in my whole life that ever hit me was HER -- and you!! And assholes at school. But not Daddy!!! And you know it.
But if you don't believe it, just
Just screw it forever.
You're an asshole. I was there. AND I hate you fu=orever.
Just die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Because I was there and I was
>>Monday, April 21 (almost an hour later)
I just had a big fight with Michael. You don't believe that stuff he said in his email, do you? I was there. It wasn't that way, Marsha. REALLY!!!
>>Monday, April 21 (an hour and a half later)
I'm sorry. I don't hate you or want you to die or anything.
But it was different. If you or she wants the piano, I'm sure Dad would let you because we don't have much room anyway.
And I hope you don't have to quit college either. Really. The judge said there were accounts for you and Marsha. And I think other money too, but I don't know. She was talking about being able to travel and the things she was gonna get though then.
But Mike if you just ask Dad, I think he might help you. I do. I'm sure. Really.
I'm really sorry, Mike, real, real. Really.
>>Monday, April 21 (ten minutes later)
"K, I apologized to him. But he will probably still hate me.
I hope you aren't mad too, because I promised not to talk about that to you.
I'm sorry, Marsha, really. I didn't mean to; I won't again. 'K? Please!
Love lots,
>>Tuesday, April 22nd (afternoon)
Hi, Marsh!!
Yea!! I'm so happy you aren't mad at me too. I guess Michael still is though, and I can't blame him.
He just said some stuff about our piano and some other stuff, and we're not really supposed to talk about it -- right?
So I got to go to my rec classes soon. Want to hear about them later, maybe?
OK -- I'm glad we're still friends. A LOT!!
Many hugs and loves,
>>Tuesday, April 22nd (night)
Hi, Mars,
Uh-uh, I didn't save the letter from Mike. And I don't want to say what I said to him. OK?
Yeah, you were right, today was the day Daddy talked to the school district people. But it looks like nothings changed yet. But it might still.
And yeah, you were right about those appointments and stuff. They're with a shrink, and that's who the school wants stuff from, plus an old one at home. That's because of about the stuff that happened last fall, and some stupid things I did too. But I'm not crazy, Marsha. Really. OK?
OK -- so you want to hear about the rec classes, OK. We got the little bowls all shaped and could scratch designs in them if we wanted, and now they will be fired - that's like cooked to get hard, you know. -- then we paint them next time.
Lisa and Wendy said something was wrong, and I told them about the school stuff, rather than the Mike stuff, and now Ms Y. called tonight and has been talking to Daddy a long, long time. So, I guess maybe, she might not think I can babysit now she knows, but I don't know, maybe, -- maybe it is just work things.
Zack wasn't at the origami class today. But he called later and asked if I could hang out overnight on Friday, and he's going to tell his mom to call Daddy about it.
OK -- Daddy's calling. So I guess he and Ms Y. were talking about me.
>>Wednesday, April 23rd (noon)
Hi, Marsh,
Daddy told me last night I could stay home from school today if I wanted. So I did. DUH!
And also that I'm babysitting on Friday because he and Ms Y are going to dinner. (But it's not like that, he keeps saying. But I think it is becoming "like that". :-))) )
So that's all good stuff, right? Ms Y. doesn't care about me being in the bad classes, I guess, and they still want me around. (And it means he and Ms Y. had lots to talk about besides me too! ;-) )
But it means that I can't stay at Zack's, but Daddy said that he wouldn't want me to do that just now anyway.
So I'm at home until I have to go downtown, and this is one of the days that that cleaning lady comes in so I'm kind of stuck in my room. (And she seems kinda mad because I'm in her way.)
Anyway, so Marsh, on Sunday Lisa and I had this argument, not mad --discussion, I guess I mean -- about "Beauty and the Beast" that we had watched. And we were talking about it more at the breakfast. She said the beast just got punished for not feeding the beggar lady, and it was totally unfair to the servant people to get turned to things. And I thought that the beggar lady had come to him because of stuff he did, and that was like treating people like they just were their jobs and as things already, and I guess it's still unfair to turn them into things for real, but they had let him do it to them, so in a way sort of it was fair. Anyway, I've been thinking of that still -- not busy enough at school, I guess (hehe). I think Ms Y. agreed with that but wouldn't really say, and hasn't seen it in a long time.
