Pink Panties Part 2

Pink Pantie’s
By Princess Pantyboy

Chris/Me 10-years-old boy
Cindy 5-year-old little sister
Pam 16-year-old big sister
Mom 36-years-old but looks like she is 20

(Author’s note: I started this chapter with a couple paragraphs from Part1. I hope and pray you enjoy my little story.
Hugs, Princess Pantyboy)

Mommy smacks my bottom as I run past her and to the front door as I see Cindy, smiling so big it looks like she is going to burst. “Come on Chrissie we are going to be late for our first day at our new school.”

“All I care about Cindy is I hope no one at our new school teases me about being so short like they teased me at our old school.” I try not to think about wearing Cindy's old shorts as we walk to the bus stop.

Cindy starts giggling again as I turn and stare at her smiling at me staring at me looking at me up and down. “I don’t think anyone at our new school will be teasing you about being so small Chrissie.” We both turn seeing the school bus stopping in front of us, the door opens up, and Cindy and I are the only ones getting on the bus.

“Okay girl's come aboard and sit anywhere you like young ladies.” The bus driver says to Cindy and me. I turn around, hearing Cindy start giggling.

We sit down next to each other. “What's so funny that you’re giggling so much? Is it that the school bus driver referred to me as a girl? Or did I miss understand him I hope?” The look on little Cindy's face says I heard him right.

“Oh know Chrissie we both heard him right he was for sure referring to both of us as girl's hehehe.” I hear Cindy giggle as I play with my long ponytail s as we talk. “I told you that your hair is super girlie, and now a total stranger thinks so too.”

Cindy is so messed up even if she is right, she doesn’t have to tease me about it. Cindy doesn’t know that every time I turn or move at all, I can feel the pink nylon bikini panties giving me the chills down my spine. I never thought I would say I really enjoy wearing panties, but these panties are so soft and silky that I never felt this way before.

“Ya know what Cindy, I was just thinking maybe I should run right up to the bus driver and set him straight. I mean just because my hair is long is no reason to say I look like a girl, ya know what I mean Cindy?”

I twist my long hair around my finger as we talk and I see Cindy giggling for some reason after I caught her out of the corner of my eye looking at me from head to toe. “I mean it’s not like I have long hair and act like a girl ya know Cindy?”

“So you look, dress, and act like a girl. Well what is wrong being a girl anyway? I have been a girl my whole life and I sure like it so stop complaining." I am in deep thought thinking about how soft and silky my new pink panties feel that I am wearing. What am I thinking there not my panties? I don’t respond to sis comment, I think she said I look and act like a girl, but I probably heard her wrong. I listen to her when she told me to stop complaining, I don’t want her to get angry and tell anyone I am wearing her old clothes.

A short while later the bus fills up and we arrive at school. The bus driver stops the bus and stands up looking at all of us kids on the bus. The whole bus stops talking and everyone stares at the bus driver who is a really big man probably 10 feet tall looking at him but what do I know about how tall people are anyway. This man is like a big oak tree staring at all the kids and no one would make a sound you could hear a pin drop it is so quite.

“Okay kids this is my first year as your bus driver and I do things differently than other bus drivers. Can everyone hear me clearly?” the man sounds like he has his voice hooked up to a stereo he is louder than loud with his deep voice sounding and looking like a giant to me from jack and the bean stalk.

Everyone responds at the very same second. “Yes sir” we all say and it sounds like everyone is feeling like me that scared to death we will get the bus driver upset.

“Good, now I want everyone to let all the girl's off the bus first and I DON’T want to hear anyone talking until you get off my buss. IS THAT CLEAR KIDS?” If it was possible to get his voice louder and deeper, he did it. To say I was scared would be the under estimate of the world.

I almost pee my panties as I see Cindy stand up and pull me up with her when the bus driver looks at me sitting as I stand next to Cindy in our seats. “Yes sir.” We all say in unison.

Cindy holds my hand as we walk off the bus and I look at her. “Why did you take my hand he said only girl's get off the bus first?” the look on Cindy's face is the look of she is pissed, and I had better not say another word or else. I guess it is a girl thing because that’s the same look mommy gives me when she is upset with me. I wonder when I will start to get that look and scare guys with it hehehe I giggle softly as I look down seeing Cindy is upset.

