Princess Panty-boy

Princess Part-2

Princess. Part 2
by Princess Pantyboy

(All i added a few paragraphs from part one so my story would be easier to read since it has been awhile. I hope and pray you enjoy my newest story. Hugs Princess)

I look at my new mommy thinking no way i want to wear a diaper leaving here. “Umm mommy i really dont want to wear a diaper, It wouldn’t fit under my clothes anyway.”


by Princess Pantyboy

This is paradise a hot four shot mocha with chocolate sprinkles, me sitting here outside on the patio in front of Starbucks on Main Street Huntington Beach Southern California. Yes this is the life, or like they say life is good when the simple things can bring a smile to your face. I pull out my new iPhone X and check my emails and text messages.

Momma, momma what am i doing in a hospital Part 4

Momma, momma what am I doing in a hospital?
Part 4

By Princess Pantyboy

Me, Kelly 9-year old boy
Beth 17-year-old big sister
Miley 5 -year-old little sister

Authors note: Please read the older chapter first. I hope everyone is enjoying my newest story I put a few paragraphs from the end of Part 3 to make it an easier read. I am sure I missed some spelling and grammar mistakes please forgive we are trying.

Hope you enjoy my story!

What a long strange trip it’s been.

What a long strange trip it’s been.
By Princess Pantyboy

Hi to all,
I thought I would do a little something different for my 100th story I have put on-line. This is a little blast from the past, I hope and pray you enjoy my story. The name of this story comes from a song from the Grateful Dead in case you’re wondering.

Me/ Kelly 10-years-old boy
Miley 6-year-old little sister
Aunt Meghan

Mother's Day Surprise

Mother’s Day Surprise
By Princess Pantyboy

(Author note: I know this is a little late for mother's day but I wanted to get it out before any more time passed. I am still working on my other stories such as my newest story about baseball hehehe. I hope you enjoy this story, and thanks for all your loving emails and special thoughts. Hugs Princess)

Today was just like most days I came home from daycare, and I was sitting in my room playing with my toys and stuff. I go to daycare because my mommy works full time, and I am only 6-years old.

Hello it's me again!

Hello it’s me again!
By Princess Pantyboy

Kelly me teenage boy 14 years’ old
Tina my big sister 16 years’ old
Miley my little sister 11 years-old
Beth our next-door neighbor/cheerleader

I was transferring files from my old laptop to my knew laptop and found some stories I wrote back in 2011 and never put on line. Here is another one of them. I hope you enjoy it, like always please forgive any of the spelling or grammar mistakes I didn’t catch I hope there aren’t many.
Hugs, Princess.

Mommy I don't want to try out for the baseball team again


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“Mom I don’t want to go try out for baseball again! Every year you make me try out, and every year I don’t make the team. I am always told the same thing I am too small or too slow.” I stamp my foot on the floor. I feel mommy pulling my favorite spider man tee shirt over my head."

Mommy I don't want to try out
for the baseball team again

Princess Pantyboy

Mommy I don't want to try out for the baseball team again Part 3

Part 3

Mommy I don’t want to try out for baseball again!
By Princess Pantyboy

Me, Kelly, Kellie 9-year-old boy
Miley 5-year-old little sister
Mommy 42-years-old looks 21-years-old
Grandmother 77-years-old acts like 100-years-old

I added a few paragraph’s from Part 1 so my story would be easier to read. I hope you enjoy my story, I am sure I missed a few spelling an especially grammar so please forgive I am trying.
Hugs Princess

Mommy I don't want to try out for the baseball team again Part 2

Part 2

Mommy I don’t want to try out for baseball again!!!
By Princess Pantyboy

Me, Kelly, Kellie 9-year-old boy
Miley 5-year-old sister
Mommy 42-years-old looks 21-years-old
Grandmother 77-years-old acts like 100-years-old

I added a few paragraph’s from Part 1 so my story would be easier to read. I hope you enjoy my story, I am sure I missed a few spelling an especially grammar so please forgive. Hugs Princess