So since you're studying it at college maybe you know.
P.S.: Oh, about the 'e' on my name. Well, this girl -- I think I said about her, in the car pool last Wednesday, that people didn't like, and said things about the way I wore those capris? -- she said, like she was real smart or something, that Sky was a weird name, and that it was dumb because the sky didn't even really exist, but was just an illusion, made up because of what people saw because they couldn't see what was there really.
And I told her it was also an island in Scotland (because I'd looked on the internet to see if it could be short for something besides Skylar, and that was all I found, (but Skylar can be a girl, I didn't know that.)), and then the girl in the bathroom said she had been there once and it was real nice. So I'm using that. And it's said the same way.
>>Wednesday, April 23rd (night)
Hi Marsh,
Aw, shucks golly, Mars, you really think I'm cute, huh? Thank you though, :-) Yeah, the kid's hair is not so bad now.
So, Daddy took over the camera after I asked to get one; 'cuz his 'puter's got more storage, he said. So you'll be getting pics from him. I think he's going crazy with it though, Marsh, and it's your fault! Did you get a pic of the chicken and rice I made? Or of the bookcases? He thinks he's going to retire and become a great artist now, I think. :-P
And NO, no picture of the top or me in the dress, ever, Marsh! Besides I thought we'd get a cheep-o from the drugstore, but Daddy got a pretty serious one and all. I don't think I can use it yet, at least not without the parental hover stoke going on.
Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that nothing has happened with the school thing still, but Daddy said he was working on a good plan. Anyway I don't have to go to school tomorrow again, and my doctor talked to Daddy and said that was fine and she would give a note, because the change was stressful to me. So I'm getting metal health days with a real shrink signing off on it. Something for all that time, I guess.
And no way; I never told her about the stuff with people thinking I'm a girl. We just talk about school and making friends, and about our mother too. That's all. She is nice, I guess, but it's still new.
We got a slip that your package came, but I rode home with Daddy, and we got here too late to get it. You still haven't told me what it is, you know!
It was Daddy's turn to clean up the kitchen, but he's ready to watch TV now (more of "Pride and Prejudice"), so bye and laters.
P.S.: I still haven't heard anything back from Michael. Which I can see, but is he really going to quit college? You're not are you?
>>Wednesday, April 24th (late night)
Daddy is real, real mad. Not at me or you or anything (maybe mama).
I let slip that Michael might quit collage because of money, and he said, "What!" And that he had put money aside for fourteen years, and it couldn't be gone. And that he wouldn't let it happen and legally you're as much his as hers now, and if the law says eighteen is an adult then the law is an ass, and all like that. And something else about some man in Massachusetts.
Marsh he was yelling, but not at anyone, and I hardly have ever seen him do that. Have you?
But you know it means he is going to help you and Mike with money, don't you? So that is good, huh? He's on his computer now, so I bet you get a letter, and Mike too. Tell Mike to take it, OK. Please!!
And that means he did really adopt you, right? She said he wouldn't. So we really are whole sibs, not halves. Right??
>>Thursday, April 25th (morning)
Geeeezzzzz!!!!! I got the package, but where did you get this stuff!! This is more embarrassing then what Ms Y bought me almost.
Marsh, I don't know if I like really need the Nair stuff, you know, or if I can even do that stuff really -- I mean, Marsh, it's like not that big, OK? (I'm saying this?)
Who wrote this out for you?? How? Gah, Mars, really????
I tried what it said about the tuck thing but they wouldn't stay or anything, and I haven't tried with the tape, but it -- nvm.
Thanks and all, but I don't think I'll be doing that a whole, whole lot, you know?
Really - who told you this?