“You are such a baby Chrissie ya know that? I was a big girl last year when I started nursery school and now I am going to kindergarten. I can't believe you are going into 5th grade your more of a baby and you should go to kindergarten not me.” I see a weird look on her face and she is smiling and reaching down to take my hand.

We start walking down the hall room and I see the word kindergarten on the door and a list of names on the door. “Hold on Chrissie let me go talk to your new teacher, wait here by the door. I look at the list and I see Cindy’s name on the list as I turn and she is walking up to the teacher.

“Excuse me Miss Huntington, my name is Cindy Taylor, and my little sister and I have a mistake on the school records. They put my name on the kindergarten list and my little sister Chrissie on the 5th grade list. I just wanted to come and tell you before I go to my 5th grade class. Chrissie is kind of shy so I wanted to help her okay?”

I watch as the two of them talk then look over at me waving for me to come over to them. “Well that was very nice of you Cindy to come and make sure your little sister has a good first day and kindergarten. You are a very good big sister.” I walk up to them hearing only that Cindy is a good big sister. “Hi Chrissie welcome to your new class you can sit anywhere you want while the other girl’s and boy's come in.”

“You have a good day in class Chrissie.” I turn and see Cindy start leaving as I catch up to her and grab her hand as she walks forcing her to stop.

I look up into Cindy's smiling eyes; she has a grin from ear to ear. “I can't stay in here this is for little kindergarten kids, I am supposed to be in 5th grade not this little kid class.” Cindy looks into my eyes and bends down and whispers into my ear.

“You are acting like a little baby girl with all your whining so you are going to be in my kindergarten class until you learn to be a big girl.” I look at her and I want to cry, but then I would be acting like a baby. “Do you understand Chrissie?” I nod my head yes, that I understand. “Don’t you want to be a big girl like me and Pam?” I stare at her. “Let me hear you sissy say it.”

I stare at her and I don’t know what to say as I move a little feeling the pretty pink panties I am wearing rubbing against my little pee, pee. “Um yes I want to be a big girl like you and Pam.” I see Cindy smiley as I said I want to be a big girl like her, what am I saying I don’t want to be a big girl, or any type of girl as I feel my pink panties rub against me as I walk as I giggle softly.

“Good GIRL Chrissie now you be a good GIRL for Miss Huntington, I will see you after school.” Cindy leans in and kisses me on the forehead as I feel my new teacher take my hand.

I watch as Cindy walks out of the class. I look up at my new teacher smiling down at me. “You have a very nice big sister sweetie, so you be a big girl like your sister said and have a seat.” I want to cry I don’t know how I get into these problems. I look back up to Ms. Huntington, while I am crossing my legs.

“Do you have to go potty sweetie?” I think she notices I am going to do the potty dance. “The bathrooms are over in the back of the class now hurry and be a big girl before you have an accident.”

I do as my new teacher says and I run to the back of the class and I don’t even pay attention as I open the girl's bathroom door and sit down on the toilet after I pull my shorts and panties down around my ankles. “Yes that feels better as I look down between my legs and stare at my tiny penis.

I don’t remember my penis being so small it looks so tiny now. I can barely even notice my little scrotum, it looks so tiny more like excess skin than something that holds my little boy balls. I reach down to feel my balls and it feels real soft like there is Jell-O pudding in there, and nothing solid like my balls used to feel..

“Are you okay in there sweetie do you need some help?” I hear my teacher tapping at the door and I need to respond before she sees me playing with my little boy parts if that is what you can call them now.

I look towards the door. “Um I am okay Ms. Huntington; I will be out in a second.” I wipe myself real good for some reason even though I only went pee and I stand up and pull my new pink panties up around my waist. When I look down to pull my new shorts up I mean Cindy's old shorts my new panties look so flat between my legs like I don’t have any boy parts. I ignore that and pull my new shorts up feeling them wrap around me.

“Sorry it took me so long teacher I should have went potty before I left home I’m sorry.” I close the girl's bathroom door behind me. I watch as another little girl walks past me rushing in wearing a pretty pink flowered dress.