Mommy I don't want to try out for the baseball team again

Mommy I don’t want to try out for baseball again!!!
By Princess Pantyboy

Me, Kelly, Kellie 9-year-old boy
Miley 5-year-old sister
Mommy 42-years-old looks 21-years-old
Grandmother 77-years-old acts like 100-years-old

The Rash Part 3

The Rash
Part 3

By Princess Pantyboy

Author’s Note:
I added a couple of paragraphs from part 2.5 to make the reading go smoother. I hope you enjoy my newest story. Hugs Princess

Me, Kelly Parker, Kellie 10-year-old boy (size of 4-5 yr old)
Mom, Karen Parker (my mommy)
Max Trump 10 year-old boy lives next door
Miley Trump 5-yr old girl lives next door
Stephanie Trump (Max & Miley's mommy)

Oh, mommy is going to be so upset with me when i get home from school!!! Part 3

Oh, mommy is going to be so upset when I get home from school
Part 3

(All I added a couple of the last paragraph’s from Part 2 so the reading goes a little smoother. Hope you enjoy! Hugs Princess)

I watch as Miley puts her hand over her mouth giggling as she stares at me smiling from ear-to-ear. “Okay sweetie you are done just like your big sister.” Oh that is good as I smile knowing I am done too at the same time as Miley.

Father's Day suprise

Father’s day surprise

by Princess Pantyboy

I get home from fishing all day with the guys knowing that I can do no wrong tomorrow, because tomorrow is father’s day. Yea I left this morning around 0500 way before the sun came up so I could meet the guys and get out on the water to do some largemouth bass fishing.

The Rash Part 2.5

The Rash
Part 2.5

By Princess Pantyboy

Author’s Note:
All, I would like to thank Nikki for her comments and noticing my Part-2 story looked incomplete. Nikki is totally right I screwed up and sent in the wrong edited copy of my story. That is why I named this story Part 2.5 because it was supposed to go with part 2. I am sorry but thankful Nikki seen my screw up so I could fix it.

Oh, mommy is going to be so upset with me when i get home from school!!! Part 2

Oh, mommy is going to be so upset when I get home from school
Part 2

(All I added a couple of the last paragraph’s from Part 1 so the reading goes a little smoother. Hope you enjoy! Hugs Princess)

“I think you look very pretty Barry I mean Carrie.” hearing Jimmy say as we walk towards are bus. “I guess I am the new big brother and you’re the little sister now hahaha.” I hear him laugh as I hear my other brother laughing too and Miley giggling.

The Rash

The Rash
By Princess panty boy

I wake up, and rub my eyes and look around my bedroom knowing I have to go use the bathroom before I have an accident. I know I am an eight-year-old boy and I have not had accidents for several years but every morning I feel like I am going to explode when I go pee, pee, first thing in the morning.

Oh, mommy is going to be so upset with me when i get home from school!!! Part 1

Oh, mommy is going to be so upset when I get home from school!!!
Part 1

By Princess Pantyboy

I get off the school bus with my brother whom is two years younger than I am and we fight constantly because he is taller and all around bigger than me. My little sister Miley, and little brother Jeff and I all get off the bus and start walking to our house. Both my brothers and my sister are all laughing because of the situation I am in.

Momma, momma what am i doing in a hospital? Part 3

Mommy, mommy what am I doing in a hospital
By Princess Pantyboy

Me, Kelly 9-year old boy
Beth 17-year-old big sister
Miley 5 -year-old little sister

Authors note: I hope everyone is enjoying my newest story I put a few paragraphs from the end of Part 2 to make it an easier read.

Hope you enjoy my story!

Momma, momma what am i doing in a hospital? Part 2

Mommy, mommy what am I doing in a hospital
By Princess Pantyboy

Me, Kelly 9-year old boy
Beth 17-year-old big sister
Miley 5 -year-old little sister

Authors note: I hope everyone is enjoying my newest story I put a few paragraphs from the end of Part 1 to make it an easier read.