Love ya'
P.S.: The shirt is nice. I like the butterflies, and yeah, boys would wear that for someone's college because it's a plain color and all.
But, Mars that other stuff!??
Thursday, April 25th (afternoon)
Heys, Lisa,
'Guess I can send you emails now we don't gotta worry about your Mom checking up on it.
I'm coming over there for the night again on Friday. Did you know that already? My Dad and your Mom are going out together again. Do you think they like each other? Would that be neat? Or what do you think about it if they do?
So anyway, I just wanted to see if there was something special you'd like to do or anything. I could stop by the store and get some cookie supplies if you guys wanted to do that. Or a movie at Blockbuster -- Not "High School Musical II" please!! I like it and all, but you two wear me out. 'Guess I'm too old, huh?
I g2g over to my cooking class and make a pie now. So, that's all. Cya tomar.
P.S.: Notice how I never used the word 'sit' or 'baby'. Nice of me, huh? :-P
>>Thursday, April 25th (evening)
No -- not at all. It's OK. I was just surprised and stuff, not mad. I mean, thank you and all.
It's not like the kind of thing you talk about with sisters and all though, you know?
I tried the tape thing, and you're right about hairs. And I got some on the end.... but look anyway. -- nvm, OK?
Remember when you said things about what I said when I was real little? I think Ann and Becky might think that too. You know, I knew I was a sissy and all -- I mean, enough people told me, huh? -- But I forgot I'd said that. Did I say it to our mother too?
They said that their aunt works with people that want to be a different gender too, and they even know someone that is. And it's all fine with them either way, and that was Saturday. But they were at Chez Amy's on Sunday too, and saw me, so now they're sure. And they came by last night just to tell me. And I can't convince them.
OK - so today Zack wouldn't even talk to me in the fishing class. He got real mad and like: "whatever," when I told him I couldn't spend the night last night, so I guess that was why. And he and his partner dude broke one of the rods and just laughed about it and things. But when I was on the way home he hollered and waved. You know, 'cuz he was the first person to be nice here, I guess I should be nice back, I guess.
But in cooking we started making pies though, OK? And we just did the dough today, and next week we'll do the filling stuff, but this dough won't be good and the teacher is going to bring in all new. I'm gonna make a quiche tonight so to use mine up. It'll probably take about a dozen eggs though because I'm going to try to do the double yoke thing that maid we had did, and I'll mess up with separating for sure. (What should I do with the extra white parts?)
If I'm gonna do that I g2g.
Loves and hugs and kisses too,
P.S.: I tried part of the instructions you got from people in that group at school and, instead of tape, used the smallest belt thing from Ms Y., but moved the straps different from what it said, and put pieces -- you know -- and that seems the best so far. But it still isn't so good with those red shorts, I think. (And it's got a strap that goes in my crack too. :-P )
So did you just walk in there and say, 'How do you do this?' You couldn't 'av!!
>>Friday, April 26th (afternoon)
OK. You like must never look at you email!! You're supposed to look and see what you got, you know? Not wait for people to tell you they sent it.
Well, I'm never, never ever writing you again.
OK, I'm leaving for your place now. And the first thing I'm going to do is make you look at you mail!!! And I got a surprise for you.
You're not mad or something, are you?
>>Saturday, April 27th (night)
Hi, Marsh,
Sorry I didn't write at all all day yesterday, but I was real, real busy. Daddy said he talked to the school, and I'm officially home schooled now. YEA!!
But he said that didn't mean I'm not going to school. :-( And I got to take a Science class on line and a Math class and English too. And I spent all day yesterday doing these test things on the 'puter to see which ones I'll take. Also, I'm gonna have a Math tutor too at nights, and maybe one for writing too. But that sounds better than the other thing, right? I mean, it will be lonely, but I'll learn stuff, not just sit. And I think that's good.
So that's what I did all day, then I went to the hospital on the bus and could take a taxi home, and I went over to the babysitting kind of early. As soon as I got there I took an old sundress of yours out of my pack and changed into it, and the kids laughed and giggled, but happy, not teasing.