Ms. Huntington smiles down at me. “Looks like another little girl has to go potty too as she giggles as I stare at the girl's pretty dress till the bathroom door is closed behind her. “Are you looking at her pretty dress sweetie? It is a very pretty dress looks like you’re the only little girl now wearing a pretty dress for her first day at school. Do you have pretty dresses at home sweetie?” um I don’t know what to say to her but I don’t want her to think I am weird or anything.

“Um yes my, um big sister and I were running late and I just got dressed fast so I wouldn’t miss the bus.” I hope my nose doesn’t grow like Pinocchio’s does when he lies. I reach up and feel my nose to check. What the heck am I thinking like a little toddler girl too as I feel my soft pink panties against my now tiny boy parts.

Ms. Huntington smiles down at me. “Well maybe you can wear a pretty dress tomorrow like the other girls wouldn’t that be fun?” I look up at her smiling down at me, and I do not know what to say. “Now go sit down sweetie and don’t worry that you are the only pretty girl not wearing a pretty dress.” I walk over and sit in one of the desks and I look around as the girl next to me is wearing a pretty white dress with flowers and the sleeves are short and puffy. I cannot tell with her sitting down but her dress looks really short looking under her desk when I feel a tap on my shoulder.

“Hi I am Tammy, and that is Lisa that you are staring at. I told her that dress was really short, but she wanted to buy it anyway when we went shopping at the mall for school clothes. Lisa ended up being right and I bought the same one too hehehe, what is your name?”

I turn and see a pretty girl behind me smiling and she is wearing the same dress just as short as the other girl, maybe even shorter. “Um my name is Chrissie and is that your sister?” what am I doing? I cannot believe I said my name is Chrissie like I am a real girl or something as I start to mellow out as I turn feeling the silky panties under my white shorts.

“Yes we are twins can't you tell you silly girl? We are identical twins” I can't see the other girls face cause she is talking to someone one on the other isle and she has her back to us. “Hey sis turns around and says hi to Chrissie.”

I look back towards the other girl, I looked down first, I could see her dress slide up a bit, and she is wearing the same pink panties as I am. “Oh hi Chrissie, my name is Lisa I guess you met my sister.”

“Oh hi um yes she is sitting behind me I can tell now that you are identical twins that must be so cool.” I say as I start to loosen up talking to the two sisters. I look at her smiling as I look at her up and down staring at her pretty dress.

Lisa smiles at me while I am looking at her dress. “Oh you like my new dress Chrissie? Tammy said it was too short but after I tried it on at the mall she liked it to and bought the same one she is such a copycat.” I turn and see Tammy rolling her eyes sticking her tongue at her twin sister. I smile seeing the sisters giggling.

“Yes it is, I mean a very pretty dress.” I say and what the heck am I saying it is a pretty dress what do I know about what dresses are pretty and what dresses aren’t.

Lisa smiles at me. “Thanks, I don’t mean to be rude but it looks like you are the only girl in class not wearing a dress. My sister and I have tons of old dresses if you want them. I think you are way smaller than me, stand up Chrissie so I can see.” We both get out of our desks as the other kids are walking around looking for a desk to sit at. We stand back to back.

“Yup I was right little Chrissie I am a couple inches taller than you I am sure my mommy will let us bring some of our old dresses to school and you can have them if you want.”

I didn’t pay attention but Ms. Huntington was standing in the isle behind me. “Well that is so nice of you Lisa to help out another girl in class. I was talking with Chrissie earlier and she seemed shy that she didn’t have any pretty dresses to wear to school.” I want to cry hearing the teacher. “What do you say to Lisa?” Ms. Huntington stares at me.

“Um thank you Lisa that is really sweet of you.” What did I just say? That was sweet of her, I am even starting to talk like a little girl. I feel my panties are getting a little tighter as I sit at my desk smiling at Ms. Huntington.

I watch as Ms. Huntington squats down in front of me as I see her legs spread a little and I can see she is wearing pink panties like me until she closes her knees and whispers into my ear. “I am guessing your mommy is giving you hand me downs because of one reason or another is that right sweetie? Are you wearing your big sister Cindy's old clothes?”

“Yes Ms. Huntington I am wearing my sisters Cindy's old clothes. But please don’t tell anyone in class okay?” I want to cry as my eyes start to get a little wet and I feel Ms. Huntington wipe my tears. Her hand is so soft and even smells pretty, I wonder what makes her smell so pretty as I smile at her.