Hope you enjoy my story!

The doctor reaches over to the table and picks up a pink diaper. “Do you want to do the honors or I can have the nurses do it since they have been changing her for four months.”

Momma, momma what am i doing in a hospital?

Mommy, mommy what am I doing in a hospital
By Princess Pantyboy

Me, Kelly 9-year old boy
Beth 17-year-old big sister
Miley 5 -year-old little sister

“Mommy, mommy what am I doing in a hospital?” I look around seeing a blanket and pillow on the chair next to the bed when I see my mommy walk into my hospital room.

Summer Camp part 3

Summer Camp
Part 3
By Princess Pantyboy

Me/Chris 8-year-old boy
Miley 5-year-old evil little sister
Heather 14-year-old big sister
Karen 3-year-old baby sister
Mommy/Linda 35-years-old looks like she is barely 21
Amy 5-year-old girl from next door
Andy 5-year-old boy, twin to Amy
Ms. Tina Amy & Andy’s mom

Summer Camp part 2

Summer Camp
Part 2
By Princess Pantyboy

Me/Chris 8-year-old boy
Miley 5-year-old evil little sister
Heather 14-year-old big sister
Karen 3-year-old baby sister
Mommy/Linda 35-years-old looks like she is barely 21
Amy 5-year-old girl from next door
Andy 5-year-old boy, twin to Amy
Ms. Tina Amy & Andy’s mom

California Girl Part 5

California Girl
Part 5

By Princess Panty boy
(I wrote this some time ago and I never up-loaded the other parts to this web site so I am re-editing them and posting them here. Please read the early chapters before you read this chapter so it makes sense. Hugs Princess)

The morning goes by pretty fast, but I have to admit all I can think about is the doctor’s appointment I have at one o'clock. What is the doctor going to say? And will I be able to do it. I know she is going to say that I have been deceiving everyone.

California Girl Part 4

California Girl
Part 4

By Princess Panty boy

( I wrote this some time ago and I never up-loaded the other parts to this web site so I am re-editing them and posting them here. Please read the early chapters before you read this chapter so it makes sense. Hugs Princess)

Pink Panties Part 3

Pink Pantie’s
By Princess Pantyboy

Chris Taylor/Me 10-years-old boy
Cindy Taylor 5-year-old little sister
Pam Taylor 16-year-old big sister
Mom 36-years-old but looks like she is 20
Tammy & Lisa 5-years-old twin sisters from school
Ms. Huntington kindergarten teacher

(Author’s note: I started this chapter with a couple paragraphs from the end of Part 2. I hope and pray you enjoy my little story.
Hugs, Princess Pantyboy)

Pink Panties Part 2

Pink Pantie’s
By Princess Pantyboy

Chris/Me 10-years-old boy
Cindy 5-year-old little sister
Pam 16-year-old big sister
Mom 36-years-old but looks like she is 20

(Author’s note: I started this chapter with a couple paragraphs from Part1. I hope and pray you enjoy my little story.
Hugs, Princess Pantyboy)

Little one part 1 & 2

Hello boys and girls, and my favorite sissies. I have been here and there and enjoyed the Christmas holidays, I hope, and pray all of you have also. I am back from my sabbatical and in the mood to tell you a story. Yes, I know I have several story’s that are not complete, but here is another new one. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it.

Little one

Hello boys and girls, and my favorite sissies. I have been here and there and enjoyed the Christmas holidays, I hope, and pray all of you have also. I am back from my sabbatical and in the mood to tell you a story. Yes, I know I have several story’s that are not complete, but here is another new one. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it.

The Three wishes: A Christmas story

The Three wishes: A Christmas Story

By Princess Pantyboy

Nick, Nikki 8-years-old boy
Sally 5-year-old little sister
Donna 16-year-old big sister
Mom 36-years-old but looks like she is 20

(Author’s note: I thought it would be fun for a little Christmas story. I hope and pray you enjoy my little story.
Hugs, Princess Pantyboy)


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