You don't mind do you? I know you said before, but this is different kind of stuff from then, and lots more too. It was the white one, with the just one tie behind the neck and no waist anywhere and the pink and blue tiny, tiny flowers and green vines all over. Do you remember it? I think it was for special occasions for you. But Marsh after testing on line so long, I thought I'd do it. I thought the girls would be happy because I did, you know. And they made me put on some of Lisa's underwear, because they don't like boxers even though you couldn't see them if I sat right.
So then I babysat all night. We did badminton ('cuz that's in the back yard, in case someone road by), pizza again, movies (High School Musical II (pant-pant)), popcorn (no cookies). (I wore some of your old PJs too. OK?) No fancy breakfast this time, because they had soccer games.
Only thing was that Daddy came to pick up Ms Y., and I guess I thought she would go get him because she has a nicer car. (Yeah, Marsh, she has two just for herself, I guess, the van and a fancy like one -- weird.) But he didn't even say anything. Just chuckled and hugged me and kissed my head on top and told me not to stay out long enough to get sun spots on my shoulders (and I had to explain about freckles to those two brunettes because he said that. I hate them! (not really,)). All just like he would have, and they left. And he was great in his tux, and Ms Y. was fantastic in this long black dress with white on it too, and diamonds in her hair and necklace. And he's been at the dialysis place all day again today, and I still haven't seen him since.
I did see Zack today though, and he was nicer again mostly. I went to Lisa's and Wendy's soccer games, and I guess he is on a club team for spring, and he was there and with his team at first, but then later he came over, and he had his jersey off and was parading around, and told me he was going to play CoH and to come on too (but I couldn't), and said come hang at his house for the afternoon tomorrow, so I am. (Daddy asked if it was going to be a group hanging when I called him. :-P , but it's a two person hanging, I think.)
Then I went to a movie with all the Youngers after their horse back riding, and I went in a yellow tiered skirt, different from the first one I wore, and a baby-doll that was yours again, but with puffy sleeves and shoulders, and smocked, not bunched for a tit place, and a closed back below the shoulder blades. It's green with little red flowers all over.
And then I came home, and Zack isn't still on line.
Those other versions of "Beauty and the Beast", you talked 'bout, sound weird, but it's still the same in most stuff, right? Just with sex and violence and stuff. I mean in about Belle beating the curse. Do you think they had kid versions back then, but wrote more of that in when they made books because grown-ups bought them? Anyway, I like the good old Disney version better than the ancient one's, I think.
You know another book I've been thinking about too. Remember "The Giver", and how when I read it and said they had got away at the end you were like: "Maybe. Read it again," and I was mad, and when I told you there were sequels that proved it you still said that was because people were upset, but the first book meant to be unclear. I see how it not being known isn't bad now, but I'm still going to think they always got away, because I just don't want the whole world to be like that place, you know?
Anyway, it's neat how you can still think about a book years later and still see stuff in it, isn't it. Those are the best ones, when writers don't just plop it all down and think that you can think. I wish I could write like that!!
Loves and Kisses and Puppies,
P.S.: I don't know what it means either!!!
P.P.S.: What did Daddy say to you? He did write you, didn't he?? Has Michael said anything ever?
P.P.P.S.: Do you think I could be a writer? I'd rather be a reader but want to eat too!!!!
P.P.P.P.S.: Enough of this 'P' silliness!!! Daddy finally got home and I'm going to go see if he wants to watch more of that "P&P" show tonight.
(Do you think that Jennifer Ehle was cute? She is a lot sometimes, and I never heard of her anywhere else. And I think Colin Firth is a good actor. (I like his hair. :-P ) I think Lydia is neat, and I like that name too, but she is just such a total dolt!! Bye)
>>Sunday, April 28th (evening)
I hate him!! Ugh. You know what the creep did, Marsha? I'll get arrested or Daddy will!