The smile on my teachers face is like a pretty angel coming down from heaven to hug me or tuck me in at night. OMG I am thinking like a baby girl with my luck I will end up in a dress and diaper. I need to get my head straight. “Good girl Chrissie telling me the truth, I won't tell the other girl's you are wearing hand me downs.”

“Thank you Ms. Huntington you are so nice.” I watch her start to stand up again as I get another peak of her pink panties. I wonder if she is wearing the same panties I am wearing, I smile to myself thinking that they are. The chances that my teacher is wearing little pink satin bikini panties with Disney princesses all over them are pretty slim but I still daydream about it as I giggle softly.

Ms. Huntington goes to the front of the class and smiles at us all. “Okay class my name is Ms. Huntington and I am your kindergarten teach this year and I am handing out a form for your mommy's to fill out.” We all watch as she hands them out to everyone.

“This form needs to be handed in with a check so we can get everyone's gym class uniforms by Friday when you have gym class. The boy's will wear black tee shirts and matching shorts. The girl's will wear pink halter type tee shirts with matching shorts, and your names will be on the shorts and tee shirts so you will all match except for having different names hehehe.” I hear our teach giggle like she is a little girl again as all us girl's smile at her.

The school day goes by pretty quickly and most of the day I can only think about my pretty pink panties I am wearing and how so many other girl's in my class are also wearing pink panties like mine too.

The bell rings and it’s time to go to the buses. We stand up and take our stuff and I smile hearing a bunch of the girl's telling me to have a great day and well see ya tomorrow. I notice they are holding their books up to their chests and I start to do the same and waving good-bye smiling at them until I see Cindy walking up to me.

“Hi sissy Chrissie how was kindergarten today? Hehehe” I hear her say while giggling. I see a big grin on her face as she stares at me holding my books against my chest like all the other girls are doing. “Did you meet any new little friends? I only say little because there all about your size or a little bit taller.”

I smile. “Um school was surprisingly fun I guess and I have to get mommy to fill out my gym class forms and hand a check back in tomorrow. I have to admit, I enjoyed myself seeing all the other kids are close to my height not like our old school where I was the smallest kid in my class.” Cindy looks at me. “Okay I was the smallest in the whole school.” I notice Cindy's eyes light up when I say the form that has to be filled out by mommy for gym uniforms. I just want to change the subject so she doesn’t make me feel any smaller or shorter than I already feel. “How was your first day of school Cindy?”

“Today was the best day ever I met so many new kids and have so many new friends I just love them all and my teacher is the best. Speaking of teachers how is your new teacher, she seems nice and very pretty too.” I smile seeing that she went along with changing the subject. “Speaking of new friends, did you meet any new kids in class and now you actually have a friend?”

Wow, that sounded so mean. “Well yes of course I met a whole bunch of new kids and yes I made a friend. What makes you think I cannot make any friends? I actually made two friends there twins. They are too funny they look identical too.” I notice a surprised look on Cindy as we get to the line of other kids waiting to get on the buses.

“I didn’t mean to hurt your little feeling little sister hehehe.” I stare at her and listen to her giggling and calling me her little sister.

I know I should ignore her but Cindy gets me so pissed when she calls me little. “I may not be as tall as you, and yes I am smaller then you all together with my little arms and legs but remember I am the older one.” I stick my tongue at her while I play with my long hair as we talk and I still am holding my books against my chest like a little4 girl. I didn’t even notice that I only complained to her about her calling me little, I didn’t say a word about her calling me her sister, not even referring to me as her brother at all. Oh, well these pink panties I have been wearing all day feel so nice and make me feel so pretty inside I mean make me feel comfortable.

We get on the bus and we notice the same school bus driver as this morning. Cindy and I take the same two seats we had going to school. Looking around all the kids look like they are sitting in the same seats they were sitting in on the way to school also.

Before we know it, we are getting off the school bus in front of our house and I feel sis take my hand as we start walking towards the house. I look down and I see her start swinging our hands together. I don’t want to upset her because then she will tell everyone I was wearing her old clothes to school, plus it actually feels fun swinging our hands as we walk. I won't tell Cindy that or she will start calling me a sissy again. Just because we are swinging our arms like we are playing jump rope or something doesn’t make me a sissy? Or, at least I hope it doesn’t.