I went to his house, and he told his mom that we were going to be in his room and leave us alone. And at first we looked at some manga, and at his other toons on CoH and places. But then he said, "Hey look at this stuff."
And Marsh, it was a porn sight with ladies in all gross shapes and stuff. And I kind of said, "yuck," but you know, didn't want to put him down because I know lots of boys look at that. Then he had some more with men with like giant things that were worse. And he ask if I wanted to have a come race, and said he and his 'posse' did that. And I said, "No Way!!!"
And he put his hand there on me, and I knocked away, and he pulled his pants down and said I could touch his. And it was just right there sticking up right at me. And he said it was just playing, and that I'd like it. And he wasn't, you know, hurting me or something, but still, and when I still said, "no", he said I should go then, and he'd thought that a fag like me would want to do that stuff.
And I left, but he'd put my bike in the garage so I walked over to Lisa and Ms Y's for a while then and got a ride. But I didn't tell them anything, just changed the clothes he'd grabbed. And I don't know how I'll get my bike back now.
But then the worse part: When I got home there was an email from him, and it said he was sorry and stuff, he didn't mean to scare me. And it had attachments, and they were pictures of him, of him doing things and playing with it, you know?
And I sent him an email saying that I'd blocked him out and never send me stuff, but I don't know how to do that.
I didn't save those but opened them, Marsh. Will they still be in the computer? That's like child porn!! It's got to be. Will they know?
Bye, love,
P.S.: Soon?
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Poor Skye! Regardless of whether you are gay, straight, male, or female, nobody should have to put up with that kind of abuse either from a so called parent or from some neighborhood bully.
Melanie E.
Tapestry Tale
I like how you've been adding more replies to messages from other people besides Marsha. You're weaving quite a tale here.
The boxcutter incident was disturbing. So was Zack's little hobby. They add tension though so that's a good thing. Skye's mother sounds like she has serious issues. *sigh*
I look forward to seeing what happens next. You really got me guessing.
Thanks and please keep up the good work. :)
- Terry
The mom has me worried, not to mention Zack
Zack’s actions might be just innocent adolescent experimentation but it's creepy at best.
The mom sounds a right psycho or at least needs professional help. She used a razor knife/box cutter on he own child’s hair and damned near took off his scalp, that is not the act of a rational person. Plus she threw out all his stuffed animals at a early age and mutilated the one the dad persuaded her to let him keep.
The other siblings were encouraged to play the piano, only he was forbidden, despite obvious talent, by her. She locked him, in fact physically trapped him in the bathroom and is angry he escaped by breaking a window? What is with the bitch? Why does she hate this child? Is he adopted? Is he from an affair one or the other had? Did mom see signs of gender confusion in him at an early age? If so are her irrational actions due to religious belief or a bad experience in her family, maybe a TG brother, she was/is terrified Sky will end up that way. Then there are all the doctors and hospital visits, what's with that? It can’t all be psychiatrists. Is the boy intersexed? Frankly after the box cutter incident I can’t see why she has custody of any of the kids, she sounds seriously disturbed. What happened to the college money for that matter?
The school needs a nice nasty lawsuit to shake things up, what bastards. The way they have treated Sky is disgusting.. What broke up the family in the first place? An affair, mom’s apparent mental illness or Sky’s problems? I think he is not being told everything.
Quite an engaging mystery here. I'm hooked.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Skye's mother sounds like
Stepmother, if I'm following the story correctly.
"Sometimes, I just can't help myself!" -Babs Bunny
Good writing:)
The whole thing with the boxcutter was creepy. Her mom sort of sounds like a psycho. And Zack? Little creep...:(
And that's good writing when you make us feel that way about these letters.
Bailey Summers
That Zack is just so ... just ... uggh! I really hope Skye stays away from him. I just wanna smack that damn .... gaaah! Sorry. I know this is a story, and Zack is just a character in a story, but I've met people like him in rl, and it still get me riled up seein' somebody bein' such a jerk and just ... so awful, 'specially when it's bein' done to somebody nice as Skye. Okay ... < / rant >