“Chris and Cindy make sure you change out of your school clothes and put some play clothes on. Especially you Chris mom is always saying you are way too rough on your clothes.” We both stop and hear Pam say from upstairs. “I will get you both a snack after you change. Make sure you don’t just toss your school bags down, put them in your rooms.”

We both look at each other shaking our heads while we listen to our big sister. Before I can complain to Pam about talking to us like we are toddlers, I hear Cindy yelling upstairs. “We are not little baby's Pam we just got back from school we know we have to change out of our school clothes so don’t treat me like a baby okay?” We hear nothing from Pam until we start walking up the stairs with Cindy holding my hand or more or less pulling me up the stairs. Cindy sticks her tongue at Pam as she walks by and I do the same thing as Cindy pulls me into her room.

“Oh you both sure told me off sticking your tongue at me; you both are acting like babies maybe I should look for some old diapers.” We both turn around and Pam is in the doorway to Cindy's room as I sit on the edge of her bed with my feet dangling off the end not touching the floor.

Pam turns and stares at me. “Chris I told you that you have to change into your play clothes now not play in Cindy's room.” I slide down off her bed as Cindy takes my hand and stops me.

Chrissie doesn’t have any more summer clothes Pam; see he had to wear my old clothes to school today.” Oh man she told her I was wearing her old clothes, oh well Pam is my sister and neither of them can tell I am wearing my new pink panties underneath. I see Pam put her hands on her hips staring at me.

“Oh yes I knew you looked different somehow I just couldn’t place it. Your hair is different too. Your hair looks much better in a ponytail on the top of your head like that. Yes you do look pretty in our little sisters clothes too hehehe.” We both hear her giggling at me. “Oh but Chris, I mean Chrissie you still need to change into play clothes. Since I guess you don’t have any summer play clothes you will have to barrow some from Cindy.”

I turn and look at Cindy smiling at me. “Oh Cindy can you find some clothes for Chrissie for me? I have to get ready for cheerleading practice after I get you both a snack.”

“Sure I can do that, but none of my regular clothes fit Chrissie I had to let HER barrow my old clothes that don’t fit me anymore okay?” I didn’t notice Cindy using the phrase ‘HER’ when referring to me.

I see Pam stare at me up and down again. “Is that true you don’t have any clothes that fit you anymore? I know mom said she was going to take you shopping when she got paid in two weeks.”

“Yea Cindy is right I had to wear her old clothes to school today cause mine don’t fit me anymore or are too worn out like mommy said.”

Pam shakes her head hearing my comments. “Well if you weren’t so rough on your clothes you would have something else to wear. Chrissie I want you to take all your old clothes that doesn’t fit you anymore and replace them in your dresser and closet with Cindy's old clothes okay?” Pam doesn’t even wait for me to respond as she turns and walks out of Cindy's room. “I will get you a large garbage bag to put all your old clothes into, and I will drop them off at the good will store on my way to cheerleading. Now hurry up you two.”

“You heard her Chrissie let's get changed and then move your old clothes out of your dresser and closet. On the other hand I will get all my old clothes together so you have more to pick form and you go in your room and take ALL of your clothes out of your dresser and ALL of your clothes out of your closet and put them on your bed okay?”

I hear Cindy and me almost run into my room not paying attention to the difference what Cindy said compared to what Pam said to do. Pam said just get my clothes that doesn’t fit me and Cindy is telling me to get ALL my clothes. I don’t notice so I get in my room and I open up my dresser and start pulling all my clothes out of my dresser until all the dresser draws are empty. I then go to my closet and empty my closet pulling everything off the hangers and tossing it on the bed.

“Okay Chrissie go downstairs and get the bag Pam was getting so you can put your old clothes in them while I start to put your new clothes in your dresser draws.” I run out of my room and slow down going down the stairs so I don’t kill myself running down the stairs. “Oh little sissy brother looks like you took all your underwear out of your dresser too. I will run back in my room and get all my old panties and tights for you too hehehe.”

I don’t hear Cindy talking to herself as I get in the kitchen and Pam gets me two large black garbage bags for my old clothes. “Now hurry Chrissie, and put all your old clothes that don’t fit you in the bags. Bring them down here and get changed so you can have your after school snack, but hurry I am going to be late for practice.”

“Okay I will hurry.” I start walking upstairs and I see Cindy already closing my closet doors and then I watch her start to put some kind of tee shirts in my dresser but they don’t have sleeves, more like tank tops in light colors. The shirts that do have sleeves have shorter sleeves than my shirts and the sleeves look all puffy.

Cindy turns around. “Okay get your new clothes off and we will find you something to wear little Chrissie.” I hear her calling me Chrissie again but I ignore it. “Thanks for getting the garbage bag so fast, start loading your old clothes that are on the bed into the bag.” I open the big garbage bag and start loading it not realizing these are all my clothes not just the too small and worn out clothes.

“Oh before you start on that let's get your school clothes off so if Pam comes in here we are at least changed and can get a snack okay?” I look at her like she cannot expect me to get naked right here. Not to mention the pink panties I am wearing, if sis seen that I was wearing her old panties my life would be over. “Go in your bathroom and get undressed while I find you some clothes.”

That is better as I feel more relaxed walking into my bathroom. I quickly get undressed and I am only standing in my new pink panties, I mean sis panties. These panties feel so nice on me and I cannot believe how they make my bottom look all round and pretty. “Okay sis here are my clothes I wore to school, see what sizes they are and send me some other shorts. It’s so hot out too so no long pants okay?”

“Okay I got them, but I am having a hard time finding shorts but this is what I found so far.” I feel my hand get filled with some clothes as I take them inside the bathroom and close the door behind me.

I un-fold the clothes and it’s just a shirt, kind of a big shirt at that with puffy sleeves, and lace trim around the neck, sleeves and the hem of the shirt. “Um this is only a shirt, and it looks kinda supper big too.”

“Oh stop whining and put it on at least so I can see that it fits you or not okay?” I guess it does not matter and she is helping me so I don’t have to look for anything. I slide the tee shirt over my head and I pop my arms through the small puffy sleeves that are also shorter than my tee shirts.

I guess girl's shirts are just weird I guess. I pull the shirt down and it hangs down a couple inches above my knees. “Wow sis this tee shirt is like super long it hangs down to a couple of inches above my knees. Do you have any thing that fits me better?” I look down and at least once this tee shirt is tucked in no one will be able to see my new pretty pink panties I am wearing. What the heck am I thinking these panties aren’t mine, man I need to get my head together, but these panties do look pretty on me as I giggle softly.

“Okay let me see.” I hear Cindy and before I can get to the bathroom door to open it she walks in the bathroom and looks at me up and down. Lucky I was able to pull down the front of this tee shirt so sis cannot see my pretty pink panties. “Come back out in your room and let me get a good look at you.”

I walk out behind Cindy, she bends over to pick up a pair of socks rolled up in a ball, and when she bends over, I see her pink panties as I giggle softly to myself. “What is so funny little Chrissie?” I look into Cindy's eyes that are staring at me while she has a big grin on her face.

“Um oh noting but I sure wish you would hurry up and find me some shorts.” I think sis must have noticed I was looking under her skirt when she bent over because she was pulling on the hem to see if it was down all the way. I don’t know what she is giving me the look about this shirt hangs down making this shirt look even shorter than her mini skirt she is wearing.

Cindy looks back at me still grinning. “Yea whatever but here is a belt for that dres…? I mean shirt so it doesn’t umm slide up on you. Put it through the loops on each side and I can tie it for you. I am still looking for some shorts but here are some socks you can put on while I am still looking.”

“Okay I guess” I pull the white silky or satin belt through the two loops that match the shirt. I sit back on the end of the bed. I notice that these are the same type of silly lacy socks that I had to wear this morning. I will trick sis and not complain so I can get dressed fast. The socks feel nice on me like my new panties so it is all good, I turn them over cuffing them, and they barely cover my ankles.

I watch as Cindy is shaking her head as she walks over to me looking at the weird belt I put on myself that hangs down in front. “No silly these types of dres… um shirts tie in the back silly.” I look at her as if I am supposed to read her mind or something.

“Okay silly little sister, I mean little brother. Stand up and I will help you fix it the right way.” I stand up and I watch as Cindy pulls the weird belt around and I can feel her tying it in the back, but not seeing the very large bow she tied it in.

We hear sis yelling from downstairs. “Okay snack is ready hurry up down here I have to go to cheerleading practice. The first one here get extra chocolate chip cookies.” We hear Pam and I see Cindy just take off out of my room like she is on fire.

“I am going to win little Chrissie, since I know you are so little.” I hear her giggling, as she runs through the doorway.

Cindy calls me little and I start running so fast I almost fall right on top of her. “We will see who is little.” I say as we run down the stairs and too the kitchen table. I jump into my regular chair at the table almost out of breathe. “See I won, you are the little one Cindy hahaha.” I tease her as I stick my tongue at her.

“Well to me it looked like a tie you both made it to your chairs at the same time.” Pam is staring at me up and down as I start to dip my cookies into the milk in front of me.

I don’t realize that I ran down the stairs and half way through the house wearing a little girl's dress and lace socks. I am thinking it is just a long tee shirt. “Um I have a special treat if one of you will do something for me, who wants the treat?” I raise my hand up real quick but I see Cindy's hand up so maybe she won. “OKAY good job Chris, or Chrissie you won. I will get you the rest of the fresh homemade cookies I just need you to run out to the mailbox and get the mail in. Just slip your sneakers on to run out front okay?”

“Oh yes more fresh homemade cookies just for me, you bet I will be right back in a flash.” I don’t think about it but as I sit on the floor to put my sneakers back on my pretty panties are in plain view for everyone to see as my legs are apart.

I wonder why Pam is staring at me and looking back and forth smiling at Cindy. “Okay I have my sneakers on I will be right back.” I say as I walk out the front door wearing the little girl's dress just not realizing it.

“Okay Cindy why is your brother wearing one of your old dresses? I mean he went outside like he has been wearing dresses his whole life.” I am outside so I don’t hear any of this conversation.

Cindy smiles looking at Pam. “Well I couldn’t find any shorts and I gave him that pretty dress and that’s when I noticed he was wearing my pink panties, but I didn’t want to tell him I can see them. Chrissie doesn’t even know she I mean he is wearing a dress, and I don’t think he cares. I was going to take him down to the park after our snack and play.”

“Please don’t tell Chrissie SHE is wearing a toddlers dress, I just want to have someone play with me and SHE has been really nice since school started today.”

Pam crosses her arms staring at Cindy. “Well I won't tell Her I mean him but don’t be too mean to her. I know she treated you mean in the past and try to get along. Starting tomorrow you two will be alone when you leave to go to school because I have to leave early and mommy will be sleeping in cause she is starting the third shift okay?”

“Oh no problem me and Chrissie can get ready for school by ourselfs and make breakfast.”

Pam is shaking her head. “You won't have to do anything but get dressed and put milk into your cereal. I will set the table with two bowls of cereal and toast before I leave early, so all you have to do is pour milk into them and eat then catch the bus Okay?”

“I was going to tell your big brother this since he is older than you but I can see you are more mature than your brother especially if you tricked him into wearing a dress and he doesn’t even know it hehehe.”

Pam giggles. “Oh you haven’t seen anything yet wait until tomorrow.” Little Chrissie walks back in the house carrying the mail.

“What was that Cindy?” I heard Cindy say something as I walked back in the house.

I turn and see Cindy smiling at me and Pam. “Oh it was nothing, looks like Chrissie brought in the mail for you SHE sure is fast.” I hear Cindy calling me a she again but I will ignore her so she can see her teasing me isn't bothering me.

“Yes I am fast Cindy not like you.” I stick my tongue at her for calling me a she. “Here is the mail Pam I just put it on the table.”

Pam walks over to my plate and puts the rest of the chocolate chip cookies on my plate. I look up after seeing the cookies on my plate and notice Pam looking at me almost staring.

“Oh that really is a cute outfit you are wearing Chrissie, did you pick it out or did Cindy?” I smile and notice a look on Cindy’s face but I am going to beat her to the punch.

I turn before Cindy has a chance to respond. “UM thanks yea I picked it but Cindy did get all her old clothes out for me to pick from.” I smile taking credit for picking the outfit not knowing that Pam thinks I picked a dress to wear.

“Well I think you made a good choice that outfit looks very cute on you but your old sneakers you are wearing have holes in the sides of them do you have any other sneakers you can wear that aren’t so beat up looking?”

I look down and my feet and I swinging in the chair while I am eating cookies. “Um oh I didn’t notice that but your right. No I don’t have any sneakers except the ones I am wearing. Cindy did you notice any of your old sneakers that might fit me?” I ask Cindy not noticing her smile when I ask her.

“Yes I do and they will actually match your cute outfit. I will get them for you while you’re eating the rest of the cookies and then we can go to the park okay Chrissie?”

I look up at Cindy while she is walking out of the kitchen. “Um great yea that would be super Cindy.” I don’t notice Cindy even walking back until she is on the floor under the kitchen table.

“Chrissie you want me to put my old sneakers on you while you finish up your cookies so we can go when you’re done eating your snack?”

I smile feeling her pulling my old sneakers off. I do not notice that she is staring up my dress at the pink panties I am wearing. “That would be great I will even give you one of my cookies for being such a great sister Cindy.” I don’t look down or anything as Cindy pulls my old sneakers off and slide the new ones on. Wish I was watching because the sneakers she put on my feet are all pink and say princess on them written in sparkles.

“How do they feel little sister?” I hear Cindy ask me as she stand back up in front of me. I am in deep thought trying to think if I should put her in her place for calling little and her little sister.

I decide not to get upset but finish eating my cookies as I reach my hand out to Cindy giving her one of my last cookies. “Yes they feel good, they even feel better than my broken in sneakers that you just took off.”

“Pam can I throw her old sneakers away? I don’t think she will need them anymore.” Just finish your cookies and ignore her teasing you or I will get in trouble when I yell at Cindy.

I notice Pam looking under the table, while I swing my feet wearing my new sneakers. “Yes I guess you are right SHE doesn’t need them anymore. Why don’t you two finish your cookies outside on your way to the park?”

“Yea let's go little sister, hurry up Chrissie before Pam changes her mind.” Cindy says getting up from her chair holding the cookie I just gave her.

I move away from the table and stand up next to Cindy. “Hold on Chrissie let me fix your ponytail it is coming loose again.” I stop right in my tracks but I am still shoveling cookies into my mouth. “Now just look forward so I get it straight. I will have to show you how to do a good ponytail little Chrissie the next time I am not in a rush, but I have to get to practice so this will be fast.”

“Okay so don’t move little one.” I feel her pulling my olod hair tie Cindy put in and she brushes my hair and I can feel her putting the hair tie back in. what I don’t notice is she is putting the hair tie on the top of my head so it bounces everyway when I move. The new ponytail makes me look even more like a toddler that I already look. Not to mention the pink hair tie she put in.

I feel her finishing, as I start to feel around but I can't feel the ponytail. “Okay you girl's have fun at the park and make sure you hold hands so no one will take you Chrissie.” That is so messed up now Pam is calling us both girl's.

“Okay we will be good and I will hold Chrissie’s hand so she doesn’t get lost.” I hope they both stop teasing me, I am getting tired of ignoring them, but I don’t want to get in trouble if I yell at them correcting them teasing me.

We both walk outside, “Look Chrissie isn't that the boy's you where telling me about that lives down the street you wanted to go play baseball with when you seen them when we moved in last month?” I am holding my last cookie and Cindy takes my hand. I turn and see Pam standing at the door waving to us as we walk down our walkway towards the sidewalk.

“Yes that is them; I never had a chance to meet them. I hope I make a good impression on them so they will want to play with me.” I feel the wind blowing on my legs not realizing that the wind is blowing my short dress in the air and everyone can see I am wearing pink panties.

Cindy is looking down at my outfit, and I don’t realize she is staring at my pink panties that are in plain view with my dress being blown in the air. “Oh I am sure the boy's will get an impression from you wearing that pretty little dress and your pink panties.”

“Um what did you say Cindy?” I say as we are walking up to the boy's carrying baseball equipment.

I turn seeing Cindy giggling. “OH hi boy's how are you doing?” Cindy says as we stop walking.

The end?

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Thanks again Hugs,

Princess Panty boy

Email: [email protected]
Yahoo Instant Messenger: Princess Pantyboy

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